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Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8

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Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance,

strength, and mobility of an older adult with chronic stroke: A case
Christopher S. Cayco a, Edward James R. Gorgon a, *, Rolando T. Lazaro b
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Allied Medical Professions, University of the Philippines Manila, Pedro Gil Street, Malate, Manila 1004,
Department of Physical Therapy, Samuel Merritt University, 450 30th Street 3726, Oakland, CA 94609, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study described the effects of a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) program on balance,
Received 4 July 2016 strength, and mobility in an older adult with chronic stroke. The patient was male, aged 69 years, with
Received in revised form right hemiplegia for 17 years, and had diminished balance, balance confidence, lower extremity (LE)
13 October 2016
strength, and gait velocity. He received 1 h of PNF-based therapy thrice a week for six weeks. Outcome
Accepted 23 October 2016
measures were: Mini-BESTest, limits of stability (LOS), Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC),
Five Time Sit-to-Stand Test (FTSST), Upright Motor Control Test (UMCT), and 10 Meter Walk Test
(10 MWT). The patient improved on the Mini-BESTest (25/28, from 21/28), FTSST (27.47 s, from 30.27 s),
UMCT knee extension (moderate, from weak), and 10 MWT (0.82 m/s, from 0.67 m/s); and positive
changes in LOS dimensions. PNF was effective in enhancing balance, strength, and mobility in an older
adult with chronic stroke and may mitigate falls risk in this population. More research is needed to
determine its impact in a larger sample of older people with chronic stroke.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction increased physical activity have been found to be effective in

treating the impairments associated with an increased falls risk in
Falls are a common and serious problem in adults with stroke or adults with stroke and the older population (Sherrington et al.,
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and who belong in the older age 2011).
groups (Weerdesteyn et al., 2008). Post-stroke falls are usually Current evidence suggests that physical therapy (PT) is effective
caused by residual impairments including balance and gait deficits, in improving mobility and functional outcomes even late after the
impaired sensory processing and decreased strength (Weerdesteyn onset of stroke (Ferrarello et al., 2011; Van Peppen et al., 2004).
et al., 2008). Balance and mobility deficits may persist years beyond Given the diversity of patient needs and post-stroke disability, no
discharge from inpatient rehabilitation (Lim et al., 2012) and ac- single approach has been demonstrated to be superior in improving
count for high incidences of falls in chronic stroke (>6 months) outcomes (Jette et al., 2005; Pollock et al., 2014; Veerbeek et al.,
(Harris et al., 2005). In people with chronic stroke, approximately 2014). Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is one
70% of fall incidents occur at home (Schmid et al., 2013) while approach that has been used conventionally in post-stroke reha-
39e90% have been reported during walking (Weerdesteyn et al., bilitation. PNF is a form of neuromuscular re-education involving
2008). Falls can lead to serious adverse outcomes including bone stimulation of the sensory receptors to provide information about
fractures, decreased physical activity, social deprivation, re- body position and movement in order to facilitate a desired motion
strictions in activities of daily living and greater mobility deficits (Adler et al., 2008). Although originally underpinned by the reflex
(Schmid et al., 2013; Weerdesteyn et al., 2008). Exercise and theory (Jette et al., 2005), PNF techniques have since evolved to
incorporate contemporary principles of neuroplasticity. The phi-
losophies of PNF share related concepts with principles of neuro-
plasticity (Kleim and Jones, 2008) (see Fig. 1). Concepts such as use
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C.S. Cayco), of movement to promote improvement and avoid deterioration,
(E.J.R. Gorgon), (R.T. Lazaro). task specificity, relevance of the task to the patient, and high
1360-8592/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
2 C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8

Fig. 1. Similarities between the PNF philosophy and principles of neuroplasticity showing an overlap in concepts applied such as use of movement to prevent deterioration in
movement and improve movement; focus of therapy on the specific task to be improved; and sufficient repetition, intensity, and highlighting of salient features of activities and
exercises to elicit positive changes in movement.

