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Mechanical Vibrations Modal Analysis Project with Arduinos

Article  in  Computers in Education Journal · December 2017

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2 authors:

Joseph Michael Mahoney Rungun Nathan

The Pennsylvania State University Berks Campus Pennsylvania State University Berks


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Mechanical Vibrations Modal Analysis Project with

Joseph M. Mahoney, Rungun Nathan

Abstract—This paper details a new laboratory project in a For an engineer, the ability to interface computer program-
senior-level Mechanical Engineering Vibrations course. Students ming with their engineering knowledge is an important skill
are to determine the first four natural frequencies of a 6061 for their future work [9]–[11]. The ability to analyze real-
Aluminum free-free beam in a laboratory using three methods:
(1) idealized continuous beam model (2) Finite Element Analysis world data has been seen as an important ABET outcome by
(FEA), and (3) experimentally. Using student survey data, it is industry [9], [10] and technical skills [11].
shown that the project bolstered the following skills: (A) use The intention of this project was to act as a comprehen-
of measurement equipment to acquire and transmit real-world sive assignment that combined what students learned in this
data, (B) performing a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Mechanical Vibrations course with what they have learned
creating the Power Spectral Density (PSD) plot of empirical
data, (C) creating and modifying FEA code in Matlab to find previously in their Instrumentation, Matlab programming, and
natural frequencies and test for convergence of results, and (D) technical writing courses. Students were given the chance to
connecting the distinct topics of the course together. collect real data on a physical object and created a program to
Index Terms—Arduino, project, vibrations analyze the empirical data. They then compared their actual
results to what the theory predicted. The sensor and micro-
I. I NTRODUCTION controllers cost only a few dollars and the implementation
was fast. This project addition was made in the Fall 2016 and
UR Mechanical Engineering program’s Mechanical Vi-
O brations course has been completely based in theory and
simulation. Students did not have hands-on interaction with a
2017 versions of the course. An early version of this work with
only 2016 survey data was presented at ASEE 2017 [12].
real-life spring, mass or damper nor a beam in oscillation.
Students may take a dynamics lab as a laboratory elective but II. P ROJECT D ESCRIPTION
can graduate without practical application of the vibrations Students were asked to determine the first four natural
topics. Experiential and real-world application of theory rein- frequencies (in transverse vibration) of a 6061 Aluminum
forces what is learned in the classroom [1], [2]. This hands- free-free bar (Fig. 1) utilizing three methods. First, they
on method of learning is beneficial to students with preferred were to calculate the values based on the theoretical Euler-
learning styles other than lecture [3], [4]. Bernoulli 4th -order partial differential equation (PDE). Next,
Students typically take a Matlab programming course during they were to create a finite element code and determine the
their first or second year but do not continually apply it in their frequencies numerically. Finally, they were to determine them
later courses. Furthermore, most of their programming experi- experimentally by recording and analyzing acceleration data.
ence consists of solving problems from a Matlab textbook and Using the natural frequencies found from the three methods,
they do not have a chance to analyze their own experimental they then compared the results.
data. Students first measured the dimensions of the beam (Ta-
Our students have the option to take a microcontrollers class ble I) and found the appropriate material properties for 6061
as an elective, but again, can graduate without interfacing a Aluminum. Nominal values for the Modulus of Elasticity and
computer to the real world through sensors. This interfacing material density were used. For the analytic method [13],
has been shown to increase students’ ability at programming students were expected to derive the frequencies by beginning
[5]. A microcontroller gaining popularity because of its low with the 4th -order PDE for a beam in transverse vibration.
cost and flexibility is the Arduino. Students are able to quickly Applying the four boundary conditions (zero shear force and
create the hardware and software for their Arduino project bending moment at the ends), they found the eigenvalues. The
[6]. Additionally, the community support and tutorials help first four eigenvalues were used with the material properties
the students with their project [7]. Previous work has used and dimensions to calculate the first four natural frequencies.
Arduinos in Vibrations courses for collecting experimental This was done for vibrations along both principal transverse
data [8]. For demonstrating and educational purposes, the axes.
results of the data collection were comparable to analytic Students were provided a basic beam FEA code for modal
results. analyses of beams in transverse deflection [14]. They needed
J. M. Mahoney is with the Department of Engineering, Penn to modify the code for use with the specific beam and apply a
State Berks, Reading, PA, USA (e-mail:, mesh. Then, the local and global stiffness and mass matrices
R. Nathan is with the Department of Engineering, Penn State Berks were created (it was assumed to have negligible damping).
(e-mail: Then, they applied the proper boundary conditions for these

Fig. 2: ADXL-335 Accelerometer Affixed to Beam End. The accelerometer

was hot-glued to a small piece of wood which was hot-glued to the beam.
Fig. 1: Aluminum Beam Suspended from Ladder. The “T”-top of the beam This is treated as a rigid connection to the beam. The positive sense of the
was hung loosely with a loop of rope on each side attached to an eyehook sensor axes is indicated by the inset coordinate system.
at the top of the ladder. The bottom of the beam was suspended above the
ground. An ADXL-335 accelerometer was affixed to the bottom of the beam
and shown in more detail in Fig. 2.


