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Sourcing in Pharmaceutical Industry in


Section 1

Done by :

Name : Asib Muztoba Khan

ID : 1925077060

Submitted to :

Dr. Ahsan Akter Hasin

The pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh

The Bangladesh pharmaceutical market is developing quickly and has nearly multiplied
throughout the most recent five years. Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry is commanded by
the neighborhood pharma organizations and they hold the significant piece of the pie. The
nearby makers are principally associated with the creation of conventional medicines, hence
the branded medicines rule the Bangladesh pharma market. Bangladesh is rising as a potential
pharma center as the pharma organizations are putting resources into building up their new
condition of workmanship fabricating offices for creating quality medications for trading to
the created countries. This article will examine about the blasting potential, quality and
shortcoming, guidelines, trade quality and position of MNCs in Bangladesh pharmaceutical
market. The Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry adds to 1% of GDP and it is the third
biggest duty paying industry in the nation. The fundamental focal point of drug firms is on
marked nonexclusive last definitions utilizing imported APIs. The drug market in Bangladesh
is immaterial when contrasted with the populace size as they need spending power. The total
medical care consumptions records to only 3.4% of GDP (6%). The drug business has gained
huge ground after the order of the National Drug Policy in 1982. Ever year drug trade is
expanding at a higher pace, contributing conspicuously to the GDP of the nation. Pharma
division is the second biggest expected part regarding foreign currency for Bangladesh.

Prospect of the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh

There are around 191 enrolled pharmaceutical organizations presently working in

Bangladesh. The items fabricated by these organizations are meeting 97% of the household
necessity. Certain antibodies, anticancer items, hematological items, biotech items are
imported. Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry is overwhelmed by the nearby pharma
organizations and they hold 87% of the piece of the pie. The household market is profoundly
thought and serious and the main 15 organizations hold about 77% of the piece of the overall
industry. The pharma organizations are presently going into the exceptionally directed
business sectors like USA and Europe. Numerous pharma organizations have put colossal
sums in building up their new condition of craftsmanship fabricating offices. The essential
focal point of the Bangladesh neighborhood makers is on marked conventional last details
utilizing imported APIs. About 85% of the medications sold in Bangladesh are generics and
15% are licensed medications. Bangladesh produces around 450 conventional medications
for 5300 enrolled brands which have 8,300 distinct types of doses and qualities. These
incorporate enemy of ulcers, hostile to rheumatic non-steroid drugs, nonnarcotic analgesics,
antihistamines, oral enemy of diabetic drugs etc. Some enormous firms (Ex: Beacon Pharma)
likewise began to create anti-cancer and anti-retroviral drugs. Continuing a profoundly
capital-escalated industry like the pharmaceutical must be required to be reasonable over the
long haul whenever supported by smooth and moderate sourcing of crude materials. A lot of
the uncredited capability of the part is regularly followed to the nonattendance of prepared
stock locally. It is here that the requirement for in reverse linkage isn't just significant yet a
first essential for wanted development of the business. The environment for conventional
medication producing in the nation is essentially portrayed by patent waiver that makes
Bangladesh an interesting spot for assembling drugs. The milestone choice of the Nairobi
Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) excluded Bangladesh, as
other least created nations (LDCs), from satisfying protecting prerequisites until in any event
2033. This implies for an additional 14 years, the nation's medication makers are allowed to
proceed with assembling nonexclusive items without paying powerful permit expenses to the
patent proprietors. This, presumably, is the most consoling news for Bangladesh's pharma
industry. Positively, the advantage isn't only for the nearby producers yet in addition for
unfamiliar speculators. Almost certainly, a proactive API strategy would pull in unfamiliar
speculators who might be anxious to pick up productively from the waiver. The Bangladesh
pharma industry today creates medications nearly to the degree of independence - around 98
percent of local interest. The current yearly development of the segment is assessed to be
more than 24 percent. There are 240 or more enrolled drug organizations in the nation, and
various them are occupied with assembling APIs and a wide scope of details covering
significant remedial classes. This being the expansive situation, the business seems, by all
accounts, to be all around set to grasp present day developments and examination on a broad
scale. For this to occur, everything necessary is the correct push to encourage creation of

