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第四部分 应答口语要素

第一节 肯定答复

我们大部分的中国人都知道英语的肯定答复是“Yes”, 可是这个“Yes”如果
花样多得很,仅这一节我们就给你提供了 22 种。同样的一句话能够用不同的
87. Right.

A: They will understand you someday.
B: Right.

A: I didn’t have time to call you.

B: Right.

A: Smoking isn’t good for you.

B: Right.

①You’re coming, right?(你会来的,对吧?)
②You have a car, right?(你有部车,对吧?)


A: This is the biggest vase I have.
B: Okay. / Alright.

A: We’d better go now. It’s getting late.

B: Okay. / Alright.

A: Okay, who’s next?

B: I think it’s me.


A: Can you give me a hand?
B: Sure.

A: Can I use your phone?

B: Sure.

A: Thanks for your help.

B: Sure.



A: It’s expensive to travel in America.
B: Exactly!

A: Children should spend more time outdoors and less time watching
B: Exactly!

A: I heard commuting in Guangzhou is hell.

B: Exactly!

③Exactly so.(确实如此。)
④You can say that again.(你说得对。)

91. Absolutely!

A: Could you give me a ride?
B: Absolutely! I’d be glad to.

A: Can I ask you a favor?

B: Absolutely!

A: I think they should control guns in America.

B: Absolutely!

Absolutely not! 当然不是!/绝对没有!
A: Did you cheat in the exam?(你在考试中作弊了?)
B: Absolutely not!(绝对没有!)

92. That’s right.

[TAts raIt]

A: You mean our daughter is in love?
B: That’s right.

A: So you didn’t take the test?

B: That’s right.

A: You said you forgot to videotape it.

B: Oh, that’s right.

①That’s correct.(对了。)
②Is that right?(对吗?)
③Is that correct?(是吗?)

93.I see.
[aI si]

A: You have to return the books by Monday.
B: I see.

A: You must leave right now.

B: I see.

A: Tom doesn’t like that.

(Tom 不喜欢那个。)
B: I see.

①I understand.(我明白。)
②I got it.(我明白了。)

94.So do I.
[so du aI]

A: I really like Chinese food.
B: So do I.

A: I think he’s very talented.

B: So do I.

A: I watched that movie on TV.

B: So did I.

95.So am I.
[so Am aI]

A: I’m really tired.
B: So am I.

A: I’m so concerned about him.

B: So am I.

A: I was so excited about the news.

B: So was I.

96.Yes, please.
[jZs pliz]

A: Would you like more wine?
B: Yes, please.

A: Do you want to hear some music?

B: Yes, please.

A: Would you like something to eat?

B: Yes, please.

97.Yes, of course.
[jZs [v kCrs]

A: Are you attending the conference?
B: Yes, of course. I signed up weeks ago.

A: Could you give me a ride?

B: Yes, of course. You don’t even have to ask!

A: You know so much about Beijing.

B: Yes, of course. I was born there.

98. Yes, I’d love to.


A: Would you like to join us?
B: Yes, I’d love to.

A: Would you like to come to the party?

B: Yes, I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me.

A: Would you like to go to the movies with me?

B: Yes, I’d love to.

①Yes, I’d be happy to.(是的,我很乐意。)
②Yes, I’d be glad to.(是的,我很乐意。)
③Yes, I’d be pleased to.(是的,我很乐意。)
④Yes, with pleasure.(是的,我很乐意。)
99. Sure, go ahead.
[FJr go [5hZd]

A: May I use your phone?
B: Sure, go ahead.

A: Can I ask you a question?

B: Sure, go ahead.

A: Can I watch TV?

B: Sure, go ahead. Here’s the remote control.

100. Sure, no problem.

[FJr no 5prBbl[m]

A: Can you do the dishes?
B: Sure, no problem.

A: Could you take the trash out?

B: Sure, no problem.

A: Could you speak more slowly?

B: Sure, no problem.

101. Sure, why not!

[FJr hwaI nBt]

A: Would you like to come along?
B: Sure, why not!

A: Would you like to help them?

B: Sure, why not! That’s what friends are for.

A: Can you tell me the recipe?

B: Sure, why not!

102. Sure, feel free.

[FJr fil fri]

A: Can I ask you one more question?
B: Sure, feel free.

A: Can I have another piece of cake?

B: Sure, feel free. Help yourself.

A: Could I make a suggestion?

B: Sure, feel free.

①Go ahead.(尽管去做。)
②Be my guest.(别客气。)
③Don’t be shy.(别害羞。)
Kim’s Note: These are all very important sentences to make someone
feel at home. When people of different cultures get together they
sometimes feel shy or awkward. These sentences can make a world of

103.I think so too.

[aI PINk so tu]
A: We should save more money.
B: I think so too.

A: Maybe he’d like to be alone now.

B: I think so too.

A: You’d better get up a little earlier.

B: I think so too. I’ve been late for work twice this month.

①I agree.(我赞成。)
②I think you’re right.(你说得对。)
③I suppose so too.(我也这么想。)

104.I guess so.

[aI gZs so]
A: Are your parents proud of you?
B: I guess so.

A: Was your teacher shocked?

B: I guess so. He didn’t know I could speak English.

A: Did Jim win a scholarship?

(Jim 拿到奖学金了吗?)
B: I guess so.

105. I hope so.

[aI hop so]

A: Will you be home by eleven?
B: I hope so.

A: Is she feeling better?

B: I hope so. I’m worried about her.

A: Are you going to be a pilot?

B: I hope so. I have always dreamed of flying my own plane.

106. I’m afraid so.

[aIm [5fred so]

A: Is the party over?
B: I’m afraid so.

A: Did you miss the bus?

B: I’m afraid so.

A: Did you burn the chicken?

B: I’m afraid so. I’m so sorry!

Unfortunately, yes.(不幸的是,你说对了。)
Regrettably, yes.(真不幸,这是事实。)

107. I thought so.

[aI PCt so]

A: All the tickets were sold out.
B: I thought so.

A: We should have made a reservation. We have to wait for a table.

B: I thought so.

A: Bob said he was too busy to help us.

B: I thought so.

108. I told you so.

[aI told ju so]

A: I should have bought that camera when I had the chance.
B: I told you so.

A: Gee, I’ve got a parking ticket.

B: I told you so.

A: They wouldn’t let me on the plane without an ID card.

B: I told you so.

①I told you.(我告诉过你。)
②Told you so.(我告诉过你。)
③Told you.(我告诉过你。)
Kim’s Note: Be careful with these sentences! No one likes to hear “I
told you so” too often!
谨 慎 使 用 这 些 句 子 ! 没 有 人 喜 欢 总 是 听 到 “ I told you so” 这 句 话 !

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