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Delirium and agitation in traumatic brain injury patients: An update

on pathological hypotheses and treatment options

Article  in  Minerva anestesiologica · February 2018

DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.18.12294-2

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3 authors, including:

Lara Prisco
University of Oxford


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Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.18.12294-2


Delirium and agitation in traumatic

brain injury patients: an update on pathological
hypotheses and treatment options

Mario GANAU  1, Andrea LAVINIO  2, Lara PRISCO  3  *

1Division of Neurosurgery, Toronto Western Hospital and University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Neurosciences

Critical Care Unit, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK; 3Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit, John Radcliffe
Hospital, Oxford, UK O
*Corresponding author: Lara Prisco, Neurosciences Intensive Care Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, OX3 9DU, Oxford,
UK. E-mail:

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a global public health epidemic. It represents the principal cause of death and disabil-
ity in individuals aged under 35 in the USA. In the subacute phase, severe TBI patients who recover consciousness
go through a state of agitation and delirium. However, there is only limited research exploring the characteristics of
post-traumatic delirium (PTD) although it is likely to be more frequent than in general Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
patients. Evidence suggest the incidence of delirium in non-TBI ICU patients is up to 86%. The exact pathophysi-

ological mechanisms underlying the development and progression of delirium in critically ill patients is still unclear.
Many hypotheses have been proposed to play a role: neuroinflammation, neurotransmitter imbalance, structural and

functional brain damage. TBI patients are at high risk of post-traumatic cognitive impairment, and up to two thirds of
patients who survive TBI develop agitation and delirium which is associated with increased disability and long term
cognitive impairment. Recommendation for the treatment of PTD in patients admitted to ICU are not clearly identi-
fied. Despite the high prevalence of PTD, the condition often goes misrecognized and attributed primarily to the injury
itself. There is increasing evidence that certain drugs such as antipsychotics can reduce the incidence and severity of

delirium, whereas other drugs such as dexmedetomidine and remifentanil are associated with decreased risk of devel-

oping delirium in general ICU patients. However, there is a lack of high quality studies exploring treatment strategies
for PTD in the acute setting.

(Cite this article as: Ganau M, Lavinio A, Prisco L. Delirium and agitation in traumatic brain injury patients: an update on path-
ological hypotheses and treatment options. Minerva Anestesiol 2018;84:______. DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.18.12294-2)
Key words: Traumatic brain injuries - Delirium - Psychomotor agitation.


raumatic brain injury (TBI) may be de- TBI can adversely affect both short-term
fined as an alteration in brain function and and long-term cognitive functioning, with sub-
consciousness which results in impaired cog- sequent behavioral and emotional burden for
nitive and physical status caused by an exter- patients and their relatives. Of note, after 1
nal force. Its incidence is steadily increasing, year of TBI, 21.3% of the patients may have at
and TBI is now recognized as a global pub- least one psychiatric disorder.1
lic health epidemic, projected to become the One of the most common early cognitive
world’s leading cause of neurological disabil- dysfunction is post-traumatic agitation and de-
ity across all age groups by 2020 according to lirium (PTD): a stupor, characterized by fluc-
the World Health Organization. tuation in mental status and in attention, pre-

Vol. 84 - No. ?? Minerva Anestesiologica 1


senting either as disorganized thinking or as states seen in patients admitted to ICU without
altered level of consciousness (hyperalert/agi- anatomical brain damage, from which it differs
tated/lethargic), slurred speech and acute on- both in terms of prevalence and pathophysiol-
set motor signs (tremor, myoclonus, asterixis). ogy. The incidence and duration of PTD is
PTD can occur in up to half of patients with higher than that of delirium in non-TBI ICU
mild to moderate TBI in the first 4 days after patients, nonetheless the two conditions may
the trauma.2 Currently, the evaluation of acute have common features in terms of pathologi-
and chronic neuropsychiatric consequences cal basis such as functional brain network dys-
in TBI patients follows the DSM-V classifi- function and neuropharmacological targets.5-7
cation;3 however, previous reports based on As PTD is a constellation of symptoms often
DSM IV criteria showed that approximately frequent in the early phase of recovery from
70% of TBI patients met diagnostic criteria TBI its underlying pathology, diagnosis, pre-

for delirium, even during inpatients rehabilita- vention and treatment strategies in this popula-
tion.4 These diagnostic criteria include symp- tion need to be elucidated.
toms such as sleep-wake cycle disturbance,

abnormal motor behaviour, liability of mood, Working theories
perceptual disturbance, delusions and hallu-

cinations. General Intensive Care Unit (ICU) TBI initiates a series of processes inducing
clinical scoring systems have been used to molecular, biochemical, and cellular changes
screen patients at risk or with PTD, and elec- within the central nervous system (CNS) re-

trophysiology and neuroimaging biomarkers sulting in neuronal damage and cellular death.
identified in mechanistic studies could repre- This cascade of events — often referred to as
sent an important diagnostic tool in the future
(Table I).
“secondary injury” — occurs over hours or
days and is characterized by blood-brain bar-
PTD needs to be differentiated from delirium rier dysfunction, altered homeostasis and ce-

