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Defining Glossaries

Article  in  Technical Communication (Washington) · November 2005


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Michelle Kidd Tackabery

North Carolina Central University


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• Explores the history, guidelines for writing, and
rhetorical techniques of glossaries
• Finds tiiat glossaries are an opportunity to
outline and protect the parameters of technical
discourse between a company and its customers

Defining Glossaries

INTRODUCTION primarily a work for reference; it is "in the first place, a

echnical documentation often employs terminol- source of information that answers all kinds of questions
ogy that would be unfamiliar to most nontechni- from users on words" (van Sterkenberg 2003, 6). The first
cal readers. During new product development, known glossaries were those of the Akkadians or Babylo-
words and terms are created or re-created to nians; from about 2,600 BCE, these glossaries were written
describe and define new products and procedures. It falls to make the Sumerian language accessible for its speakers.
on the technical communicator to explain these new terms These early tablets took the form of thesauri, with words
to a wide variety of audiences: marketing communicators, grouped together based on their meaning.
code developers, information designers, software testers, Early glossaries in ancient Greece and China had sim-
sales people, and of course, the new product user. To ilar thesauri structures. While we think of dictionaries today
define new terms for nontechnical users, technical commu- as lexicons of language, style, and meaning, the earliest
nicators can use glossaries to compile lists of specialized examples of what became dictionaries were specialized
word definitions as a reference for users unfamiliar with the lists that defined words found in certain texts. Religious
new terminology, while allowing technical users to use forces were responsible for the creation of these word
those same documents without interrupting their reading. definition lists: these were specialized texts compiled for
These "mini-dictionaries," found in many different places the benefit of religious students so that they could under-
in documentation, are more than convenient help files. stand the texts with which they struggled.
They not only provide an opportunity for technical com- In his brief history of dictionaries, van Sterkenberg
municators to standardize terminology across disciplines, explains that the word clerk derives from the Latin clericus,
discourse communities, and users, but also mold the very or clergyman; a clerk was a clergyman who spoke the
ways in which users think about and use technical prod- vernacular and had to learn Latin and Greek to understand
ucts. Just as dictionaries help define and situate language the religious texts he studied and "translated" for his illit-
across generations, glossaries help define and situate lan- erate audience in the pew. To assist clergymen, copyists
guage within technical documentation, and can aid com- began to write explanations, sometimes but not always in
municators with important translation and localization ef- the vernacular, for difficult passages in the Bible, the
forts. Glossaries, just like dictionaries, define what things Qur'an, the writings of Confucius, and other religious texts.
are, as specific audiences see them. These "glosses" were found in the margins or between the
In this article, I provide a brief overview of the history lines of documents. They did not interrupt the original
of glossaries, explore the rhetorical technique of formal running text, so that an experienced user of the document
definition as the preferred method of writing glossary en- could study it without being interrupted by the glosses.
tries, and explain the guidelines for writing glossary defi- Glosses soon were grouped into collections published sep-
nitions provided in technical writing textbooks. I also com- arately from the texts to which they referred. One of the most
pare professional guidelines for writing glossaries and famous early glossaries, compiled by Reichenau in the 8th cen-
terminology lists, and explain the heightened importance tury, contained about a thousand difficult words from the Vul-
of well-written glossary definitions for controlling word gate Bible translated into easier Latin or Romance language
usage, localization, and translation of user documentation. words. During the Middle Ages, larger monolingual dictionaries
meant to instruct students in Latin and Greek were compiled. As
THE HISTORY OF GLOSSARIES education began to be more widely accepted during the 12th
Caruso (1986) defines a glossary as "a mini-dictionary lo-
cated at the beginning or end of a technical document"
(264). Glossaries pre-date dictionaries and are the first Manuscript received 30 December 2004; revised 20 June 2005;
examples of definitions in written texts. A dictionary is accepted 5 July 2005.

Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005 • TechnicalCOMMUNCATION 427

Defining Glossaries Tackabery

and 13th centuries, and was focused on the teaching of "useful ation (that is, the singular document or group of docu-
things" (van Sterkenberg 2003, 10), a great demand arose for ments) in which it is found.
these kinds of tools to assist in the learning of grammar and Some technical writing handbooks and textbooks sug-
vocabulary in the vernacular. Larger and larger lexicons were gest formal lexical style for definitions (see Hacker 1991;
published, especially in German and Dutch. Grammaticus pub- White 1996; Mills and Walter 1986; Sides 1999; Whitburn
lished the first comprehensive English-Latin bilingual dictionary, 1999). Taking their cues from classic lexicography, which
called the Promptorium parvuhrum sive clericorum, about relies on Aristotelian rhetoric, these texts explain formal
1440. During the l6th and 17th centuries, as both England and definitions in terms of three basic elements:
Erance made the writing of dictionaries of central importance in • The term to be defined (the species or definienduni)
the preservation and dissemination of their languages, dictionar- • The general category of which the term is a part (the
ies became the large alphabetized word collections that we are genus)
familiar with today. • The specific characteristics that distinguish the term
Today glossaries still serve the same function that they from any other examples existing in the general cat-
did for medieval monks struggling to understand St. Paul, egory (the differentiae)
Lao Tzu, or the Sahifa: they are lists of terms found in texts In formal definition, the three elements can be under-
that make "key definitions available to nontechnical read- stood as a logically dictated formula, such that
ers without interrupting technical readers" (Lannon 1997,
383). Glossaries may be found in front matter, back matter, definition (species) = genus + differentia
and sidebars, or in the case of hypertext, they may be
linked to documents through keyword hyperlinks so that In this formula, the " = " is some form of the verb "to
glossary definitions may be accessed, or not, by users if be" and the differentia the information following the word
they so desire. "that," as in the following example:

DEFINITION Artificial intelligence is a complex aspect of computer

Definition as rhetorical situation programming that strives to model human intelligence.
As Zimmerman and Clark (1987) note. (Sides 1999, 39)

Too often, we use technical and scientific terms without Glossary definition is a special variation of the rhetor-
considering whether our audiences will use them in ical process of classification, in that it sets its subject, the
exactly the same way. If they do not, we lose ground in term to-be-defined, in a rigidly limited scheme of classifi-
the struggle to communicate. (223) cation. While in a dictionary we probably seek to make a
definition a general statement that will be "applicable to all
Sides (1999) defines rhetoric as that body of techniques members of the class tagged by the word being defined,"
"by which we explain our knowledge of a subject to an (Brooks and Warren 1972, 85), a glossary definition seeks
audience" (38). Defining and categorizing terms are impor- the narrowest class possible sufficient to define a term as it
tant rhetorical techniques in technical writing situations is used. Precision, or the tight identification of a species to
that usually require a high degree of precision (White a class, is the key here and the reason why the formal
1996). In the strictest sense, a definition does not concern definition structure is described in technical writing text-
a thing but rather a word or term that represents a thing. In books as the preferred, or most common, method of defi-
a glossary, a definition also serves to limit that word or term nition for writers of glossaries (see Niedvlander and col-
by its usage in a specific rhetorical situation, such as a leagues 1986; Mills and Walter 1986; White 1996).
software user guide or an online help file. In all sorts of
technical documentation, the kind of definition a technical Other types of formal definitions
communicator may employ will depend on the needs of Sides also identifies two narrower categories of formal
the reader, the complexity of the term to be defined, and rhetorical definition applicable to glossary definitions: con-
the purpose of the communication. textual definition and stipulative definition. Contextual def-
Eor instance, the term window as used in a technical inition, which he describes as "truncated formal definition"
glossary may not refer to "an opening constructed in a wall (40), depends on the context in which a term is used, such
or roof that functions to admit light or air to an enclosure," as in compare/contrast situations, to disallow a previous
but instead to that area of a computer screen that "displays word association in the context of the new learning situation.
its own file or message independently of the other areas of Sides uses the word bond as an example of a term that has
the screen" (^American Heritage dictionary 2000, 1384). A several definitions, depending on the context in which it is
glossary definition is always defined by the rhetorical situ- found: in psychology, bond has to do with relationships; in