repetitions and practice intensity to foster change in movement are 2.1. Participant
common to both PNF and neuroplasticity principles. The use of PNF
patterns and positions suggests a stronger sensory excitation at the The participant was recruited from a university-based pro-bono
cortical level leading to increased number and improved threshold outpatient PT clinic. He was selected using purposive sampling and
of motor neurons (Westwater-Wood et al., 2010) which could result met the following inclusion criteria: aged 60 years or older; diag-
in improved range of motion, strength and balance reactions. The nosed with CVA of longer than six months duration; cleared by a
concept of irradiation, in which muscular activity spreads across physician to undergo outpatient PT; co-morbidities controlled by
different muscle groups during certain patterns, can be used to medication; had impaired balance and ambulation, whether or not
improve function, strength and motor learning (Adler et al., 2008). dependent on an assistive device; and able to follow simple com-
Few studies have demonstrated how a PNF program might mands and instructions.
improve multiple falls risk factors such as impaired balance, lower The participant was a 69-year-old male who sustained a left-
extremity (LE) strength, and mobility in older adults with chronic sided CVA 17 years ago resulting in right hemiplegia. He received
stroke. Generally positive treatment outcomes in chronic stroke conventional PT comprising electrotherapy and therapeutic exer-
have been attributed to PNF such as improved gait (Akosile et al., cises for one year immediately after the stroke. After the episode of
2012; Kim et al., 2015a, 2015b; Ribeiro et al., 2013; Wang, 1994) care, he was able to take steps without physical assistance but had
and balance (Kim et al., 2015a, 2015b; Seo et al., 2015; Seo and Kim, impaired balance and required supervision because his walking
2015). However, published studies have been limited in that: (1) the was unsafe. He resumed outpatient PT one year ago when he joined
focus of outcome measurement had been restricted to either bal- a stroke support group that facilitated his referral to PT for impaired
ance or ambulation/gait only (Akosile et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2015a, balance and restricted ambulation. Since then, he had been
2015b; Ribeiro et al., 2013, 2014; Seo et al., 2015; Seo and Kim, 2015; receiving 1 h of outpatient PT consisting of task-oriented training
Wang, 1994); and/or (2) the interventions were carried out in non- for only once a week because of financial constraints. His other
weight bearing positions or aquatic environments only and not forms of physical activity included joining a student-led exercise
oriented to the demands of upright posture and walking during group once a week and going to the public pool with assistance
which most falls have been reported to occur (Akosile et al., 2012; from another person.
Kim et al., 2015a, 2015b; Wang, 1994). This study therefore aimed to During initial examination, he required supervision when
describe the effects of a PNF program on the balance, strength, and walking on both even and uneven surfaces, stairs, and crowded
mobility of an older adult with chronic stroke. areas. He had no known history of falls but he substantially limited
his activities and participation. He took maintenance medication
for hypertension and prevention of prostate enlargement, and
2. Methods required the use of prescription eyewear. He had no other known
co-morbid conditions and had no significant problems related to
The University of the Philippines Manila's Research Ethics Board muscle tone or sensation. However, he walked with decreased foot
approved the study protocol. The participant was part of a larger clearance on the hemiparetic side and limited trunk movement,
study that investigated the effects of PNF in improving selected and compensated for short step length by shuffling his steps to
impairments and activity limitations in older people. The partici- increase cadence. He was able to respond appropriately to
pant provided written informed consent.

