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In May 2019, while he was in the middle of a short-lived presidential run, Swalwell called out

China as a “bad actor,” but also criticized Trump for taking them on.

"I've seen first-hand the economic espionage that China commits and the adverse impact it has

on American businesses," Swalwell told CNBC, referring to his own experience on the House

Intelligence Committee and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the

Internet. "China has not been forthright in even admitting that intellectual property theft and

technology transfer occurs. Nor is China transparent on its industrial subsidies. Curbing China's

dishonest practices must be a part of any negotiation; as president, I would hold China


"The City Council adopted a 2021 budget!!" Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender

tweeted early Thursday. "All the #SafetyForAllBudget proposals passed for 2021. Mental health,

violence prevention, oversight and more."

Added Steve Fletcher, who represents Ward 3 in Minneapolis: "In 2021, our city will implement

mental health emergency response, support community safety programs, add violence prevention

capacity and improve police accountability."



The city council removed a provision that would have cut the authorized number of police
officers in the city from 888 to 750 after a veto threat by Mayor Jacob Frey. The $8 million cut

represents just a fraction of the police department's $179 million budget.

The source said President-elect Biden is not a subject of any grand jury investigation at this time.

After the New York Post's reporting was dismissed and characterized by members of the

media as a "baseless conspiracy theory," a "smear campaign," and "Russian disinformation,"

Wednesday's announcement from Hunter Biden was ultimately too much for the media to ignore.



All three major networks' evening newscasts addressed the controversy, with "NBC Nightly

News" spending the most time on the subject, clocking in at roughly one minute and 16 seconds

of coverage while "CBS Evening News" came in a distant second, with roughly 45 seconds of

coverage, followed by ABC's "World News Tonight" with roughly just 30 seconds. 

Giuliani, on his own WABC show earlier this week, said that he took the same remdesivir and

dexamethasone combination Trump received in October as part of his treatment. With Giuliani's

recovery, the Trump legal team has one of its most outspoken members back in commission. 
"Back [100]% and lost little time," Giuliani tweeted Thursday morning. "Testifying at 11Am

before Georgia legislature on the additional 'Live from Atlanta' election theft tapes. No evidence

of fraud. Watch the Video tapes and make up your own mind."

Lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign and its allies alleging widespread voter fraud have

almost all failed. Claims of fraud pervasive enough to affect the margins in key states that

President-elect Joe Biden won by tens of thousands of votes have not been substantiated. Many

of the suits filed by the president's allies have included scores of typos and errors, while others

have been emphatically bounced out of courts as judges write scathing dismissals. 

It was an especially great day to go out for ice cream.

The staff of a Minnesota Dairy Queen was stunned when a drive-thru customer paid for the

vehicle behind him, only to set off a chain reaction that inspired over 900 others to do the same.

On Dec. 3, the anonymous customer paid for the person behind him in the Dairy Queen drive-

thru in Brainerd, KARE 11 reports. Store manager Tina Jensen said the second customer was

taken aback by the sweet surprise, and asked to do the same.

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