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Dear god, I am a sea turtle sometimes people called marine turtles.

are seven species of our sea turtle species from the shallow seagrass beds
of the Indian Ocean, to the colorful reefs of the Coral Triangle and the sandy
beaches of the Eastern Pacific. Seven species of marine turtles include the
green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, olive ridley
sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, flatback sea turtle, and leatherback sea
turtle. We depend upon many types of habitats for nesting, feeding and
migratation. We mate at sea, then come ashore on beaches to lay our eggs.
Females dig a hole in the sand, then deposit their clutch of eggs (up to 100,
in the leatherback’s case), cover it back up, then return to the sea. After
about 60 days, the eggs hatch and tiny hatchlings make their way from the
nest to the water at night. This is a deadly ordeal for the young turtles, they
will prey on crabs, seabirds, and other predators.
Speaking of our relationship with humans, we are under pressure of being
Our babies

How we look like

seen as foods, decorations; our species are caught worldwide although it is

illegal in most countries. First of all, one the most common reason for
killing us is to feed those human; it is utterly cruel to feeling fine serving us
in numerous restaurants, luxury parties… or many coastal communities
even depend on sea turtles as a source of protein. A fisherman often
accidentally catches us while fishing, which doesn’t enable us to breathe,
thus drowns.
In addition, our babies are widely sold in the black-market throughout the
world, but especially a concern in China, Philippines, India, Indonesia and
coastal nations of Latin America. Nearly 35,000 of us have been ruthlessly
killed in just a year in Mexico and Nicaragua, while only 10% of us
remained alive till the end of our lifetime. This problem worsens through
years and years. We are being threatened as have to live day by day in fear.

Secondly, specific species of us are targeted for our shells. For instance,
Tortoiseshell, a traditional decorative ornament material used in Japan and
China comes from carapace scutes which is something like human’s skin.
People even use our scutes for beauty-related stuff like combs, brushes,
shoes and the flippers skin is prized for shoes and assorted leather goods.
Last but not least, marine pollution is becoming not only ours but also
every wild life animals’ big concern. Wastes from lands can have serious
impacts on both our habitat and the food we eat, which cause most of our
disease. Oil spills, urban runoff of chemicals, fertilizers and plastic bags are
floating all over the surface and straws are stuck in our noses.
So, please help us, god! I don't want to witness my parents, my relatives and
species like us losing more and more. We need some help to overcome this
situation.What humans have been doing is really cruel to us in particular and to
the other creatures in general. Please stop people from catching us by
commercial methods, make them realize our values to nature, understand what
they have done to us, to our biodiversity, and protect us by anyways. Humans
and we are the same, they want to have a good, peaceful and happy life and so
do we. We would be grateful if you find us a clean ocean that has a mild
climate, species living in harmony and without pollutent, chemicals,
garbages, ...
W ildlife conservation is the attempt to protect endangered
animals and plant species, along with their natural habitat.
The main objective of this practice is to make sure that their
habitats will be preserved so that the future generations of
both wildlife and human can enjoy it.
Nowadays, there are approximately 1556 wildlife species that
are confirmed being endangered and in urgent need of
protection. Therefore, protecting wildlife is a crucial task.
Here are the reasons:
 First, wildlife contributes influential parts to human's life:
 Biodiversity: Every species play a special role to the earth's
ecosystem. If one species ever becomes extinct, it will cause a chain
reaction affecting to other species which will lead to many
considerable consequences. Wildlife conservation is to protect the
balance of our ecosystem.
 Biology: Doing many researches as learning about animal
characteristics will help scientists discovering more medical
treatments. Besides, many animals contain useful chemical substances
for producing pharmaceuticals. Thus if they are in danger of
extinction, it could also be that our medical sources are in danger as
 Agricultural benefits: Many wildlife species also take great part in
developing agriculture. Peasants usually use insects to eliminate other
harmful insects that cause many detriments to plants and crops.
 Environmental regulation: Wildlife conservation means a lot to
regulating and evaluating environmental quality. We could base on
animals' reflection to acknowledge what we have done to their habitat.
1) A poster about racing extinction
 Secondly, wildlife conservation helps preserving and passing
down many inestimable values through generations. Once a species
becomes extinct, we will never be able to recover from it. The
extinction also triggers harmful problems about environment to

2) A poster about wildlife conservation

When we conserve and protect the
natural habitat of wildlife species,
we enrich our planet. In order to do
so, we must keep the animals in
their natural places, and foremost,
strictly forbid illegal hunting to
prevent humans from destroying
their natural habitat.

Saving wildlife is indeed the

key to save ourselves.
Group :
Khá nh An – 01

Linh Chi – 09

Minh Nhi – 26

Phương Tú - 39

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