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Applied Nanoscience


Phytochemical investigation and phytosynthesis of eco‑friendly stable

bioactive gold and silver nanoparticles using petal extract of saffron
(Crocus sativus L.) and study of their antimicrobial activities
Omid Azizian‑Shermeh1   · Moharam Valizadeh1 · Mozhgan Taherizadeh2 · Maryam Beigomi3

Received: 28 December 2018 / Accepted: 18 May 2019

© King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology 2019

In this study, aqueous extract of saffron petal was used to synthesize gold nanoparticles (GNPs) and silver nanoparticles
(SNPs). The antioxidant activity, phenol, flavonoids, anthocyanin, and carotenoids were measured in methanol, ethanol, and
water extracts to assess the reducing potential. After extracting, for the phytosynthesis of GNPs and SNPs, the extract was
added to the solutions of gold (III) and silver nitrate at a concentration of 1 mM. The effective parameters for the synthesis,
i.e., pH of reaction solution, extract volume, metal ion concentration, and reaction time, were optimized by UV–Vis spec-
troscopy technique, and the nanoparticles (NPs) were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray
diffraction (XRD). Antimicrobial activities of extracts, GNPs, and SNPs were investigated against Staphylococcus aureus,
Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus, and Candida albicans. The results shown that the aqueous extract although
exhibiting less antioxidant activity than other extracts, but have a high potential for reducing and stabilizing of metal ions
to synthesis NPs. In addition, the NPs had a uniform spherical shape with an average of 17–22 nm for GNPs and 10–14 nm
for SNPs. These sizes are useful for inhibiting many bacteria, so that according to the results of this study, phytosynthesized
nanoparticles could inhibit all bacteria that had used, and this inhibitory effect on SNPs was greater than GNPs. According
to the results of this study, plants are high potential for the synthesis of metal NPs, which can be used as an antibiotic to
inhibit many pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Keywords  Saffron · Gold nanoparticles · Silver nanoparticles · Antioxidant activity · Antimicrobial activity

Introduction the body from damage caused by active species that lead
to diseases (Zaveri 2006). Antioxidant compounds such as
Due to the ability to produce secondary metabolites such as phenolic compounds inhibit free radicals (Silva et al. 2004).
terpene compounds, polyphenols, and alkaloid, the medi- The presence of these free radicals can cause damage to
cal herbs have has been one of the most important sources cells and tissues due to the tendency to react with other
of food and medicine in preventing and treating illnesses molecules of the body, leading to diseases such as diabetes,
(Ghasemi et al. 2011). Antioxidants are compounds that cancer, arthritis, heart disease, anxiety, and premature aging
significantly linger the oxidation of the substrate or prevent (Nagendrappa 2005). Phenolic compounds are common
it. These are biologically active compounds that protect secondary metabolites in plants that not only have physi-
ological functions in plants, but also have a positive effect
on human health. These compounds also provide important
* Omid Azizian‑Shermeh colorants, flavors and aromas of fresh fruits, vegetables, and
herbs, which, in addition to playing the antioxidant role,
Medicinal and Ornamental Plant Research Center, University have anti-mutation or anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and
of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran antimicrobial properties (Eberhardt et al. 2000). Flavonoids
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, are a group of phenolic compounds with the ability to inhibit
Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran free radicals and inhibit oxidative enzymes to incur pain kill-
Food and Drug Deputy, Zahedan University of Medical ing and anti-inflammatory properties. These combinations,
Sciences, Zahedan, Iran just as phenolic compounds, are considered to be antioxidant

