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Sample of my responses:

Hi Micah,
'Critical thinking' is an intriguing word to choose because so much of this assignment involves
the writer and the reader to do just that. This entire writing process can be included as critical
thinking as we generate ideas, which is strange to think about because you are critically thinking
about how to break down the idea of critical thinking for readers to understand better. The writer,
you, has to critically think about how to explain your chosen word and the reader to process
everything. For these responses that don't have graphics in their list of Markel's strategies, I
would always recommend it because images can help further a reader's understanding if the text
is not fully comprehended. Graphics are not only useful in defining physical objects but concepts
and ideas like 'critical thinking.' This is coming from a personal viewpoint because I am a visual
learner myself, so seeing pictures, graphs, charts, always take that one step further to my
understanding and remembrance.

Hi Eric,
I think you explained your keyword definition outline very well in the second paragraph. I could
already imagine what it could be like and adding on to what you said about having this be a
tricky topic to explain in basic terms, perhaps you could incorporate the location of definitions.
There are places like the text where it is an appropriate place for a sentence definition or perhaps
a marginal gloss where it is easy to see but does not interrupt the readers who do not need them.
Your idea reminds me of the reading we had on 'Absolute Zero,' which I found very interesting
because it broke it down into basic terms like you discussed. The graphics and the examples
were really helpful in that reading, thus I think it will reciprocate in your keyword definition as

Others’ responses:

From fellow teammate, Daniel No:

“… Perhaps you can add how this word is relevant to what is going on today, and tie in the
definition with how to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. One strategy that can help with
defining this word better is the principle of operations. You can provide a step by step of how
germs spread from person to person, which makes them contagious.”

Kadisha Tautuaa:
“I will add onto what Daniel said and agree that this word is very fitting to our current events and
definitely caught my eye while choosing keywords as well. In regards to your strategies that
you've chosen, I think they are pretty well thought out. Another suggestion I might add is to do a
portion of etymology on this word. For myself I like to look at the origin of words because I like
to understand how it came about. Doing that for this word might help the reader truly understand
the history of "contagious" and diseases that were linked to it… Best of luck to you, Caroline!”

Auluanah Glenn:
“I feel like alot of people in our country arent necessarly aware of what this term actually means
so I commend you for bringing awareness to it. Using graphics and examples ill be helpful too,
showing how a disase actually works and what it takes for something to be deemed contagious
will really help your keyword.”

The discussion and the responses I received from other students were very helpful in developing
my keyword essay. I looked into the advice of both students and tried it in my definition essay
but some advice did not incorporate well into the final product. Although my word contagious is
relevant in today’s news, I could not quite get it to tie in with the rest of my writing. Although I
did not use that advice, I decide to do something similar and add examples of commonly known
diseases to each form of transmission for clearer understanding to the readers. Furthermore, I
took the advice of Kadisha and added a portion of etymology to my definition word. She
suggested the origin of words provides the reader a deeper meaning as it allows an understanding
of how it came about. Doing this for my word might help the reader truly understand the history
of "contagious" and diseases that were linked to it.

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