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The War in

the Woods
Ollie Cooke

Script – Footage – Deanfield Ave

There is a lot of stigma surrounding B-roll of woodlands, riding and
mountain biking and the culture. While building. RG9 1UH
some see riding as an escape. Others see
it as damaging.
It has given a hobby for some, and even
a job for others. It gives young people a
passion that keeps them out of trouble.

The community has helped people go

from riding as a hobby to making a
living off of it.
Matt Jones early Woburn footage – Matt
I spoke to Josh Scott who has worked Jones new footage.
professionally as a bike mechanic and
volunteers as manager of Hodgemoor
Trails in Amersham. Woodland shots of Hodgemoor trails.
Interview with Josh Scott:
What problems have you personally Interview set up + cutting in footage of
faced while running trails? him riding and building.
2. How have you avoided or tried to get
round this problems?
3. Do you find its often stressful to be in
charge of something used by a lot of
people, that a lot of other people don't
agree with e.g. walkers, the council.
4. Do you think the reward of being able
to ride is worth the stress of building
and maintaining?
5. Any other experiences or things you
might want to share that you may want
to share?

I joined for the day while he maintained

the trails.

(Josh will speak on how it’s important to

maintain them and clear up litter to
maintain a positive image to people
passing by. He will also speak on the
feeling riding gives him and why he
does it.

However some people don’t have the

same view as Josh. Many riders have
encountered trail sabotage deigned to
stop people from riding. Footage of trail maintenance and tidying
to show it in a positive light.
I believe the negativity surrounding the
riding culture comes from people Josh riding.
misunderstanding the point of what we
do. If they understood the reasons Cut to black.
behind why we ride maybe there would
be less negativity. Photos of trail sabotage
Videos of encounters with people who
are doing trail sabotage.

Footage of me riding.

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