Applied Nanoscience

compounds (Zhou et al. 2000). In other words, the antioxi- 2011). Several studies have reported the synthesis of GNPs
dant effects of plants are partly attributed to the presence and SNPs using plant extracts. In studies on the synthesis
of phenolic and flavonoids combinations which occur in of GNPs and SNPs by plants, the production of these NPs
all parts of the plant with different proportions (Wolniak has been reported from ginger (Praveen Kumar et al. 2011),
et al. 2007). Extensive studies have shown the antioxidant, Hibiscus rosa sinensis (Vijayaraghavana et al. 2011), Che-
antimicrobial, and anti-fungal effects of plants to be due to nopodium album (Dwivedi et al. 2010), Neurospora crassa
phytochemical and secondary compounds such as phenolic, (Castro-Longoria et al. 2011), and Thevetia peruviana Juss
flavonoids, and carotenoids ones. In the last few decades, the (Oluwaniyi et al. 2016). Saffron is known, scientifically, as
preparation and study of NPs have attracted the attention of Crocus sativus L. and belongs to the iris family. Saffron is
scientists in various fields of applied sciences (McNeil and a valuable herb that is also known as the Red Gold. This
Leukoc 2005). Nanotechnology means the study of materials plant has many uses in various pharmaceutical, food, and
at the atomic, molecular, and macromolecular scale, which textile industries (Hadizadeh et al. 2010). Unfortunately, in
leads to the manipulation of material construction units and Iran, only the stigma of the saffron plant is used, and the
the transforming them into a nanoscale scale (1–100 nm) other of its parts (petals and flags) is considered as agri-
(Wang et al. 2012). The production of NPs using chemical cultural wastes and, despite the high volume of production,
methods not only imposes high costs, but also has many is disposed. Therefore, in this study, the phenolic, flavo-
environmental contaminations and the physical methods noid, anthocyanin content and antioxidant, and antimicro-
used to produce NPs, not only are difficult, but also are bial activities of various extracts of petals of saffron were
low-efficiency processes (Mohanpuria et al. 2008). In addi- studied. Then, using its aqueous extract as a reducing and
tion, in physical and chemical methods, the existence of a stabilizing agent, the synthesis of GNPs and SNPs and their
small amount of NPs’ synthesis precursors on the surface antimicrobial activities were investigated.
of NPs poisons the human body. The disadvantages men-
tioned above have created a new approach to nanotechnology
called “green chemistry”. Green chemistry is a non-toxic and
environmentally friendly method for the synthesis of NPs, in Experimental
which biological, instead of physical and chemical, methods
are used for the synthesis of metal NPs. One of the most Collection of plant
important goals of green chemistry is to obtain NPs, which
have the highest compatibility with human body. Recently, The fresh petals of saffron were collected from farmland
the use of biological methods [use of fungi (Gajbhiye et al. in Kashmar in Iran in September 2017. After separating
2009), bacteria (Shahverdi et al. 2007), biomass and plant various parts (flowers and flags) and placing in a room at
extracts (Shankar et al. 2004)] have been brought into atten- room temperature and away from direct sunlight, the petals
tion due to being simple, low-cost, highly efficient, non- were dried and then completely grinded by an electric mill.
toxic, and environmentally friendly. In biological synthesis
of NPs, the use of plant extracts, in addition to the above-
mentioned reasons, is of paramount importance due to acces- Chemical materials and microorganisms
sibility, completeness of the reaction, short reaction time, the
production of NPs with different shapes and in a uniform All the chemical materials used in this study were pre-
manner, and particle size homogeneity (Ahmed et al. 2016). pared with high purity. Reagents for folin, gallic acid,
Metallic NPs are designed specifically for appropriate elec- sodium carbonate, iron sulfate, sodium acetate, sodium
tron, catalytic, and optical properties, and due to the pres- sulfate, 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ), ethanol,
ence of these properties, they are used in different fields such methanol and dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium hydroxide,
as sensors and catalysts manufacturing. Metallic NPs such as hydrochloric acid, and silver nitrate were bought from
gold, silver, copper, etc. have been widely studied for their Merck, 2,2-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazide (DPPH), butyl-
unique properties, such as: surface plasmon resonance, opti- ated hydroxytoluene (BHT), gold salt (­ HAuCl 4·3H 2O),
cal properties, and antimicrobial activity (Song et al. 2006). and quercetin were bought from Sigma-Aldrich, and the
Meanwhile, GNPs and SNPs have attracted the attention of microorganisms used, including Staphylococcus aureus
researchers more than other metal NPs. Non- cytotoxicity (PTTC 1112), Bacillus cereus (PTTC 1154), Escherichia
of gold NPs for healthy tissues, ease of production, nucleus coli (PTTC 1399), and Aspergillus niger (PTTC 5012) and
size, surface-to-volume ratio, transmission and adjustment Candida albicans (PTTC 5027) were supplied by the Ira-
of drug delivery processes, and high antimicrobial activity nian Research Organization for Science and Technology
of SNPs make these NPs a suitable candidate for therapeu- (IROST). Double-distilled water was used as solvent and
tic and diagnostic applications (Faghri Zenooz and Solouti for washing.

Applied Nanoscience

Preparation of extracts solution, and ­FeCl3.6H2O solution before the test). The above
mixture was placed at 37 °C for 5 min. Then, the absorbance
The extraction was performed by maceration method (Tru- of the solutions was read by the UV–Vis spectrophotometer at
sheva et al. 2007). To prepare the extracts for phytochemical 595 nm. Reducing activity of the extracts was calculated using
studies, we added 10 g of dried powdered petals of saffron to standard curve in mM of ferric (III) ion/mg of sample dry
100 ml of different solvents (methanol, ethanol, and double- weight. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and ascorbic acid
distilled water) and the solution was agitated for 24 h on a were used as positive control.
shaker. The obtained samples were filtered by the What-
man 42, and every extracts were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm Determination of the total phenolic content
for 20 min to completely remove the suspended particles.
The solvents were then allowed to evaporate. To prepare Total phenol content was measured using Folin–Ciocalteu rea-
the extract for the synthesis of gold and silver NPs, 1 g of gent. 0.5 ml of each extracts was added to 2.5 ml of Folin–Cio-
powder was stirred with 100 ml of distilled water and heated calteu reagent %10, and then, after 5 min, 2 ml of sodium car-
for 30 min at 50 °C (heater). After cooling, the filtration bonate solution 5% were added to this solution. The solution
process was performed according to the previous step. Due was placed for 30 min in a dark place at room temperature.
to the high light, heat, and oxygen sensitivity of the extracts Subsequently, the absorbance of the samples was read by the
obtained for phytochemical studies and the synthesis of gold UV–Vis spectroscopy at 765 nm (Einali et al. 2018). Gallic
and silver NPs, they were enclosed and refrigerated at 4 °C acid was used as the standard for drawing the calibration curve,
for analysis. and the total phenol content was reported based on the equiva-
lent of mg of gallic acid per g of the extract.
Evaluation of antioxidant activity by DPPH
Determining of the total flavonoids’ content
The antioxidant activities of the extracts were evaluated
by the radical scavenging capacity measuring method by To measure the total flavonoid content, aluminum chloride
the 2-2,diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazide (DPPH) stable radical colorimetric method was used (Chang et al. 2003). 500 μl
(Einali et al. 2018). At first, a concentration of 1000 μg/ of each extracts were individually mixed with 1.5 ml of
ml was prepared from all extracts and was added to 1 ml ethanol, 0.1 ml of aluminum chloride (10% ethanol), 0.1 ml
DPPH methanolic solution at a concentration of 0.1 mM. of potassium acetate (1 M), and 2.8 ml of double-distilled
After 30 min at room temperature, the absorbance of the water. Then, the solutions were placed at room temperature
samples was read at 517 nm in front of blank. The inhibition for 30 min. The absorbance of solutions was read at 415 nm
percentage of free radicals was calculated using the follow- with a UV–Vis spectrophotometer. Quercetin was used to
ing formula: draw the standard curve, and at the end, the total flavonoid
content was reported in terms of mg of quercetin per g of
( )
%IP = Acontrol − Asample ∕Acontrol × 100, extracts.

