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From the three readings, there were many similarities and differences in their style,
organization, citation style, design, and use of evidence. All three readings were formal as the
author was professional and had academic purposes to their audiences. These readings were from
wikipedia and encylcopedia pages that are known to be educating their readers rather than
informal, casual writings. Though the ​Technical Writing​ and ​Eclipse​ were easier to read than that
of ​The Encyclopdeia of Science and Technology​, it is due to the fact of different audience
outreach. ​The Encyclopdeia of Science and Technology​ gives the impression of being more
formal than the other two readings because of their evidence and in-depth research of the topic. It
was targetted towards a specific group of people that know the subject but want to further learn
about the topic, whereas ​Technical Writing​ and ​Eclipse​ could be read and understood by the
general public.
All three readings use factual evidence to support the context they are demonstrating to
the reader. The examples given in each article makes it more understandable and digestible to the
reader as it breaks down the information into smaller ideas. They all give specific citation
sources where evidence is found in the text. There are citation numbers that guide the readers in
verifying the evidence given in ​Technical Writing​ and ​Eclipse,​ whereas ​The Encyclopdeia of
Science and Technology​ has further readings provided to the readers. ​Eclipse​ and ​The
Encyclopdeia of Science and Technology​ had similar design elements, particularly the images
and diagrams, that were used as visual aids to help the reader understand the concept more. They
inserted pictures around the text to enhance readability and understanding of the context. Though
Technical Writing​ and ​Eclipse​ have similar design elements, as they are on the same platform
that is well known for being concise and having digestible language for people curious about a
topic. All three readings that we looked into thus far had a variation of similarity and differences
that made each one intriguing.

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