Length 51”
Width (x-axis) 1.25”
Height (z-axis) 1”
Beam Weight 6.6 lb
Accelerometer Weight 0.04 oz

supports. No modification to the matrices was needed for this

free-free boundary condition. The matrices were used to find
the eigenvalues of the system. Finally, the natural frequencies
were calculated using the eigenvalues. Using the FEA code,
they needed to demonstrate the convergence of their solutions
by solving with an increasing number of elements (thus
increasing the resolution of the mesh). Again, this process
was done for vibrations along both principal transverse axes.
In the experimental section, students utilized an ADXL-335
Fig. 3: Wiring Diagram. In this schematic, the x-axis acceleration is being
analog accelerometer affixed to the bottom end of the beam measured. For the z-axis test, the wire at XOUT was moved to ZOUT
(Fig. 2). The accelerometer was wired to the Arduino micro-
controller as shown in Fig 3. Students used either an Arduino
Nano or Uno for this project and were provided a template time step. The uniform time was set to the average sample
Arduino code [15] for reading the sensor and logging it to the rate, typically about 1800 Hz. Students plotted the data and
serial terminal. They needed to modify the code to poll at an decided where to trim to include only those data after the
appropriate sample rate and read from the correct analog pins initial strike and before the vibrations become “too small.”
on the microcontroller. A Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) was performed on each
Students began the data logging to record acceleration along truncated data set. The coefficients were divided by the square
the x- or z-axis. Then, they used the sharp tip of a welding of their associated frequency (effectively integrating) to find
hammer to strike the beam (treated as an impulse) along that the coefficients for the position of the end of the beam. These
axis and allowed it to vibrate for at least 90 seconds. After coefficients were used to create a Power Spectral Density
stopping the data logging, the time and acceleration data were (PSD) plot. Students manually identified the first four peaks in
copied out of the terminal and into a spreadsheet for later the PSD and recorded these as the natural frequencies, again
analysis. This data collection was repeated several times along assuming no damping in the system. Values from the multiple
the same surface, striking at different locations. Then, the trials were averaged together to find the experimental values.
experiment was repeated along the other principal transverse
The raw data were imported into Matlab one trial at a
time. The Arduino did not sample uniformly so data had to Using the dynamic beam equation [13], the measured di-
first be resampled, using linear interpolation, to a uniform mensions of the bar and the material properties, students first

ωn x-axis (rad/s) z-axis (rad/s)
1 617 494 400
2 1702 1361
3 3336 2669

Acceleration [bits]
4 5514 4412 380

FEA of X Axis

6000 320

4000 5 10 15 20
Time [s]

Fig. 5: Typical raw acceleration data. Data output from the Arduino was
2000 kept in bits as only the spectral information was desired.

0 x-AXIS
101 102
ωn Analytical FEA Experimental Difference
Number of Elements 1 617 617 555.4 10%
FEA of Z Axis 2 1702 1702 1532 10%
7000 3 3336 3336 2946 11.7%
4 5514 5514 4033 26.9%
5000 1023), rather than g’s, from the 10-bit Arduino analog-to-

digital conversion. For this project, the scale of the accelera-

4000 n,4
tion values does not impact the determination of the natural
3000 frequencies from the PSD. Leaving the data in bits removed

