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Ollie Cooke
Deanfield Ave
Script Henley-on-Thames
INT: Plain black set with harsh white light focusing only on the 1UH A wooden
model of a person will be in the centre.

Turns head to both sides and starts to walk. The model will stay still and do the
walking motion as objects come past (street light, houses)
The model will then come to a vertical wall of a house at the end of the street. After a
short pause the model will begin to climb the house.
As the model is climbing it will go past different faces to represent different emotions.
I will add in rain and sun in the editing to match the mood being displayed by the
faces. The higher the model climbs the sadder the face will get and the rain will get
When it reaches the top the model will climb over onto the roof. It will be met by a
wooden hand turned away from the model. The hand is used to represent how the
world can treat some people. It will turn and give the model the middle finger before
the model turns tilts its head down. It will then jump off the side of the building and
will quickly descend back through all the emotions. When it lands the houses will part
in the middle and move out of frame with the starting shot of the model alone in the
centre of frame with a drooped head.

Cut to black – text on screen – ‘The world can be cruel but keep your head up’

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