428 TechnicalCOMMUNCATION • Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005

Tackabery Defining Glossaries

mechanical engineering, a bond is a fixative, and in finance, a for the purpose at hand" (87). Technical writing textbooks
bond is a type of investment. Contextual definition as used in that cover definition usually urge technical communicators
glossaries depends on an audience's sophistication and the to make both parts of a formal definition structure work
writer's understanding of that level of sophistication. equally hard to define the term, while cautioning that there
Stipulative definition narrows contextual definition is no single correct classification for most technical terms.
even further by suggesting the definition of a term based A genus must be "familiar to the reader . . . and neither
solely on its use within a single document or set of related too large nor too narrow" (Hacker 1991, 54) yet must "limit
documents. Stipulative definitions are found often at the the meaning of the species and give as much information as
beginning of texts to establish a common language for the possible" (Mills and Walter 1986, 86). Eear (1981) defines
document, as in the following example: the purpose of classifying a term as "twofold: to give the
reader a quick general notion, a starting place, and to cut
In this report, the term chip will always refer to a silicon down on the amount of detail it is necessary to present"
wafer on which integrated circuits have been printed. (47). If a class is too broad, the reader will have difficulty
separating the term from the other members of the class; if
Sides defines any "alphabetical list of stipulative defi- too narrow, the reader may not understand the term at all
nitions" as a glossary (1999, 42). because he has no context in which to place it.
White indicates that other types of definitions—cate- Differentiating characteristics should be listed to de-
gorical and operational—may be employed in glossaries. A fine the term in relation to other terms in the same class.
categorical definition places a term into a genus and uses its If differentia are explained "precisely and well," they
component parts as differentia or separates a whole into its will "apply only to what is being defined and not to
parts (Whitburn 1999). Eor example: anything else" (Niedvlander and colleagues 1986, 405).
Technical communicators are urged to examine their
Air is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture definitions critically so that the differentia they use can-
containing nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, neon, not be applicable to another term; if the differentia is
and helium. (Whitburn 1999, 115) also applicable to another term, the definition is not
going to be "sufficiently precise" (Mills and Walter 1986,
An operational definition explains a term's differentia by 87). After giving enough distinguishing details to differ-
means of its procedural steps, such as in repairing machines entiate the term from other members of its class, writers
with moving parts or refers to a situation in which a phenom- are told to "supply whatever additional details you be-
enon would iDe observed, as in the following example: lieve are necessary to give the reader a good, usable
understanding" (Eear 1981, A€).
If you are driving south along a highway, you will Technical writing textbooks rarely give a specific list of
experience the Doppler Effect if you listen to the sound of terms to include in glossaries. Even in those works that give
a car heading north that approaches and then passes glossaries more than a cursory glance, there are few text-
you. (Whitburn 1999, 116) book guidelines that do more than suggest where a glos-
sary should be located in a technical document and what
WRITING GLOSSARY DEFINITIONS form it should take. John M. Lannon, however, includes
Textbook guidelines for technical communicators this list of items as a sort of checklist when determining
Making a glossary begins with understanding the reader's needs. what words to include in a glossary:

The best way to approach [the task ofglossary making] is • Define all terms unfamiliar to a general reader;
to read the manual again, asking yourself, "Would I • Define all terms that bave a special meaning in
(the reader) understand this word orphrase?" (Thirlway your document; and
1994, 77) • Define only terms tbat need explanation. (384)

According to the Random House guide to technical Professional guidelines for glossary writers
and scientific communication, a good definition "creates Handbooks and style guides for technical communication
new meaning from known meaning" (Zimmerman and practitioners also tend to suggest beginning work on a
Clark 1997, 223). What Brooks and Warren call "the prin- glossary by focusing on the users' needs.
ciple of common ground" implies that a definition is not
only "of some term, but is/or 5omefoo^_);" (authors' empha- If you are documenting new technology, a glossary is
sis). A good definition works by reference to what the almost mandatory. An audience that is unfamiliar with
document's audience already knows or "is willing to learn

Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005 • TechnicaiCOMMUNCATION 429

