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1. What is research?

 It is the use of appropriate methods to discover new knowledge, develop new
applications, of existing knowledge, or explore relationships between ideas or events.
Scientific discoveries, technological achievements, and scholarly publications are the
fruit of research. Research always involve three basic steps: the formulation of a
problem, the collection and analysis of relevant information, and an attempt to discover
a solution or otherwise resolve the problem based on evidence. 

“Re” which means again combined with search is to “search again”. In essence, it
is also a mean of exploring or diving deeper into different knowledge or topics. Change,
being the constant thing in this world vouches for different solutions and methods that
can adapt to our everyday living.

2. What is business research? 

Business research primarily focuses on the aspects of business that can help
improve it. It involves all the areas of business such as marketing, product mixing, sales
and profit as well as its own management. The information gathered and acquired in
business research will determine the position of the business or the company. It is
conducted to help evaluate a particular business and realize its own strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 

Business research benefits the business itself through the understanding of its
consumers and behavioral buying patterns of an individual. A consumer’s perception,
market trends and demographics of buyers is one the main lifeline of a business in
which the business research can provide. Business research also determines the
reduction of cost while maintaining the benefits in a greater scale.

3. What is the importance of research in accounting? 

Research in accounting helps set up a new path or improve on a particular

aspect in accounting especially with the changes that we face in everyday living. It
depends upon the demands that is implicit in the accounting practice. It propagates a
new understanding or further explore the means of accounting  principles to make
society partake in its knowledge. Accounting and research are both evident to society.
They are linked with each other as accounting academics relates to accounting
practice. Research can provide a framework or model that answers to uncertain
accounting standards or practices. Researches utilize scientific methods to provide
accounting disclosures that can be interpreted to accounting aspects.

4. What is the role of research in accounting? 

Research serves as the basis for setting up accounting standards and rules.
Accounting does not have an immediate guideline that can be acquired or readily
available so it all depends on the framework provided by research. In addition, the
conclusion drawn from accounting research helps develop new accounting practices.
These accounting practices helps to progress many industries in which accounting is
particularly involved. It also informs the academe of its rules and standards that meets
the demand of the ever-changing society. Finally, research can also be the foundation
of accounting assumptions that facilitates as a strong tool for information.

5. Identify the three topics of interest that would merit research. 

 Portrayal of sexism in media 

 Effective ways to treat depression 

 Impact of technology to children 

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