Table I.—Tools used in the diagnosis of ICU delirium in neurocritically-ill patients.


Method Tools Notes/biomarkers

Clinical –– Confusion Assessment Method –– CAM-ICU and ICDSC has been used in neurocritical care
for the ICU (CAM-ICU) patients to diagnose delirium
–– Intensive Care Delirium –– Sedation for neurocritical care patients is neuroprotective yet

Screening Checklist (ICDSC) it may confound neurological assessment

–– Richmond Area Sedation Scale

–– Sedation-Agitation Scale (SAS)

Electroencephalography –– Raw EEG –– Generalized slowing (theta and delta rhythms)
–– Spectrum analysis –– Dropout of the posterior dominant rhythm, poor organization

–– Sleep studies of the background rhythm, loss of reactivity

–– Reduced fast-to-slow band power ratio, reduced mean
frequency, and reduced occipital peak frequency
–– Differential diagnosis with seizures

–– Association between sleep deprivation, disturbed circadian

rhythm and ICU delirium
Neuroimaging –– Structural imaging (CT, MRI, –– Mild diffuse axonal without focal damage frequently
DTI) associated with attentional deficit
–– Fronto-temporal damage (contusions, hemorrhages, or white
matter damage) could result in amnesia
–– Attention impairment due to long-range cortico-cortical
connections supporting large-scale brain networks
–– Limbic system damage with irritability, quickness to anger,
disinhibition, or emotional response
–– Right para-hippocampal region and parietal lobe damage
causes acute delirium

2 Minerva Anestesiologica ???? 2018



Figure 1.—Pathophysiological mechanism hypothesized to play a role in the development and progression of delirium in
critically-ill patients: inflammation, neurotransmitter pathways and long-range network connectivity (gray brain areas).

rebral metabolic imbalance, mitochondrial metabolites (e.g., nitric oxide, reactive oxygen
dysfunction, excitotoxicity and ultimately re- and nitrogen species).10, 11 The basis of this hy-

sults in CNS damage.8 The pathophysiology of pothesis is glial activation, infiltration apopto-

PTD is multifactorial and not completely un- sis death.12 The risk of developing PTD varies
derstood. Whilst its substrate is certainly CNS significantly amongst different patient popula-

damage secondary to trauma, its progression tions: patients with prior cognitive disease are
is uncertain. Three dominating pathophysi- likely to already have ongoing inflammatory

ological hypotheses include neuroinflamma- changes, including microglial priming, predis-

tion, neurotransmitter imbalance and structural posing them to PTD following minor clinical
damage with disruption of neuronal networks insults.12, 13

(Figure 1).9
Neurotransmitters imbalance
Experimental and clinical evidence suggest
Neuroinflammation is currently one of the that derangements in cholinergic, serotoniner-
leading hypotheses for PTD pathophysiology. gic and dopaminergic systems may contribute
Following traumatic brain injury, activation to any form of delirium including PTD. Other
of astrocytes and microglia results in the re- neurotransmitters such as epinephrine, norepi-
lease of multiple cytotoxic substances includ- nephrine, glutamate and GABA are likely to
ing pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative play a role but a detailed mechanistic explana-

Vol. 84 - No. ?? Minerva Anestesiologica 3


tion of neurotransmitter imbalance leading to nections which support large-scale brain net-
PTD remains elusive. Cholinergic neurons in works, substrate of higher cognitive functions
the hippocampus are essential for attention and such as emotional integration, attention and be-
memory processing and are commonly disrupt- havioral coherence. Injuries to these areas can
ed by temporal base contusions.14 In animal induce irritability, anger, disinhibition, or emo-
models of TBI, compensatory changes in ace- tional lability.25 Recent evidence corroborating
tylcholine storage and decreased presynaptic specific anatomical vulnerability demonstrated
inhibitory receptors are seen and these changes the high incidence of acute PTD symptoms in
correlate with loss of learning and memory.15 patients with hematomas in the right para-hip-
Of note, cholinergic deficiency can be present pocampal region and parietal lobe.26
for numerous reasons in ICU patients without
history of brain injuries (e.g., opioids, general