The sourcing of the Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry

Bangladesh imports 80 percent of its drug crude materials. A decent number of gifted experts
from home and abroad are relied upon to join the business to advance its HR pool. The drug
makers in Bangladesh get crude materials from different nations in particular USA, UK,
France, Germany, Japan, Holland, Italy, Denmark, China, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary,
India, Ireland and so forth. The vast majority of the apparatus originates from Germany and
China. A portion of the greater organizations are utilizing apparatus from UK. In Bangladesh,
organizations have as of late entered API business. At present, there are 21 organizations in
Bangladesh fabricating 41 APIs. Industry members guarantee previously turning out to be
independent in some APIs, in particular, Penicillin, Cephalexin, NSAID and Anti-Pyretic.
The creation of APIs is restricted to the last phase of Synthesis. Currently the local APIs take
a 20% offer in household creation where the rest 80% is imported. These imported APIs
speak to larger part of crude materials import by Bangladesh, around 70%. Be that as it may,
the general creation is low contrasted with complete interest. While the business is
accomplishing independence, it yet secures 90% of crude materials from 98 indenters around
the globe as just one organization (Active Fine Chemicals) produces crude materials
autonomously. There are 3000 substantial sources of crude materials including nations like
China, India, Korea and Italy. Programming interface comprises a noteworthy percent of all
out expense in medication which can approach 30-40%. At present, just a couple of
organizations – Square, Beximco, Ganasastha Pharmaceuticals, Globe and Active Fine – are
producing crude materials for drugs like paracetamol, amoxicillin, flucloxacillin, ampicillin
and metformin, on a restricted scale. Ganashastha Pharmaceuticals Limited (GPL) alone
records for about 60% of the crude materials produced in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is
attempting to build up a modern park for drug creation. One such park in Munshiganj close to
Dhaka is approaching fruition and it may bring about a major hop in the pay from drug
trades. A National Control Laboratory Project is taken by the govt. for encouraging the drug
segment. The proposed API innovation Park in Munshiganj, which was planned to be
finished by July 2012, is postponed with the expense of the venture currently expanding by
55%. This postponement has been a significant obstacle for the drug business to oversee the
sources of info and improve operational efficiencies. India, the significant nonexclusive
medication player, has in excess of 3500 Drug Master File (DMF) endorsement for APIs
though Bangladesh have none. The Bangladesh API limit is insignificant, thus
pharmaceutical organizations import roughly 80% of their APIs. Roughly 75-80% of the
imported APIs are generic and 20-25% is licensed. Bangladesh's pharmaceutical assembling
is not backward integrated, consequently most APIs must be imported, and regardless of
whether the API is made in Bangladesh, the crude materials should be imported. This
outcomes in high creation costs, particularly in situations where the supplier of the API is a
rival in selling the completed item. Working up in reverse combination for all pertinent APIs
is not practical because of the scale hindrances and foundation requirements in the beginning
phases of the worth chain. The apparatus for assembling the pharma items additionally should
be imported. The main producers import the greater part of their gear from Europe or Japan,
different makers import hardware from China and India. This makes a cost burden when
contrasted and their rivals, the Indian producers who can source the hardware broadly.
Locally, Bangladeshi firms create 82% of the market in drugs; privately based MNCs
represent 13%, and the last 5% is imported. Albeit 235 drug organizations are enrolled in
Bangladesh, just around 85 are effectively delivering drugs. The main 30 to 40 organizations
command nearly the whole market; the best 10 hold 70% of local piece of the overall
industry; and the best two, Beximco and Square, captured 25% of the market. The business
structure is moderately focused. In examination, the best ten Japanese firms produced roughly
45% of the household business income in 2006, while the main ten UK firms created around
53%, and the best 10 German firms produce around 60%. Since Bangladesh API limit is not
important, API firms import around 80% of their APIs. Fifteen to seventeen Bangladeshi
firms are associated with the assembling of around twenty APIs, yet they normally run the
last substance combination stage with API middle people, rather than the total synthetic
amalgamation. The other 1,000 required APIs are imported and roughly 75-80% of the
imported APIs are conventional.


Bangladesh is trading medications to 87 nations including the US and a couple of European

countries and it has just gotten worldwide acknowledgment from the UK, MHRA, EMEA,
TGA and GCC. Various organizations have just gotten or during the time spent getting
UKMHRA, EU, TGA, AUSTRALIA and GCC accreditations. Bangladesh is additionally a
worldwide center point for the least expensive wellspring of top notch conventional
medication and contact producing. The drug area has likewise been transforming the field of
fare. In Fiscal year 2013-14, the nation had brought more than USD 74 million through fare
of medications. Bangladesh pharma market holds colossal potential for fare of ease
conventional medications, which is yet to be released. At present the fares add to only 4-5%
of the absolute income of pharma items. The improvement in framework, quality and
guidelines will help in expanding the fare. Bangladesh's drug market is essentially developing
at a quick pace of 17% CAGR. Bangladesh has an exceptionally solid assembling base in
drugs "cost fabricating" of current items as various organizations have just built offices
according to USFDA and UKMHRA Standard and are looking for confirmation in other
managed markets. Subsequent to picking up the UK MHRA Certification Square
Pharmaceutical, one of Bangladesh's driving drug enterprises is currently producing
cardiovascular medications and diuretics for abroad customers. A decent number of
Bangladeshi organizations have won accreditation for trade from the administrative experts in
some created nations. The accreditation will permit them to enter the fare market with their
serious costs and principles. This development is essentially determined by the creation of
import-subbing drugs effortlessly, increment in medical care consumption, great
administrative expert for household makers and modest work. The nearby makers have begun
fabricating the nonexclusive variants of the imported licensed medications and some bigger
firms (Beacon Pharma) have begun to create hostile to malignancy and against retroviral
drugs. The items fabricated by the nearby makers are meeting 97% of the household
necessity. The MNCs that administered the Bangladesh pharma market in 1970 with 70%
offer had dwindled down to 13% in 2013. On the off chance that the MNCs don't have an
assembling office in Bangladesh, they can't sell their items in Bangladesh. The valuing
control of medications, TRIPS understanding and promoting guidelines are troublesome for
the MNCs to infiltrate the market in an effective way. The guideline and government
arrangements helped the nearby makers to grow essentially and created an upgraded
development in neighborhood creation. The neighborhood makers have made colossal
interests in building up their new condition of craftsmanship fabricating offices and had just
gotten worldwide acknowledgment from the UK, MHRA, EMEA, TGA and GCC for send
out. Subsequently, the future holds useful for the nearby producers as Bangladesh's pharma
market is turning into an expected center point for generics.

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