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Internet Safety


Technology Ms. Mah 01 12.04.20

The students will learn about internet safety through the Brain Pop. Jr. app. They
partake such activities as watching a video, navigating through the app and taking a

OBJECTIVES Students will be able to identify the importance of Internet Safety.


GENERAL Students will be able to answer the quiz questions.


CONCEPT Teaching of the importance of internet safety

ACTIVITY Navigate the Brain Pop Jr. app to take a short quiz.

MATERIALS Brain Pop Jr. video

Video projector
Tablet/ Computer

PROCESS Teacher will show students how to start the Brain Pop App.
Teacher will walk students through how to navigate the app.
Teacher and students will watch a video for the class on the app
about Internet safety.
Teacher will walk students through an activity on the app, taking a
Students will take the quiz.
Teacher will review the video by asking the questions outlined in the
 How can you keep your computer safe?
 How can you be safe on the Internet?
 What should you do if a stranger sends you a message?
Teacher will end the lesson by sharing a joke that is included in the

CLOSURE Teacher will review the lesson by asking students to answer the
questions outlined in the video.

SPECIAL NEEDS One of my students is hearing impaired. I will provide my PowerPoint

ACCOMMODATI with the script for my student to read. The Brain Pop Jr. app has a
ON closed captioning option with it’s video.

Rubric 50 40 30 20
Listening Students sit Students listen Students listen Students do not
Comprehension and listen to to directions. but do not participate.
directions and participate in
navigate the app.
through the
Cooperation Students Students Students listen Student does not
participate in participate in to answers and participate
answering and answering questions.
asking questions.
Quiz Student Student Student Student answers
answers all answers 4/5 answers 3/5 2/5 correctly.
questions correctly. correctly.

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