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1. Identify a problem related to the field of specialization you are
involve in the school, ( STEM, ABM, HUMMS) and make this the
subject of your concept paper.
2. Think of possible solution to address this problem.
3. Write a brief report of your topic, the problem and your proposed

I. Introduction
As students enrolled in Science and Technology Education Center (STEC) Senior High School, we are
fashioned to portray the values of excellence and perfection. We immerse ourselves in obtaining new
information and widen our horizon of knowledge. Knowledge is vital for our well-being as humans, and
for us to develop it further is the sole purpose for establishing schools and academies: to enhance one’s
knowledge and skills.
According to Knowledge is created by imaginative and creative thought.

Today's generation of students are the most nervous and anxious of all generations before them, according
to many mental health research reports. School is mainly pointed out to be the main reason, specifically
This shows to be a consequence of massive amounts of homework, careers, and extracurriculars. In
addition to high-stress levels, many mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, often emerge in
high school students.

In order to encourage students to thrive after high school, these incredibly high levels of stress and
illnesses need to be changed. It can start to take a significant toll on the mental health of a student as this
tension builds up over a five day school week.
Here in the Philippines, classes last from 7:00 AM until around 5:00 PM. For almost 8-10 hours, it is
without a doubt straining for the students, and even the teachers do not benefit from this. If anything, this
only makes the students counterproductive. One to aid this problem, to at least lighten the load, is for
STEC Senior High School to implement rest d

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