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Ns. Lukman Handoyo

Ns. Riris Andriati, M.Kep.
What does evaluation mean?

Evaluation is the process by which

we judge the worth or value of
something (Suchaman’s dalam
Hawe, Degeling & Hall, 1991).
Meaning the Evaluation

There are two ways to make an evaluation

1. You can just make a judgement about a
“ It’s a good programme
2. To collect some data about the progamme and use
this to make your judgement → who the
programme has reached, the long-term effects and
so on.

1. Memberi gambaran program sudah mencapai tujuan yg
2. Menetapkan apakah program sudah sesuai dengan apa
yang direncanakan
3. Mengidentifikasi hambatan dan modifikasi yg
dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan.
1. System Analysis
2. Behavioral Obectives-
3. Decision Making-CIPP
4. Donabedian
1. System Analysis Model
➢ System Analysis Model model is
concentrate on the efficiency of the
programme, to find out which is
the most effective. (McKenzie & Smetzer,
➢ This model focuses on the goals and
economic aspects of programme for example: evaluation the health
promotion programme by using this model would be
besed on the cost or budget
calculation including the real budget
that has been used to conduct
the programme and the cost related to
the effects of the programme.
Type of Cost Analysis
1. The cost-benefit analysis
to determine whether the programme is
worth running. This would be
conducted by calculating all cost and benefits of the
programme and then comparing them with each other.
2. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis quatifies effects of the programme
in monetary terms and then campares this with
Type of Cost Analysis

alternative ways of persuing a

specific goal
3. Cost-utility analysis through which
the restrictiveness of cost-effectiveness
analysis can be reduced by broadening
the objectives and measuring effectiveness accordingly.

• This model are objective and can

be used to convince decision-
makers or stakeholder
• However, the results only report
one side of the outcomes, which is how the
programme is implemented and this is a broad
ourtcome, but the information from the programme
participants is not included.
This model may be influenced by the
subjective values of the stake-
holders, because the values of the
outcomes of the program may be
determined by the subjectve values of

• Behavioral objectives/Goal-based oModel is based upon

the stated goals of
the programme (Outcome model for evaluation.
• This model consisted of four layers:
a. Health promotion actions
b. Health promotion outcomes
c. Intermediate outcomes
d. Health social outcomes
Strength -Weaknesses

• Similar to the previous model: System Analysis, this

model also pays little attention to the participant
• Identifying all aspects that may relate to the outcome
is very important in designing a programme.
3. Decision-making model

• This model was developed to generate evidence or

facts in order to make decision.
• The purpose of this model is to determine
how to meet the goals based on
the resources available. The decision makers who will
use the information will determine the worth of the
There are four component of this
model as follows:
1. Evaluasi Konteks:
a. Identifikasi populasi target dan
b. Identifikasi peluang utk perubahan
sesuai kebutuhannya
c. Pastikan apakah tujuan program dapat
memenuhi kebutuhan target populasi
2. Evaluasi Input:
a. Identifikasi kemampuan pelaksana
b. Kaji alternatif strategi program
c. Disain prosedur
d. Kebutuhan dana
e. Penjadualan, dll
3. Evaluasi Proses:
Identifikasi proses pelaksanan program
sesuai disain, strategi dan metode sesuai
Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Proses memerlukan:
a. Bentuk komite pengawas
b. Hasil umpan balik dari komite pengawas
c. Dokumentasi seluruh aktifitas yg
dilakukan secara rinci dan jelas

4. Evaluasi Keluaran (Produk)

Mengukur , menginterpretasi, menyimpulkan
keluaran program yg dilaksanakan

• This model will help decision maker to make

decision based on the real situantion or facts
• However, the imput from the dcision maker during
evaluation process may reduce the objectivity of
1. Structure
2. Process
3. Outcome

1. Reach
2. Effficacy
3. Adoption
4. Implementation
(Glasgow, Bowls, Voght, 5. Maintenance
4. Donabedian model
1. Evaluasi struktur/Input:
Evaluasi thd input program: Struktur organisasi (uraian tugas,
garis komando, kerjasama); kemampuan personel yg
melaksanakan; metode yg dipilih; sarana-prasarana yg
digunakan; pendanaan, dll
2. Evaluasi proses:
Menilai tahapan pelaksanaan program: aktifitas yg dilakukan,
kesesuaian waktu yg direncanakan dgn pelaksanaan;
hambatan yg ditemukan; dll
3. Evaluasi Hasil (Outcome)
a. Menilai pencapaian target sesuai
indikator yg ditetapkan: Standar
Pelayanan Minimal (SPM); Standar
referensi; atau standar statistik,
misalnya: 1-2 Standar Deviasi.
b. Kesesuaian penggunaan dana sesuai
SBU atau SBK, kecukupan dana
(disertai laporan keuangan dan bukti
fisik), dll
• REACH: Target atau sasaran intervensi/perubahan yg akan dilakukan

• Efficacy: Keberhasilan yg dinilai segera setelah implementasi

• Adoption: Individu atau kelompok yg akan mengadopsi perubahan utk

selanjutnya melakukan intervensi thd target/sasaran intervensi

• Implementation: Proses pelaksanaan kegiatan

• Maintenance: 1-2 tahun setelah intervensi

5. RE-AIM Model
• Glasgow, Vogt and Boles (1999) designed the RE-AIM model in
order to evaluate the public or community health impact of
health promotion intervention.
• This model has uses a combination of five dimentions:
a. Reach d. Implementation (six
b. Efficacy months to one year)
c. Adoption e. Maintenance (two
after Implementation
• Evaluasi merupakan tahapan proses dalam pelayanan dan asuhan
keperawatan komunitas termasuk promosi kesehatan yang
penting untuk diperhatikan agar pelaksanaan program
evaluasi/intervensi sesuai target/sasaran dan rencana yang telah
• Evaluasi dapat mengunakan pendekatan Program evaluasi atau
penelitian. Evaluasi menggunakan penelitian akan memperoleh
hasil yang valid dan kredibel.
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Ervin, N.E.(2002). Advanced Community Health Practice, New Jersey:
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Hawe, P., Degeling, D., dan Hall, J.(1999).Evaluating healh
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