the need to calibrate the accelerometer. A typical plot of the

2000 trimmed acceleration data is shown in Fig. 5. The magnitude
of acceleration is clearly attenuated over the time span of
recording. For this project, this damping is ignored as it was
0 in the analytical and numerical sections.
101 102 After performing a DFT on the acceleration data and
Number of Elements integrating twice, the coefficients of the position were found.
Typical PSD plots using these coefficients are shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 4: Convergence Plots for FEA-determined Natural Frequencies. The
first four natural frequencies of the beam converged by six elements for The power at the nth frequency was defined as
both principal axes. The converged values are listed in Tables III and IV. p
Pn = a2n + b2n , (1)
where an and bn are the nth coefficients from the DFT.
found the natural frequencies for principal axes x and z as Students manually determined the first four peaks of the PSD
shown in Table II. as marked in the figures. Students were not to use built-in
By modifying provided FEA code, the numerically- functions such as pwelch for this assignment.
determined natural frequencies were calculated. These values Comparisons of the first four calculated natural frequencies
differed by less than 0.1% from those found by the analytic for the x- and z-axes in this sample are shown in Table III and
method. Because the weight of the accelerometer was much IV respectively. The experimental values were averaged from
smaller than the weight of the beam (< 0.04% of the beam the PSDs from three or four trials. Frequencies determined by
weight), it was not accounted for in the FEA analyses. A the Arduino and PSD analysis were generally “close” to the
typical plot of the convergence of the natural frequency values analytic and numeric values. In most cases, all four identified
as the number of elements is increased is shown in Fig. 4. For frequencies were lower for the experimental values. These
this simple beam, convergence to the analytic solution for the typical results from the experimental portion are consistent
first four frequencies was reached by five elements. with those found in previous classroom experiments using an
Students ran the experimental protocol, outlined in Sec. II, Arduino to measure natural frequencies [7].
multiple times for transverse vibrations about the x- and In analyzing the sources of the discrepancies between
z-axes. Collected acceleration values were kept in bits (0- calculated and measured values, students concluded that the

X: 555.4 X-Axis PSD *** *** ***

10-4 Y: 2.238e-05 100

X: 1532
-6 Y: 3.21e-07 80
10 X: 2946
Y: 6.803e-08

10-8 X: 4034
Y: 3.054e-08

-10 40

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
[rad/s] 0
Z-Axis PSD Ard-A Ard-B PSD-A PSD-B Freq-A Freq-B
X: 442.1 Fig. 7: Boxplot of Survey Results (1). There is a significant difference
Y: 4.2e-05 between the median pre-project ability (A) and the post-project ability (B)
for all prompts. Two stars indicates p-value of p < 0.002 and three stars for
X: 1237
p < 0.0002. Outliers are marked as “+” but are included in all statistics.
Y: 1.441e-06 X: 2437
Y: 4.545e-07

X: 4033

Y: 2.322e-08 Finally, the boundary conditions at the top and bottom of the
beam are not truly “free-free.” There is rope attached at the top
and the accelerometer at the bottom of the beam is connected
by wires to the Arduino. These connections certainly impact
10-10 and dampen the motion of the beam.
The observed differences in experimental values versus the
idealized theoretical values demonstrated the difficulties of
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 modeling an ideal system versus how it behaves in reality
[rad/s] [2]. Students were able to see first-hand that the two do not
agree and that they need to think about possible sources of
Fig. 6: PSD Plots. Four clearly identifiable peaks were found on each the
plot for each axis. The power is calculated based on Eq. (1). the discrepancies. It is important that the students realize that
the models created in the classroom may not be appropriate
TABLE IV: to apply on actual systems they encounter in the field.
ωn Analytical FEA Experimental Difference
1 494 494 442.1 10.5% D ISCUSSION
2 1361 1361 1237 9.1%
3 2669 2669 2437 8.7% After submitting their final project, students were asked to
4 4412 4412 4033 8.6% complete a survey about the project. The survey was admin-
istered at the end of the Fall 2016 and 2017 semesters. The
responses were pooled. Students were asked to rate their ability
assumption of zero damping was not completely accurate. in several areas on a 0-100 continuous scale before starting
The attenuation in the acceleration plot (Fig. 5) and the and after finishing the project. Statements were anchored at
difference in natural frequencies demonstrated the limitation 0, 33, 66 and 100 for each of the prompts but students could
of this assumption on real-world problems. select any integer value. The prompts and anchor statements
The nominal density value for 6061 Aluminum was used are shown in Table V. The code in italics under each prompt
for the analytical and numerical determination of the natural corresponds to the responses in Figs. 7 and 8.
frequencies. However, when using the measured dimensions The survey was distributed via Qualtrics (Provo, UT) at the
and weight the calculated density was about 6% higher. This end of each semester and was completed by n = 22 students.
calculation includes the weight of the T-bar at the top of the Between two semesters, 24 groups completed the project. The
beam. Accounting for this higher density, the analytically- and results of the numerical responses are displayed as boxplots
numerically-determined natural frequencies reduce by 3%. in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. The prompts are in the same order as
The accelerometer was not mounted to perfectly coincide presented in Table V. The “A” response is perceived ability
with the principal axes of the beam. Therefore, the acceleration before starting the project while “B” is perceived ability after
measurements contained information from a slightly oblique finishing the project. All statistical analyses were performed
axis to the bar. in Matlab (Natick, MA, R2017a).