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8 3

multiple-step instructions. balance confidence was measured with the Activities-Specific Bal-
The participant had impaired balance (see Table 1) and ance Confidence Scale (ABC). The ABC is a valid and reliable 16-item
increased risk of falling forward and left sideways (see Fig. 2A). He self-report measure for patients with stroke (Botner et al., 2005),
also had diminished balance confidence, decreased functional with 0% representing no confidence and 100% representing com-
strength of the LE muscle groups, and slow gait speeds (see Table 1) plete confidence. The questions were translated and modified to
that further supported his substantial fall risk. The muscle groups match the setting's geographic and cultural differences (e.g. icy
required for the stance phase of gait such as the knee extensors had sidewalks was translated to wet walking surfaces).
impaired strength and activation (see Table 1). The participant also Changes in functional LE strength were documented using the
showed decreased trunk flexor and extensor strength when resis- Five Time Sit-to-Stand Test (FTSST) and Upright Motor Control Test
tance was applied posteriorly in both sitting and standing. Testing (UMCT). The FTSST, a valid and reliable clinical test for adults with
of PNF pelvic patterns showed decreased passive and active motion stroke, determines general LE strength through the fastest time it
of the pelvis, and poor coordination of the LE with trunk and core takes an individual to stand up consecutively for five times from a
muscles. He exhibited gait deviations while walking: decreased seated position with the arms kept across the chest (Mong et al.,
arm swing and trunk movement; decreased step length; wide base 2010). Sit-to-stand performance has been found to be related to
of support; decreased hip, knee, and ankle movement during the sensation, balance, and psychological status (Lord et al., 2002). The
swing phase of gait; and hyperextension of the knee during the knee flexion (UMCT-F) and extension (UMCT-E) components of the
stance phase of gait. The participant's poor balance appeared to be UMCT were selected for the ability to represent total-limb control
caused by impaired strength and activation of the trunk, pelvis, and (Perry et al., 1995). Because the test is administered in standing, the
LE muscles, and decreased balance confidence. The impairments in UMCT considers problems arising from limb posture and patterns
trunk and pelvic muscle activation are important to address in PNF of muscle coordination (Perry et al., 1995), and simulates the de-
as a stable trunk is necessary in improving control of the extrem- mands of the stance and swing phases of gait (Ade et al., 2012).
ities (Adler et al., 2008). The participant's goal for PT was to improve Changes in UMCT grade indicate a change in the functional strength
ambulation on both even and uneven surfaces, prevent falling, and of the hemiparetic LE (Ade et al., 2012).
decrease the amount of supervision he needed from his caregiver. Functional mobility, represented by self-selected and fast gait
velocities, was assessed using the 10 Meter Walk Test (10 MWT).
The 10 MWT is a valid and reliable clinical test for patients with
2.2. Assessment
stroke (Mong et al., 2010; Tyson and Connell, 2009). The average of
three trials for self-selected gait velocity first, then for fast gait
Examination and treatment sessions were conducted at the
velocity after, was taken. Gait velocity correlates with functional
same clinic. A trained independent assessor performed the baseline
ability and balance confidence, and predicts future health status,
and post-treatment assessments. The Mini-BESTest and Limits of
risk for falls, and fear of falling (Fritz and Lusardi, 2009). Together,
Stability (LOS) of the BASIC Balance Master® (Natus Medical Inc.,
UMCT and gait velocity scores are able to differentiate between
Pleasanton, CA, USA) were used to measure changes in balance. The
household and community ambulators in patients with chronic
Mini-BESTest is a 14-item clinical test with excellent validity and
stroke (Joa et al., 2015).
reliability for community-dwelling adults with chronic stroke
Results were analysed descriptively using available minimal
(Tsang et al., 2013). The cut-off scores for fall-risk in patients with
clinically important difference (MCID) and minimal detectable
stroke is 16.5 (Tsang et al., 2013) and normative value for healthy
change (MDC) of the outcomes. MCID is the minimal amount of
adults from ages 60e69 is 24.7 (O'Hoski et al., 2014). The BASIC
change that is meaningful to the patient (Kovacs et al., 2008). MDC
Balance Master® LOS is a force plate system used to quantify re-
is the smallest amount of change that likely reflects true change
action time (RT), movement velocity (average speed of center of
and helps clinicians determine whether the change score repre-
gravity movement based on the middle 90% of the distance) (MVL),
sents real and reliable change (Kovacs et al., 2008). Together, the
endpoint excursion (percentage of distance achieved on initial
MCID and MDC may be used to interpret the clinical relevance of
movement) (EPE), and directional control (movement based on a
the results (Kovacs et al., 2008). The following MCID and/or MCD
straight line from the center of pressure to target) (DCL) (Pickerill
values were applied in this study: Mini-BESTest, MCID ¼ 4 points
and Harter, 2011). It has acceptable validity and reliability for pa-
(Godi et al., 2013), MDC ¼ 3.5 points (Godi et al., 2013); ABC,
tients with mild stroke (Chien et al., 2007) and is an accurate pre-
MDC ¼ 13 points (Steffen and Seney, 2008); FTSST, MCID ¼ 2.3 s
dictor of falls in the older population. As an important determinant
(Meretta et al., 2006); self-selected gait velocity, MDC ¼ 0.18 m/s
of accidental falls in patients with chronic stroke (Pang et al., 2007),

