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Unit 4 lesson 2: Attitudes Mr Adel Hajjem

1 Add the necessary elements and do the necessary changes to define the term ATTITUDE (pay attention to

An attitude/ someone/ opinion/feeling/behavioural tendency/ towards/ person/ place/thing / event.

2 Complete the spidergram with the right words, THEN classify them into VICES & VIRTUES .


Look at the pictures, describe them.

Listen to the song. Which picture matches it? WHY?

Listen and Choose the right words, then answer the following questions:

She calls out to the man on the street  COMPLETE the table with info about the song:
'Sir, can you help/ have me?  Title : …………………………………………..
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,  Singer: …………………………………………
Is there somewhere you can tell me?'  Characters/ *……………………………………………………………….
characteristics ……………………………………………………………….
He walks/ works on, doesn't look back 
He pretends/intends he can't hear/heal her  *………………………………………………………………
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street  ………………………………………………………………
Seems embarrassed to be there/ their  Attitudes …………………………………………………………………
described: …………………………………………………………………
She calls out to the man on the street  Say whether TRUE /FALSE and justify:
He can see she's been crying/ trying  The man did not hear the woman.
She's got blisters/blessings on the soles of her feet   The woman is homeless.
She can't walk but she's trying/crying   The woman is wounded.
Find SYNONYMS for these words:
You can tell from the lines/shine on her face  Uncomfortable: ……………………………………………
You can see that she's been there  Perhaps: ………………………………………………..
Probably been moved/moving on from every place  Conform/ belong : ……………………………………….
'Cause she didn't fit/feed in there 

Put the verbs in the right tense

-I think that the waiter (forget) …………………… us. We (wait)………….…………… for more than half an hour and nobody (take)
………………….. our order yet.

-I think you are right. He (walk)………………………….. by us at least 20 times . He probably thinks we (already/ order)……………………….

How can the world be a better place?

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