Prevention and treatment
anesthetics).16, 17 Furthermore, there is a com-
plex cortical relationship between norepineph- A set of recommendations by the French
rine, dopamine and cholinergic pathways. Dis- SOFMER group reviewed the care manage-

turbances in the native balance may contribute ment of subacute neurobehavioral disorder fol-
to delirium pathophysiology.17, 18 According lowing TBI including pharmacology options

to the monoamine axis hypothesis, dopamine, for agitation after TBI.27, 28 Unfortunately, due
norepinephrine and serotonin excess and their to the lack of distinction between acute and
respective amino acid precursors are associ- rehabilitation setting treatment strategies, no

ated with cognitive dysfunction.19 specific considerations are provided regard-
ing the management of PTD in ICU. The 2013
Anatomical brain damage
Pain Agitation and Delirium (PAD) Guidelines
provide an ICU-tailored approach which need
The primary brain injury through penetrat- adaptation to the special needs and physiology
ing trauma or coup/contrecoup trauma may af- of TBI patients.29 Physical and pharmacologi-

fect different anatomical areas of the brain.20 cal strategies explored in TBI are summarized
Patients who recover from coma secondary to in Tables I and II, and future research ques-

TBI invariably manifest some degree of cogni- tions on therapeutics in Table III.

tive impairment, with outcomes ranging from
complete recovery to vegetative or minimally- General measures

responsive state.21, 22 Most patients progres-


sively recover from a confused state but are The literature about prevention of PTD re-
left with varying degrees of persistent cogni- fers mostly to rehabilitation settings.30 These

tive impairment and/or behavioral changes.23 include measures to improve orientation of

Abnormal resting-state functional networks patients to their surrounding such as clear and

may underlie the pathophysiology of delirium. succinct communication, sign-posting and

Disruptions in reciprocity between the pos- consistent staffing. Emotional support through
terior cingulate cortex and the dorsolateral involvement of family and carers, providing an

prefrontal cortex and disruptions in interre- unambiguous hospital environment, improv-

gional connectivity among the acetylcholine/ ing patient involvement in treatment plan and
dopamine-related subcortical regions appear feedback about their symptoms also contribute
to play a pathological role in delirium, whereas towards delirium prevention.
enhanced connectivity in the posteromedial
default-mode network may be related to rapid Daily interruption of sedation and sedative
improvement.24 Also, any damage to the limbic drugs
system (hippocampus, amygdala, orbitofrontal
cortex and entorhinal cortex) and frontal lobe The evaluation and treatment of PTD among
tends to affect long-range cortico-cortical con- ICU patients recovering from TBI remains

4 Minerva Anestesiologica ???? 2018


Table II.—Neuro-pharmacological agents currently used in the treatment of acute delirium in ICU and in the suba-
cute rehabilitation phase.
Class Agent Acute phase Rehabilitation Notes
α-agonists –– Clonidine + –– Effective for agitation associated with opioid
–– Dexmedetomidine + withdrawal syndrome
–– Alternative sedative agent in ICU
Benzodiazepines –– Lorazepam + + –– Associated with worse delirium symptoms in
–– Diazepam + + general ICU
–– Midazolam + –– Used in alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal
Beta-blockers –– Propranolol + –– Effective after long treatment (5 weeks)
Anti-epileptic agents –– Valproic acid + –– Less sedation
–– Carbamazepine + –– Effect on irritability and disinhibition
Antipsychotics and –– Haloperidol + –– Not recommended to prevent delirium

neuroleptics –– Risperidone + + –– QT interval prolongation
–– Olanzapine + + –– Exacerbation of extrapyramidal symptoms
–– Quetiapine + +

–– Ziprasidone + +
Antidepressants –– Fluoxetine + –– Improved motor function and increased activity
O in the motor cortex

Psychostimulants –– Methylphenidate + –– Modulation of cerebral activation
–– Amantadine + –– Improved plasticity and recovery
–– Donepezil + –– Improved short-term memory
–– Dexamphetamine + –– Improved motor recovery

Table III.—Future key research areas in ICU delirium and post-traumatic agitation.
Epidemiology –– Incidence
E Wider research questions
–– What is the incidence of PTD in TBI patients?
–– Features and definition –– How do we better define the continuum of cognitive and
consciousness disorders in the acute phase after TBI?

