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 Aerobic Dance
 Aerobic Dance is a kind of exercise that is enjoyable, makes you creative
and fun. It can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their shape and size.
Dancing also improve endurance, and coordination. Aerobic dancing
helps to keep the arteries clear and blood vessels healthy. Also, aerobic
dancing reduces stress and uplift your mood. This exercise is good for
the heart, it makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and
coordination. It also helps burn calories to your body because it will keep
you move ang makes creative movement that makes your breathing and
heart rate increase
 Fitness Walking
 Walking can be done by almost anyone and anywhere since it is an easy
exercise. It as a good cardio or aerobic exercise because walking
continuously works your large muscles over and over and pushes your
heart and lungs to work hard. By that, over time, this makes your heart
stronger. Walking for 30 minutes, five days per week can improve
aerobic fitness. It makes you fit and maintain a good breathing condition.
 Jumping Rope
 Jumping rope is an exercise that really needs a good amount of energy.
It can help you burn calories, it as a continuous movement of jumping
that improves your coordination, boosts your metabolism, and makes
you sweat like crazy. By that your hearth rate will increase along with
your breathing. It is also a good exercise to maintain fitness, especially
have a good heart condition.
 Running
 Running is great options for aerobic conditioning, it can be done by
almost anyone. This exercise can help prevent strain and tightness in
your muscles. When you perform this kind of aerobic exercise your
breathing and heart rate increase for a sustained period of time. When
you are running, your muscles have enough oxygen to produce all the
energy they need to perform. The benefit is that you will then produce
waste products which are carbon dioxide and water, and this will be
easily expelled through the simple act of breathing.
 Stair Climbing
 Stair Climbing is one of the aerobic exercises that engages your body's
largest muscle groups to repeatedly lift your body weight
up, step after step. Every steps can also raises your heart rate
immediately and maximizing your cardio benefits. Stair climbing is where
you push down to lift your entire body up a stair. This type
of exercise can increase the strength of the leg, thigh and hip muscles
while also toning the abdominal muscles. It makes you sweat, increase
your breathing and heart rate.
 Swimming

 Swimming is one of the aerobic exercises, it is an activity that increase

your heart rate and burn calories. Swimming exercise is good for
conditioning your breathing and health rate. It helps to have a healthy
heart and lungs. This kind of exercise really benefits the heart and keeps
blood pressure normalized. The most important is that, it prevents heart
attacks. Also, it keeps the person weight down and maintain a healthy


 Aerobic exercise is type of cardiovascular conditioning aerobic, means exercise
with oxygen. Aerobic means oxygen that’s why sometimes it is also called cardio
exercise that mainly involves your breathing and heart rate that will increase if
you perform aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of many
conditions, including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes,
metabolic syndrome, stroke and certain types of cancer. It can help to have a
physically fit body and maintain a good breathing and health rate.


 Heart rate recovery is commonly defined as the decrease of heart rate at 1

minute after cessation of exercise and is an important predictor of all‐cause
mortality and death associated with coronary artery disease. To monitor the heart
rate and recovery rate you need to calculate it. Subtract your 2-minute heart rate
from the heart rate you took immediately after exercising.  The faster your heart
rate recovers or slows down the fitter and healthier your heart. If the difference
between the two numbers is: Less than 22: Your biological age is slightly older
than your calendar age.

 Cardiovascular training means training your heart to be more efficient at pumping

blood throughout the body. A consistent cardio routine makes it easier to perform
daily activities like climbing a few flights of stairs, raking leaves or walking from
point A to B. Cardio activity also assists in preventing cardiovascular disease and
other chronic illness. Aim to perform cardio activities such as walking, cycling,
swimming and jogging most days of the week at a moderate pace for at least 30

 Resistance or strength training places external stress on the muscles and joints.

Your body responds by increasing bone density and lean muscle mass to adapt
to the stressors. Strength training builds lean muscle, which increases
metabolism both at work and at rest. If you are new to strength training, look for a
program that includes large muscle, multijoin movements like the squat. These
movements are generally more functional and present the highest metabolic

 Mobility or flexibility training is often overlooked, but arguably may be the most
important component of a lifelong fitness program. Lack of mobility is associated
with poor posture and pain, which can affect the ability to perform even the
simplest daily routines. To improve your mobility, engage in a stretching routine
at least two to three times per week, although a daily dose of stretching is even
better. Mobility programs need not be tedious a few basic stretches prior to
exercise or even before bed can make a big impact. Focus on stretching large
muscle groups, such as the hamstrings, hips, lower back and chest, to reduce
the impact of daily lifestyle activities like sitting or walking. Balance training is
also a great addition to your mobility training. 


 Aerobic exercise is for a healthy heart, lungs and muscles, it’s important to take
part in regular aerobic exercise. This will also improve your fitness levels.
Combine aerobic exercise with a balanced diet and you’ll be on the right track to
maintaining a healthy weight too.

 Strength (resistance) exercise it is a strength training involves moving your

muscles against some kind of resistance, which is why you’ll sometimes hear it
called resistance training. 
 Flexibility exercise is when Flexible muscles allow us to keep mobile and active.
It’s important to do some regular exercises to improve your range of motion.
Flexibility exercises involve slowly stretching your muscle groups without jerking
or bouncing.


 No pain, no gain is an exercise motto that promises greater value rewards for the

price of hard and even painful work. is like when you do exercise routine. You
need to work hard and endure body pain in order for you to achieve your goal.
And that is to have a physically fit and healthy body through proper healthy
lifestyle. Its says that in order to achieve something, you need to do everything,
work with your best, and endure difficulties for a better a result.

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