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TTMIK 이야기 (Iyagi) 1

최경은 : 안녕하세요
안녕하세요.. Talk To Me In Korean 의 이야기 첫 번째 시간입니다 시간입니다.. 안녕하세요
안녕하세요.. 최경은입니다
Kyeong-eun Choi : Hello. This is Talk To Me In Korean’s frst Iyagi time. Hello. I am Kyeong-eun Choi.

진석진 : 네, 안녕하세요
안녕하세요.. 진석진입니다
Seokjin Jin : Hello, this is Seokjin Jin.

최경은 : 네, 석진 씨 !!네

네" 오늘 우리 뭐에 대! 이야기 "#요

Kyeong-eun Choi : S
eokjin !#
es" $hat are %e going to talk a&out to'ay

진석진 : 네. 오늘은 $%&석에 대! '번 (기 )요 )요..

Seokjin Jin : #ea. To'ay %e are going to try talking a&out seating (or the 'isa&le'.

최경은 : *... $%&석

Kyeong-eun Choi : )
h* Seating (or the 'isa&le'.

진석진 : 네. 경은 씨. !네 !네" 오늘 +, " - 뭐 ./ 오01요오01요 

Seokjin Jin : #ea. Kyeong-eun. !#ea"
!#ea" $hat 'i' you take, %hen you +ame to %ork to'ay

최경은 : 23 +," - 456 ./ 786 .요 .요..

Kyeong-eun Choi : $hen I go to %ork, I take the su&%ay an' I take the &us.

진석진 : 네. 78 안에 9: !네" ;< =석 >?이 다@A*요 다@A*요..

Seokjin Jin : #ea. or some reason %hen you look insi'e o( &usses !#ea"(or some reason the seats are 'ierent

최경은 : 네. BCD
Kyeong-eun Choi : #ea. They are.

진석진 : 78 안에3 $%&E F' &리G HI J1요 J1요..

Seokjin Jin : Insi'e &usses there are searate seats (or 'isa&le' eole.

최경은 : 네, K*요
K*요.. BL: $%&G MN요 MN요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : #es that’s true. Then %hat are /'isa&le' eole0

진석진 : $%&
$%&.. O@세요
O@세요,, 진P
진P 
Seokjin Jin : 1isa&le' eole. #
ou really 'on’t kno%

최경은 : 네. O@Q3N요
O@Q3N요.. !* !*... RS
..." 석진 씨G TU V세요
Kyeong-eun Choi : #
ea, I 'on’t kno%. !)h* 2eally*" Seokjin lease e3lain.

진석진 : 네, WQX니다
WQX니다.. $%&$%&.. 이Y '&I 이Z1진 S[N S[N,, !네
!네" \G *V ]Y ^1_`Y요
^1_`Y요.. !!네 네" / $”&3 a이G bc다3 
de a.f니다
a.f니다.. !* !*..." B리/ “%”&3 g이 %하다3 de a.h요 a.h요.. !!*
*..." /&
/&”3 i!i" jk “i &” &[N !네" lme a
Seokjin Jin : #ea, ok. 1isa&le' eole. This is a %or' that +omes (rom Hanja, !#ea" I %ill &reak it 'o%n easily.

/$” has the meaning o( ol'. !)h*" )n' the &lo+k/%

!#ea" The &lo+k /$ &lo+k/%” has the meaning o( %eak in &o'y.
&o'y. !)h*"
&lo+k/&”, erson4i
 The &lo+k/& erson4i5 !erson4i
!erson4i5" 6riginally /i
/i &” %as a &lo+k. It means erson.

최경은 : *... BL: a이 b/ !네" %' lme S하3 nG요 nG요 

Kyeong-eun Choi : So it’s a %or' that means ol' !#es"
!#es" an' %eak eole

진석진 : BCD
BCD.. !BL:
!BL:"" a이G bcoa g이 %' lm lm..
Seokjin Jin : That’s right. !Then" 6l' or %eak eole.

최경은 : pqrb은요
pqrb은요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : Ho% a&out regnant eole

진석진 : pqr6 st에 *기G Ju니# g이 vwA*요 vwA*요..