Table 1
Pre-test, post-test and change scores on balance and balance confidence, lower extremity strength, and mobility assessments after 18 sessions of PNF-based PT.

Score on baseline Score on completion of PNF Change score from baseline MCID/MDC
examination program examination

Mini-BESTest 21/28 25/28 4 MCID ¼ 4 (Godi et al., 2013)

MDC ¼ 3.5 (Godi et al., 2013)
ABC, % 77.50 71.25 6.25 MDC ¼ 13 (Steffen and Seney,
UMCT-F Strong Strong
UMCT-E Weak Moderate
FTSST, s 30.27 27.47 2.8 MCID ¼ 2.3 (Meretta et al., 2006)
Self-selected gait velocity, 0.50 0.57 0.07 MDC ¼ 0.18 (Hiengkaew et al.,
m/s 2012)
Fast gait velocity, m/s 0.67 0.82 0.15 MDC ¼ 0.13 (Hiengkaew et al.,

ABC ¼ Activity-specific Balance Confidence scale; FTSST ¼ Five Time Sit-to-Stand Test; MCID ¼ minimal clinically important difference; MDC ¼ minimal detectable change;
UMCT-E ¼ Upright Motor Control Test e knee extension; UMCT-F ¼ Upright Motor Control Test e knee flexion.

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
4 C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8

Fig. 2. LOS assessment using the Balance Master at pre-test (A) and post-test (B). Grey shaded areas represent performance range outside of normal; green bars indicate per-
formance within normal range; red bars indicate performance outside of normal range; numerical values are given at the top of each bar. After 18 sessions of PNF-based program,
reaction times, movement velocities, endpoint excursions, and directional control during movement improved. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

(Hiengkaew et al., 2012); and fast gait velocity, MDC ¼ 0.13 m/s walking training (see Table 2). The treatment protocol was based on
(Hiengkaew et al., 2012). the guiding principles of PNF: resistance, irradiation, manual con-
tact, body position, verbal commands, vision, traction or approxi-
2.3. Intervention mation, stretch, timing, and patterns (Adler et al., 2008). An expert
in the PNF approach affiliated with the Kaiser Permanente Medical
The participant received one-on-one PNF-based therapy lasting Center in California, USA, provided independent validation of the
for 1 h, three times a week, for six weeks (18 treatment sessions). treatment program contents. The first author who received specific
Sessions were divided into resisted mat exercises and resisted training in PNF from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8 5

Table 2
PNF-based exercises, rationale, and progression to improve balance, strength, and mobility of an older adult with chronic stroke.

Exercise Rationale Progression

Pelvic anterior elevation Improve pelvic motion during swing phase of gait; facilitate stepping and LE lifting motions RI to DR
Pelvic posterior depression Improve pelvic motion during terminal stance phase of gait; facilitate weight-bearing motions of LE RI to DR
LE flexion-adduction with Improve strength and activation of muscles groups required for swing phase of gait RI to DR
knee flexion
LE extension-abduction Improve strength and activation of muscles groups required for stance phase of gait; improve weight bearing RI to DR
with knee extension
Rolling from supine to side Strengthen trunk, neck, and hip muscles Start in side lying progressed
lying to start in supine
Pelvic bridging Promote weight bearing through feet without danger of falling; improve selective control of trunk flexors and Bridging on two legs to
LE muscles bridging on one leg
Stabilizing reversals in Improve control and strengthen trunk and LE muscle groups Increase in repetitions and
standing duration
One leg stance Promote weight bearing in stance and improve pelvic and hip motion in swing phase of gait Increase in repetitions and
Resisted forward walking Promote forward weight shifting, hip hyperextension and lateral motions, knee stability, and ankle motions; Increase in repetitions and
improve trunk control; improve control of LE muscle groups required for swing phase of gait duration
Resisted backward walking Promote posterior weight shifting; improve trunk control and hip hyperextension in swing phase of gait Increase in repetitions and
Braiding Train ability to maneuver narrow spaces; improve control of lateral muscles of trunk and LE Increase in repetitions and