(Code) Prompt 0 33 66 100
(Ard) Rate your proficiency I have never at- I know how to read and I am able to attach the I can read data taken from a sensor I
level of wiring and program- tempted this create very basic code sensor to the Arduino have attached to the Arduino in a format
ming an Arduino (or PIC) for but cannot attach a sen- but not read data from ready to be used in a subsequent step
data collection... sor it properly
(PSD) Rate your proficiency I do not know I can find the Fourier I can make a PSD plot I am able to find the Fourier coeffi-
level of performing a Discrete what either of coefficients but am not using my coefficients, cients, plot them on the PSD and then
Fourier Transforms (DFT) and these is sure what to do with but I am not sure what identify peaks on the PSD
creating and interpreting Power them it shows me
Spectral Density (PSD)...
(Freq) Rate your proficiency I do not even I can identify the I can set up the equa- I can set up the equations and solve for
level of finding natural frequen- know where to boundary conditions tion, but not fully solve the natural frequencies numerically
cies of continuous beams using start correctly for the natural frequen-
analytic methods... cies
(FEA) Rate your proficiency I do not even I can set up some things I can run the code, but I can size my elements correctly, create
level of creating (or modifying) know where to (e.g. parameters of the the results do not look my mass and stiffness matrices, apply
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) start system and boundary correct proper boundary conditions and then
code to find natural frequencies conditions) but the code find the eigenvalues
of continuous beams... will not run
(Content) Rate your level of I do not under- I can generally identify I am able to identify the I am able to identify the type of system I
overall understanding of the stand anything the type of system I type of system I have have and find the appropriate equations
course content and how it fits in this course have but I am not al- and find the appropriate to solve for unknowns. I also understand
together... ways sure what equa- equations to solve for how all the mathematics review, MDOF
tions are appropriate to unknowns, but I am not systems, and continuous systems fit to-
use sure how the units all fit gether.

Ard PSD Freq FEA Content
1.0927 0.7328 1.0529 1.0138 0.5312

sample size and matched evaluations, Hedge’s gav [17], [18]
60 was used to calculate the effect size. The calculated values are
shown in Table VI. All domains showed a “large” effect size
except for Content which showed a “medium’ effect size [19].
40 One limitation to the following inferences of the survey
results is that students completed these projects as a team so
not every member may have been as involved in every aspect
of the project. Additionally, all ability assessments were self-
reported and an objective concept quiz was not administered
0 before or after the project.
FEA-A FEA-B Content-A Content-B A gain in the median ability to use microcontrollers was
Fig. 8: Boxplot of Survey Results (2). There is a significant difference observed. In the pre-ability, we see a large spread of experience
between the median pre-project ability (A) and the post-project ability (B) with Arduinos. Several of the students were concurrently
for all prompts.
taking an elective microcontrollers class using PICs and were
already familiar with using sensors and controllers. We ob-
serve this spread decrease in the post-ability. This domain had
Distributions were not normally or symmetrically dis- the largest gav value, showing a marked increase in student
tributed around the median. Additionally, the sample size was familiarity and ability with using the Arduino.
small (n < 30). Therefore, to compare the median pre- and The students’ ability to create and interpret PSDs was
post-ability for each prompt, a one-sided Sign test [16] was greatly increased after completing the project. At the beginning
employed. All median post-measurements (B) were found to of the course, we discuss and create PSDs as part of learning
be significantly larger than the pre-measurements (A) with about Fourier Transforms and DFTs. However, at that point in
95% confidence, i.e. p < 0.01 using a correction factor for the course, the discussion is limited to 1DOF of systems and
the five tested categories. using premade empirical data sets.
Even though there was a significant increase in perceived Students’ ability to analytically and numerically determine
ability across the five domains, this should be expected as natural frequencies was improved. Because continuous sys-
students should not lose ability after completing a project. To tems is the last topic in the course, they had the least
further assess how much each domain was improved, the effect experience with these skills before starting the project. They
size between the pre- and post was evaluated. Due to the small completed homework assignments on the topics, but this was