Seokjin Jin : 7regnant eole ha8e a &a&y insi'e them, so their &o'ies are hea8y9

최경은 : *... st에 *기G J3 px' lme ‘pqr’y/ S하D S하D BCD"" pqr6 ‘$%&’에 b1G네요

 !!BCD b1G네요 
Kyeong- eun Choi : )
h* #
ou +all eole %ith a &a&y insi'e o( them /regnant eole0 !That’s right" 7regnant
eole also go into the 'isa&le' eole’s sot

진석진 : K*요
K*요,, K*요K*요.. !*!*..." Bz $%&b이 {3 &리E ‘$%&석’이y/ |니다 |니다..
Seokjin Jin : 2ight, right. !)h*" So the +hairs %here 'isa&le' eole sit are +alle' the 'isa&le' ersons’ seats.

최경은 : *... ,N 석진 씨, !!네네" 78에} J3 Y *니y 45에6 JA*요 JA*요..

Kyeong-eun Choi : )
h* Then Seokjin, !#ea" it isn’t something that is only on &usses, they are on the su&%ay

진석진 : 45에6 JD JD..

Seokjin Jin : They’re on the su&%ay too.

최경은 : BCD
BCD.. 45이~ 78에 ‘$%&석’이 JD JD 
Kyeong-eun Choi : Tha
t’s right. 1isa&le' ersons’ seats’ are on the su&%ay an' the &us, aren’t they

진석진 : 네. 대'•€ lmb 에 <하5e . ‚ lm은 다 *ƒ o„요 o„요..

Seokjin Jin : #es. 6ut o( all the eole o( the 2eu&li+ o( South Korea, all the ones %ho ha8e taken the su&%ay
%ill kno%.

최경은 : 네, K*요
K*요.. 석진 씨3 $%&석에 &V {* …1요 …1요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : #es, that’s right. Seokjin 'o you o(ten sit in the 'isa&le' ersons’ seating

진석진 : 네, 783 &V {* …3N <하5에!3 † {Q‡y/요 {Q‡y/요..

Seokjin Jin : #es, I ha8e o(ten sit on the &us, &ut I ha8e (oun' that you +an’t sit on the su&%ay

최경은 : ˆ요
ˆ요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : $hy

진석진 : *... ‰v Š‹G 9Œ요 9Œ요..

Seokjin Jin : )h* It’s too a%k%ar'.

최경은 : Š‹G 9Œ요
9Œ요 네" *... Bk요
 !!네 Bk요
Kyeong-eun Choi : It’s a%k%ar' !#es"
!#es" )h* Is that so

진석진 : lmb이 이 Ž다)! !*..." rL ‘ ’*요 ’*요.. 23 *“ 안 {* )! O@Q3N O@Q3N... ...

Seokjin Jin : 7eole stare a lot so I think it %oul' &e kin' o( em&arrassing. ;ut I ha8en’t 'one it so I still 'on’t

kno% yet.

최경은 : ,N 진P x기' Y !네" 45에 *v리 lm이 *6 !네" $%&석은 ” –1 JA*요 JA*요..

Kyeong- eun Choi : ;ut it’s really interesting !#
ea" that in the su&%ay, not matter ho% eole there
th ere are !#es"
the 'isa&le' eole’s seats are al%ays emty.

진석진 : —... –1 Joa *니: RS $%& ˜b이 {* JD JD..

Seokjin Jin : <m* =mty or there is really 'isa&le' eole sitting there.

최경은 : VI "™니"™니,, !BCD

!BCD"" "*7<b이 {* š시D š시D 네" lƒ 26 „4에 ›œuI +,e ' 이 Jc3N요
 !!네 Jc3N요.. !!네 네" 9ž >
Ÿe .: ›œuI GA*요 GA*요..
Kyeong- eun Choi : M
ainly gran'mas, !That’s right" gran'as sit there right !#es"
!#es" )+tually, a long time ago, I
also use' to +ommute to ?angnam (or %ork. !#ea"
!#ea" <sually i( you take line >, you +an go to ?angnam.

진석진 : *……. B ‘<¡5’이y/ ¢리3 > Ÿ이£요 Ÿ이£요..

Seokjin Jin : )h. That it’s that hell su&%ay’ on line >.

최경은 : BCD
BCD.. ˆ ‘<¡5’이y/ 하D 하D 
Kyeong-eun Choi : #ea it is. $hy 'o they +all it the hell su&%ay’

진석진 : lm이 ‰v D D.. +, 시간 -3-3..

