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Dear Frontier Customers,

From the first days of the COVID pandemic, the entire air travel industry has set about
to answer a single question: is it safe for our passengers to fly?

Not only did we feel a profound obligation to answer that for all of you, but as members
of the flying public ourselves, we needed to know if we could tell our families without
reservation that yes, it was okay to keep flying. The simple answer – and the reason you
can find us and our families in the air– is that passengers are just as safe on an airplane
as they are in public places on the ground… in many ways, even safer.

We don’t expect you to take our word for it, and you don’t have to. The aircraft
industry and medical experts, government agencies and universities have all conducted
months of careful study and the results speak for themselves.

Here is what the experts from around the world have to say:

• From Dr. David Powell, medical advisor to the International Air Transport Association:
Your odds of contracting COVID-19 on a flight are about the same as your odds of
getting struck by lightning.

• From Harvard University researchers: the use of masks –combined with diligent
cleaning protocols like those employed by Frontier and advanced ventilation and
filtration systems on aircraft like those made by Airbus offer “significant protection
against COVID-19 during air travel.” And the ventilation and air purification systems on
our airplanes “effectively counter the proximity travelers are subject to during

• From the Centers for Disease Control: Harvard University experts point out that the
CDC has not confirmed a single case of viral transmission on a U.S. plane.

• From the University of Arizona: Coronavirus can virtually be eliminated from

airplane cabin surfaces by using the type of disinfecting techniques Frontier utilizes to
clean our airplanes.

• From the U.S. Air Force’s Transportation Command: when using masks, the spread of
infectious particles on an airplane is even lower than in a conventional indoor setting. In
fact, “being on a commercial airplane with HEPA filtration is probably one of the
safest places that you can be.”

• From Airbus engineers: Using the same advanced aerodynamic modeling used to design
its airplanes, Airbus engineers tracked air flow aboard aircraft cabins. Millions of
measurements and computer analysis showed that being one foot apart on these
aircraft provides equivalent separation as being six feet apart in most buildings.

This extensive body of research underscores that airplanes are unique environments
with highly effective systems in place and, when combined with rigorous cleaning and
sanitation protocols, make flying on an airplane one of the safest things you can do
outside of your home.

Thank you for your loyalty and trust, and we look forward to seeing you in the skies with
us soon.


Barry Biffle
CEO, Frontier Airlines

C. Jeffrey Knittel
Chairman and CEO, Airbus Americas, Inc.

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