Defining Glossaries Tackabery

the topic can probably benefit from a major set of defi- entitled "Glossary guidelines" that dedicates four pages to
nitions. (Sun Technical Publications 2003, 234) instructing writers on when a glossary should be included
and which terms to include. The style guide explains that
Companies that produce large amounts of technical terms included in a glossary must be "important to the
and help documentation understand that a glossary is more subject, with simple and concise definitions that are appro-
than a convenient reference work for nontechnical readers priate for the context" (231). Glossaries should always be
to learn the meaning of the terms used in their documents. included in new product documentation or texts undergo-
They understand that glossary definitions are opportunities ing "major revisions" (234). The simplest way to determine
to define their products in definitive ways that can stan- what terms need to be defined is to do so when they are
dardize not only how people think and use documentation, newly introduced in a text. Sun recommends that writers
but how they think of the companies' products as well. produce glossary terms as they are writing the text contain-
Nevertheless, despite a clear emphasis on writing for au- ing the new terms, so that their definitions will be accurate
dience and document usability, glossary-writing guidelines and in context.
for professional technical communicators emphasize form, The remainder of Sun's glossary chapter is dedicated to
style, and standardization over substance. Without fail, they form; what parts of speech to include (nouns usually, but
instruct writers to cross-reference their glossary items and the part of speech of the term in the document indicates
even index them if they are found more than once inside what part of speech should be defined), defining the term's
documentation, and they give specific stylistic guidelines, other parts of speech (yes), whether to define acronyms
such as alphabetization, capitalization, italicization and em- (yes), creating cross-references, and alphabetizing terms. It
phasis, and the like. While they go into detail about what gives no clues as to how to write a definition but does
items to include in glossaries, when glossaries should be provide some caution as to what constitutes a "bad" defi-
included, how they should be formatted, and why they are nition: any definition that restates the term (238).
necessary, these guidelines rarely explain how to write a The SAS Publications Division (2004) includes informa-
good glossary definition beyond these issues. tion on the glossary-writing process for documentation
Among its appendixes, the Apple publications style developers that provides specific instructions on what
guide provides a 4-page guideline, "How to write a glos- terms should be included in glossaries and when a glossary
sary." This section of the Apple style manual recommends should begin. Documentation developers are cautioned to
determining what terms to include in a glossary based on consider their audience first, and then identify a "core
audience considerations. For example, it instructs writers technical vocabulary" (2) of which they can reasonably
that documents for first-time users should probably include expect users of their documents to be familiar. This core
terms they may feel are "'obvious' . . . such as window, vocabulary does not need to be included in a glossary
screen, menu, start up, and command." While documen- unless documentation terms are used in a new way. What
tation for intermediate users will not need to include most should be included are any terms that are defined within the
of those simpler terms, writers should "err on the side of document and any SAS programming element that is not
including terms that most readers might actually know"; identified as being a part of the core technical vocabulary.
documents for experienced developers will need to in- SAS maintains a database of terminology called GLOSS
clude only Apple-specific words and terms in glossaries to which documentation developers must refer before
(167). compiling their glossary. Terms already included in GLOSS
Apple goes on to urge glossary writers to include in that are defined suitably for the writer's use must be added
their glossary entries examples and context that are specific to the glossary verbatim as they are defined in GLOSS, but
to the product about which they are writing, use ordinary writers have the option to request or make edits to existing
terms to connect them to technical meanings to aid in GLOSS entries if those entries do not meet the needs of
comprehension, and above all emphasize conciseness and their document. SAS points writers to an internal training
clarity. Most of the appendix, however, is dedicated to handout on how to write glossary definitions that includes
matters of form: whether to include part of speech (only if an extensive list of examples of problematic definitions,
the term is used in the document in more than one part of but SAS provides no guidelines that follow the rhetorical
speech); how to alphabetize terms, especially those with technique of formal definition.
numbers, capitalization and grammatical issues such as sen- The notable exception I found of technical documen-
tence fragments (acceptable); whether to use gerunds (unac- tation instructions employing formal definition was from
ceptable when defining verbs); and whether to include pro- the IBM Corporation. In a white paper on terminology that
nunciation guidelines (almost always acceptable). includes clear instructions on writing definitions that follow
Sun Technical Publications' well-known style guide for classic rhetorical and lexical technique, IBM's Mary
the computer industry. Read me first!, includes a chapter Sturgeon (2004) defines a glossary succinctly as a "selected
430 TechnicalCOMMUNCATKM • Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005
Tackabery Defining Glossaries