Seokjin Jin : ;e+ause there are so many eole 'uring rush hour

최경은 : 네. lm이 ‰v 은 <하5 <하5.. !!네네" <¡

<¡ ’은 <하5’이y/ ! !네, ‰v ¢¤요 ¢¤요"" 네, <¡5
<¡5’이y/ 요 요.. !!네
네" +, 
시간에3 RS ‰v lm이 *! \ ¥이 ¦ § J3 ¨ ' 기˜이 b -6 J1요 J1요.. Kyeong-eun Choi :#ea. There are too
many eole on the su&%ay
su&%ay.. !#ea"
!#ea" ;e+ause eole say it is a hell like su&%ay’ !#ea,
!#ea, it’s so un+om(orta&le"
yea, eole +all it the hell su&%ay’. !#!#ea"
ea" 1uring rush hour there are so many
m any eole that I get the sensation
that my legs are @oating.

진석진 : ¥이 § J1요 J1요 

Seokjin Jin : your legs are @oating

최경은 : 네. lm이 ‰v *! !네" ! J3 ©I ª «6 J1요 J1요..

Kyeong-eun Choi : #
ea. ;e+ause there are so many eole !#
ea" you +an slee %hile stan'ing to.

진석진 : *... ‰v 이\ !네" lmb이 ‰v u니# u니#..

Seokjin Jin : )h* Ao% there are too !#ea", there are too many eole.

최경은 : 네. ¬  J기 -®에 !네" Bz <¡5에!6 $%&석에3 ¯은 lmb은 안 {D {D Kyeong-eun Choi :#ea, &e+ause

it is jam a+ke' !#ea"
!#ea" in the hell
he ll su&%ay also, young eole 'o
n’t sit in the 'isa&le' erson’s seating

진석진 : 네. {u: 안 °요 °요..

Seokjin Jin : #es. They are not allo%e' to sit.

최경은 : {u: 1±Y °요 °요

Kyeong-eun Choi : $hat haens i( they sit

진석진 : ²a요
Seokjin Jin : They get s+ol'e'.

최경은 : ²a요
²a요 네" BL: 석진 씨3 안 ²a: $%&석에 {e o„요
 !!네 o„요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : S
+ol'e' !#
ea" Then Seokjin, %ill you sit in the 'isa&le' eole’s seating i( you 'on’t get

진석진 : —... lmb이 ³u: {e «6 JQD JQD.. 23 ´' lm이니#

lm이니#,, 네, lmb이 ³16 $%&석은 안 {*요 {*요..
Seokjin Jin : <m* I( there is no one there
th ere you +an sit too I guess. ;e+ause I’m a ni+e guy, yea, e8en i( there is
no one there I %on’t sit.

최경은 : *, Bk요
Bk요 
Kyeong-eun Choi : )
h, is that so

진석진 : 하<} Gµ 9: 9:,, !네

!네" 1¶ ·b이 {3 경우6 J1요 J1요..
Seokjin Jin : ;ut sometimes %hen you look, !#
ea" there are situations %here +hil'ren sit there too.

최경은 : *... K*요

K*요,, K*요
Kyeong-eun Choi : )
h* 2ight, right.

진석진 : ,N B¸ 경우3 !네" 1™니G !네" ’이 N리/ {3 경우니#

Seokjin Jin : ;ut in that kin' o( situation !#
ea" the mother !#ea",
!#ea", &rings them an' sits %ith them.

최경은 : *, RS 1¶ *기b*기b.. !!네 네, 네. K*요

K*요"" BCD
BCD 
Kyeong-eun Choi : )
h, real &a&ies. !#
ea, yea. 2ight." IIsn’t
sn’t that so

진석진 : 네. B¸ -3 ) ¹야 º요 º요..

Seokjin Jin : #ea. )t times like that you shoul' see them an' gi8e you seat.

최경은 : ,N 23 lƒ RS g이 *» - !네" $%&석에 {/ ¼은N ¼은N,, lƒ o기 $%&석에 {* Ju: \G ½—이 ¢¤요 ¢¤요..

lmb이 \G *¾< W «G ³A*요 ³A*요.. !!K*요
K*요,, K*요
K*요"" Bk! *v리 *¿6 À Á/ $%&석에3 안 {*요 {*요..
Kyeong-eun Choi : ;ut %hen my &o'y honestly hurts a lot !#ea"
!#ea" I %ant to sit in the 'isa&le erson’s seating,

&ut honestly i( I sit there I (eel really un+om(orta&le. 6ther eole %ont kno% I’m in ain. !That’s right, that’s
right" So no matter ho% mu+h it hurts, I restrain mysel( an' 'on’t sit there.

