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China’s Aggressive Investment and The Spirit of

Bandung Conference

,Teuku Muhammad Farhan Al Ghifari, Juliansyah Rahmat Maulana

Universitas Brawijaya

In the opening speech of The Asian-African Conference Soekarno warned the

world that Colonialism isn’t actually dead and the effort of decolonisation
hasn’t completed. “… colonialism has also its modern dress, in the form of
economic control, […] or even appears in many guises”. The ultimate spirit of
Bandung Conference is actually about decolonization. But, what if this spirit
is already hijacked and denied by the southern countries itself?. The paper
argue that instead of fulfilling the value of Bandung Conference and aiming
at creating horizontal relations among the South, Southern hegemonic
countries even commit such colonization in the peripheral southern
countries. This paper will provide an evidence by means of case study
showing the aggressiveness of China’s Investment, then proceed to argue
that: first, the concession port in Sri Lanka is a by product of dependency
situation and enables China to have extensive control of Sri Lanka’s
domestic policy. Second, the investment undertaken by China in Sri Lanka
is a form of China’s ignorance of Bandung Spirit which put specific
emphasis on promoting resilience against new form of colonialism. Third,
the spread of new colonization even committed by the southern countries.

Keywords: New Colonization, The Spirit of Bandung Conference, Horizontal

Relations, Dependency among Southern Countries.

Personal Identity
Full Name : 1.Teuku Muhammad Farhan Algifari;
2. Juliansyah Rahmat Maulana
Gender : Male
Category : Researcher
Institution : Universitas Brawijaya
Address : Jl. Veteran Malang, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota
Malang, Jawa Timur 65145
Email :

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