list of terms defined and explained for a particular field of guages, technical terms might vary depending on their usage
knowledge" (1). in hardware or software documentation; other terms may be
Sturgeon divides the words used in any kind of tech- untranslatable, or worse, translatable in more than one way,
nical documentation into four categories: multiplying the possibilities for misuse and miscomprehen-
• Familiar words for familiar concepts sion (Muhlhaus-Moyer 2004). A clearly defined glossary item,
• Familiar words for unfamiliar concepts however, can help translators and localizers with their work
• Unfamiliar words for familiar concepts by refiecting a company's understanding of the meaning of
• Unfamiliar words for unfamiliar concepts technical terms. The glossary can then become a crucial
According to Sturgeon, unless terms in technical documen- source document for translators; in this context, a glossary is
tation are familiar words for familiar concepts, they should a miniature multilingual dictionary that can point users to the
be defined in a glossary. Sturgeon explains how to write a correct context and usage of technical terms.
definition by using the rhetorical technique of formal def-
inition: "to define a term, you place it in a category (classify CONCLUSION
it) and show how it differs from other things in that cate- Dictionaries teach people their own language and situate
gory" (2). Sturgeon identifies the formal definition formula terms in the historical progression of communication itself.
(species = genus + differentia) and cautions that the more Glossaries, as mini-dictionaries, contextualize terms in a
specific a genus a writer can find for a term, the easier it will specific technical situation. Because glossaries can help
be to define. Sturgeon's guidelines caution stating the context define the very parameters of a rhetorical situation—can,
of a term and avoiding repetition of the term in the definition. in fact, succinctly make the connection between a term and
"Make sure that the genus and differentiae are expressed in how that term should be understood in a technical con-
terms that the reader can understand," the writer is instructed, text—they provide much more than an opportunity to help
and "include some concrete examples (4)." a user understand what a word means. For technical com-
municators, writing a glossary should not be an after-
GLOSSARY AS RHETORICAL OPPORTUNITY thought to assist in making a document usable or user-
Glossaries can also provide an opportunity for translators friendly but a part of the entire communication process
and localizers. between a company and its customers.
As new products go to market, they introduce new
A glossary is a list of words in the source language which terminology into the conversational vernacular between
includes explanations of difficult or technical and the company and customers and between products and
product-specific terms. The glossary, developed by the users. Defining what something is and what something
technical writer of the source document, is used to de- does is considered by lexicographers to be a noble profes-
velop the terminology list in the target language. sion, a way to get close to the ever-elusive truth as we
(Muhlhaus-Moyer 2004, 24) know it today. It is unfortunate that technical communica-
tion textbooks and professional writing guidelines devote
The humble glossary takes on grander proportions when such little space and effort to the art of writing glossary
it is understood as a keeper of technical terminology. Just as definitions. Perhaps it is time to make an explicit connec-
a dictionary preserves language, a glossary can help preserve tion between the rhetorical technique of formal definition
meaning across multiple instances of translations of a single and the writing of definitions for glossaries. TC
document. IBM's style guidelines note the need for consis-
tency in technical, marketing, and user interfaces to avoid REFERENCES
misunderstanding and misuse of technical terminology, espe- The American Heritage dictionary of the English language.
cially when many of those terms have usages outside of the 2000. 4th ed. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company.
rhetorical situation of the documentation, such as the word
unndow. Sturgeon cautions writers to maintain a word-usage Apple Computer, Inc. 2003. "How to write a glossary." In
list to prevent misuse of key technical terms and to be certain Apple publications style guide. Cupertino, CA: Apple
to provide a glossary entry for each term. A glossary can help Computer, Inc., 167-171.
ensure consistency and accuracy across a development
project, ensuring that everyone is essentially speaking the Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren. 1972. Modern
same language. A glossary developed in step with new tech- rhetoric. Shorter 3rd ed. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace
nical products will also ensure that all users comprehend Jovanovich, Inc.
unfamiliar terms in the same way.
This issue becomes clear when we consider the need to Carusso, Rebecca Burnett. 1986. Technical communication.
translate and localize technical documentation. In some lan- Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005 • TechnicalCOMVUNCATION 431