진석진 : 경은 씨. !네
!네" 다—에 *» - !네" 다 lm이 )6 *Ã다y/ W « Je }Ä !네" 1Å 다리G rL<ÆG !*... 네..."

BCY ÇY 다‹세요다‹세요..
Seokjin Jin : Kyeong-eun. !#es"
!#es" Ae3t time %hen you are si+k !#
ea" you ha8e to &e si+k enough that other
eole +an see it !#
ea" an' your leg shoul' &e &roken some%here. !)h... yea" it shoul' &e that &ig o( an

최경은 : Bz È은 ³3 Y ÉQD ÉQD 

Kyeong-eun Choi : Then it is &etter i( you 'on’t ha8e a ro&lem right

진석진 : BÊ요.

Seokjin Jin : #ea you’re right.

최경은 : 2 다‹y/ 하3 o *니D *니D 

Kyeong-eun Choi : I +an’t just say I’m si+k

진석진 : *니요
*니요,, *니요*니요,, *니에요
Seokjin Jin : no, no, not like that.

최경은 : *, *니에요
*니에요 네, 네" ,N 26 lƒ은 석진 씨ËÊ <하5에!3 Ì대 $%&석에 안 {3N !네" 78에!3 lƒ ¦ l
 !!네
mb이 {A*요
Kyeong- eun Choi : )
h, not like that !#ea, yea" ;ut like you, I a+tually ne8er sit in the 'isa&le' ersons’
seating on the su&%ay.
su&%ay. !#ea"
!#ea" ;ut a+tually on the &us some eole sit there.

진석진 : BÊ요
BÊ요.. ¦ {D {D..
Seokjin Jin : #ea I kno%
kno%.. Some sit there.

최경은 : 네, 네. BzN \G „4에 !네" 78E Í다G ‰v ÎÏ! $%&석에 {Ðc1요 {Ðc1요.. !!— —..." ,N \G ÈrL Ñ n *Ò

N !네" Ó이 b1 7¶ o„요 o„요.. !네
!네, 네" B리/ a! Še Ô3N \ Õ에 "™니G !*..." Ö ! Jux oD oD.. !!*
*... ×Øl
Kyeong- eun Choi : #ea, yea. ;ut along time ago I !#ea"
!#ea" I %as so tire' so I got on the &us an' I sat in the
'isa&le' erson’s seating. !6h*" )n' it %asn’t on urose !#ea"
!#ea" &ut I (ell aslee. !#ea,
!#ea, yea" )n' %hen I
oene' my eyes, there %as an ol' la'y !)h*" stan'ing right in (ront o( me. !)h*!) h* 6h go'"

최경은 : Bk! Še Ô3N
Ô3N,, ‰v...
‰v... ÙÎÚ1요
ÙÎÚ1요,, lƒ은
lƒ은.. ÈrL Ñ Y *ÒN6 !네" ;< O@Y !네" Û리 –Ü _Ý1야 Þ3N 
† –Ü _Ýu니# !네. K*요 K*요"" ÙÎ! ßà È1á3N 78G âã äb리3 o„요
K*요,, K*요 o„요.. Bk! 26 O@Y ßà È1á
다G !다시다시"" 다시 Ö {* 7Ý1요7Ý1요.. Bk! \ åæ이 RS Ûçè! !네" ‡ ÙÎ' oD oD.. Bk! ßà È1a! 6éêÆ 기ë이 J
Kyeong- eun Choi : So %hen I oene' my m y eyes, I %as so* em&arrasse', honestly.
honestly. I 'i'n’t slee
slee  on urose
ea" I 'i'nBt kno% %hy, &ut I (elt like I shoul' ha8e ui+kly gi8en her my seat. ;ut I +oul'nBt gi8e her my
seat. !#ea.
!#ea. 2ight, right." I %as em&arrasse' so I ui+kly jume' out o( my seat &ut then the &us shook really
har'. So I unkno%ingly got right u !again" an' again sat right &a+k 'o%n. So my (a+e turne' really re', !#ea"!#ea"
an' I got more
m ore em&arrasse'. So I got u an' just remem&er running a%ay.a%ay.

i 'i'nBt kno% %hy, &ut i (elt like i shoul' ha8e ui+kly gi8en her my seat.

