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Milia McCoy

Jessica Hanthorn

IB English HL

October 26, 2020

Final Analytical Paragraph: Reliability

Reliability is the state of maintaining both consistency and accuracy- a trait that the

narrator in Mohsin Hamid’s novel, ​The Reluctant Fundamentalist​, lacks. In doing so, Hamid

creates a round, complex narrator, one who conceals his ulterior motives through charming

diction, tone, and imagery. However, it is these very literary devices- tone, diction, and imagery-

that allude to the contradicting narration and characterization of Changez. In Changez’s

introduction, Hamid writes,“ I am a lover of America”(Hamid 1), a statement that bluntly

establishes the theme of Pakistani and American relationships through forthcoming diction.

Though the reader knows nothing about Changez- considering the quote is taken from the first

page- Hamid makes this initial statement synonymous with the narrator, ​telling​ us he loves

America before ​showing​ us how he does. Additionally, Hamid convinces readers that Changez is

a reliable narrator as seen in, “I am inclined to exaggerate these irritants in retrospect,” (Hamid

21) which work to establish a sense of awareness and honesty through retrospective syntax and

diction. However, as the novel progresses, Hamid reveals a narrative contradiction alluding to a

deceptive and manipulative characterization of Changez. While this idea is subtly alluded to with

the narrator’s use of “a public persona,” (Hamid 11) the narrative reliability undergoes extreme

questioning during the collapse of the twin towers, in which the narrator “​smiled,​”(Hamid 72).

Following his reactions, the narrator adds, “As despicable as it may sound, my initial reaction

was to be remarkably pleased.” (Hamid 72) These two narrations allude to the true nature of the

Changez’s relationship with America, juxtaposing his “love” for the country with the pleasure

evoked when, “someone had so visibly brought America to her knees,” (Hamid 73). In

personifying America, as seen in the last quote, Hamid creates vivid imagery of Changez’s and-

by association- Pakistani feelings towards the country- one that demonstrates an inconsistent,

and thus unreliable narration. Ultimately, the use of literary devices as a way to challenge the

reliability of a character creates a dynamic characterization- mimicking the bias of real human

beings. Hamid explores the layer of trust, deception, and the external/internal relationship

between Pakistanis and Americans, perhaps even alluding to the general relationship/facade

between Americans and citizens of other countries.

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