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Spinal Cord Injury

David W. Cadotte, Michael G. Fehlings


● Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a problem in both the developed ● Central cord syndrome is often the result of a traumatic spinal
and developing countries and is associated with significant cord contusion and affects the central part of the spinal cord.
morbidity and long-term human and financial costs. This can cause loss of bilateral pain and temperature sensation
and loss of motor function at the level of the lesion and below.
● Spinal cord injury is a medical emergency. Patients suffering
from this injury should be treated in specialized centers with ● Early closed reduction of bilateral locked facets in an awake
strict adherence to proper clinical examination, imaging, patient, who can participate in a neurological examination,
and medical and surgical therapies. may relieve spinal cord compression and restore normal
● SCI is a result of primary damage to neural structures and
vasculature, followed by secondary damage from physi- ● The use of methylprednisolone as a neuroprotective agent
ological insults such as hypotension and hypoxia and resul- in acute SCI shows moderate benefit in terms of neurologi-
tant cytotoxic swelling and death of neurons and glial cells. cal outcome but the benefits of its administration should
be considered against the risks associated with medical
● There have been a multitude of strategies of neuroprotec-
comorbid conditions in individual patients.
tion and repair in SCI and can be found in Box 27.2.
● There are several indications for surgical decompression in
● Spinal shock is represented by depressed or absent spinal
SCI. The first is to treat spinal instability caused by fractures
reflexes below the injury site. Neurogenic shock after
and ligamentous injury that may cause further neurologi-
trauma results from disruption of the sympathetic nervous
cal damage. There is some evidence, albeit controversial
system usually at T6 or higher, which may lead to hypoten-
or evolving, that surgical decompression within 24 hours
sion and may be difficult to distinguish from hypovolemic
may improve neurological outcome in some patients with
shock. The optimal treatment of neurogenic shock is restor-
isolated SCI, especially those with cervical SCI who are
ing intravascular volume; if symptoms of neurogenic shock
deteriorating neurologically.
persist, vasopressors such as dopamine may be useful.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) can result from a traumatic event, such deficit. These specialized treatment options are the result of
as a motor vehicle accident or penetrating assault, or a chronic extensive studies into the pathophysiological mechanisms
progressive disorder such as cervical spondylitic myelopathy. presented in the first portion of this chapter and represent
In either case the neural elements of the spinal cord, includ- important advances in translational research—the notion that
ing both the gray and white matter of the spinal cord and the understanding a disease process at its most fundamental level
exiting nerve roots, become damaged to the point of causing can result in treatment strategies that will ultimately improve
neurological deficit in the patient. In this chapter we will focus the quality of life for patients and their families.
on traumatic SCI. We will highlight the pathophysiological To frame the concepts of SCI—from pathophysiology to
events that occur as a direct consequence of trauma and the translational research to clinical practice—it is important to
biological mechanisms that follow this event. We will then understand the reasons for undertaking such an endeavor. Spi-
provide an overview of some of the research that is being done nal cord injury has been studied at a population level in order
to understand the reasons why neurological deficit occurs fol- to understand the incidence, prevalence, and economic costs of
lowing trauma, beyond the obvious destructive forces, and this devastating event. These studies tend to come from devel-
discuss attempts at resolving these mechanisms in order to oped countries that have the financial resources to conduct
restore neurological function. Lastly, we will discuss the clini- such research, but this problem certainly does not respect bor-
cal management of the SCI patient with an emphasis on how ders. In fact, the frequency of neurotrauma in the developing
specialized treatment is geared at minimizing neurological world is estimated to be higher than in the developed world