진석진 : *, Á... 78에 Íe - !네" RS $%& ˜b이 Š에 9이&½& ìI í9" - !네" BY \È É은 o„요

o„요.. !!K*요
K*요"" 하
<} 2 ’은 경우에3 îï} ‡ {* J다G í9 _ð야< !*..." Bz ñòe 하다G

gi8e u Jin
your: )h, then*
seat. !#ea"$hen
!#ea" ri'ing
!2ight" ;ut Ithe &usas!#ea"
think !#in
myit %oul' &e you
situation &est+an
i( assitsoon
a &itas you little
more see aan'
'isa&le' erson
then gi8e u you
your seat* !)h*"

최경은 : 석진 씨 -®에 Bk요 Bk요.. !K*요

!K*요"" lmb이
lmb이,, ÈrL &3 óe 하3 lm6 J기 -®에 ²a3 o„요 o„요.. !!네
네, K*요
K*요.. BL: 
²a요"" ÈrL &3 óe 하< ô/ RS Ób16 ²a기 -®에
²a요 -®에.. !네
!네" BL< ½세요
½세요,, 석진 씨.
Kyeong- eun Choi : IItt is &e+ause o( you Seokjin. !#
ea" ;e+ause eole urosely reten' to slee they get
s+ol'e'. !#ea,
!#ea, your right. Then they get s+ol'e'" 7eole %ho 'on’t urosely reten' to slee an' a+tually
(all aslee get s+ol'e' to. !#ea"
!#ea" So 'on’t 'o that Seokjin.

진석진 : K*요
K*요,, K*요K*요.. õ시 $%&석이a !네" *니: Bö È÷석에 {* J‡y6 !네" $%& ˜b이 9이: ìI &리E í9
 V3 Y ÉX니다
Seokjin Jin : your right, your right. )s you kno% %hether your in the 'isa&le' ersons’ seating !#ea"
!#ea" or e8en i(

your in the regular seating,!#ea"

seating,!#ea" i( you see a 'isa&le' erson, it is &est to gi8e them your seat right a%ay

최경은 : 네, K*요 K*요.. '€에!3 !네" $%&석이 *니16 !네" Bö {* J다G "™니 "™니,, "*7<G Õ에 오시: &리E –Ü V3 

Y „의D
„의D.. !네 !네, K*요
K*요"" 네. BzN !네" ŒL˜b의ay에!3 $%&석이 J3< øï<3N요 øï<3N요  õ시 ŒL˜b의 ay에!3 
!네" $%&석이 J3< 2ù TalkT   TalkToMeInKorean.+
oMeInKorean.+omom uI 오ú! ûüý œþV세요 œþV세요.. !!네네" B리/ $%&석이 Ju: &리E –
Ü V시3 <6 ÿ ûüýI œþ V세요 V세요..
Kyeong-eun Choi : #ea, your right. In Korea !#ea" e8en i( it isn’t 'isa&le ersons’ seating !#ea" %hen your
sitting, i( an ol' la'y or ol' man +omes in (ront o( you, it is goo' manners to gi8e them your seat. !#ea. 2ight"
 #ea. So !#ea"
!#ea" e8eryone, %e’re +urious i( in your
your +ountries there is 'isa&le' 
ersons’ seating I( &y any +han+e
there is 'isa&le' ersons seating !#ea" in your +ountries, +ome to TalkToMeInKorea.+om an' lea8e us a
+omment lease. !#ea"!#ea" )n' i( there is 'isa&le' ersons’ seating, lease lea8e a +omment an' tell us i( you
also gi8e u your seat (or them.

진석진 : 네. $%& ½ÇE ÿ 확[ V세요 V세요..

Seokjin Jin : #ea. #ou
#ou shoul' 'efnitely +onfrm i( there is a 'isa&le' ersons’ seating mark.

최경은 : 네. b1 Vú! 감l|니다

Kyeong-eun Choi : #
ea. Thank you (or listening.

진석진 : 네. <ï#< 이야기였X니다 X니다..

Seokjin Jin : #ea. This Iyagi en's no%.

최경은 : 안녕히 š세요
Kyeong-eun Choi : ?
oo' &ye.

진석진 : 안녕히 š세요 š세요..

Seokjin Jin : ?oo' &ye.

TTMIK 이야기 (Iyagi) 2 - English

최경은 : 안녕하세요. Talk To Me In Korean 의 이야기 두번째 시간입니다.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Hello. This is Talk
Talk To Me In Korean’s second Iyagi i!e.

현우 : 안녕하세요.
Hyun"oo #un: Hello.

최경은 : 안녕하세요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : Hello.

