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Rosemary Cruz Actual

Professor Jon Beadle

English 115

15 December 2020

Reflection of My Work

As a writer in this class I have to say that to some extent I have grown but still need more

work in order to become an even better writer. Throughout this reflection I will be talking about

the things I have seen improvement in my writing. This essay will be based on the improvement

I have made throughout this class with essays I have written which are Project Space, Project

Text, and Project Media.

In first essay assigned we were told to read three essay which are the “Bridge the Cap

form High School to College” by Haley Jones; “Safe Space or Wasted Space” by Ranzen

Pangilinan; and “Online Lesson: Literal and Figurative” by Mercedes Guevaraand and we were

to choose which one used the 3 rhetorical strategies the best. I noticed that for this essay I scored

pretty well an 80/100 and that was because I was able to answer the prompt however I still need

to work on making my thesis more concise. In the class we learned how to effectively write a

thesis however there is still some improvement needed for here. As a writer I also noticed that in

this essay I was able to write an effective outline which helped me have a good foundation for

my essay. Other than being able to answer the prompt effectively I was also able to effectively

explain to the audience the rhetorical strategies so that they knew what I was trying to prove in

my essay. Which helped me stay on topic and not go off topic. In this essay I was also able to

effectively wrap up my essay with my conclusion. In this specific essay we learned how to

effectively use the rhetorical strategies and how to support our argument to prove our point. As a
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writer I feel like I have grown plenty because I was able to effectively write this essay however

there are many things I still need to improve on. In the next paragraph I will be talking about the

improvement I had made in Project Text and Project Media.

In Project Text we read two stories “The Mirror'' and “The Silence” by Haruki

Murakami where we have to analyze the two stories and then make an argument of which one is

most monstrous and why it is more monstrous. We also have to find 2 articles that support our

argument and our counter argument. In this essay I also noticed I made the same mistake where I

start off with a good start to my thesis but don’t expand on it. I don’t answer the big so what

question. My outline in this essay also had a good outline which helped a little to make a good

foundation for my essay. Where I had good ideas where I could expand which in my opinion

definitely helped me become a better writer. It was a good place for me to lay out my ideas and

get good feedback which helped me out alot as a writer. Another thing I also improved in was

my analysis of the both stories we read which is something I tend to struggle in but I got better at

throughout the semester. However upon reflection there is one thing I did struggle in which was

the research that I had to do at the CSUN Library although essay to use it is hard to find articles

that work effectively with your work. Other than that I feel like this essay prepared me for the

following essay we had in this semester which is Project Media. In project Media I feel like I

definitely improved when doing my research. I feel like I effectively used articles that proved the

point I was trying to prove. I also feel like my thesis went right to the point this time around and

my conclusion wrapped up my essay effectively.

To conclude I feel like throughout the semester I definitely improved as a writer but there

is still room for improvement. Although I did get a passing grade for my essays I feel like I could

have done better if I had read over my work more thoroughly which would have helped me catch
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more mistakes than I did the second time around. This class definitely helped me improve as a


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