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Teen’s Translate

I. Oamenii ne-magici (mai bine cunoscuti ca muggles) le erau deosebit de frica de magie in
epoca medievala insa nu erau nici prea buni la descoperirea acesteia.In rare momente
cand acestia gaseau un vrajito sau o vrajitoare adevarata care ardeau, nu aveau
effect.Vrajitorul sau vrajitoarea vor face o vraja obistuita pentru inghetarea focului
acesttia prefacandu-se ca tipa de durere in schimb acestia bucurandu-se de o sensazite
usoara de gadilat.In tocmai wedeling cel ciudat se simtea bine in timp ce era ars atat de
mult incat acesta de lasase prins de 17 ori in costumatii diferite.

II. Contabilul dorea ca barbatul sa cumpere un million de cutii

Copil sugerase sa ii cumparam o carte cu povesti despre zane

Bucatarul sef trebuie sa fi spus tuturor ca a ramas fara faina

Toti marinari dormeau cand nava s-a scufundat

Negustorul ii spuse reginiei ca aceasta era la fel de frmuoasa ca o papasua din ceara

III. Harry crossed the dark room,besides Hedwig’s huge cage,to open the window.Leans
down over the over windowsill and felt the plesant and chilly air touching his hot face
after staying so much time under the blanket.Hedwing had been missing for 2 nights
already.Harry was not worried for her “it happened that she left”, but he was hoping that
she will comeback soon.She was the only being in that house she enjoyed seeing him.

IV. The girl told the raven that she wouldn’t give him any cheese while she is still alive

When he got home the hiker realized that he had been walking for 5 days straight

Addiction to video games is a very expensive habit

A daily news paper is a news paper that is printed daily

The early bird catches the worm

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