where %IP is the inhibition percentage of free radicals Determination of total anthocyanin content
(percentage of antioxidant inhibition against free radicals),
Acontrol is the control absorbance (containing 1 ml of metha- To measure the total anthocyanin content, 0.02 g of herba-
nol in 1 ml of the DPPH solution), and ASample is the sample ceous dry tissue was grinded with 4 ml of methanol chloride
absorbance (containing various volumes of plant extract 1% solution in a porcelain mortar. The solution was stored in
(antioxidant), methanol, and DPPH solution). the refrigerator for 24 h. Then, the solution was centrifuged
In addition, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and ascorbic for 10 min at 13,000 rpm. The supernatant was removed and
acid were used as positive control. the absorbance of the solutions was measured to be 530 and
657 nm wavelengths against the control (Mita et al. 1997).
Evaluation of the ferric (III) ion‑reducing antioxidant A methanol hydrochloric acid 1% solution was used as the
power (FRAP) control. Anthocyanin content was calculated using the fol-
lowing relation:
To measure the ferric (III) ion-reducing antioxidant power, (
A = A530 − 0.25 A657 .
the method by Benzie and Strain was used with some modifi-
cations (Sadeghi et al. 2015). 1.8 ml of fresh FRAP solution Determination of total carotenoid content
was added to 200 μl of extracts (freshly FRAP solution was
prepared by dissolving 10:1:10 ml of acetate buffer, TPTZ To measure the total carotenoid, 0.05 g of fresh sample with
5 ml of acetone was homogenized in a porcelain mortar in

Applied Nanoscience

an ice bath. Then, 1 g of non-aqueous sodium sulfate was Volume of extract
added to the homogeneous product and filtered using filter
paper 42. The solution was diluted with acetone to a vol- To optimize the amount of extracts, the amount of 0.5–4 ml
ume of 10 ml and centrifuged for 10 min at 2600 rpm. The of the extract was added to 4 ml of the gold (III) solution
supernatant phase was removed and the absorbance of the at the concentration of 1 mM for the synthesis of GNPs,
solution was measured at 662, 645, and 470 nm wavelengths. and 1–4 ml of the extract was added to 4 ml of silver nitrate
Acetone was used as the control. The amount of carotenoids solution at the concentration of 1 mM for the synthesis of
for each extract was calculated using the following formulas SNPs, and the reaction pH was adjusted to the optimum
(Lichtenthaler 1987): pH. For all solutions, the UV–Vis spectrophotometry was
performed separately, and finally, the optimum volume of
Ca = 11.24 A662 − 2.04 A645
extract was selected.
Cb = 20.13 A645 − 4.19 A662
The concentration of gold (III) and silver nitrate
Ct = A470 − 1.9 Ca − 63.14 Cb ∕214,
where Ca is the chlorophyll A, Cb is the chlorophyll B, and To investigate the effect of concentration of metal ion and
Ct is the total carotenoids. optimize them, an optimum amount of extracts was added
to 4 ml of different concentrations of gold (III) solution (0.5,
1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 mM) and silver nitrate (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and
Phytosynthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles
5 mM) and the reaction pH was adjusted to optimal pH.
UV–Vis spectrophotometry of the solutions was investigated
First, a solution of gold (III) was prepared from its salt
and the optimal concentration was selected.
­(HAuCl4·3H2O) and a solution of silver nitrate was prepared
from its salt ­(AgNO3) at a concentration of 1 mM. Then,
2 ml of aqueous extract of petals of saffron was added to
Reaction time
4 ml of gold (III) and silver nitrate solutions. The pH values
To optimize the reaction time and study of the stability of
of the solutions obtained by the pH meter were read, respec-
NPs, a solution was prepared at different times (from the
tively, as 4.63 and 5.54 in gold (III) and silver nitrate solu-
start of mixing up to 6 h after making the sample with a
tions. In a few minutes and after observing the color change
time interval of 1 h for GNPs and up to 5 h for SNPs) and
from dark pink to (purple for the solution containing gold
was investigated with UV–Vis spectroscopy, and then, the
(III) and brown for the solution containing silver nitrate.
optimal time was selected.