446 PART 5 Spine

for reasons such as poor quality of roads, unsafe driving prac- Primary mechanical injury
tices, old vehicles without seatbelts or airbags, and a greater Compression/contusion
Bone/disc displacement
proportion of relatively inexpensive transportation such as Fracture/dislocation
small motorcycles. Nonetheless, the estimated incidence in the
developed world is in the range of 11.5 to 53.4 people per 1
million population.1 This number must be interpreted with
caution as some authors point out that the actual incidence
may be on the higher side because an unknown number of
patients suffering SCI die at the scene of the accident without
ever being examined or treated in a hospital.2 Another study
estimated that approximately 48% to 79% of individuals die Secondary injury
either at the scene of the accident or on arrival to hospital.3 Hypoxia/ischemia
Ionic dysregulation
This study was performed in the mid-1970s and most surgeons Excitotoxicity
treating this disease would agree that the number of patients Free radical and lipid peroxidation
who die is likely less today, mainly as a result of an improved Disruption of blood-brain barrier
understanding of the cardiorespiratory complications that can Inflammatory response
arise following injury and advanced intensive care units that Apoptosis/necrosis
are well versed in managing these complications. FIGURE 27.1 Following a primary mechanical injury, numerous sec-
One way to comprehend the costs involved in treating ondary mechanisms result in ongoing damage to the spinal cord
a person with SCI is to imagine that a 25-year-old sustains and minimize the chance for recovery.
an injury and becomes completely dependent on family and
the health care system from this point forward in life. One
study estimated that the total cost would be in the range of exiting nerve roots can result in motor, sensory, or autonomic
$3 million (U.S. dollars),4 not to mention the impact of this dysfunction. In an attempt to delineate the precise cause of
event on the person’s family and peers. The average age of neurological dysfunction researchers have divided the tempo-
SCI patients is the late 20s and early 30s and tends to occur ral sequence of destructive events into primary and second-
more commonly in males. Going back to our example, this ary injury. Primary injury refers to the destructive forces that
event therefore affects people as they are starting their careers directly damage the neural structures such as the shear force
and families. A lack of income combined with insurmountable tearing an axon or direct compressive force occluding a blood
medical costs translates into financial and emotional hardship. vessel, resulting in ischemia. These destructive primary mecha-
Depression and forms of psychological distress are common in nisms not only result in instantaneous damage to neurons and
this patient group. In well-developed health care systems sup- blood vessels but also initiate a cascade of cellular mechanisms
port networks exist to aid patients and families through the that result in ongoing damage to the neural structures, termed
life that they could not have imagined. In third world coun- secondary injury. In fact, in cases of ongoing primary injury,
tries, patients and families are left to their own devices. From for example, in the setting of a fracture dislocation where the
either case comes a drive to understand the pathobiology of bony spinal column is displaced and physically pushed up
this devastating condition and hopefully offer treatment strat- against the spinal cord, these cellular mechanisms are thought
egies. In the pages that follow, we will systematically discuss to be locked into the “on” position until such physical forces
the events that occur following a traumatic accident—from are removed either by closed reduction or surgically. Second-
the shear forces that destroy white matter tracts to the cel- ary injury may persist from hours to weeks to years following
lular mechanisms that result. With this as a foundation we primary injury. A great deal of work has gone into the detailed
will discuss different translational research programs that understanding of these cellular cascades and along with this
are under way to minimize neurological deficit and hopefully work has come an appreciation for the destructive effects
offer neuroregenerative strategies in the near future. Lastly we of the mechanisms and the role of potential therapeutics to
discuss how a detailed understanding of the pathophysiology halt these cascades. In the remainder of this section we will
of this condition has led to clinical treatment strategies. These highlight the most important secondary mechanisms of injury
strategies are an essential knowledge base for any medical stu- (Fig. 27.1) and in the section titled “Translational Research”
dent or resident interested in the treatment of this devastating we will discuss some of the therapeutic targets that resulted
condition. from these basic science discoveries.
Secondary injury stems from any aberrant physiological or
physical force and results in further tissue damage and potential
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY exacerbation of primary injury. Two of the easiest physiologi-
cal parameters to recognize are hypotension and hypoxia. Both
Acute traumatic injury to the spinal cord can come in the form of these conditions are relatively common in trauma patients,
of a blunt mechanism, such as an acrobat falling onto a hard who often sustain concomitant injuries and blood loss. Both are
surface or a person thrown from a car during an automobile also amenable to medical management shortly after the patient
collision, or a penetrating injury such as a stab or gunshot arrives at the hospital. Specific treatment options will be discussed
wound. The forces involved in each of these events are trans- later; here we highlight the importance of these two causes of
mitted to the spinal column and if great enough result in dis- secondary injury and the fact that they further exacerbate sec-
ruption of the bony and ligamentous structures and in damage ondary cellular cascades. Both global hypotension and hypoxia
to the neural elements. Damage to the spinal cord or the add to the overall effect of hypoperfusion to the damaged area
CHAPTER 27 Spinal Cord Injury 447

