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I had a good experience with Criminal Justice.

I felt like the work was straight 

forward and you had the opportunity to learn about things you’re most interested 

in and expand your knowledge. For example, I was very interested in learning about 

the Death Penalty. One of our assignments given was a ten page research project. I 

liked this project because I was able to choose what I wanted to do it on. Usually 

teachers assign students certain things to talk about but in this class it was up to 

me. At first I dreaded this assignment but as I started doing it I found it so 

interesting and I wanted to keep learning more. Because of this, I was more 

interested in actually doing the project and was able to learn a lot about something 

I found interesting. This project was very informational and eye opening. After our 

rough draft of the project we did peer reviews. Doing the peer reviews allowed me 

to learn something other people were passionate about and interested in. It was 

nice giving people feedback and also hearing people's feedback on the different 

topics. Out of all the assignments given, I felt like this one was the best. The 

Discussions were nice too. When I comes to discussions in my classes I tend to 

dread them. But when it comes to this class I found every discussion to be 

interesting. I loved getting informed about different problems in the world today 

and understanding different peoples life situations. I learned so much about things I 

didn’t even know was an issue and I was able to hear different people's life stories 

related to certain topics. The discussions were so open and you can have great 

conversations with your classmates. They also allowed you to hear and understand 
both sides. I also found quizzes interesting for the most part. They were fairly long 

for a quiz but they were only once a week so it wasn’t hard to do. I wish I applied 

myself more to the class and gave myself more time to do the assignments. If I tried 

harder I think I would’ve learned more and would’ve been more interested in the 

class in general. There are so many things that go into Criminal Justice in general 

and all the different programs and systems. Although this class was really 

interesting, I can’t really see myself going into anything related anytime soon. If the 

career I’m interested in right now doesn’t work out, I now know that something 

along the lines of Criminal Justice is available and I would be more willing to look 

into it now. I think the course was great. It worked well with my busy work 

schedule and it still allowed me to learn a lot in a short period of time. I found every 

assignment and quiz informative, beneficial, and interesting. I honestly wouldn’t 

change anything about or in the class. It was such an awesome class and I learned a 

lot from taking it. 

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