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Social Studies

Emma McClintic
Pocahontas saved John smith and is also the daughter Chief Powhatan she was
kidnapped and John rolfe taught her how to read then married him, they moved to
England and pocahontas changed her name to Rebecca then in England at the age of
twenty of an illness.
John Smith
John Smith got saved by Pocahontas he become her brother he also owned
JamesTown he got injured in a gunpowder incident and died of and illness in
England at the age of fifty one.
John Rolfe
He made sweet tobacco also taught Pocahontas to read when she was kidnapped
then married Pocahontas and took her to England he died of and Indian uprising
when he was thirty seven.
Chief Powhatan
Chief Powhatan kidnapped John Smith and Chief Powhatan was also a leader and
Pocahontas’s dad.

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