Mood Piece: Possible Scene List

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Mood Piece: Possible Scene List

Bereft: deprived of or lacking something, especially associated with grief or

profound absence.
Themes: Dimming of light to represent depression; Water; Repeated Scenes with
changes added/subtracted to show progression; Missing objects to show loss; Increasing
intensity to a beginning, climax, and conclusion; Emptiness; Loss of Faith represented
by artwork with missing attributes; The Subject's face is never shown to keep obscurity.
Motion: Actual motion is very still, but constant panning, dolly, and Zoom will imitate
Basic Scenes:
- Main actor/subject sitting in one chair. Chair to their right is empty.
Filmed from behind. Could be filmed on a porch with rocking chairs to add some
- Series of shots representing emptiness: Bubbles on a breeze, Close up on
dew drops, a open and clear sky. Maybe add Absent Referents (examples include
, , and ) in the form of overlays.
- A faucet which is not flowing, yet subject still motions the washing of their
- A ball is bouncing on pavement. On a final bounce the ball does not fall
and disappears off camera.
- A fountain which is flowing with water on one scene, but is returned to
later completely dry.
- Close up on eye: dimming light causes iris to expand.
- Either a scene with a pen out of ink but still has the subject writing or a
pen writing backwards.
- Wide Shot of main subject alone on the theater stage facing an
empty/absent audience.
- Last scene may settle on a grave at a cemetery. Still trying to figure out
what to do with this scene. Maybe just have a splash of the mood, bereft.
- Close up of an empty or near empty glass of water.
- Puzzle which is unfinished. (replaced with chess with one player.)

Close up of Pine Trees by Hasegawa Tohaku. - eg.

Quick close up of an hourglass with no sand flowing- eg.

- Two or three candles aligned to have one closer than the other(s). The one
candle which is closest is lit.- eg.

- Music box plays. Shows the inside mechanisms turning. Sets the music for
the whole video. - eg.

Complex Scenes:
- Main subject standing under oak tree, face covered or scratched out by
- Series of scenes in a single room, all with the camera in the same position
to keep continuity:
- First scene is a wide shot showing a large room with a chair in the center. Main
subject sits here watching a television which has been turned off. However, the
sound of a news broadcast still plays.
- Next scene has the subject do the same thing as before, only now all the
furniture and decor of the room has been removed save the chair at center.
- And finally the room is shown completely empty.
- Photoshop to show Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam as only showing
Adams hand. - eg.

- Group of joyous friends in a car having an enjoyable conversation. Scene

changes by either a forced transition or return from another scene. In the second
scene the main subject is driving alone with sullen expression. I will most likely
cut this scene, but its here for inspirational benefit. :/
- Close up of a picture frame with an image of the main subject with 2 other
people. All of them have their faces written over in black marker or pen. The
scene changes up to 4 times (preferably 3) with each progression having a bigger
crack in the glass. - eg.

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