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Jared Rodriguez

Professor Gardiakos


26 October 2020

Annotated Bibliography Final Draft

“Building A Future With Fewer Guns.” Guns Down America, 8 Feb. 2019,
5y6ankIhE4Nte3AOkOzcQ3WoRJbjUUOz4YJZIZ_iBoCG64QAvD_BwE. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

This is another great source that will help with the logos in my work as well as pathos. This source shows

a lot of statistics about guns and the relationship they that have with certain groups of people, like

the youth, woman, and as well as gun facts. One fact that stuck out to me a tremendous amount was

a fact about the relationship between youth and guns. The fact states, “American teenagers are 82X

more likely to die from a gun homicide than their international peers.” The reason why this stuck

out to me is because I am a student myself, so this statistic applies to me. It is sad that students

have to worry about a shooter coming to their school when they should only be worrying about the

schoolwork in front of them. A statistic like that helps with pathos as it stirs up the emotion of

sadness with the reader.

Ehrenfreund, Max and Zachary A. Goldfarb. “11 essential facts about guns and mass shootings in the
United States.” The Washington Post, 18 Jun.
2015. ( about-
guns-and-mass-shootings-in-the-united-states/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020
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This source is an article that is from the Washington Post, in which provides information on the most

known talking points on the huge debate of gun control. This source talks about how often there are gun-

related issues happening in the United States of America, a lot of these issues talked about involving

death. In this source there is data that is included that gives stone cold facts on the reality of incorporating

stricter gun control laws in the united states. The source states that, “states with stricter gun control laws

have fewer deaths from gun-related violence”. This should be enough information to make the United

States to start implementing gun restrictions, but it is still a work in process. Also, this source goes over

many common questions that people have, such as “How common are mass shootings in this country?” as

well as “Is the United States an especially violent place, compared to other countries?

Gebelhoff, Robert. “Opinion | Opponents of Gun Reforms Say Nothing Can Be Done. Science Says
They're Wrong.” The Washington Post, WP Company,

In this source, author Robert Gebelhoff talks about many ways how the United States can save lives from

gun violence. Although research towards gun control is underfunded, there is still data that shows

information that we can use to help the gun problem here in the United States. An example of this

could be research done on multiple mass shootings. The Las Vegas massacre, Pulse nightclub

shooting, and the Virginia Tech Slaughter, the massacre at the Texas First Baptist Church all have

one thing left in common, and that is that they all involve semiautomatic weapons. This source will

be very helpful to my ePortfolio because it will show very valuable information that is not seen in

other sources, and I believe that it will really open up the eyes of the readers of the ePortfolio to see

how big of a problem gun control is in the United States of America.

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Gramlich, John, and Katherine Schaeffer. “7 Facts about Guns in the U.S.” Pew Research Center, Pew
Research Center, 30 May 2020,
united-states/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

This source states seven facts about guns in the United States of America. A lot of the facts point towards

the notion that the majority of the gun owners in this country have good intentions with the guns.

Most of them possess guns to protect themselves and loved ones. Although that is true, a majority

of Americans still say that gun laws should be stricter. This is because United States gun deaths

have increased in recent years. Also, 44% of Americans say that know of someone who has been

shot. This should be close to zero, not almost half of Americans. There should be no reason for

somebody to be shot with a gun, that is exactly the reason why gun laws need to be more so strict.

This source will be a good addition as it gives a lot of statistics regarding Americans and gun facts.

This will help provide the logos in the work.

“Gun Control vs. Gun Rights.” Center for Responsive Politics, March. 2013. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

This is a very beneficial source that gives a lot of information with what is going on in the background

involving the gun control debate. To be more specific, it gives information on the gun control debate in

legislation, also it gives information on the amount of money, or funding that is being received by the

presidential candidates and politicians. This is a very trustworthy source as it is frequently updated. That

means all of the newest, trending information is available on this website, and you won’t be stuck with

old, non-useful information. For example, in the website there is a chart that shows the difference of the

money going towards gun control, rights, and manufacturing. This list is updates as well as it shows the
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statistics for 2019. In the year 2019, there was $2,330,000 spent on gun control, $10,783,360 spent on gun

rights, and $1,590,000 spent on gun manufacturing.