of the spinal cord. Several other mechanisms add to hypoper- endothelial cells that disrupt the normally impermeable bar-
fusion including disruption of the microvasculature, loss of rier. One way researchers have studied this effect is through
normal autoregulatory mechanisms, and increased interstitial the use of a compound called horseradish peroxidase. When
pressure.5-7 The effects of this ischemic insult are cytotoxic cell injected into the peripheral circulation of a normal animal,
swelling of both neurons and glial cells; as a downstream effect this compound does not cross the fortress of the BBB and
of this, blockade of action potentials has been demonstrated as a remains in the systemic tissues. When injected into animal
result of axonal swelling.8 models of SCI, the compound was found to permeate into the
Ionic dysregulation and excitotoxicity are closely linked CNS at a peak time of 24 hours following injury. Such perme-
events that contribute to tissue damage. Calcium dysregula- ability was persistent for up to 2 weeks following injury.14
tion in particular has been widely linked to cell death through A number of compounds have been identified that are thought
a number of different processes including calpain activation, to contribute to this ongoing permeability following injury,
mitochondrial dysfunction, and free radical production.9 each of which is related to the secondary mechanisms of
Whether calcium dysregulation or disruption of other ionic SCI. Inflammatory mediators affecting vascular permeability
gradients occurs, loss of ionic homeostasis is central to both include tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin 1β
necrotic and apoptotic cellular death. Excitotoxicity results (IL-1β) and both have been shown to be unregulated follow-
from activation of glutamate receptors via the influx of both ing SCI.15,16 Other compounds that play a role include matrix
sodium and calcium ions. As cell death occurs, either through metalloproteinases, histamine, and reactive oxygen species
the process of necrosis or apoptosis, extracellular glutamate including nitric oxide. 12
levels rise presumably due to the failure of energy-dependent The inflammatory reaction following SCI has received a
transporters such as the Na+/K+-ATPase membrane trans- renewed interest in recent years largely because of what is
porter.10 In the next section we will discuss how antagonists thought of as the dual nature of the immune response. On
of NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartic acid) receptors are potential the one hand inflammatory mediators seem to be respon-
targets of translational research in order to minimize cellular sible for the ongoing destruction of tissue, and on the other
death. hand they seem to be clearing cellular debris and optimizing
Free radical–mediated secondary injury occurs through the the environment for regenerative growth. Several noncel-
process of lipid peroxidation that ultimately results in disrup- lular mediators are involved in the cascade, the most promi-
tion of axons and death of both neurons and glial cells. Con- nent of which are TNF-α, interferons, and interleukins. 17
sidering the mechanism of free radical damage, peroxynitrite Cellular mediators following SCI include both resident
and other reactive oxygen species act through a chain reac- microglia and peripheral inflammatory cells. A few of the well-
tion that ultimately destroys cellular membranes and leads to characterized examples, mainly from studies in the rodent
cell lysis, organelle dysfunction. and calcium dysregulation. 11 population, include astrocytes, T cells, neutrophils, and
This, in turn, adds to the ionic dysregulation described in the invading monocytes. 18 A great example of this dual nature
preceding paragraph. Free radicals have been measured in the of protection and destruction comes from studies involv-
damaged tissue of experimental models and are found to be ing TNF-α, which has been demonstrated to be significantly
elevated for approximately 1 week following injury, return- unregulated following SCI. 19 Subsequent studies involved
ing to preinjury baseline only after 4 to 5 weeks.12 Examples the application of neutralizing antibodies to TNF-α follow-
of these free radicals include hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl ing experimental injury, resulting in improved neurologi-
radical, nitric oxide, and the superoxide radical. Specific cal function.20 However, TNF-α-deficient mice have been
radicals, such as peroxynitrite, have been directly liked to the shown to have higher numbers of apoptotic cells, increased
activation of apoptotic cascades in rat SCI models.13 As with lesion size, and worse function following SCI when com-
NMDA receptors, free radical oxygen species become a poten- pared to wild-type mice. 21 This demonstrates the complex-
tial target of translational research. If one is theoretically able ity of the inflammatory cascade in SCI and should point the
to mediate the level of these dangerous compounds, could one novice reader in the direction of thinking beyond the notion
not prevent the degree of secondary damage that occurs fol- of one type of molecule causing destruction; rather, one
lowing SCI? This idea will be expanded on in the translational must view the many players as acting in a complex pattern,
research section below. some of which may aid in optimizing function and others
Tight junctions between endothelial cells act as an inter- that may result in ongoing destruction. The role of research
face between the systemic circulation and the central nervous in this field is to tease out these details and provide specific
system. Known as the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it also func- targets for translational research that aim to optimize the
tions in the spinal cord and acts as a selective barrier that potential for recovery.
allows passage of solutes such as glucose while maintaining Cellular death via the apoptotic pathway is thought to
impermeability to macromolecules and infectious agents such play little role in the fate of neurons22 but a considerable role
as bacteria. Endothelial cells and astrocytes are normally in the fate of oligodendrocytes23 following SCI. Although it
bridged by tight junctions and are interspersed with very may be difficult to demonstrate the apoptotic mechanism of
selective transmembrane proteins to allow the passage of vital neuronal death in human SCI, there is some evidence for its
molecules and ions. With the destructive forces that accom- role in animal models.24 In contrast, the apoptotic mechanism
pany SCI comes the destruction of the BBB. This can result of oligodendrocyte death has been convincingly demonstrated
either from direct mechanical destruction, such as damaged and its mechanism at least partially elucidated. Following
blood vessels and spinal cord parenchyma, or from destruc- SCI, microglia are activated within the first 2 to 48 hours and
tion at a cellular level. The latter is best understood as a result express the Fas ligand.25 This ligand has a receptor largely
of the effects of numerous inflammatory mediators on the expressed on the oligodendrocyte, and communication occurs
448 PART 5 Spine

via the p75 neurotrophin receptor.26 The interaction of the

BOX 27.1 Selected Neuroprotective Approaches, in Early
Fas ligand and its receptor initiate apoptosis by way of the Phase Clinical Trials, with a Potential Role
caspase cascade that ultimately results in proteolysis, DNA for Improving Outcomes in Spinal Cord Injury
cleavage, and cellular death. This pathway has been the target
of translational research strategies and will be expanded on in Riluzole
the next section. Minocycline
In contrast, cellular death via the necrotic pathway has Polyethylene glycol/magnesium
been demonstrated in both the neuronal and non-neuronal cell Hypothermia
populations. Several of the secondary mechanisms of injury
previously discussed, such as hypoperfusion and excitotoxic-
ity, culminate in the necrotic death of neurons. Oligodendro- better outcomes for patients. Research that has gone into
cytes are also susceptible to this death pathway and the loss blood pressure management, methylprednisolone therapy,
of this cell type has the consequence of axonal demyelination. closed reduction of bilateral locked facets, and early surgical
This demyelination, in combination with other insults on the decompression will be discussed in the following section on
neuronal processes such as lipid peroxidation and ischemic clinical management.
swelling, results in death of the associated neuronal cell bod-
ies. 27 Animal studies have provided evidence that preserved
axons represent a critical therapeutic target in order to regain
Neuroprotective Agents
neurological function.28 In stark contrast to this, postmortem Several promising neuroprotective strategies are under inves-
human studies have failed to identify demyelinated axons 29 tigation (Box 27.1); two of these are reviewed in greater detail
and may represent an important disconnect between animal here. Minocycline is a tetracycline derivative that has been of
and human pathology following SCI. interest to neuroscience for quite some time. It has been shown
Primary and secondary injuries are conceptual frame- to have neuroprotective properties in a diversity of animal
works that divide the temporal sequence of events following models, including those that aim to study stroke, Parkinson’s
SCI. This framework provides a basis for research into the disease, Huntington disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
complex pathways that are activated in response to trauma, (ALS), and multiple sclerosis.31 As a result of its promise in
some of which may result in optimizing the local environment these conditions, its potential application was carried over to
for neurological recovery and others that have deleterious side the realm of SCI. Initially studied in animal models, its benefit
effects. The pathological processes that occur at the cellular became apparent in improved neurological outcomes32 and its
level include ischemia, vasospasm, ion-mediated cellular dam- mechanism of action was thought to be a result of decreased
age, excitotoxicity, oxidative cellular damage, neuroinflam- microglia activation and antiapoptotic pathways mediated by
mation, and cellular death. Each of these processes involves the inhibition of cytochrome c release. Because of its extensive
complex cascades of events. As research continues into each use in other neurological conditions, and promise in animal
of these cascades different targets for intervention are discov- models of SCI, at least two clinical trials are under way to test
ered. In the paragraphs to follow we will highlight some of the efficacy of minocycline in human SCI.
these targets and explain how they may eventually prove to be Riluzole is a benzothiazole anticonvulsant that has been
beneficial in treating persons that suffer an SCI. in clinical use for greater than a decade. Used primarily in
patients with ALS, it has been shown to prolong the lives of
persons by 2 to 3 months.33 Relevant to our earlier discus-
TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH sion of ionic dysregulation as a secondary means of injury,
riluzole is thought to act by blocking voltage-sensitive sodium
As previously stated, an in-depth understanding of second- channels, whose overactivity after trauma has been associated
ary mechanisms of SCI has led to identification of numerous with neural tissue destruction. In addition, riluzole has been
possible targets for prevention of this secondary damage and shown to block presynaptic calcium-dependent glutamate
possible regeneration of partially damaged neural circuits. release, whose deleterious effects have been discussed. Multi-
Here we will review a number of agents that are currently center clinical trials are under way to study this agent. Its dos-
under investigation. Broad categories include neuroprotective ing will be similar to that for ALS patients and the duration
agents (minocycline and riluzole), myelin-associated inhibi- will be 10 days. This duration was decided as a direct effect
tors of neural regeneration (ATI355 and Cethrin), and cellular of studies into secondary injury cascades, where results indi-
transplantation strategies (activated autologous macrophages, cate that sodium- and glutamate-mediated damage persists for
bone marrow stromal cells, and human embryonic stem cells). that time period—an excellent example of how translational
This list is by no means exhaustive. Numerous other strate- research is the direct result of thorough and comprehensive
gies have been attempted in the past and many lessons have basic science research.
been learned—both positive and negative. Readers interested A nonpharmacological means of neuroprotection cur-
in a recent history of translational research in the field of SCI rently under study in the SCI population is hypothermia.
are referred to a recently published open source review.30 Cooling the human body to slow metabolism and enzymatic
Alongside developments in neurobiology have come advances processes is certainly not new in clinical medicine. However,
in clinical management and operative strategies. In a similar its application for SCI has received recent attention likely due
fashion to the scrutiny of drug delivery trials, these clinical to new methods that allow for easy and faster cooling via a
and surgical options have also been the focus of clinical tri- femoral sheath catheter. A recent retrospectively designed
als and extensive review to determine if their effects provide study34 demonstrated the safety of this method and gathered
CHAPTER 27 Spinal Cord Injury 449

