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Evidence: Forum “Cultural literacy at SENA” 


 What experiences related to cultural literacy have you had at

SENA?  Answer: Well, When I studied in the SENA, kitchen; I saw and did food form
different parts of Colombia and the World. And I learned a little bit of each part of the
country and of their customs, as we had a fair of the regions from Colombia.
 Are there currently any projects related to Cultural literacy at SENA? If so
explain them, if there aren’t any, what could you do as a cultural literacy project in your
SENA Regional? Answer: I don't know about one, but I think that my perspective the fact
of that exist a virtual library and physical wherein we can learn about other culture of our
country is amazing. The mere fact that there is exist SENA in where assistant many people
for study from different side of our country, It's creating a community in where everyone
learn from others and their culture or customs.
 How can cultural literacy projects improve relations among different students at
SENA?  Answer: In our country, although we are all physically different both in skin
colors, ethnic groups, in our customs, which should have more tolerance, sometimes there
is not. Cultural literacy projects is can help because if they will know how is the culture of
other person from our country, literally interact with other, they will have tolerance. It´s
essential that they have knowledge of themselves and from others.

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