Defining Glossaries Tackabery

Fear, David E. 1981. Technicai communication. 2nd ed. not a complete list, but I believe it illustrates how little attention
Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman and Company. glossaries, and the rhetorical art of definition, are given in the
field of technical communications training. An asterisk (*) at the
Hacker, Diana. 1991. The Bedford handbook for writers. 3rd beginning of an entry indicates a textbook that mentions glos-
ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's Press. saries in at least one sentence; none of these textbooks de-
voted more than a few paragraphs to the topic.
Lannon, John M. 1997. Technical writing. 7th ed. New York,
NY: Longman. Albert, Joseph. 2000. Writing process 2000. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Mills, Gordon H., and John A. Walter. 1986. Technical
writing. 5th ed. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. *Alred, Gerald J., Walter E. Oliu, and Charles T. Brusaw. 1992.
The professional writer: A guide for advanced technicai writing.
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consistency. Multilinguai computing 22:9.
Alvarez, Joseph A. 1980. The elements of technical writing.
Niedvlander, Carol, David Kvernes, and Sam Sutherland. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
1986. Practical writing: A process approach to business
and technical communication. New York, NY: CBS College 'Anderson, Paul V. 2003. Technical communication: A reader-
Publishing. centered approach. 5th ed. Toronto, ON: Thomson Wads-
SAS Publications Division, 2004. The giossary process for
the publications division. Research Triangle Park, NC: SAS Barker, Thomas T. 1998. Writing Software documentation: A
Institute, Inc. task-oriented approach. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Sides, Charles H. 1999. How to write & present technicai *Barnum, Carol M., and Saul Garliner. 1993. Techniques for
information. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. technicai communicators. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing
Sturgeon, Mary. 2004. Terminoiogy made simple. Research
Triangle Park, NC: IBM Corporation. Bell, Arthur H. 1998. Toois for technical and professional com-
municators. Lincolnwood, IL: NTG Publishing Group.
Sun Technical Publications. 2003. Read me firsti A styie
guide for the computer industry. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle Borowick, Jerome N. 2000. Technical communication and its
River, NJ: Prentice Hall. appiications. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall,
van Sterkenburg, Piet, ed. 2003. A practical guide to
lexicography. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Brereton, John G., and Margaret A. Mansfield. 2000. Writing on
Company. the job: A quick reference guide to writing in the workplace.
New York, NY: Norton.
Whitburn, Merrill. 1999. Definitionai techniques. Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute. Burnett, Rebecca E. 2001. Technicai communication. 5th ed.
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Gollege Publishers.
White, Fred D. 1996. Communicating technology: Dynamic
processes and modeis for writers. New York, NY: Eisenberg, Anne. 1992. Effective technicai communication. 2nd
HarperCollins Publishers. ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill, Inc.

Zimmerman, Donald E., and David G. Clark. 1987. The Emerson, Frances B. 1987. Technical writing. Dallas, TX:
Random House guide to technicai and scientific Houghton Mifflin Company.
communication. 1st ed. New York, NY: Random
House. Fowler, H. Ramsey. 1980. The Littie, Brown handbook. Boston,
MA: Little, Brown and Company.
The following technical communication textbooks and guides Fox, Roy F. 1994. Technical communication: Problems and
contain few or no guidelines for the writing of glossaries. It is solutions. New York, NY: Harper Collins Gollege Publishers.

432 TechnicalCOmUIUNCATION • Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005

Tackabery Defining Glossaries

*Gerson, Sharon J., and Steven M. Gerson. 2000. Technical Information in action: A guide to technical communication. 2nd
writing: Process and product. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Prentice-Hail, Inc.
Kolin, Philip G., and Janeen L. Kolin. 1985. Models for technicai
Green, Michael, and Jonathan G. Ripley. 1993. Writing by writing. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press.
design: A handbook for professionals. Englewood Gliffs, NJ:
Regents/Prentice Hall, Inc. *Lay, Mary M., Billie J. Wahlstrom, Garolyn Rude, Gindy Selfe,
and Jack Selzer. 2000. Technical communication. 2nd ed. Bos-
Hargis, Gretchen, Michelle Garey, Ann Kiity Hernandez, Polly ton, MA: Irwin/McGraw Hill.
Hughes, Deirdre Longo, Shannon Rouiller, and Elizabeth Wilde.
2004. Developing quality technical information: A handbook for *Rude, Garolyn D. 1991. Technical editing. Belmont, GA:
writers and editors. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice- Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Hall, Inc./IBM Press.
Weisman, Herman M. 1992. Basic technical editing. 6th ed.
Jones, Don, and Karen Lane. 2002. Technics^ communication: Strat-New York, NY: Merrill.
egies for coiiege and the workpiace. New York, NY: Longmans.
Writing in the disciplines. 3rd ed. 1995. Griando, FL: Harcourt
Keene, Michael L. 1996. Effective professionai and technical Brace and Gompany.
writing. 2nd ed. Lexington, MA: D.G. Heath and Company.
MICHELLE KIDD TACKABERY is a student in the MS in
Kent-Paxton, Laura. 1993. Writing power: Elements of effective technical communication program at North Carolina State Uni-
writing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. versity. She has been employed in marketing communication
since 2000 and is a 1987 graduate of Belmont Abbey College in
Kiilingsworth, M. Jimmie, and Jacqueline S. Palmer. 1999. Belmont, NC. Contact:

Volume 52, Number 4, November 2005 • TechnicalCOMMUMCATION 433

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