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Nguyen: Philosophy 1

Philosophy Statement

Celia Nguyen

Professor Baumgartner

EDCI 2083

April 28, 2020

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I view young children as innocent, curious, and creative humans. They are born without

having much knowledge about the world. Children are born with a clean slate; they do not have

any experience. According to philosopher John Locke believes what provides children with

knowledge is through their experiences and their environment Bredekamp, 2019, p.40). Children

have been learning about their environment since they were in the womb. Jean Piaget believes

that as babies they have been learning about their environment through their senses. As a fetus, it

can hear and recognize its mother’s voice. By the third trimester, the fetus can start to taste and

smell. The fetus can also sense its mother’s emotions and stress. Daily environmental

interactions can affect the fetus (Bredekamp, 2019). This is why the people and environment

important. Not only are the families of students important but, I believe children and teachers

play a role in a child’s education. Children can learn through their own experiences. They can

also learn from one another through communication and observation. By encouraging children to

learn through play, socialization, and observation. Play is a great way for children to be creative

and use their imagination (Bredekamp, 2019). Through socialization, children will pick up on

social cues. Socialization with other will help with setting boundaries, sympathizing for others,

and problem-solving. Children do not only learn through listening but visuals as well.

Observations will help with motor skills and problem-solving. When students observe they are

imitating another person. Students can improve their motor skills by copying what they see.

Their problem-solving skills will improve by watching others play (Bredekamp, 2019). Children

do not only learn from teachers and each other but everyone around them as well. As a teacher, I

have a role to assist students, provide assessments, create an appropriate curriculum, and create a

supportive environment for my students.

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Involving family members in their child’s schooling is beneficial for the child’s

development. I believe that involving families can create more experiences for children.

Experiences outside the classroom is important to promote developmental domains. Before

encouraging families to extend beyond the classroom, I believe that building a relationship

should come first. Building relationships with families is the key to a child’s success. It is

important to understand about the family’s background, culture, and environment. Family

members should be respected, supported, and welcomed. Family members need to be

comfortable to reach out to staff members. It takes a team to build an appropriate curriculum for

children to learn from.

My role as a teacher is to become a caretaker, supporter, mentor, and leaner. As a Prek-3

teacher, my role is to watch over and assist my students. I am there to encourage and support my

students at all times. My teachings are centered around my students to guide them to be their

best. I am here to listen and learn about my students. I love to build connections with families

and students to understand them both (DAP, 2019). As a teacher, setting up a safe and

appropriate environment for all children is my goal. My classroom is a safe and nonjudgmental

environment. My classroom will crater to every student to make them feel excepted and heard.

An environment for students to be seen and understand that they are important. A rock for

students to lean on when they do not have anyone else. In my classroom, I give my students both

positive and negative feedback as they work. Even with negative feedback, I hope they learn to

use that and work harder. When I give positive feedback, I hope it will encourage them to stay

motivated and keep learning. Without failure, there would be no success.

Through assessments and observations, it will help me understand where students are at.

Being an intentional teacher, I will also review previous material from the last class at the
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beginning of every class period. Then I will ask questions to make sure the students have

understood the previous lesson. This will help students and myself realize if the material is

understood or not. If they do not understand the material, I will use a different teaching method

to go over again. Formal assessments like tests and quizzes will be designed to gather

information that will be helpful to create a successful lesson plan. While I will use informal

assessments like observations to gather information on a day-to-day bases to make

accommodations for students who may need it (Bredekamp, 2019). Accommodations from

assignments to physical changes in the classroom (Bredekamp, 2019). My observations will

mainly focus on a child’s behavior and development. All information gathered from assessments

and observations will help me improve my teaching techniques and lesson plans to help students

excel at their best.

As a teacher, I am creating a developmentally, culturally, and individually appropriate

plan for all children. I will create lessons that are age-appropriate and simple for students to

understand. Not only are academics important but learning about the world they live in is too.

Children need to gain knowledge of the world they live in. As a teacher, I believe it is fair that I

bring the world to them. By learning about different cultures, backgrounds, foods, hobbies, etc. I

want to bring different kinds of foods, music, games, and holidays into the class. Learning about

what is important and unique about different cultures. By learning about other cultures, I hope to

create a caring community of learners. A caring community of learners is students that

appreciate, care, and respect everyone and their differences in their community. I hope that my

teachings can be used beyond the classroom. Because of my views, I am determined to help my

students succeed. I bring excitement, enthusiasm, and positive energy to the classroom. By

bringing this energy to the classroom, this is going to make students be excited about going to
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school. I understand to not all children are fortunate to have a stable home. Through my

teachings and beliefs, I hope to fill that void in the classroom. Even through difficult times, I will

not give up on my students. There will always be a purpose in my actions, decisions, and

teachings (DAP, 2019).

I will create a supportive learning environment for my students. I provide multiple

resources in the classroom for my students to learn from. By providing many resources in my

classroom it will open different doors for all students to explore. Creating a safe environment

will make students comfortable to explore their education. A place for students to be curious and

creative. I offer different ways of teaching so learning can be enjoyable. I create enjoyable

activities that will help students learn without knowing it. With my class having a nonjudgmental

environment, I hope this will help students discover themselves. An environment for students

will feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts without feeling judged. For students to not

feel judged there must be trust and respect among my students and me. This can happen by

forming a relationship and building strong communication skills with them.

Overall, my philosophy is based on creating a well-rounded, respectful, confident, caring,

community of learnings. Students need to be academically successful and informed citizens.

Throughout this journey, I believe there must be a relationship build on trust, honesty, and

respect. I hope to spread positivity throughout my lessons, so they can be shared beyond my

classroom. When they leave, I hope they understand that each and every one of them is

important. I want students to leave my class knowing I always had their best interest in mind. I

hope they carry out their excitement to learn in future classrooms. Finally, I hope that they

continue to be curious and explore the world around them.

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My Philosophy Statement

Curriculum will be ____

My Role as A Teacher My attitude in the appropriate
 Excitement
 Caretaker  Patience
 Supporter  Enthusiasm
 Mentor  Positivity
 Learner

Kinds of Assessments Given
Goals in classroom:
 Caring community of
 Quizzes  Well-rounded students
 Tests  Respectful
 Activities  Confident
 Non-judgmental
 Observations  Safe environment

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Nguyen: Philosophy 7


BREDEKAMP, S. U. E. (2019). Effective Practices In Early Childhood Education: building a

foundation. Place of publication not identified: PEARSON.

DAP 2019 position statement. (2019, July). Retrieved 1, 2020, from

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