현우 : 현우입니다.
Hyun"oo #un: I’! Hyun"oo #un

최경은 : 안녕하세요. 최경은입니다.

Kyeong-eun Choi : Hello. I’! Kyeong-eun Choi.

현우 : 네$ ŒL˜$ ÷갑X니다. <ï은 이야기 두번째 시간(네)이D%

Hyun"oo #un: &ea$ nice o !ee you e'eryone. o" is our second Iyagi i!e (yea) isn’ i%

최경은 : 네$ K*요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ righ.

현우 : 오늘은 !점에 대! 이야기E  볼 o„요.
Hyun"oo #un: Today
Today "e are going o ry alking aou ook sores.

최경은 : !점이요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : *ook sores%

현우 : 네$ !점.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea$ ook sores.

최경은 : !점.네$ 책e ¿3 곳이D%

Kyeong-eun Choi : *ook sores. &ea$ i is he ook selling +lace righ%

최경은 : 네$ K*요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ righ.

현우 : 네. !점에!3 책e ¿3N lƒ 책이 *Ò (네) 다 물nb6 이 팔A*요%

Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. , ook sores hey ooks$ u in realiy insead
ins ead o ooks (&ea) hey sell a lo o oher hings o don’

최경은 : 네$ K*요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ righ.

현우 : 경은 씨 !점에 &V G세요%
Hyun"oo #un: o you go o he ook sore oen%

최경은 : *니요. &V † G요.

Kyeong-eun Choi : o. I can’ go oen.

현우 : &V
Hyun"oo †G요
#un: &ou %can’
*니: go &V 안/r
oen% G요 % don’ go oen%

최경은 : &V †G요. G/ ¼은N † G요. (*$ Bk요%) 시간이 ³1요.

Kyeong-eun Choi : I can’ go oen. I "an o go u I can’. (,h$ is ha so%) I don’ ha'e i!e.

현우 : 시간이 ³1요%
Hyun"oo #un: &ou don’ ha'e i!e%

최경은 : 네. (—0) ‰v ì빠요.

Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a. (u!0) I’! o usy.

현우 : Bk요%
Hyun"oo #un: Is ha so%

최경은 : 현우 씨3요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,nd you%

현우 : 23 !점에 &V G요.
Hyun"oo #un: I go o he ook sore oen.

최경은 : *$ å½a &V G요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : ah0 ho" oen%

현우 : —... ÈVÈ에 두 번%

Hyun"oo #un: ! "ice a "eek%

최경은 : 와$ 진P요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : 3o"$ really%

현우 : 네. ÈVÈ에 두 번 G/$ B리/ Bö ƒ\ !점 S/ (네) [터넷 !점6 &V G3 ‘ ’*요. (*0) BzN [터넷 !점에!

3 책e 안 l요.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. I go "ice a "eek$ u I don’ 4us o he real ook sore (&ea) I hink I oen go o he inerne ook sore
o. (,h0) *u I don’ uy ooks a he inerne ook sore.

최경은 : ˆ요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : 3hy%

현우 : Bö 책은 —... “접 손uI (네) }è 9/ (네) “접 B &리에! 읽1 9/ (*0) l3 ¤이1! (*0) „.

Hyun"oo #un: 5us u!$ ooks I "an o ouch he! (&ea) "ih !y hands and (&ea) hen read he! in a chair$ (,h0) hen I
uy he! (,h0) yea.

최경은 : ,N 26 !점에 G3 o É<}$ (네) [터넷 !점이 훨씬 싸요. (Bk요%) '€에!3요.

Kyeong-eun Choi : I also like going he ook sore u$ ( &ea) u he inerne ook sores are "ay chea+er. (/h really%) In
Korea a leas.

현우 : K*요. Bn W/ J1요. W/ J3N (네) —... Bö !점에! “접 책e 9/ (네) îï 읽1 9/ (네) l/ ¼1! (*0)

!점에! 책e l요. (네) BzN \G 젤 É*하3 !점은 종ò에 J3 영풍®/[N$

Hyun"oo #un: &ou’re

&ou’re righ. I kno" ha. I kno" ha u (&ea) u! I 4us like o see he ooks in +erson (&e
a) read he! a
i$ (&ea)
(&ea) hen I "an o u
uyy he!$ (,h0) so I uy ooks a he ook sore. (&ea) #o !y a'orie ook sore is &o
ung 6oong
7irary in 5ong-gak.