Optimization of effective parameters to synthesis Separation and purification of gold and silver

of nanoparticles nanoparticles
To obtain NPs of suitable morphology and size, the factors The NPs’ solution obtained was purified and separated by
affecting to synthesis of the GNPs and SNPs were investi- repeated centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 15 min. The cen-
gated and optimized such as: pH of the reaction mixture, trifugation process was repeated 2–3 times to ensure the
volume of extract, metal ion concentration, and reaction time removal of any adsorbed substances on the surface of the
(Azizian Shermeh et al. 2017). GNPs and SNPs.

pH of solution Characterization of synthesized gold and silver

To optimize the pH of the reaction, 6 solution series were
produced including 2 ml of the extract and 4 ml of gold (III) The bio-reduction of the ­Ag+–Ag0 and ­Au3+–Au0 was moni-
solution at a concentration of 1 mM (pH 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and tored using (Jenway-6715) UV–visible spectrophotometer. The
7) to synthesize the GNPs, and 5 series of solutions were scanning range employed was 200–800 nm with a resolution
produced containing 2 ml of the extract and 4 ml of silver of 1 nm. The crystallinity of the GNPs and SNPs was exam-
nitrate solution at 1 mM concentrations (pH 2, 4, 6, 8, and ined using X-ray diffraction (D8-Advance, Bruker) meter with
10) for the synthesis of SNPs. In addition, the absorption of monochromatic CuK a radiation (h = 1.54 Å) operating at a
spectra of all of them was investigated with UV–Vis spec- voltage of 40 kV and a current of 30 mA at room tempera-
trophotometry and the optimum pH was selected. To adjust ture. The intensity data for the SNPs and GNPs were collected
the pH of the solution, either of the solutions of NaOH or over a 2θ range of 10°–80°. Transmission Electron Microscope
HCl was used at a concentration of 0.1 molar. (TEM) was used to characterize the NPs’ surface morphology

Applied Nanoscience

and measure the size and the shape. Transmission electron Results and discussion
microscopy (TEM) measurements were performed on a (Zeiss-
EM10C-80 kV) transmission electron microscope at 80 kV. Phytochemical studies

Investigation of antimicrobial activity Antioxidant activity

Microbial specimens were reduced using Luria–Bertani and To make a consistent comparison, the concentration of all
Sabouraud dextrose culture media and by standardized meth- of the extracts was selected as 1000 μg/ml for all experi-
ods. For making microbial suspensions, inoculation was made ments. The proper methodology and solvent play a sig-
separately for 24-h culture of each microorganism in vials nificant role for the extraction of secondary compounds
containing 3 ml of Mueller–Hinton broth. A suspension was (Moure et al. 2001). Studies have shown that methanol and
prepared with half-McFerland opacity. ethanol solvents penetrate inside plant cells to extract more
Antimicrobial and anti-fungal effects of petals of saffron natural compounds including more phenols and flavonoids,
extracts were investigated by disc-diffusion method from wells and this amount is less for solvents such as water, ethyl
in agar (Azizian Shermeh et al. 2017). For this purpose, 100 μl acetate, and chloroform (Khorasani Esmaeili et al. 2015).
of suspensions of each microbe were placed on a plate con- The results of this study show that methanol solvent plays
taining Mueller–Hinton agar for bacteria and Sabouraud dex- an important role in the extraction of phenolic and flavo-
trose agar for fungi and mass-cultured by sterile swabs in three noid secondary compounds, and these compounds have
directions. Then, at each of the cultivated plates, wells were resulted in its high antioxidant properties. The results of
formed with a diameter of about 6 mm with 2 cm distances. reducing power of DPPH radical and iron (III) ions by
In each well, by a sampler, 50 μl was poured of each of the the extracts of petals of saffron showed that in both meth-
sample dilutions prepared. Antibacterial antibiotics ampicillin, ods, DPPH and FRAP, methanolic extracts had the high-
gentamicin, and the anti-fungal antibiotic clotrimazole were est ­(IC50 = 32.16 ± 3.24 µg/ml and 48.91 ± 3.16 mM ­Fe2+/
used as positive controls and the DMSO solution as a nega- mg sample) and aqueous extract (27.89 ± 2.15 mM ­Fe2+/
tive control. Finally, bacterial culture media were incubated at mg sample and I­ C50 = 88.69 ± 6.11 µg/ml) had the least
37 °C for 24 h and the fungal cultures were incubated at 28 °C antioxidant and reducing powers and the ethanolic extract
for 48 h. After 24–48 h, the microbial cultures were investi- was in the second level and its antioxidant strength was
gated in terms of formation or non-formation of the inhibition slightly less than the methanolic extract and more than the
zones, the diameters of which were measured and reported in aqueous extract (39.12 ± 2.19 mM ­Fe2+/mg sample and
millimeters. To investigate the antimicrobial and anti-fungal ­I C 50 = 58.91 ± 5.84 µg/ml). To calculate the ­I C 50 value,
effects of NPs, disc-diffusion method from the well into agar the calibration curve of the inhibition power (% IP) was
was used (Azizian Shermeh et al. 2017). The dilution series plotted in μg/ml, and after obtaining the line equation and
used to determine the inhibition zone was 10, 20, 40, 60, and replacing the number 50 in the horizontal axis, the ­IC50
100 μg/ml, and a solution of 50 μg/ml of gold (III) and silver value was calculated on the vertical axis. The ­IC50 value
nitrate and antibacterial antibiotic gentamicin and anti-fungal refers to concentrations of extracts that lead to 50% inhi-
antibiotic clotrimazole were considered as positive controls. bition of radicals. In the FRAP method, the antioxidant
activity was measured based on the ability to reduce fer-
Statistical analysis ric and ferrous ions and the results were reported in mM
of the ferrous onto the mg of the extracts. Because of the
All phytochemical experiments were performed in three rep- effects of antioxidants in preventing diseases and food
lications in a completely randomized design. The results were corruption due to radicals, the role and effects of antioxi-
analyzed using the SPSS (V.16) software. Mean significance dants have been taken into consideration by researchers
comparison was performed using Duncan multi-grain test at and medical society, and studies of antioxidant capacity
5% probability level. Microsoft Excel 2010 software was also are among the most commonly studied issues in recent
used to draw charts and diagrams. years. Often, to validate the results of a study, two or more
methods are used to determine the antioxidant activity of
the samples. A strong correlation between the antioxidant
capacities on similar substances by different methods may
demonstrate the correctness of the test (Huang et al. 2005).
Studies have shown that the DPPH method is one of the
simple, inexpensive, and easy methods that can be used to
evaluate the antioxidant capacity of samples, especially