Subsequent animal models demonstrated improved neurologi-

BOX 27.2 Selected Molecular/Pharmaceutical Strategies
with a Potential Role for Improving Outcomes in cal outcomes with administration of these antibodies.37 After
Spinal Cord Injury by Influencing Regeneration a flurry of excitement in the animal world, Nogo was charac-
or Plasticity terized as the target antigen and human antibodies were sub-
sequently developed. These antibodies were demonstrated to
Nogo-A monoclonal antibody (ATI335) promote axonal growth and functional recovery in primate
Cethrin models of SCI. Clinical trials began shortly thereafter and are
Rolipram currently under way in both Europe and Canada.
Lithium carbonate
Myelin inhibitors of axonal growth are known to signal
Chondroitinase ABC
through the Rho cascade. Briefly, Rho is a guanosine triphos-
phatase that, when activated, binds to Rho kinase (ROCK).
ROCK, in turn, is a key regulator of axonal growth cone
BOX 27.3 Selected Cellular and Bioengineered Strategies dynamics and cellular apoptosis. Disruption of this cascade
with a Potential Role for Improving Outcomes in has been shown to facilitate axon growth and functional
Spinal Cord Injury recovery in mice.38 Initial studies made use of a toxin pro-
duced by Clostridium botulinum termed C3 transferase, a spe-
Cellular strategies either in phase I clinical trials or destined
cific inhibitor of Rho. Eventually, a recombinant protein was
for phase I clinical trials
created, commercialized, and brought to clinical trial. Cethrin
Neural stem cells
Oligodendroglial precursor cells
is a combination of this recombinant protein and fibrin glue—
Schwann cells the mixture is applied directly to the dura at the time of surgi-
Olfactory ensheathing cells cal decompression of SCI. Initial results of a multicenter phase
Bioengineered strategies in late stage preclinical trials or early I/IIa trial are becoming available and appear promising in terms
phase I studies of neurological recovery. A phase II study is being planned.
Transcriptional factors to up regulate vascular endothelial
Up to this point we have discussed how secondary mechanisms
preliminary data with regard to cooling temperature, time following SCI result in a hostile environment that prevents
to target temperature, duration of cooling, and any adverse recovery of neural function and may lead to damage beyond
events. The long-term follow-up of these patients compared the original injury. We then discussed how a detailed under-
to control subjects will be necessary to demonstrate any func- standing of these secondary mechanisms has led to various
tional benefit. research strategies aimed at combating these cascades in hopes
of optimizing spinal cord recovery. In the next few paragraphs
Myelin-Associated Inhibitors of Neural we will discuss the idea behind cellular transplantation, a con-
cept that transcends the notions of optimizing the spinal cord
Regeneration for natural recovery and introduces cell types with the goal
Many regenerative strategies for the treatment of SCI are of integrating these cells within spinal circuits and allowing
under investigation; the most prominent molecular and phar- for neurological recovery. Many different cell types have been
maceutical strategies are listed in Box 27.2 and selected cel- studied. Here we will focus on three: activated autologous
lular and bioengineered strategies are listed in Box 27.3. Here, macrophages, bone marrow stromal cells, and human embry-
we further discuss the evolution of this field along with two onic stem cells. Although the theory surrounding transplan-
therapeutic agents. The notion that the central nervous system tation strategies sounds promising, the experimental results
cannot regenerate axons after injury was convincingly dis- have been humble. Nonetheless, it is hoped that careful atten-
proved in the 1980s 35 and with numerous other studies after tion to the barriers will lead to a successful treatment strategy
this. Axons, however, do not typically regrow after injury in the near future.
for the many reasons discussed in the secondary injury cas-
cade. Of the innate mechanisms that stunt this growth are the
myelin-associated proteins whose activity has been directly
Activated Autologous Macrophages
linked to a lack of regenerative capacity. Many inhibitors of It has been realized for about 2 decades that macrophages play
myelin-associated proteins have been researched in cell culture a vital role in the regeneration of peripheral nervous func-
and animal models and two have been the focus of investiga- tion and that this role does not exist in the central nervous
tion in clinical trials: ATI335 and Cethrin. system. Following injury to a nerve in the peripheral nervous
ATI335 has a rich history ranging from basic laboratory system, macrophages are recruited to the site of injury and are
science through animal models and into the realm of trans- responsible for clearing myelin debris and optimizing the local
lational research. CNS myelin, at this time known to be an environment for regeneration. In order to capitalize on this
inhibitor of axonal growth, was biochemically separated into finding in the central nervous system, researchers attempted
component proteins.36 Antibodies to these proteins were then to take autologous macrophages from SCI patients, activate
developed and applied to in vitro models that demonstrated them with peripheral myelin, and inject them into the dam-
their ability to diminish the inhibitory effects of myelin. aged area of the spinal cord shortly after injury. The initial
450 PART 5 Spine

