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Cover Letter for Internship

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am, Amulya Kaushik a 2nd year undergraduate student at Vivekananda School

of Law and Legal Studies (VSLLS), B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) Course. I am writing to you to
explore the possibility of an internship position in your company during the period of
February to March.

I came across your webpage and had the chance to look at the internship
opportunity in your company. I have immense zeal to be a part of any of the projects that
are under your company related to research and content writing. I believe that this
internship will be a viable opportunity for me as a law student to perceive and learn
empirical methods of research, drafting of a statute and thereafter enactment of the same.
The internship will invariably enhance my understanding over objectivity, functioning,
and rationale of a legislation and in the meanwhile, it will also take me through
unprecedented nuances, turbulences and problems that flows through the road towards
making of a law.

From my interest and previous experiences in other projects at my institution, I

have the idea of the commitment and perseverance needed in any project. Also, I am
prepared to fulfill any prerequisite for the project during my semester by self-study
there by preventing any waste of time.

I have provided my resume in brief for your consideration

Eagerly waiting for your positive response,

Yours sincerely,
Amulya Kaushik Second
year, B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)

K8/98 Durga street no 2
Maujpur, Floor 1, Shahdara,
New Delhi ,110053

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