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Article 1214 example

ARTICLE 1200. The right of choice belongs to the debtor,

unless it has been expressly granted to the creditor.
(Kapag walang sinabi automatic ROC ay kay debtor) Article 1215 example
The debtor shall have no right to choose those prestation
which are impossible, unlawful or which could not have
been the object of the obligation.

Article 1216

Article 1217

Article 1218

Kapag walang nabanggit sa problem kung joint or

solidary, automatic na joint yon

Prescribe – naextinguish na ang obligation

Article 1219 Article 1224 (joint invisible obligation)

Pwede pa rin magdemand kay Z pero 2k na lang


Article 1220
Article 1230

No, hindi na pwede. The remission of the entire

obligation in favor of a solidary debtor extends to the
benefit of the other solidary debtors.

Article 1221

− 1. No one is liable
− 2. X will pay his share on the monetary value of
the specific + damages
− 3. damages will be divided into three +their
share (?)

Article 1222

1. Prescription
2. Minority of Y (hindi masisingil)
3. Condition (masisingil but less 30K na, w/c is Y’s share)

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