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How to find the main idea of a passage:

-Identify the topic

-Summarize the passage in your own words
-Check the first and the last sentences
-Look for repetition of ideas

John sings so beautifully that many people

think he should be a professional singer. He
also won a dance contest last year. Have you
ever seen John’s paintings? They are
exceptional! In addition, he learned how to
program a computer by himself, created an
application, and made millions of dollars selling
it. Sports? John is good at any sport that he has
ever played.
The family introduces children to the physical world by
providing opportunities to play and to explore objects.
The family also creates bonds for children with their
parents and siblings that usually last a lifetime and that
serve as models for relationships in the wider world of
neighborhood and school. In addition, within the family
children experience their first social conflicts. Discipline
by parents and arguments with brothers and sisters
provide children with important lessons in compliance
and cooperation. Finally, within the family children learn
the language, skills, and social and moral values of their

The author portrays jealousy as an element of

The author believes that…
The author outlines /supports the idea that …
"This author believes _____ about (topic)."
"The author believes that true love doesn't really exist."
The central theme of 'Finding Nemo' is that fear is
sometimes more dangerous than danger itself.
In 'Romeo and Juliet', Shakespeare presents the idea that
love is more powerful than hate.

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