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Exercitiul 7, pagina 184.

1. Helen gave an amazing performance in the play.
2. I wish I had more confidence iin my own abilites.
3. The twins are so alike it's hard to tell the difference between them.
4. The attendance at last meeting was the highest ever recorded.
5. A TV appeal was launched after the little girls' disapperance.
6. This building looks like a hotel, but it's actually a private residence.
7. Her las employer gave her such a good reference, I don't think she
will have a problem getting another job.
8. I haven't got perference; you chose

Exercitiul 8, pagina 184.

1. Tom's brother is a famous singer.
2. Simon never studies, so it is doubtly that he will pass his exams.
3. Advertisements should not give leading information about a product.
4. We realised that we had been driving in the wrong direction for half
an hour.
5. James felt very guilty about lying to his boss.
6. The video was so intersting that I watched it twice.
7. The actress was wearing a spectacular dress at the awards ceremony.
8. It was very foggy, so we couldn't see clearly.
9. There is very little difference between the two shirts. They are almost
10. You should take out travel insurance in case anything goes wrong on
your trip.
11. It is illegal to park on double yellow lines in Britain.
12. The door is locked. It will be impossible to open it without a key.
13. Daisy is good at painting. She has a lot of artist talent.
14. Read the instructions carefully so that you don't make any mistakes.
15. All restaurants in Britain have a non-smoking area.

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