Applied Nanoscience

for the herbal ones (Sanchez et al. 2007), but not only the indicated that saffron petals had 31.01 ± 2.56 of anthocyanin
FRAP method is simple, it is not sample specific and is and 16.18 ± 1.12 of carotenoids. Carotenoids are pigments
widely used to validate other antioxidant power assess- that play an important role in protecting plants from oxida-
ment methods (Ghiselli et al. 2000). So far, extensive stud- tive processes that can react as an antioxidant with a single
ies have been carried out on the antioxidant properties oxygen and radical peroxide (Stahl and Sies 2003). Research
of the petals of saffron (Goli et al. 2012). In addition, its has shown that petals of saffron have high levels of antho-
strong anti-cancerous effect is dependent on its antioxidant cyanins, glycosides, and flavonoids (Gil and kaber 2002).
properties (Bhandari 2015). Research has shown that the Kaempferol are the major flavonoid compounds in saffron
amount of antioxidant is less in petals of saffron than its petals (84%) (Goupy et al. 2013). Research has shown that
stigma (Karimi et al. 2010). petals of saffron have flavonoids, anthocyanins, and tannins,
but no alkaloid and saponin compounds have been observed
Total phenol, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and carotenoids (Babaei et al. 2014).
Phytosynthesis and optimization of parameters affecting
The phenolic and flavonoid contents of all extracts of saf- to synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles
fron petals were measured using spectrophotometer appa-
ratus and by the methods of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent and In the initial synthesis of GNPs and SNPs by saffron petals,
colorimetric of aluminum chloride, respectively. In meas- it was that observed by mixing the extract with gold and sil-
uring anthocyanin level, only saffron petal-dried powder ver salt at the initial acidity, the color of the solution changed
was used. Saffron fresh petal tissue was used to measure from dark pink to purple and brown, respectively, which
total carotenoid levels. The findings showed that, like the indicated the successful synthesis of GNPs and SNPs. In
results of antioxidant power measurements, methanol addition, after spectrum of the desired solutions was taken,
extracts have the highest total phenol and flavonoid con- GNPs had the highest absorption rates in the wavelength
tent (35.11 ± 3.16 mg GAE/mg sample and 20.15 ± 2.96 range of 600–500 nm and SNPs in the range of 450–400 nm,
mgQUE/mg sample) and the aqueous extracts had the low- which is related to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of
est phenol and flavonoid content (17.67 ± 3.84 mg GAE/mg GNPs and SNPs (Fig. 1). Figure 1 shows that the extract in
sample and (9.86 ± 1.12 mgQUE/mg sample). For ethanolic the desired range does not contain any peaks, and therefore,
extract, these values were measured as (28.55 ± 3.01 mg the presence of peaks in the synthesized nanoparticles could
GAE/mg sample and 21.15 ± 2.95 mg GAE/mg sample). In be another reason for the successful synthesis of these NPs.
addition, the order of phenol and flavonoids contents was Afterwards, to obtain more consistent shapes and smaller
similar in that of the antioxidant power evaluated by DPPH size of NPs, the following parameters affecting the synthesis
and FRAP. The results of the measurement of total antho- of GNPs and SNPs were studied: pH of the reaction solution,
cyanin and carotenoids were calculated in (mg/g dry weight extract volume, concentration of gold (III) and silver nitrate
of tissue) and (mg/fresh weight), respectively. The results salt, and reaction time.

Fig. 1  UV–Vis spectrophoto-
metric spectrum of petals aque-
ous extract of Crocus sativus L.
and GNPs and SNPs solution

Applied Nanoscience

pH of the reaction solution pH is one of the most important factors affecting the syn-
thesis of NPs (Waghmar et al. 2014). Previously, there have
After mixing the extract and gold (III) and silver nitrate been reports on the effect of pH on the formation of NPs.
at the initial pH of the solution (pH = 4.63 for GNPs and Reports indicate that pH does not have a significant effect on
pH = 5.54 for SNPs), color change was observed in a short the shape of NPs, but affects their size significantly (Arm-
time. Therefore, to investigate the effect of the important endariz et al. 2004).
pH factor on the synthesis of silver nanoparticles, solu-
tions with higher and lower pHs than the initial pH were Volume of extract
prepared and UV–Vis spectrophotometry spectrum of each
solution was separately extracted (Fig. 2). According to To determine the optimum extract amount, 0.5–4  ml of
Fig. 2, the absorption increased and then decreased with extract were added to 4 ml of gold salt solution at a concen-
increasing pH up to 6 for GNPs and up to 8 for SNPs. The tration of 1 mM and 1–4 ml of the extract was added to 4 ml
maximum absorption of GNPs and SNPs was observed of silver nitrate salt solution at a concentration of 1 mM and
at pH 6 and pH 8, respectively. As a result, this pH was the reaction acidity was adjusted to the optimum pH. From
selected as the optimum acidity. It appears that at higher all the solutions obtained, the 4 spectrophotometry was per-
pHs, the gold and silver ions are hydrolyzed to give rise formed separately (Fig. 3). With the gradual increase in the
to the stable species of ions of gold and silver hydroxides, amount of the extract, the amount of absorption of SNPs
which ultimately prevents the entry of these ions into a and GNPs increased significantly. However, after reaching
biological reduction reaction (Gardea-Torresdey et  al. a volume of 3 ml of extract for GNPs and 2 ml of extract
1999). for SNPs, there was a decrease in absorbance. As a result,

