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Actividad de aprendizaje 4.

Aprentice: Katherine Gutiérrez

Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Prepositions”

1. Prepare una lista de diez oraciones relacionadas con el tema de los canales de
distribución, utilizando en cada oración por lo menos una preposición.

1. the distribution channel is the mechanism by which distribution, as an economic

function, takes shape and adapts to the needs and characteristics of each
economic sector
2. In a distribution channel we find three intermediaries that are: Wholesalers,
Retailers and agents.
3. an adequate distribution channel depends on the choice of the following items:
Market,Product:, Intermediaries, Companies.
4. Two types of distribution channels are managed according to their consumption,
one is for personal consumption and the other for industrial consumption.
5. Distribution is a mix between production and consumption.
6. Without a doubt, transportation is the backbone of all distribution in
logistics chains.
7. The goal is always to get the largest number of end customers
above other values such as brand prestige
8. The distribution channel chosen by the manufacturer basically depends on the
type and
of the nature of the product it handles.
9. Specialized short channel, This channel goes from the company to a retailer.
10. Some people indicate that the Distribution Channel is defined as fully active
"economic areas", through which the manufacturer places its products or services
in the hands of the final consumer.

1. Audio:

1. What is the name of the radio show?

Solution : the name of the radio show is Tech Today .

2. What is is the topic of this show?

Solution: technological information and Inventions.
3. In what country was the championship?
Solution : the championship was held in china.
4. What is the first newest invention?
Solution : The most recent invention is the wingsuit

5. Is that invention expensive or cheap?

solution: it's still expensive

6. Who benefit from the second invention?

Solution : it is aimed at places where clean water is not available

7. From whom did the third invention come?

Solution : Ukrainian students

8. Who produced the fourth invention?

Solution: James Cameron, film director

9. What is the final invention about?

Solution: It is a product that is used to cover a glass or plastic bottle, and
then what is inside comes out, hair gel or mustard.

10. What is the name of the institute that produces this audio track?
Solution: by the British Council.

2. Pegar el link del video, con las debidas restricciones par que solo lo vea la persona
que tiene el link, donde aparece el aprendiz dando la sustentación oral de:
- Las 10 frases del punto 1
- Las 10 respuestas del punto 2

Solution :

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