DR ¼ dynamic reversals; LE ¼ lower extremity; RI ¼ rhythmic initiation.

primarily administered the intervention (14 of 18 treatment ses- to unilateral LE patterns by simultaneously facilitating movement
sions). Due to a family crisis that required the first author to take a of both legs toward the same direction to place more demand on
leave of absence, another physical therapist who had been trained the trunk (Adler et al., 2008). Mat activities included bridging and
by the first author in PNF treatments carried out four of the ses- rolling (see Fig. 3B and D). Bridging was initially done bilaterally in
sions. The second physical therapist received sufficient orientation order to improve stability of the body and challenge balance, co-
regarding the participant's intervention program. All treatment ordination, and strength (Adler et al., 2008). It was progressed later
sessions were videotaped and reviewed as a way of ensuring that to unilateral bridging. Rolling from supine to side lying and vice
each session was consistent with the planned intervention program versa was done to strengthen the trunk muscles and improve co-
for the participant. ordination of the LE with the trunk. Rolling was progressed to
Resistance was adjusted depending on the participant's include dynamic reversals by the fourth week of the intervention.
response so that motion was smooth and coordinated (Adler et al., Upright weight bearing and walking training activities were
2008). Hand placement, traction, approximation, and stretch were done between parallel bars for safety and support (see Fig. 4).
used to give information about the proper direction of movement Stabilizing reversals in sitting and standing were held for about 6 s
through stimulation of tactile and kinaesthetic receptors. Exercises and repeated up to tolerance. One leg stance was initially held for
were repeated 10e20 times up to tolerance. As performance 10 s and repeated until fatigue. Forward and backward walking
improved, these procedures were progressed to increase the diffi- focused on facilitating exaggerated weight shifting onto one limb
culty of the exercises such as through increasing resistance and followed by practicing the swing phase of the opposite limb.
changing the position. Treatment required no specialized equip- Assistance was initially given to guide the movement of the pelvis
ment and only rubber mats, a treatment table, and parallel bars and was later changed to manual resistance as progression. The
were needed. movement was further exaggerated by instructing the participant
Different PNF techniques were used in response to the partici- to take high steps during the swing phase. Braiding which consisted
pant's needs. Rhythmic initiation (movement of limb or body of alternating tandem stance and side stepping was included to
through the desired range starting with passive motion and pro- improve lateral reactive stepping. Walking exercises were pro-
gressing to active resisted movement) was used to teach the gressed by decreasing the amount of support and increasing the
movements. Stabilizing reversals (alternating isotonic contractions amount of resistance until maximum resistance was tolerated
with enough resistance to prevent motion), dynamic reversals without holding on to parallel bars. Walking exercises were prac-
(active motions changing from one direction to the opposite), and ticed until tolerance for up to 30 min each session. The participant
combination of isotonics (combined concentric, eccentric and sta- was encouraged to practice the exercises at home with supervision
bilizing contractions of one muscle group) were used to improve by his caregiver as often as tolerated.
the strength and coordination of the movement (Adler et al., 2008).
Exercises included pelvic patterns, LE patterns, mat activities, 3. Results
and sitting exercises. Exercises were performed as described by
Adler and associates (see Fig. 3). Pelvic motion and stability are The participant completed all 18 sessions. No adverse events
needed for proper trunk and LE function (Adler et al., 2008). were documented during the entire episode of care. The participant
Because of decreased passive and active pelvic motion, anterior performed bilateral LE patterns, unilateral bridging, one leg stance,
pelvic elevation and posterior pelvic depression were included to resisted forward and backward walking, and braiding by the end of
facilitate trunk and LE motion, activation, and stability (Adler et al., the sixth week. All dimensions of the LOS improved, markedly in
2008). LE flexion-adduction with knee flexion and extension- the forward and left sideways directions relative to the low baseline
abduction with knee extension patterns in both supine and side values (see Fig. 2B): RT was shorter in the forward and left sideways
lying were used to improve strength and coordination of the trunk directions; MVL became faster in all directions; EPE increased in the
and muscle groups involved in the swing and stance phases of gait. forward, backward, and left sideways directions; and DCL improved
Bilateral LE patterns were done by the fourth week as a progression in all directions. Table 1 contains details of the participant's