Fig. 2  UV–Vis spectrophotometric spectrum in different pHs. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver nanoparticles (SNPs)

Fig. 3  UV–Vis spectrophotometric spectrum in different volumes of extract. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver nanoparticles (SNPs)

Applied Nanoscience

the amount of 3 and 2 ml of extract was selected as the opti- less amounts and with a bulkier size. In addition, by an addi-
mized volume of extract for synthesis of GNPs and SNPs, tion exceeding the optimum amount, the stabilizing particles
respectively. accumulate further on themselves, which causes a defective
In the synthesis of NPs by plant’s extracts, the extract stabilization and coarser particles. Studies have shown that
plays the role of reduction of metal ions and also stabilizes an increase in the NPs size, the absorption rate is decreased,
these NPs (Philip 2010) (Scheme 1). Various secondary and conversely, with increasing the particle distribution, the
compounds, enzymes, proteins, or other reducing agents width of the spectra increases (Azizian Shermeh et al. 2017).
(antioxidant compounds) play a major role in the production
of metallic NPs by plants (Yulizar et al. 2017). The results Concentration of gold (III) and silver nitrate
the phytochemical compounds of this study also emphasized
the presence of compounds effective on the synthesis of NPs To study the effect of the concentration of gold and silver
(antioxidant compounds, phenols, flavonoids, etc.). Reports salt on the synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles, solu-
indicate that with increasing the amount of extracts, the tions of different concentrations, i.e., (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and
amount of natural active ingredients in the plant is increased 2.5 mM) and (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), respectively, were prepared
and more NPs are produced and the absorption is increased and all solutions underwent investigated with UV–Vis spec-
(Prabha Dubeya et al. 2010). The findings regarding the cho- trophotometry (Fig. 4).
sen volume of the extracts in this study also confirm these Considering Fig. 4, with the gradual increase in the con-
reports. Studies have also shown that at concentrations centration of salts, the absorption of NPs increased. This
below the optimum level, the reduction and stabilization of increasing trend continued for gold salt up to a concentration
the NPs did not fully occur and the NPs were obtained in of 2 mM and for silver nitrate salt up to a concentration of
4 mM. However, at a higher concentration, a decrease in the
absorption rate was observed. As a result, the concentra-
tion of 2 mM for the ­HAuCl4·3H2O and 4 mM for ­AgNO3
was selected as the optimum concentration. Reports indicate
that increased absorption under an increased concentration
of metal ions is due to the fact that ions are more exposed
to reduction, resulting in more NPs (Dwivedi et al. 2010).
In a similar study, absorption increased significantly with
increasing concentrations of 1–3 mM in metal salts (Vinod
et al. 2011). In addition, the decrease in absorption under
the excessive increase in the concentration of metal ions can
be due to the bonding of NPs and the synthesis of NPs of
a slightly larger size (Mock et al. 2002). The results of this
Scheme 1  Mechanism of change the silver and gold ions to silver and study were consistent with similar articles.
gold nanoparticles by saffron aqueous extract

Fig. 4  UV–Vis spectrophotometric spectrum in different concentrations of ­HAuCl4·3H2O and ­AgNO3. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver
nanoparticles (SNPs)

Applied Nanoscience

Time of reaction value associated with the NPs. Therefore, 60 min was a good
time (Ramteke et al. 2013).
By examining the effects of the time of proximity of gold
(III) and silver nitrate solutions with extract of saffron pet- The transmission electron microscopy images of gold
als on the synthesis of GNPs and SNPs, it was found that and silver nanoparticles
with increasing interaction time, the adsorption for GNPs is
slightly increased, but this increase is not significant (Fig. 5). The distribution of the shape and size GNPs and SNPs by
Such that no significant change in absorption was TEM image was investigated. Figure 6 shows the image of
observed after 1 h, which proved the stability of the NPs. As TEM of the synthesized GNPs and SNPs with all optimized
a result, the duration of 1 h was chosen as the optimal time. conditions. The image shows that the resulting NPs are
However, for SNPs, with increasing the time up to 5 h, the almost spherical and have a moderate size for GNPs between
absorption rate of silver SNPs raised. Time is also one of the 17 and 22 nm and for SNPs of 10-14 nm.
factors affecting the synthesis and stability of NPs. In addi-
tion, the results showed that the NPs are very stability during Investigation of X‑ray diffraction spectrum
of this times. In a similar study, in a time-dependent reac-
tion in the synthesis of NPs, it has been reported that with XRD technique was used for further investigation of the
increasing time from the start of the reaction to 120 min, crystalline structure of the synthesized GNPs and SNPs.
after 60 min, there is no significant change in the absorption Using the Debye–Scherer formula (D = 0.9λ/β cos θ), the

