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How do I participate?
Call in or connect online. You will be able to see faces of your brothers and sisters and wave
hello. The zoom link and call in numbers are below:

Dial by your location

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 961 0765 2143
Passcode: 219328

What if I don’t have the internet?

You have a couple of options. One is to dial in on your phone with the information above. The
other is to choose a friend or family member who it is “covid safe” and does have the internet to
visit with and log in to worship together.

What if I can’t be there at 6:00pm?

The service will be edited (the communion part of the service will be removed) and then posted
online on Facebook and YouTube and available at your convenience after that.

Do I need anything to participate?

We will deliver you some worship supplies including communion cups for communion during
the service.

What will it be like?

Pastor Kristi, Ryan, and worship leaders will be live from the church. All of the worship service
will happen in real time. As a participant, you will be muted for the worship service except for
the time of the sharing of the peace. People participating on zoom may also be “unmuted” to
share a reading.

Will we still do the candlelighting?

You bet! It’s such a loved part of Christmas. You just will light your candle at home and turn
your light off.

More questions?
Contact Pastor Kristi (410-948-3274)

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