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Eric Lynch

ENC 1102


Reading Response 8

Question 2: As with everything in life, ePortfolio’s have both their advantages and

disadvantages. According to “EasyWriter” by Andrea Lunsford, one of the advantages of using

an ePortfolio “is their multimodal capabilities”(PK-15). There are many different types of media

that you could display on an ePortfolio that would be difficult or impossible to display on a

physical copy of a portfolio. For example, you could put a video on an ePortfolio but not on a

physical one. Another advantage of using an ePortfolio is that “it is easy to add multiple

media”(PK-13). If you were to create a physical portfolio, you would have to spend the time to

either write out all the media for it or spend the money to have it printed(and with that being

said, email is free, mail is not). While if you are using an ePortfolio, adding media to your

portfolio can be as easy as clicking and dragging onto your portfolio. A disadvantage of using an

ePortfolio is that they “can be difficult to troubleshoot”(PK-13). Computers and the internet can

be a tricky place to figure out, and if something goes wrong with your ePortfolio, it may take a

considerable amount of time and effort to fix. Which is something that you wouldn’t have to do

with a physical portfolio.

Question 3: At this stage, I think I have a fairly good idea of how I am going to organize my

portfolio. As the portfolio is being done electronically, I already plan on using as I am

already familiar with the website and it is free to use. Also, since we are supposed to have a
metaphor associated with our portfolio, I plan on(and this is definitely subject to change) adding

a whole bunch of pictures of rollercoasters to my portfolio. Not only will the pictures make my

portfolio more interesting, but it fulfills the need for a metaphor, as I could talk about how, like a

rollercoaster, writing has a whole bunch of ups and downs. At the moment, I do not have

anything added to my portfolio but along with the pictures that I had mentioned earlier, I could

add other things as well. According to “EasyWriter” by Andrea Lunsford, “Designing and

creating an e-portfolio means not only that you can gather your work together into one space, but

also that you can create new, coherent, and convincing text out of those pieces”(PK-14). With

that in mind, adding a venn-diagram or some sort of chart to compare my works together could

possibly fulfill the “new, coherent, and convincing text”(PK-14) part.

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