the first time they had a chance to use them on a larger scale. The main purpose of the project was to expose students to
Finally, there is an increase in the students’ understanding a real-world application of vibrations analysis. The quality of
of how the topics in the course fit together. Topics are initially the data was not superb but with a few modifications, could be
presented in silos: mathematics, MDOF systems, and continu- improved. First, as shown in Fig. 5, the collected acceleration
ous systems. This project was the first assignment to synthesize values use only 80 bits of the full range (1023 bits) of the A/D
topics from the entire semester and have students apply them converter. Passing the signal through an amplifier (e.g. OP284)
to solve a real-world problem. However, this domain had the before the Arduino will increase the resolution of the collected
lowest gav . The connections between topics need to be made data. Students used the Arduino Nano or Uno for this project,
more explicit in the next version of the assignment. which are both 10-bit devices. The 12-bit Arduino Due could
Anecdotally, students reported in the survey that the hands- be used to further increase resolution.
on project helped their understanding of the theory presented The limiting factor in the collection speed of the accelera-
in class. This report agrees with previous literature on the tion data is the Arduino writing to the serial port. However,
benefits of laboratory activity [3]. Additionally, students ap- the Arduino can poll an analog port much faster (at least
preciated working with teammates with different strengths. two orders of magnitude) than it can write to the serial
The team members were able to learn from each other while port. Acceleration data can be oversampled [20] to effectively
working on the project. increase the resolution of the A/D converter without reducing
The positive results from the survey data demonstrate that the sampling rate.
the project was worthwhile and met the intended objectives Finally, the PSD was performed using the coefficients
of improving student ability in several areas. Students were directly from the DFT. Introducing windowing in the form of
asked in the survey to list what they found most frustrating in pwelch will yield better results. These simple improvements
completing the project and suggestions to improve it. These were outside the scope of this vibrations course but could be
responses will be taken into account to improve the project for integrated to use ideas from signal processing.
next year’s class. Additionally, an objective measurement will
be made to further gauge the improvement of student ability. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The authors would like to thank the students in the Fall 2016
V. C ONCLUSIONS & F UTURE C ONSIDERATIONS and 2017 vibrations courses that participated in the project and
Based on student feedback from the survey and grading survey.
the submitted projects, several changes are planned for the Survey data was collected under the approval of The Penn-
next version of the project. One issue was that the project sylvania State University IRB. All sample student data and
was not assigned until the end of the course when all the plots are presented and modified with the explicit permission
topics had been covered. This did not allow enough time to from the student authors.
thoroughly complete the project and complete a report. In the
future, the project will be assigned earlier as the data collection R EFERENCES
and FEA can be done before covering the final course topic
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the project. They would have preferred coding the Arduino [8] M. Varanis, A. L. Silva, P. H. A. Brunetto, and R. F. Gregolin,
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resources and references but will complete the hardware and [9] H. J. Passow, “Which abet competencies do engineering graduates find
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[11] D. Q. Nguyen, “The essential skills and attributes of an engineer: A Joseph M. Mahoney Dr. Joseph Mahoney is an
comparative study of academics, industry personnel and engineering Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at
students,” Global J. of Engng. Educ, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 65–75, 1998. Penn State Berks. He received both his BS (with
[12] J. M. Mahoney and R. Nathan, “Mechanical vibrations modal analysis Honors) and MS in Mechanical Engineering from
project with arduinos,” in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Penn State. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering
American Society of Engineering Education, 2017. Science and Mechanics also from Penn State. His
[13] J. Gere and S. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials. Nelson Thornes research is broadly in the area of Biomechanics.
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[14] S. S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, 6th ed. Pearson, 2017. brations and Video Game Design. He is a mem-
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in International encyclopedia of statistical science. Springer, 2011, pp. Musculoskeletal Disorders. He was workshop chair and co-organizer for the
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[17] L. V. Hedges and I. Olkin, Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis.
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[18] D. Lakens, “Calculating and reporting effect sizes to facilitate cumu-
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[19] J. Cohen, “Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences . Professor and program coordinator for the mechan-
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[20] L. Tan and J. Jiang, Digital signal processing: fundamentals and Penn State Berks. He received his BS from the
applications. Academic Press, 2013. University of Mysore, DIISc from Indian Institute
of Science, MS from Louisiana State University and
Ph.D. from Drexel University. He has worked in
the area of Electronic Packaging in C-DOT (India)
and then as a Scientific Assistant in the Robotics
laboratory at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
India. He worked as a post-doc at the University
of Pennsylvania in the area of Haptics and Virtual Reality. His research
interests are in the areas of unmanned vehicles particularly flapping flight,
mechatronics, robotics, MEMS, virtual reality and haptics, and teaching
with technology. He has ongoing research in flapping flight, Frisbee flight
dynamics, lift in porous material and brain injury. He is an active member
of ASEE and ASME and reviewer for several ASME, IEEE and ASEE, FIE
conferences, and journals.

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