최경은 : *0 영풍®/.
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,h0 &o
ung 6oong 7irary.

현우 : 네$ *세요%
Hyun"oo #un: &ea$ do you kno" i%

최경은 : 유U하D.
Kyeong-eun Choi : / course$ I’s
I ’s a!ous.

현우 : 네. 영풍®/ RS É*요. (*0) É은N (네) å½ 4에 큰 공lE Ú1요.

Hyun"oo #un: &ea. &oung
&oung 6oong 7irary is really good. (,h0) I
I  is good u (&ea)
(&ea) a "hile ago i under"en a ig u+grade.

최경은 : *$ Bk요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : ah$ is ha so%

현우 : 네$ Bk! 영풍®/G <하 1 층$ <하 2 층에 J3N (*0) <하 2 층은 4r (네) 책이 *니y (네) ® (*$ RS요%) BL니
# 공책
공책$$ (*0) !"!"$$ # $3 %&y$ 8Î'$ 뭐$ ()터 ()터... ...
Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. #o &o
ung 6oong 7irary no" has oh a irs underground le'el and a second underground le'el. (,h0)
The second underground le'el (&ea) isn’ co!+leely ooks (&ea)
(&ea) i’s saionary (,h$ really%) #o hey ha
'e noeooks (,h0)
+encils$ +ens$ and ca!eras$ s+eakers$ "ha else%
e lse% Co!+uers

최경은 : !점 K*요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : I’s a ook sore righ%

현우 : 네. <하 1 층} !점이에요. (*0) BzN \ ñò에3 (네) <하 2 층에 BCY ®$ (네) 4& \* 이z ‘b이 RS *

!$ ‡ +e 이 ß/ J3 ‘ ’*요.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea.&ea. /nly he irs underground le'el is a ook sore. (,h0) *u I hink (&ea) he second underground le'el is
like saionary$ (&ea)
(&ea) elecronics$ here is los o su like his$ I hink hey
he y do i o earn !ore !oney.
!one y.

최경은 : *$ BC£요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,h$ ha’s "hy.

현우 : BC< ô*요%
Hyun"oo #un: Tha is "hy$ isn’ i%

최경은 : Bz ‘ ’*요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : I see!s like ha.

현우 : 네. lmb은 책6 9/ ¼<}$ (네) !점에 , -3 Bö$ Bö v-GE 9/ ¼1! GA*요%

Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. 6eo+le "an o see ooks o u$ (&ea) "hen hey go o he ook sore hey 4us$ he
heyy 4us go ecause
hey "an o look a so!ehing don’ hey%

최경은 : 네$ BCD.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ hey do.

현우 : B리/ +e ./ ¼1! GA*요%
Hyun"oo #un: ,nd hey go ecause hey "an o s+end !oney
!on ey o don’ hey%

최경은 : Bk요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : Is ha so%

현우 : —... +e ./ ¼1! G3 o *ÒG요%

Hyun"oo #un: ! There no going ecause hey
he y "an o s+end !oney%

최경은 : *니D. BY *니y Bö (MG G</ ¼1!) Bö ê3N Bz ‰v „/ ‘b이 *! 유õ에 빠è! l3 o에요. +e 

.3 oD. (*... B¸ «6) 23 Bk요. (J1요%)
Kyeong-eun Choi : o+e. I’s no ha i’s 4us$ (*ecause hey "an o ha'e so!ehing) hey 4us go u ecause here is so
!uch +rey su$ hey gi'e in o he e!+aion and uy so!ehing. #o hey a
re s+ending !oney. (,h I could e ha.)
3ell$ I’! like ha.

현우 : 26 물0 +e ./ ¼<3 ô*요. (네) BzN +e .: h ‘uI (네) 물ne Gè1 « JA*요% (*0 „.) Bk! 2 

« JA*요. (네$ K*요.) Bz 34 -®에 G/$ (—0) lƒ 9/ 다 l<3 ô*요.
Hyun"oo #un: / course I don’ "an o s+end !oney eiher. (&ea) (&ea) *u "hen I s+end !oney$ su eco!es !ine ( &e &ea)
a) and
I can ake i "ih !e righ% (,h0 &e
a.) #o I can u i. (&ea$
(&ea$ you’re righ.) #o ecause o ha urge$ I go (/h0) and acually
look$ u I don’ u uy e'eryhing.

최경은 : 다 l: 큰ÈaD.
Kyeong-eun Choi : I "ould e a ig +role! i you ough e'eryhing.