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
6 C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8

Fig. 3. Examples of PNF mat-level exercises to improve trunk and lower extremity function: facilitation of anterior elevation of pelvis (A), unilateral pelvic bridging (B), facilitation of
lower extremity flexion-adduction with knee flexion (C), facilitating rolling using lower extremity patterns (D).

Fig. 4. Examples of PNF exercises to improve balance and walking: stabilizing reversals in sitting (A), stabilizing reversals in standing (B), holding one leg stance with resistance at
pelvis (C), forward walking with resistance at anterior pelvis (D).

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8 7

performance on the rest of the outcome measures. Cumulative contributed to the improvements in balance. Although the MCID for
score on the Mini-BESTest increased significantly by 4 points, with the FTSST used in this study was based on people with vestibular
specific improvements in backward and lateral stepping reactions. disorders (Meretta et al., 2006) due to the lack of available values
He demonstrated clinically meaningful change in LE strength with a for people with stroke, the results still indicate improvement from
2.8-s difference on the FTSST, while knee extension strength spe- baseline. Interestingly, the participant also showed a significant
cifically changed from weak to moderate on the UMCT-E. Clinically improvement in gait velocity which was not seen in the only pre-
meaningful change was observed in fast gait velocity at 0.15 m/s, vious study that implemented a similar PNF program comprising
but not in self-selected gait velocity. Although there was a decrease both non-weight bearing and weight bearing components (Ribeiro
of 6.25 points on the ABC, the participant reported feeling an et al., 2014). This difference may be explained by the longer dura-
overall improvement in his strength and movement. The partici- tion of each session and higher total number of sessions in the
pant's trunk and pelvis were also observed to activate in a more present study.
coordinated manner during movement. The non-significant decrease in ABC score may suggest that PNF
did not benefit the participant's balance confidence. The exercises
4. Discussion focused more on physical function and lacked interventions spe-
cifically targeting self-efficacy in performing upright activities.
Results of the study show that PNF improved balance, LE Additionally, the intervention protocol did not expose the partici-
strength, and gait velocity in an older adult with chronic stroke. pant to varying environmental factors outside of the clinical setting.
Findings are consistent with published literature which show im- It would be difficult to ascertain the true extent of the influence of
provements in functional ambulation, gait, and balance in patients the positive physical changes, as improvements in physical function
with stroke following exposure to PNF with weight bearing and may not always be reflected in balance confidence (Liu-Ambrose
walking components (Akosile et al., 2012; Ribeiro et al., 2014; Seo et al., 2004). Patient education and practice in varying environ-
et al., 2015). The positive changes may be attributed to specific mental contexts may be incorporated in the PNF intervention
principles used in developing the treatment program such as protocol in the future in order to address balance confidence.
specificity of training, salience, and increasing the intensity and Positive changes were observed despite the participant being an
frequency of treatment compared to his prior therapy. These older adult with chronic stroke. PNF makes use of tactile and pro-
principles of PNF show some similarities to the current theories of prioceptive input (Westwater-Wood et al., 2010), and verbal cues
stroke rehabilitation, neuroplasticity specifically (Kleim and Jones, and instruction to facilitate movement. The participant had intact
2008). PNF techniques have evolved as understanding of the sensation and cognition, and no underlying conditions that could
neurophysiological basis of movement also evolved. This is the first limit his performance of the exercises. These factors enabled
report to the author's knowledge that attempts to connect PNF with adequate progression of exercise intensity and provision of chal-
contemporary motor control concepts as a basis for changes after lenging motor tasks to the participant. These are all vital compo-
rehabilitation. The intervention was based on the participant's nents of contemporary motor control approaches (Kleim and Jones,
