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第三部分 评论性口语要素

Kim’s Note: These are all very useful ways to keep a conversation


A: I can cook some dessert for the kids.
B: Great!

A: The report will be ready soon.

B: Great!

A: We’re getting a raise this month.

B: Great!


74.That’s interesting.
[TAts 5IntrIstIN]

A: My baby cries when she hears her father’s voice.
B: That’s interesting.

A: We can see the Great Wall clearly from here in winter.

B: That’s interesting.
A: My dream is to live in Australia.
B: That’s interesting.

①That’s fascinating.(太棒了!)
②That’s exciting.(够刺激!)

75.That’s funny.
[TAts 5fQnI]

A: Kitty is always getting the words people and person mixed up.
(Kitty 总是把 people 和 person 这两个字弄混。)
B: That’s funny.

A: My husband often apologizes to me while he sleeps.

B: That’s funny.

A: Do you know our boss already went home?

B: That’s funny. He said he wanted to talk to me.

76.Sounds good.
[saJndz gJd]

A: Would you like Chinese food tonight?
B: Sounds good.

A: How about taking a walk in the park?

B: Sounds good.

A: What do you say to taking a vacation?

B: Sounds good.

①Sounds great.(挺好。)
②Sounds fantastic.(不错。)
③Sounds perfect.(非常好。)

77.Great idea!
[gret aI5di[]

A: Should we rent a car and drive there ourselves?
B: Great idea!

A: Why don’t you ask your father to go with you?

B: Great idea!

A: Maybe you should search the Internet.

B: Great idea!

①Good idea!(好主意!)
②Excellent idea!(好主意!)

78.You did great.

[ju dId gret]

A: I’m starting the advanced class.
B: You did great.

A: I should have practiced more.

B: Don’t worry. You did great.
A: I collected so many donations in one week.
B: You did great.

①You did well.(你做得不错。)
②You did / were fine.(做得好!)
③You did / were terrific.(你做得太棒了!)
④You were wonderful.(你做得太棒了!)

79.Good job!
[gJd dVBb]

A: I got an A on the essay.
(我的论文得了个 A。)
B: Good job!

A: I double-checked everything and found nothing was wrong.

B: Good job!

A: I sorted out all the stuff in the closet.

B: Good job!

①Good for you!(好样的!)
②Well done!(干得好!)
③That’s great!(太好了!)

80.Way to go!
[we tu go]

A: I got a job!
B: Way to go!

A: I was promoted to be a manager.

B: Way to go!

A: I got first prize!

B: Way to go!

81.Not bad.
[nBt bAd]

A: How are you feeling?
B: Not bad. I’m just a little tired.

A: How did the power lunch go?

B: Not bad. I think we’ll get the contract.

A: How did your interview go?

B: Not bad.(不错。)

①Not so bad.(不错。)
②Pretty good.(不错。)

82.Not too bad.

[nBt tu bAd]

A: How was the concert?
B: Not too bad.

A: How was the weather there?

B: Not too bad. It was sunny and warm most of the time.

A: How is he doing these days?

B: Not too bad. He just got a new job.

③Can’t complain.(还行。)

83.That makes sense.

[TAt meks 5sZns]

A: I bought this more expensive one because it’s better quality than
the cheaper ones.
B: That makes sense.

A: Improving the environment will increase tourism in China.

B: That makes sense.

A: We need to improve our office procedures to reduce expenses.

B: That makes sense.

84.Not good.
[nBt gJd]

A: How is your grandfather?
B: Not good. He has been in the hospital for a month.

A: How is the preparation going?

B: Not good. We’re really behind schedule.
A: How did your finals go?
B: Not good.

①Not so good. / not well.(不是太好。)
②Pretty bad. / Shitty.(相当糟糕。)

85. Not too good.

[nBt tu gJd]

A: How are you doing?
B: Not too good.

A: How was the meeting?

B: Not too good.

A: How was the movie?

B: Not too good. I didn’t like the ending.

①Not great. / Not too well.(不怎么样。)
②Not perfect.(不怎么样。)
③Could be better.(还能更好。)

86.That’s too bad.

[TAts tu bAd]

A: I have a terrible headache.
B: That’s too bad.
A: I’m allergic to eggs.
B: That’s too bad.

A: I have hay fever.

B: That’s too bad.

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