Fig. 5  UV–Vis spectrophotometric spectrum in different times. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver nanoparticles (SNPs)

Fig. 6  TEM images of phytosynthesized nanoparticles. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver nanoparticles (SNPs)

Applied Nanoscience

mean crystallinity of the NPs was obtained. According to Debye–Scherer formula 16–28 and 12–25 nm for SNPs and
this formula, β is the peak widths along half of the maximum GNPs, respectively.
height, λ is the wavelength of the X-ray equaling 1.54 Å, θ
is the angle between the open radiation beam (2θ = 0–80°), Antimicrobial activity of extracts and gold and silver
and D is the crystalline grain size in nanometers. GNPs and nanoparticles
SNPs showed sharp peaks in regions 2θ = 38.17, 44.37,
64.56, 77.55, 81.70 and 2θ = 38.11, 44.28, 67.43, 77.45, The results of the various concentrations of the extracts
respectively, which are related to the crystalline structure of with a well-diffusion method are presented in Table 1. The
GNPs and SNPs with Miller’s indices (111), (200), (220), results of antimicrobial activity of the extract showed that
(311), (222) and (111), (200), (220), (311), respectively the extracts have a significant bactericidal effect on all bac-
(Fig. 7). The presence of sharp peaks in patterns shows a teria, which increases by increasing the concentration of
high degree of crystallinity for NPs. Peak (111) is sharper the extracts. In addition, the methanolic extract had a more
than other peaks resulting in more crystalline GNPs and inhibitory effect than other extracts, but this effect was less
SNPs in this direction. The average size of the synthe- in the aqueous extract. By comparing the mean diameter
sized crystalline granules was estimated by calculating the of the methanolic extract inhibition region, it can be said

Fig. 7  XRD images of phytosynthesized nanoparticles. a Gold nanoparticles (GNPs), b silver nanoparticles (SNPs)

Applied Nanoscience

Table 1  Diameter of zone microbial insufficiency of the petal extracts of Crocus sativus L. using agar well diffusion (millimeters)
Samples Microorganism Concentration (µg/ml) Antibiotics Solvent
25 50 100 200 400 Ampicillin Gentamicin Clotrimazole DMSO

Methanol extract S. aureus 9 12 15 18 20 28 27 – 0

B. cereus 8 10 13 15 17 27 26 – 0
E. coli 5 7 9 13 16 27 25 – 0
A. niger 7 10 13 15 18 – – 27 0
C. albicans 5 5 9 12 14 – – 28 0
Ethanol extract S. aureus 7 10 12 16 17 27 27 – 0
B. cereus 6 11 10 13 15 26 26 – 0
E. coli 5 5 9 10 13 25 24 – 0
A. niger 5 7 10 12 15 – – 26 0
C. albicans 4 5 8 10 13 – – 25 0
Aqueous extract S. aureus 5 8 10 13 15 26 25 – 0
B. cereus 5 7 10 12 14 24 25 – 0
E. coli 3 5 8 10 12 25 26 – 0
A. niger 0 3 7 11 12 – – 26 0
C. albicans 0 3 6 10 11 – – 25 0

that this extract has more potential to inhibit Staphylococcus the bacteria and the NPs and attaches the NPs to the cell
aureus (20 mm inhibition zone diameter) and Aspergillus surface and kills the cell (Lin and Xing 2007). In addition,
niger (18 mm) and the least effect was on Escherichia coli the formation of colonies, bacteria cell growth, and forma-
(diameter of the inhibition 16 mm) and Candida albicans tion of bacterial compacted biofilm matrices lead to infec-
(14 mm). The results of ethanolic extract showed that this tions, and the NPs prevent the formation of these defensive
extract was successful in inhibiting all bacteria and fungi, agents of the bacteria against the immune system of the host
so the strongest antibacterial and anti-fungal effects were cell (Jones et al. 2006) (Schrand et al. 2010). Many studies
on Staphylococcus aureus (16 mm) and Aspergillus niger have been performed on the antibacterial effects of metal
(20 mm). The inhibitory effect of all extracts was concentra- NPs. Some research results also indicate that the GNPs are
tion dependent. The aqueous extract, while in the third place, less effective on Escherichia coli (Cho et al. 2005). Fur-
has been able to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus (13 mm) and ther studies have shown that the concentration of GNPs and
Aspergillus niger (7 mm). SNPs used is effective on antimicrobial activity of bacte-
The results of antimicrobial activity of GNPs and SNPs ria (Sondi and Salopek-Sondi 2004). In an analysis of the
on the microorganisms studied, and a comparison with the effects of GNPs, SNPs, and ZnNPs on pathogenic bacteria,
antibiotics used are presented in Table 2. Antimicrobial it was reported that the antimicrobial effect of gold GNPs
activity of GNPs and SNPs was much more than the petal is far less than ZnNPs and SnpS (Nazari et al. 2012). Other
extract of saffron and this effect has been impressive, so researchers in a similar study stated that the antimicrobial
that at low concentrations, it also prevented the growth of effect of GNPs in low concentrations was not observed on
bacteria and fungi. In addition, the antimicrobial activity of any of the isolates, but GNPs may have less effect on Heli-
the synthesized GNPs and SNPs was far more than the solu- cobacter pylori than other NPs (Gopinath et al. 2016). In
tion containing gold and silver salts. The results showed that another study, it has been shown that the effects of SNPs on
silver and GNPs had the highest effect on Staphylococcus E. coli are greater than S. aureus (Kim et al. 2007). Anti-
aureus (25 and 20 mm inhibition zone diameter) and Asper- microbial activity of snpS on different bacteria such as E.
gillus niger (diameter 22 and 17 mm) and had the least effect coli, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus has shown that although
on E. coli (diameter 20 and 14 Mm) and Candida albicans the activity of NPs is concentration dependent, it is more
(diameter 19 and 14 mm). significant for Gram-negative bacteria than Gram-positive
Many studies have been performed to determine the ones (Shrivastava et al. 2007) (Guzman et al. 2012). In addi-
effects of NPs on the bacteria. In addition, various researches tion, the synthesized GNPs had efficacy against a Gram-neg-
on the probable reactions between the NPs and macromol- ative bacteria (Escherichia coli), a Gram-positive bacteria
ecule of living creatures show that the difference between (Staphylococcus aureus), and a mold (Aspergillus niger).
the microorganism negative charge and the metal NPs posi- The maximum conversion was 66%. (Das and Shuvasmita
tive charge acts as an absorptive electromagnet between 2018). In other research, the antimicrobial evaluation result