Manier, Lauren. “Does Gun Control Really Work?” National Center for Health Research, 12 Apr. 2018,

This source goes into the specifics whether gun control actually works or not. This source is a very

trustworthy source as the author, Lauren Manier, is affiliated with National Center for Health Research. I

found a lot of very valuable information that can be of great use in my ePortfolio. For example, one

strong piece of evidence that stuck out was an excerpt talking about a loophole that is weakening the law

in regard to background checks. The text states, “Even when people are reported to the federal database as

being ineligible to purchase a gun, there is a loophole that has weakened the law. Background checks are

required when purchasing a gun from a licensed dealer, but people can buy guns online or at a gun show

without undergoing a background check.” This is very critical information because although we are trying

to put laws in place to help decrease the likelihood of gun related problems, they aren’t as efficient as

they need to be. Felons should not be walking right around these laws.

Perry, Clayton. “Why Gun Control Is Not the Answer, and What We Can Do to Stop Gun Violence.”
Farmington Flyer, 2017,

This source is a trustworthy source as it is an education website with reliable information from someone

who is a gun owner themselves. This source touches on the other side of things, and why the

United States of America, should not implement gun control. This source is going to be a very

valuable in my ePortfolio because although I am strong on why there should be more efforts put

into gun control, there is also points that are true that are for the opposing side. I believe this is a

very important source to add so that the ePortfolio doesn’t sound completely one sided, and
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instead, actually incorporates information on the other side of things so that the reader can get a

chance to see the topic from a different point of view. One important thing that it talks about is how

guns aren’t really the problem, and it’s the mental health behind the person of a gun that is the true


Student, BU, et al. “State Gun Laws That Actually Reduce Gun Deaths.” Boston University, 6 Aug. 2019,

I see this source being a great addition to the other sources. This source has very trustworthy sources

within it, so it has very reliable and valuable information. For example, it has sources that are

derived from Boston University, the FBI, as well as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention). All of these sources combined solidify that this website is trustworthy in what it has to

say. This source gives the basic rundown on how the United States needs be more uptight on gun

control, with things like implementing more background checks. It also talks about the steps that

different states are taking towards their gun problem. For example, it talks about Ohio proposing a

law to confiscate firearms from individuals that they have enough reasoning to pose a threat to

others. Facts like that will give the audience hope that we are going towards the right direction and

are not hopeless.

“Three state laws that ‘substantially reduce’ gun deaths.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 March 2016, , Accessed 24 Oct. 2020
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This trustworthy source is a study in which is done by the Boston University Medical Center that shows

the implementation of these three specific laws that have the potential to reduce crimes that are

gun-related by a really good amount. To be more specific, gun-related deaths can be reduced by

more than 80 percent. The Boston University researchers did a lot of research on gun-related deaths

and what the root cause of it was. They came to a conclusion that a majority of the gun related

deaths was because of a lack of background checks, and lack of firearm identification. The three

laws that can reduce the gun related deaths dig right into the root cause of the deaths and fix the

problem. The researchers found out that there were a lot of states that were lacking things like laws

that require universal background checks.

“Violent Death Rates: The US Compared with Other High-income OECD Countries, 2010.” The
American Journal of Medicine (2015) 9343(15)01030-
X/fulltext, Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

This source is a scholarly journal article that really shines the light on how much of an issue gun control

is here in the United States. There are far too many deaths that are because of gun problems. In this

source, there was a research study on the mortality data obtained from the World Health

Organization for populous high-income countries. In this research, it was shown that the US gun

related homicide rates were 25.2 times higher than in other high-income countries. That is

absolutely absurd and is not okay. There needs to be changes that will help prevent this as soon as

possible. There are innocent lives being taken away every-day because of gun related issues and the

United States of America should not tolerate that at all. In the study, it is shown that since 2003,

other countries gun related deaths have decreased while the united states have stayed the same.
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Younge, Gary. “Young People Can’t Change US Gun Law Alone—but They Could Tip the Balance.”
Gale in Context, 2018,
%7CQZLWPY240968392&v=2.1&it=r&sid=galeopenaccess. Accessed 24 Oct. 2020

This source was very insightful to read. This source talks about how the youth can play such an important

role in making a change toward the right direction in regards with gun control. Many kids feel

hopeless and that they can’t make a difference, but that is not the deal at all. This source will be a

great addition as it will the youth confidence in standing up for what is right. This will create an

ambitious and successful new generation. One story that will for sure motivate the youth will be

one, of a six-year old, standing up for what she believes is right. This happened in May of 1963

when a white police officer in Alabama was trying to scare black children as they were protesting

for segregation. The kids, despite being scared off by the police officers were determined to stand

up for what is right. The reporters asked one of the children how old she was, and she answered

with “Six”. If a six-year old in one of the toughest times of America has the courage to stand up for

what is right, then anyone can.

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