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A single arrow is

easily broken, but not ten in a bundle

It's easy to think you're on any journey alone. But behind every great
success is a team of collaborators, workers, and supporters. Whether
you're in a business meeting about a group project, or playing sports on the
court, it's teamwork that brings about success. A team can inspire
innovation, find mistakes at a faster rate, and work together to advance
professional and personal development. Throughout the history of nature,
fellowship has proved stronger than the endeavour of a sole creature.
Wolves have always hunted together because collectively they are more
successful in chasing their prey. Although the rewards of the collaborative
hunt are a small share, the chance of actually receiving a part of the spoils
is much higher. Luckily, humans too quickly learnt the power of teamwork. It
is common knowledge that the earliest humans forged clans and hunted
side by side for the very same reason. As Michael Jordan said “Talent wins
games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”.

All the same, how can teamwork be best secured? Communication is a key
factor. All parties must be able to communicate within the remit of their role
and all must understand the remit of their role.  If discussions on work
performance are scheduled for half an hour each day for each member of
the team, each member should partake in the agreed schedule. If it has
been agreed 50% of the team must communicate daily, 50% of the team
have a duty to do exactly that if teamwork is to succeed. Part of good
communication is the ability of the team to be able to argue if necessary
and respect each other’s opinions, though as Michael Jordan pointed out
intelligence should play a factor behind the argument. It should bring about
an increasing maturity of relationships. With teamwork the goal can often be
achieved at a faster rate. To illustrate this, let’s take a team of fishermen. If
ten drop their nets into the sea, there is a better chance of catching enough
fish to feed their families than the single efforts of one fisherman. And, of
course, the mission will be accomplished in a much shorter time, especially
now when due to pollution and overfishing, fish numbers are getting lower
and lower.
In brief, I would like to conclude with Ryunosuke Satoro’s words,
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean."

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