Applied Nanoscience

Table 2  Diameter of zone microbial insufficiency of GNPs and SNPs using agar well diffusion (millimeters)
Samples Microorganism Concentration (µg/ml) Antibiotics Solvent
25 50 100 200 400 Ampicillin Gentamicin Clotrimazole DMSO

SNPs S. aureus 12 15 18 21 25 29 28 – 0
B. cereus 10 13 17 20 23 28 26 – 0
E. coli 8 12 15 17 20 28 27 – 0
A. niger 10 13 16 19 22 – – 29 0
C. albicans 8 11 14 16 19 – – 28 0
GNPs S. aureus 7 11 15 18 20 28 27 – 0
B. cereus 5 10 12 15 17 27 26 – 0
E. coli 5 6 8 11 14 26 25 – 0
A. niger 8 9 12 14 17 – – 27 0
C. albicans 5 5 8 11 14 – – 28 0
AgNO3 S. aureus 8 11 13 16 18 26 26 – 0
B. cereus 7 9 12 14 16 25 24 – 0
E. coli 5 7 10 12 14 23 25 – 0
A. niger 5 7 9 12 14 – – 26 0
C. albicans 0 3 6 10 11 – – 25 0
HAuCl4·3H2O S. aureus 5 7 8 11 13 25 24 – 0
B. cereus 5 6 9 10 12 24 23 – 0
E. coli 3 5 7 8 10 25 24 – 0
A. niger 5 5 8 10 12 – – 25 0
C. albicans 0 3 6 8 10 – – 23 0

showed that the synthesized SNPs at different concentrations the studied plant is an ideal candidate for the reduction of
were very active against the Gram-positive bacteria (B. sub- gold and silver metal ions, converting them into GNPs and
tilis, S. aureus) and Gram-negative bacteria (K. Pneumonia, SNPs and stabilizing them. One of the limitations in most
E. Coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa), P. aeruginosa being NPs’ synthesis methods is the high distribution of NPs in a
most susceptible to the antimicrobial effect of the silver nan- wide range of sizes in nano-metric dimensions. This great
oparticles (Ezealisiji et al. 2017). constraint can be eliminated by various methods such as
pH changes, amount of plant extracts, different concentra-
tions of salt solution, and duration, to reduce the range of
Conclusion nanoparticle sizes and convenient condition is achieved.
In this study, the effects of the mentioned factors were
Using the high potential of natural resources, especially investigated and optimized. In general, according to the
plants, leads us to produce stable NPs. Phytosynthesized results of this study and other reports on the production
NPs are far smaller and more widely used than NPs made of NPs using biological materials such as microorganisms,
of chemical and physical processes. The present study is plant biomass, and even plant extracts, it is possible to
a report on the phytosynthesis of GNPs and SNPs using use biological and green methods as a complement for
aqueous extract of saffron petals. Saffron plant petal is physical and chemical methods of producing these NPs. In
used as a reducing and stabilizing agent in the synthesis addition, considering the safety and environmental aspects
of NPs. Compounds existing in the extract include phenol, of NPs production, these methods are also considered as
flavonoids, anthocyanin, and carotenoids, which reduce environmentally friendly. In addition, the presence of anti-
metal ions and ultimately stabilize, synthesized NPs. As a microbial activity of the extracts and GNPs and SNPs syn-
result, the amount of these compounds, and the antioxidant thesized from the aqueous extract leads to their use being
and reducing properties of the plant in the synthesis of recommended for different areas to prevent infection and
NPs are desirable, important, and necessary. The results prevalence of pathogens as a replacement for conventional
of the reducing capacity and the amount of phenol, flavo- antibiotics. Therefore, plants are high potential for the syn-
noids, anthocyanin, and carotenoids in the saffron petal thesis of metal NPs, which can be used as an antibiotic to
have shown that they have a good potential for reducing inhibit many pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
the free radicals and metal ions. As a result, the petal of

Applied Nanoscience

Acknowledgements  We thank the University of Sistan and Bal- Ghiselli A, Serafini M, Natella F, Scaccini C (2000) Total antioxidant
uchestan Deputy of Research for financial support this research. capacity as a tool to assess redox status: critical review and experi-
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carotenoids and vitamin C contents of nectarine, peach and plum
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