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The amount of food people waste.

I would like to talk today about a serious problem in the world “The amount of food people

Fact 1: Every year we throw away one third of the food we produce in the world.
Fact 2: The United States throws away $43 billion of food each year.

The world food market is very oversaturated with products. People produce more food than
they can eat.
A good example of this situation is supermarkets. They ship expired products in large
quantities almost daily.
It's terrifying to even think about how much this is happening all over the world.

And if you think about it, in ancient times, when mammoths were walking on the ground
already then people were killing animal herds for food. And this is not for the sake of stocks.
No! Just for eat. Or even like for fun. That is funny to kill animals. Yep)

In consequence, some kinds of animals have been exterminated through this.

That's why I'm sure that we have it from the ancient times of human origin.

Let's go back to our time.

Excess food now affects the economy, health and most of all the ecology of our
planet. Tons of waste not only from the food itself, but also from the packages in
which it is stored overfill the dumps. Almost always this is followed by spoiled land
and bad smell in the area of several and sometimes even tens of kilometers.

In my understanding, we must build waste-free plants to process the food not

consumed. And also, to reduce production by a quarter.

Something like that. Thank you for listening to me.

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