Pathophysiology –– Neuroinflammation –– What are the neuroinflammatory mechanisms

–– Neurotransmitters underpinning PTD?

–– Networkpathy –– What neuronal and astrocytic molecular targets play a

pivotal role in the development of PTD?
–– What type of brain injury and what network lesions are
hierarchically more associated with PTD?
–– Is there a genetic predisposition towards neurocognitive

dysfunction in patients who develop PTD?

Diagnosis –– Clinical –– What is the best assessment to discriminate neurological
–– Structural deficit from functional cognitive impairment?

–– Functional –– What methodology best discriminates and identifies the

pathophysiology mechanism associated with PTD?
–– How do the functional PTD features change over time?

–– Could a machine-learning classifier identify early

patients at risk of PTD?
Treatment –– Sedation –– What neuroprotective sedation strategy is more effective
–– Neuroinflammation to prevent PTD?

–– Neurotransmitters –– Are anti-inflammatory agents effective effective

in preventing/treating PTD? What agents are more
–– What neuropharmacological agents are more effective to
modulate neurotransmission and prevent/treat PTD?
–– What behavioural cognitive techniques are effective in
the acute and subacute phase of PTD?
–– Are there effective physical neuromodulation techniques
available to treat PTD?
Prognosis and long-term effects –– Prognosis –– What is the ideal model/classifier to stratify patients at
–– Long-term cognitive outcome risk of PTD?
–– What are the long-term cognitive effects of PTD?

Vol. 84 - No. ?? Minerva Anestesiologica 5


challenging and is affected by many potential drop in arterial blood pressure and heart rate.
confounders, including the need of sedation to Thus, the risk appears relatively limited for
facilitate care in the acute phase and the ac- young patients, especially when the dose used
tual progression of the underlying neurologi- is relatively low (below 80 mg per day).
cal injury. Despite increasing knowledge of the
harmful effects of unnecessarily deep sedation Antiepileptic drugs
in the general ICU population and new ap-
proaches to decrease over-sedation,29, 31 many Valproic acid (VPA) is commonly prescribed
ICU patients still spend considerable time on antiepileptic medication which is also used in
deep sedation. Sedation for neurocritical care the treatment and management of bipolar disor-
patients is also indicated as a neuroprotective der, acute mania and migraines. Clinical trials
measure, with the impossibility of undertaking have shown mixed results: in a retrospective

an accurate neurological assessment somewhat chart review, agitation symptoms following
mitigated by the availability of multimodal- TBI responded to VPA at doses equivalent to
ity neuromonitoring.32 The risks, benefits, and conventional psychiatric practice (1250 mg/

role of sedation interruption or wake-up tests day).39 A double-masked, parallel group RCT
for brain-injured patients remain uncertain.33 found no adverse or therapeutic effects of VPA

On one hand, propofol interruption among on neuropsychological functioning in patients
patients with TBI may result in ICP increas- with TBI.40 Advantages of VPA, in addition to
es;34, 35 on the other hand, given their half-life its possible unique efficacy, include a lower

a complete wash-out of sedative drugs may propensity towards sedation and cognitive im-
not always be possible within a short time- pairment, and thus a more robust potential for
window. In mechanically ventilated adult ICU
patients at risk of developing delirium, dex-
rehabilitation participation.41 Carbamazepine
(CBZ) is another widely used anticonvulsant in
medetomidine infusion was associated with a the management of agitation and aggression in
lower prevalence of delirium compared to ben- TBI. A study found that CBZ at doses ranging

zodiazepine and opioids infusion.29 A recent from 400 to 800 mg per day reduced irritabil-
randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed ity and disinhibition.42 However, a Cochrane

no cerebral physiological differences between review revealed that even though CBZ is often
propofol and dexmedetomidine sedation in a the drug of choice in managing aggressive be-
cohort of neurocritical care patients,36 whereas haviors following brain injury there is a lack of

the latter seemed to reduce cerebral blood flow large RCTs supporting its effectiveness.43

in patients without brain injury.37

Antipsychotics and neuroleptics

Widely used in the past in the treatment of

The efficacy of beta-blockers in agitation ICU-related delirium, haloperidol effective-

after TBI in the ICU setting is based on a sin- ness is now questioned because of two recent
gle controlled study versus placebo that used placebo-controlled RCTs which found no evi-

propranolol in a small cohort of 21 patients.38 dence to suggest an impact on the prevalence