results were promising, although only a small number of indi- Adherence to Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) pro-
viduals received treatment. Owing to financial circumstances, tocol is essential. Airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs)
the trial was never expanded beyond the initial study. This are of paramount importance, followed by the treatment of
strategy once again highlights a bridge between understanding any immediate life-threatening condition. If there is concern
the secondary mechanisms of damage, in this case how central that any one of these domains is unstable, it should be revis-
myelin acts to inhibit neural regeneration and repair, and the ited before moving on. Hypotension, in particular, must be
development of potential therapy. Hopefully this promising observed for an ongoing secondary SCI can result. Follow-
strategy will be revitalized and studied in a larger population. ing stabilization of the patient, the treating physician should
then proceed with the neurological examination. This comes
in the form of testing for motor power, sensory impairment,
Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and reflexes including rectal tone. This examination should
The use of bone marrow stromal cells aims to take advan- be documented on the standard ASIA forms.42 Following a
tage of a relatively accessible multipotent stem cell that has detailed examination, and assuming the finding of a deficit,
the potential to differentiate and integrate into existing spi- imaging of the spinal column with computed tomography
nal circuits and result in neural recovery. A number of groups (CT) scan and imaging of the spinal cord with magnetic reso-
around the world are reporting the use of these cells includ- nance imaging (MRI) should follow in short order. To frame
ing scientists from Korea, China, Russia, the Czech Republic, the concepts of SCI, refer to Figure 27.2, which displays the
and Brazil. To date, the trials have been small and are often MRI of an 18-year-old male subject who sustained an SCI.
not blinded, prompting cautious interpretation of the results. Also shown in this figure is the method for calculating the
Nonetheless, researchers report significant neurological recov- maximal spinal canal compromise and the maximal cord
ery after direct injection of this cell type in the damaged area compression—two measurements that are useful for quantify-
of the spinal cord. Researchers in Prague, Czech Republic, did ing the degree of injury.43 In the remainder of this chapter we
have blind assessors evaluate patients at follow-up in terms of will review the following important concepts that are essential
both the ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) scale and to understand in order to properly care for the SCI patient:
electrophysiologically. Significant improvement was noted in spinal shock, neurogenic shock, spinal cord syndromes, evi-
patients who received therapy within 3 to 4 weeks of injury dence for early closed reduction of bilateral locked facets, evi-
but not in those who were in the chronic stages of injury.39 dence for methylprednisolone therapy, and evidence for early
surgical decompression.
Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Although human embryonic stem cells are theorized as one of
Spinal Shock
the more promising strategies in cell replacement in the spinal Spinal shock is a term used to describe depressed spinal
cord, there are a number of hurdles that must be overcome. reflexes caudal to the injury site following SCI. This is an
This cell type is first cultured in vitro and the purity of these important concept to understand because the initial neuro-
cultures is paramount and somewhat challenging. In addition, logical examination may not be an accurate reflection of dis-
viral contamination via delivery vectors and the acquisition rupted neuronal circuits, including those that control motor
of membrane polysaccharides that may react with the host and sensory pathways. Normally, these reflex pathways
immune system are all concerns that are being addressed. Sig- receive continuous input from the brain. When this tonic
nificant advances have been made in this field, mainly out of the input is disrupted, the normal reflex pattern is disrupted and
University of California at Irvine,40,41 and are currently being can vary from areflexic through to hyperreflexic depending
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the on the time since the original injury. Clinically, this translates
United States. The goal of this therapy is to achieve differentia- into the potential for a misleading representation of deficits
tion of these stem cells into oligodendrocytes that would aid in if spinal reflexes are absent following injury. It is therefore
remyelination of spared but demyelinated axons. This repre- recommended that patients be examined not only on presen-
sents a promising avenue of research in the decades to come. tation to the treating physician but also at the 72-hour mark
Each of these translational research concepts is extremely following injury.
important in the overall undertaking to prevent neurological
decline and optimize a hostile environment for recovery, and
several translational ideas have already made their way into
Neurogenic Shock
mainstream clinical practice. These practices include mainte- Neurogenic shock is a potentially life-threatening condition
nance of blood pressure, methylprednisolone therapy, early and must be managed as such. Without a clear understand-
closed reduction of bilateral locked facets, and early surgical ing of this condition inappropriate management of a trauma
decompression. Each of these topics will be briefly reviewed in patient, who often suffers concomitant hemodynamic instabil-
the next section on clinical management. ity, could be fatal. Neurogenic shock is defined as disruption
of the sympathetic nervous system with preserved parasym-
pathetic activity. This typically occurs with patients suffering
CLINICAL MANAGEMENT a severe SCI at the level of T6 or higher. Disruption of the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system affects
A patient who sustains an SCI has often sustained concomitant three areas of the cardiovascular system: coronary blood flow,
injuries and may be medically unstable; in fact, the treating cardiac contractility, and heart rate. With preserved parasym-
physician may not recognize the presence of SCI immediately. pathetic activity this translates clinically into bradycardia
CHAPTER 27 Spinal Cord Injury 451