therapy goal and results of assessment (e.g. pelvic patterns were 2008). Future studies should endeavor to substantiate the benefits
used to address trunk activation; backward walking was used to of PNF using stronger research designs both in adults with stroke
improve posterior weight shifting and ambulatory ability). The and those with other neurological conditions. It would be inter-
frequency and intensity of exercises were safe and in line with esting as well to explore the effects of PNF on patients with
published recommendations (Lohse et al., 2014) to promote cognitive issues or more complex health problems interacting with
changes in motor function post-stroke. The increased amount of the stroke. Further, the intervention protocol, which was developed
activity from the participant's usual once a week outpatient therapy and validated following the guiding principles of PNF, can be
to thrice weekly may have played an important role in producing potentially applied in a larger study. While some degree of indi-
gains from therapy. There is strong evidence of the positive rela- vidualization may be necessary, such as in determining appropriate
tionship of dose and responses independent of post-stroke time intensity and repetition of each exercise component, the tech-
(Lohse et al., 2014). The participant was able to ambulate on uneven niques would still be aligned with the guiding principles of PNF and
surfaces with supervision immediately after the intervention therefore consistent with the treatment philosophy.
period. The participant's high motivation was important to his Findings of this study need to be considered with its limitations.
successful adherence to the treatment. Given the study design, findings are not meant to be generalized to
The improvements in stepping reactions on the Mini-BESTest all patients with chronic stroke but rather to form the basis for the
and in all dimensions of the LOS suggest an improvement in bal- hypothesis that PNF may be effective for this population. The
ance. LOS in patients with stroke have been associated with sym- participant had no obvious impairment in sensation and cognition,
metrical weight bearing which is important for balance control and no significant co-morbid conditions that could interact with
(Kwon and Jeong, 2000). Asymmetrical load on a limb reduces the stroke-related impairments, and this could further impact on the
likelihood that steps will be initiated with that limb (Lakhani et al., study's generalizability. Also, this study did not document the
2011). We hypothesize that the increased symmetry in the partic- participant's physical activity outside of the intervention, including
ipant's weight bearing led to improved stepping reactions. The adherence to exercise at home. Lack of follow-up outcome assess-
emphasis on shifting weight onto one extremity during resisted ment precluded description of retention of observed changes
walking exercises may have contributed to improvements in LOS following cessation of the intervention. Finally, as an intervention,
and weight bearing symmetry. These improvements are important PNF requires specialized training to be effectively administered and
because “compensatory” or reactive balance control is essential for this might limit its applicability in routine clinical practice.
maintaining balance to prevent falling (Maki and McIlroy, 1997).
The participant did not have clinically significant improvements in 5. Conclusion
balance prior to enrolment in this study which suggests that PNF
and increased amount of therapy may have contributed to the In conclusion, this study showed that PNF was safe and effective
observed changes. in improving stepping reactions and LOS in an older adult with
Scores on the FTSST and UMCT-E after the intervention also chronic stroke with persisting balance impairment. Although no
suggest an improvement in LE strength which may have further improvement in balance confidence occurred concurrently,

Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),
8 C.S. Cayco et al. / Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies xxx (2016) 1e8

positive changes were demonstrated in the participant's functional bearing on the LOS of independent ambulatory hemiparetic patients on
standing. Phys. Ther. Korea 7, 1e19.
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Please cite this article in press as: Cayco, C.S., et al., Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation on balance, strength, and mobility of an
older adult with chronic stroke: A case report, Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies (2016),

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