현우 : K*요. +이 ³QD%

Hyun"oo #un: &ou’re righ. I "ouldn’ ha'e !oney.

최경은 : 네$ 큰Èa요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &ea$ i "ould e a ig +role!.

현우 : 네$ Bk! !점에 G! 책6 9/$ ®6 9/$ ()터6 9/$ (*0) 5I a6%&y6 9/. BCY &V 요.

Hyun"oo #un: &ea$
&ea$ so a he ook sore I look a ooks$ saionary$ co!+uers (,h0) and he ne"ly released ca!eras. I do
ha oen.

최경은 : *0 26 종I에 J3 ÷Å7Z니8y3 !점e É*하3N (—0) B!점e É*하3이유G 우리ay에! Ë—uI (네) !

점에 의&E 81요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,h0 I also like he *andi and 7unis ook sore. (/h0) *u he reason I like ha ook sore (&e
a) is
ecause i "as he irs ooksore in our counry o co!e ou "ih chairs.

현우 : K*요. K*요$

Hyun"oo #un: 8igh. 8igh.

최경은 : 네$ 9:에3 ” lmb이 !! (네) 책e 볼 « ;에 ³co<요. (네) ,N ÷Å7Z니8에!3 의&에 {*! 책e 9다G


l: º니# (—) B 점이 ‰v É*!$ B =r터 ÷Å7Z니8} G요.

Kyeong-eun Choi : &ea$ along i!e ago$ +eo+le al"ays sood (&ea) so hey could only look a ooks. (&ea) *u a *andi and
7unis$ you could si in a chair$ look a he ook$ hen uy i. (/h) I really
reall y like ha$ so ro! hen on I only "en o *andi and

현우 : 네$ >?히 ¤요.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea i’s really con'enien.

최경은 : 네$ K*요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ righ.

현우 : BzN *01요% Bz... 다 !점에6 (네) 의&G 이\ J1요.

Hyun"oo #un: *u did you kno" his% Thao" here is also chairs (&ea) a oher ook sores.

최경은 : 네$ 이\ ñ@D.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e
a$ no" he
heyy ha'e he!.

현우 : 네$ 네. Bk! 26 영풍®/에 G!$ 의&에 {*! (네) 책e 볼 -6 J/$ (네) *니: Bö$ „ $ !! 볼 -6 J3N 23 

B ®E 이 볼 « J1! (*) É*요. Bk! !점에 &V G요. (*...) 네.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea$ yea. #o "hen I go o &oung 6oong 7irary I can si on chairs o (&e (&ea)
a) "hen I read. (&ea) /r I can 4us$
look a he! "hile I sand.
s and. *u I like i ecause I can look a heir saionary and su.
s u. (,h.) &

최경은 : 23 ÈrL ® J3 N3 ª 안G요. (*0) +e .Y º니#.

Kyeong-eun Choi : I +ur+osely don’ go o +laces "ih a lo o saionary. (,h0) *ecause I "ill s+end !oney.

현우 : 네0 B‘6 이G A니다.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea0 I can undersand ha.

최경은 : 네.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &e

현우 : 네. ŒL˜은 !점에 &V G세요% B리/ B ,Ë에 !점이$ 큰 !점b이 이 Ja요%

Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. E'eryone$ do you oen g
goo o ook sores% ,nd is here a lo o ook sores$ ig ook sores$ in your

최경은 : 네$ B리/ 책e 이 읽u시a요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : &ea$ and do you ready a lo o ooks%

현우 : C!하D.
Hyun"oo #un: / course.

최경은 : *$ BzG요%
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,h$ really%

현우 : 네.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea.

최경은 : *...
Kyeong-eun Choi : ,h

현우 : 네$! 의 이야기 두 번째 에ÎØ_E b1 Vú! 감l하/요$ ŒL˜의 이야기E bð 

Hyun"oo #un: &ea$ hanks or lisening o $ TalkTo!’s!’s second Iyagi(alk) e+isode$ and +lease alk o us o.

최경은 : 네$ ûüýI œþ V세요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : &ea$ +lease lea'e a co!!en.

현우 : 네. BL: 2ù3 ûüý 기다리/ JQX니다.
Hyun"oo #un: &ea.
&ea. Then$ "e are going o look or"ard o your co!!ens.

최경은 : 안녕히 š세요.
Kyeong-eun Choi : *ye.

현우 : 안녕히 š세요.
Hyun"oo #un: *ye.

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