Da da

Di di

Db db

A1 A2 B C

Maximum canal compromise Maximum cord compression

Di di
(1 − ) × 100% (1 − ) × 100%
(D a + Db)/2 (d a + db)/2
FIGURE 27.2 Preoperative T2-weighted (A1 and A2) and postoperative T1-weighted (B) and T2-weighted (C) MRI studies of an 18-year-old
man who sustained a spinal cord injury after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. A1 illustrates how to calculate maximal canal
compromise (MCC): Di is the anteroposterior canal diameter at the level of maximum injury, Da is the anteroposterior canal diameter at the
nearest normal level above the level of injury, and Db is the anteroposterior canal diameter at the nearest normal level below the level of
injury. A2 illustrates how to calculate the maximum spinal cord compression (MSCC): di is the anteroposterior cord diameter at the level of
maximum injury, da is the anteroposterior cord diameter at the nearest normal level above the level of injury, and db is the anteroposterior
cord diameter at the nearest normal level below the level of injury. B and C illustrate the effect of decompressive surgery on relieving spinal
cord compression and restoring normal alignment.

(and possibly other cardiac arrhythmias) in the setting of pro- Paresis is a term used to describe weakness or partial
found hypotension. A prudent clinician must look for these paralysis. For example, hemiparesis describes weakness on
characteristics in combination, as many trauma patients are one side of the body. In contrast, both paralysis and the
hypotensive as a result of blood loss or intravascular hypo- suffix -plegia refer to no movement. For example, hemiplegia
volemia but will mount an appropriate tachycardic response. refers to no movement on one side of the body. Keeping these
The treatment of neurogenic shock is therefore quite diffi- terms in mind, we turn our attention to spinal cord syndromes
cult. Although it is theoretically possible to distinguish between that occur when a select region of the spinal cord is damaged,
hypovolemic and neurogenic shock, clinically this distinction resulting in a predictable pattern of neurological deficit. These
is not so clear. In fact, acute trauma patients sustaining a high syndromes are expanded on in the paragraphs that follow and
cervical SCI may suffer from both conditions. It has therefore are depicted in Figure 27.3, along with a description of the
been recommended by the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medi- ASIA impairment scale.
cine to rule out other causes of shock before assuming a diag- Transverse spinal cord lesions disrupt all motor and sen-
nosis of neurogenic shock. The practical treatment of these sory pathways at and below the level of the lesion. There is a
patients rests on initially restoring intravascular volume and if sensory level that corresponds to the level of the lesion.
symptoms of neurogenic shock persist, vasopressors (such as Hemisection of the spinal cord, commonly referred to as
dopamine) should be used. The goal of treatment in the first Brown-Sequard syndrome, is characterized by damage to one
week after sustaining an SCI is to maintain a mean arterial half of the spinal cord and all motor and sensory pathways at
blood pressure of 85 mm Hg. that level and neurological deficits at and below that level. This
results in ipsilateral upper motor neuron weakness and ipsilat-
eral loss of vibration and position sense at and below the level
Spinal Cord Syndromes of lesion. There is contralateral loss of pain and temperature
One should be aware of the terminology used to describe defi- sensation below the level of the lesion. There may also be ipsi-
cits and identify different spinal cord syndromes in order to lateral loss of pain and temperature sensation at the level of the
localize the lesion to a particular area of the spinal cord and lesion for one or two spinal segments if the lesion has damaged
a particular level. posterior horn cells before fibers have crossed to the other side.
452 PART 5 Spine


ASIA Grade Complete or Description
A Complete No motor or sensory function is preserved in the sacral
segments S4-S5
B Incomplete Sensory but not motor function is preserved below the
neurological level and includes the sacral segments S4-S5
C Incomplete Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and
more than half of the key muscles below the neurological level
have a muscle grade less than 3
D Incomplete Motor function is preserved below the neurological level, and
at least half of key muscles below the neurological level have
a muscle grade of 3 or more
E Incomplete Motor and sensory function are normal

Transverse cord Hemi-cord lesion Central cord lesion Posterior cord lesion Anterior cord lesion

Loss of vibration and position sense Loss of pain and temperature sense Loss of motor power
FIGURE 27.3 The ASIA impairment scale is outlined (top) along with spinal cord syndromes (bottom). Central cord syndrome is representa-
tive of a small lesion. If the central cord lesion were large, one would expect involvement of the motor and vibration/position sense sys-
tems (see text for further explanation). Motor power is graded according to the following scale: 0 = total paralysis, 1 = palpable or visible
contraction, 2 = active movement, full range of motion, gravity eliminated, 3 = active movement, full range of motion, against gravity, 4 =
active movement, full range of motion, against gravity, and provides some resistance, 5 = active movement, full range of motion, against
gravity, and provides normal resistance, NT = not testable because the patient is unable to reliably exert effort or the muscle is unavailable
for testing due to factors such as immobilization, pain on effort, or contracture. Sensory testing is graded according to the following scale:
0 = absent, 1 = impaired, 2 = normal, and NT = not testable.

