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Autonomous University of Yucatan

Faculty of Engineering

Subject: Structural Analysis

Practice 1

Teacher: Luis Enrique Fernández Baqueiro


Miguel Angel Maas Polanco.

Delmy Salazar Canche.
Carlos Alexis Valenzuela Arzamendi.
Andrés Alfonso Medina Hernández.

A structure in engineering is a set of elements, which are capable of maintaining

their forms and qualities in the long term, they are subjected to internal and
external loads. There are different types of structures for example: beams,
reinforcements, pillars among others. .

With the help of Sap2000, modeling, analysis and sizing of various structural
engineering problems can be done in 2D and 3D.

This program serves to solve structures more efficiently and productively, being
faster and saving time for engineers in modeling and devoting more time to
analysis, which is what engineers care most about.

This document will compare the different results of a structure made by hand and
in Sap2000.

Class problem

Problem definition

Individually, solve the isostatic structure described in figure 1.6

Results obtained in class

R AX =−7 Ton R AY =10Ton

M A =11 Ton/m

N=7 Ton V =0Ton

M B =−14 Ton /men( 7 m) M B =14 Ton/men(5 m)

Internal forces diagrams from Sap2000

Ilustration 1. Problem diagram

Ilustration 2. Cutting Diagram

Ilustration 3. Moment Diagram

Ilustration 4. Dead load deformed diagram.

lustration 5. displazament and rotation point C
Ilustration 6. displazament and rotation point B

Ilustration 7. 3D Diagram.

Results Analyzers

The program ran, that is, it gave us certain results, which are correct because the

comparison is made with the results obtained from class and we see that they are

the same, they differ in the signs due to the convection of signs used is different in

the example.
Problem from the book.

For the armor shown in Figure 1-9a, determine the stress on the AC and BD

members. The cross-sectional area of each is 900 mm ^ 2.

Ilustration 7. Problem Diagram

For this case, the result of the reactions are:

Ay=40 kN y Hy=60 kN
Internal forces diagrams from Sap2000

Ilustration 8. diagram of bending moments.

Ilustration 9. Dead load deformed diagram.

Ilustration 10. Tension and compression bar diagram.

In the diagram in illustration 10. the bars in red are compressed, and the bars in yellow are in

Ilustration 11. displacement and rotation in node E.

Ilustration 12. Displacement and rotation in node B


The use of the software is important for the development of an engineer, since it is
of great help in the area of structures because, as you can see in this work, the
results are correct whenever you know how to analyze them and put the data

It also allows you to observe the diagrams in 2D and 3D, and thus in themselves
be able to see their movements in the different axes. For this case, according to
the example of the book and its analysis in the software, we perform the exercise
using the method of nodes, thus obtaining the tension and compression results of
the different bars that make up the reinforcement, the result was checked with the
software getting favorable results

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