Authors showed a significant reduction of the or duration of delirium in critically ill patients
agitation intensity (assessed by the Overt Ag- needing mechanical ventilation.29, 44, 45 In re-
gression Scale) in the group treated with pro- cent years, atypical antipsychotics have gained
pranolol vs controls with a maximum effect ob- increasing popularity. These include risperi-
tained 5 weeks after treatment and no significant done, olanzapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone,
difference in the number of agitation episodes all of which has been found to be beneficial
between the two groups. No major adverse in the treatment of delirium.46 Quetiapine may
events were reported in this study. Beyond this provide quicker PTD-related symptoms reso-
study, the main risk with beta-blockers use is a lution, fewer episodes of agitation and a great-

6 Minerva Anestesiologica ???? 2018


er rate of transfer to home or to rehabilitation.47 posed, there remains a lack of robust evidence
Neuroleptic use, especially typical agents, can to support a standardized approach to diagnosis,
present risk of extrapyramidal symptoms, rest- prognostication and treatment of PTD and more
lessness, tardive dyskinesia and prolongation mechanistic studies are warranted.
of the QT interval which can precipitate fatal
arrhythmias in vulnerable individuals.
Key messages
Methylphenidate and donepezil —— TBI can adversely affect both short-
term and long-term cognitive functioning,
Methylphenidate is another psychostimulant with subsequent behavioral and emotional
that is widely used in the treatment of attention burden for patients and their relatives. PTD
deficit hyperactivity disorder. Evidence from

is a stupor characterized by fluctuation in
stroke studies suggest that methylphenidate mental status and in attention, presenting
induces modulation of cerebral activation and either as disorganized thinking or as altered
promotes normalization in cognitive neuronal

level of consciousness, slurred speech and
network along with plasticity to improve motor
performance. In a double-blind, placebo-con-
acute onset motor signs.

—— PTD likely results from a combina-
trolled RCT in TBI patients, methylphenidate tion of structural damage and functional
was found to have clinically significant posi- disturbances mediated by inflammation
tive effects on speed of processing and care- and neurotransmitter imbalance. Anatomi-

giver ratings of attention.48 In most studies, cal and functional disruptions include: al-
methylphenidate was administered twice daily tered interregional connectivity among the
(fixed dose of 10 to 15 mg or at a dose of 0.3
mg/kg). A randomized trial showed that Done-
default-mode network, the acetylcholine/
dopamine-related subcortical regions and
pezil improved short-term memory and sus- the long-range cortico-cortical connections
tained attention in patients with acute PTD.49 which support large-scale brain networks,

substrate of higher cognitive functions


Conclusions such as emotional integration, attention

and behavioral coherence.
The pathophysiology of PTD is not complete- —— The 2013 Pain Agitation and De-
ly understood but its substrate is a combination lirium (PAD) Guidelines provide an ICU-

of structural damage and functional disturbanc-


tailored approach which need adaptation

es mediated by inflammation and neurotrans- to the special needs and physiology of TBI
mitter imbalance. Cognitive impairment and patients. Similarly, ICU scoring systems for

behavioral changes often present themselves in delirium have not yet been entirely validat-
the acute phase following severe TBI and result ed for the diagnosis for PTD and ancillary

in long-term disability in a significant percent- electroencephalographic and neuroimaging

age of patients. Other manifestations of struc- biomarkers require further exploration.
tural damage and functional imbalance follow- —— Physical and pharmacological strat-

ing TBI include post-traumatic seizures (PTS) egies clinically explored in TBI include:
and an increased risk to develop neurodegener- Daily Interruption of Sedation and Seda-
ative disorders such as Alzheimer disease (AD), tive Drugs, Beta-Blockers, Antiepileptic
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), and Drugs, Antipsychotics and Neuroleptics,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in later Methylphenidate and Donepezil. Further
stages of life. Due to the presence of underlying mechanistic studies are recommended to
structural damage, the functional and potential- understand the pathophysiology of PTD
ly treatable component of PTD may be under- and identify therapeutic targets for its pre-
recognized and go undertreated. Although a vention and treatment.
variety of therapeutic strategies have been pro-

Vol. 84 - No. ?? Minerva Anestesiologica 7


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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material
discussed in the manuscript.

Article first published online: February 22, 2018. - Manuscript accepted: February 21, 2018. - Manuscript revised: January 24, 2018. -
Manuscript received: July 8, 2017.

Vol. 84 - No. ?? Minerva Anestesiologica 9

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