Central cord syndrome is commonly caused by a trau- aspect. Given the spinal cord laminations, sacral sparing is
matic spinal cord contusion, posttraumatic syringomyelia, or observed.
a medullary spinal tumor. This lesion tends to affect pathways Posterior cord syndrome involves bilateral loss of vibra-
that are in the immediate vicinity of the central portion of tion and position sense below the level of the lesion as a result
the spinal cord, and the symptoms differ depending on the of disruption of the posterior columns. If the lesion is large
size of the lesion. Small lesions affect spinothalamic fibers that enough, one may observe upper motor neuron signs below the
cross in the ventral commissure and cause bilateral regions of level of the lesion, indicating involvement of the lateral cor-
suspended sensory loss to pain and temperature. If the lesion ticospinal tracts. In addition to traumatic injury, vitamin B12
is larger, anterior horn cells, corticospinal tracts, and poste- deficiency or tertiary syphilis can cause isolated involvement
rior columns may be affected. Loss of these pathways respec- of the posterior columns.
tively results in lower motor neuron deficits at the level of the Anterior cord syndrome results in loss of pain and tem-
lesion, upper motor neuron signs below the level of the lesion, perature sensation below the level of the lesion (spinothalamic
and loss of vibration and position sense below the level of pathways), lower motor neuron signs at the level of the lesion
the lesion. In addition to suspended pain and temperature loss (anterior horn cell damage), and upper motor neuron signs
with small lesions, larger lesions can result in complete loss of below the level of the lesion (lateral corticospinal tracts). In
pain and temperature sensation below the level of the lesion addition, urinary incontinence is common because of the ven-
if the anterolateral pathways are compressed from a medial tral location of the descending pathways controlling sphincter
CHAPTER 27 Spinal Cord Injury 453

function. Common causes of this syndrome include trauma from its administration. In the paragraphs that follow we
and anterior spinal artery infarct. will review the results of this study along with the method
and dose by which physicians administered the drug in each
Evidence for Early Closed Reduction trial.
NASCIS was designed as a multicenter trial and was com-
of Bilateral Locked Facets pleted as three separate trials: NASCIS I, NASCIS II, and
As mentioned earlier, imaging of the spinal column with CT NASCIS III. The first study compared low- and high-dose
scan and the spinal cord and soft tissues with MRI should methylprednisolone (no placebo), the second trial was ran-
follow clinical examination. These imaging modalities pro- domized and controlled with a placebo, and the third trial
vide essential information that determines subsequent steps in compared the effects of 24- versus 48-hour treatment. NASCIS
management. In the setting of severe flexion injuries, disrup- I randomized SCI patients into two cohorts: the first group
tion of the anterior, middle, and posterior columns along with received a 100-mg loading dose of methylprednisolone fol-
the ligamentous joint capsules can occur. This is an extreme lowed by 25 mg every 6 hours for 10 days, and the second
example on the spectrum of flexion injuries and usually results group received a 1000-mg loading dose of methylpredniso-
in quadriplegia. CT imaging reveals the inferior articular fac- lone followed by 250 mg every 6 hours for 10 days.46 There
ets from one vertebral body to be dislocated anteriorly with were no differences in neurological outcome between the
respect to the superior facets of the adjacent vertebra. MRI is two groups at 1 year after injury. NASCIS II investigated a
necessary to investigate the degree of neural element involve- 30-mg/kg bolus of methylprednisolone over 1 hour followed
ment and the degree of ligamentous compromise. by 5.4 mg/kg/hour over the following 23 hours and included a
Treatment of this injury usually begins with closed reduc- placebo group and naloxone administration group. The reason
tion of the facet dislocation; whether or not one investigates for the higher doses (in comparison to NASCIS I) involved
the cervical spine with MRI prior to this maneuver is a contro- the analysis of animal research that suggested a therapeu-
versial issue. An important qualifying factor in this situation tic benefit only above a certain threshold. Results from the
is that the patient must be awake, alert, and able to partici- overall group showed no significant differences in neurologi-
pate in repeated neurological examinations. This notion rests cal outcome at 6 months; a subgroup analysis demonstrated
in the dictum of “do no harm to your patients.” Early closed improved motor and sensory outcomes in patients receiving
reduction of bilateral locked facets aims to relieve severe spi- methylprednisolone within 8 hours of injury.47 NASCIS III
nal cord compression in the setting of significant ligamentous examined outcomes in acute SCI patients receiving a 30-mg/kg
damage by restoring normal bony alignment. The technique bolus of methypredniosolone followed by 5.4 mg/kg/hour for
should be performed in a monitored setting and involves either 23 hours or 47 hours. Patients treated with methyl-
applying either Gardner-Wells tongs or a halo crown as prednisolone for 48 hours had better neurological outcomes
a rigid fixation device to the skull and applying a traction in comparison to the other treatment groups if therapy was
force. Increasing weight is added over time while neurologi- initiated within 3 to 8 hours of injury; however, the 48-hour
cal status is monitored for stability and lateral radiographs regimen was associated with increased risk of sepsis and
are used to follow the bony anatomy. The goal is to obtain pneumonia.48 Following the completion of each of these
reduction of the cervical facets. A postreduction MRI should studies, Bracken conducted a reviewed along with two other
be obtained to rule out disk herniation. This maneuver should independent trials and concluded that high-dose therapy was
only be performed in specialty centers with surgeons experi- safe and afforded a modest benefit in terms of neurological
enced in its application. Under no circumstances should this outcome.49
maneuver delay operative management. The evidence for this Clearly the results were not overwhelmingly in favor of
technique was recently reviewed and consisted of a number methylprednisolone administration and there is still consid-
of class II and III studies, with retrospective and prospective erable debate as to whether or not it should be used. Fur-
designs.44 The results of these studies varied from neurologi- thermore, if a practicing physician decides to use this therapy,
cal deterioration to no neurological change to neurological there is debate as to which administration protocol should be
improvement. In order to further distill the controversy, sev- used. The senior author of this chapter has published his pro-
eral authors reported that the method is safe and that neuro- tocol for administering methylprednisolone following acute
logical decline is often transient and improves with removal SCI based on the timing of administration.45 Patients with
of added weight. Furthermore, a number of studies report acute nonpenetrating SCI should receive methylprednisolone
neurological improvement that led to the recommendation of as per the NASCIS II protocol if started less than 3 hours after
early closed reduction as a clinical guideline in patients with injury. If started between 3 and 8 hours after injury, then the
bilateral locked facets and an incomplete tetraplegia or in NASCIS III 48-hour protocol should be applied. If therapy
those with deteriorating neurological status. cannot be administered within 8 hours of injury, or there is
a penetrating SCI, then methylprednisolone should not be
administered for neuroprotection. The decision to administer
Evidence for Methylprednisolone Therapy methylprednisolone must account for patient medical comor-
The use of methylprednisolone as a neuroprotective agent bid conditions. For example, the risks of administration may
to mitigate the deleterious effects of secondary injury is still outweigh the benefits in a patient with diabetes mellitus and
controversial. It has been shown to offer modest benefit in a complete thoracic SCI injury. Blood glucose levels must be
terms of neurological outcome following SCI.45 The National carefully monitored during the course of methylprednisolone
Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS) aimed to investi- therapy, and hyperglycemia aggressively managed with an
gate the question of whether or not patients would benefit insulin infusion.
454 PART 5 Spine

Evidence for Early Surgical Decompression CONCLUSIONS

The concept of surgical decompression for SCI has received a Throughout the course of this chapter we have discussed how
great deal of attention in the past 2 decades largely because of rigorous study of SCI has led to a detailed understanding of the
the research questions posed around the concepts of second- pathophysiological mechanisms that follow a traumatic event.
ary injury. It is important to consider the fact that there may The paradigm of secondary injury has opened the door for many
be several indications for surgery following traumatic SCI— research projects ranging from apoptosis to neuroprotection.
first and foremost is spinal instability caused by torn ligaments Each of these research avenues has, in turn, resulted in trans-
and bony fracture. There is little controversy over the need lational research initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring
for surgical stabilization in this setting. The other, and the neurological function. Lastly, many of these translational ideas
focus of this section, is surgical decompression that aims to have resulted in clinical practices that result in better outcomes
improve neurological outcome without a strong indication for for patients that suffer an SCI. We have therefore presented a
the treatment of spinal column instability. As mentioned ear- spectrum of thought, ranging from the molecular level to cel-
lier, physical compression of the spinal cord is responsible for lular interactions to the neurological movement and sensation
triggering an ongoing series of deleterious cascades, and surgi- that is transmitted through the spinal cord. It is through these
cal decompression aims to relieve this compression. Evidence research programs and their clinical application that we are able
is mounting for improved outcomes in this setting and we will to advance science and our understanding of how to repair the
review these concepts here. spinal cord or prevent further neurological damage after SCI.
One of the parameters to consider when studying the
effect of surgical decompression after SCI is the timing of
this decompression. There is no definition of this timing
although most authors and spinal surgeons would agree that
early surgery is that which is performed within 24 hours of Fehlings MG, Baptiste DC. Current status of clinical tri-
initial injury. A great deal of the preclinical animal literature als for acute spinal cord injury. Injury. 2005;36(Suppl 2):
focuses on timing of surgical decompression at much ear- B113-122.
lier times following injury, in the range of 8 to 24 hours. Fehlings MG, Perrin RG. The timing of surgical intervention in
These animal studies consistently report improved neurologi- the treatment of spinal cord injury: a systematic review of
cal outcomes with early decompression. There have been a recent clinical evidence. Spine. 2006;31:S28-35:discussion
number of recent systematic literature reviews that address S36.
previous preclinical and clinical research.44,50,51 Perhaps the Hawryluk GW, Rowland J, Kwon BK, Fehlings MG. Protection
main force behind these reviews is not only to get a firm grasp and repair of the injured spinal cord: a review of completed,
on what has been accomplished to date but to form a clear ongoing, and planned clinical trials for acute spinal cord
rationale for proceeding with clinical trials in the future. Pre- injury. Neurosurg Focus. 2008;25:E14.
liminary results from the Surgical Treatment of Acute Spinal Miyanji F, Furlan JC, Aarabi B, et al. Acute cervical traumatic
Cord Injuries Trial (STASCIS) indicate that decompression spinal cord injury: MR imaging findings correlated with neu-
within 24 hours of injury may actually improve outcome rologic outcome—prospective study with 100 consecutive
in patients with isolated SCI.52 Based on both animal stud- patients. Radiology. 2007;243:820-827.
ies and recent clinical investigations guidelines have been Tator CH, Koyanagi I. Vascular mechanisms in the patho-
formed that recommend surgical decompression within 24 physiology of human spinal cord injury. J Neurosurg. 1997;
hours for cervical SCI. Very early decompression, within 12 86:483-492.
hours of injury, should be strongly considered for patients
suffering incomplete cervical SCI or those who are deteriorat- Please go to to view the complete list of
ing neurologically. references.

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