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What is tobacco?

Tobacco is a plant whose leaves get dried up and fermented before being put in 

tobacco products. Tobacco contains nicotine. Nicotine is a very addictive drug that 

makes it hard for people to quit once they start. Tobacco carries a lot of harmful 

things in and can potentially get more harmful when you burn it. 

What’s the history of tobacco 

Tobacco was originally used by Native Americans for religious ceremonies and 

medical purposes. “Early in tobacco’s history, it was used as a cure-all remedy, for 

dressing wounds, reducing pain, and even for toothaches” (History of tobacco use 

in America). It is believed that Christopher Columbus brought tobacco into Europe 

by receiving it as a gift from the Native Americans. It instantly became popular in 

Europe. “They believed that tobacco had magical healing powers. Soon, the 

smoking of tobacco was promoted as a viable way to get your “daily dose of 

tobacco” (History of tobacco use in America). In the early 17th century, scientists 

and philosophers started discovering the tobacco was actually very harmful and it 

related to a lot of lung problems going on at the time. Some states started banning 

tobacco while others started making cigars and snuff. Pierre Lorillard created the 

first cigar and snuff company in 1760. It is now the oldest tobacco company today. 

Billions of cigars were being sold. Everyone was hooked on tobacco. It wasn’t until 

1964 when Surgeon General’s started reporting all the serious health effects 
tobacco had. Shortly after in 1985, lung cancer became the number one cause of 

death in women and breast cancer became a bigger issue. By this time, people were 

already addicted to tobacco. It was hard for people to stop. Only 4% of people were 

actually able to quit. That percentage is very low and that goes to show how 

addictive tobacco can be. “Over the past 20 years, cigarettes have changed in many 

ways. Cigarettes now contain more harmful ingredients than before, and the 

tobacco industry has drastically increased their marketing strategies, targeting new 

and diverse populations, including children” (History of tobacco use in America). It’s 

crazy to think that tobacco from the start was already harmful and nowadays it’s 

even more harmful. People can’t get enough of the toxic drug. It’s also sad that it’s 

targeted towards youth and young people more than ever before. They target 

young people because that’s who’s going to keep their company in business in the 


How do tobacco companies try to sell their products? 

Tobacco companies, like I mentioned earlier, target young people. They do this by 

using phrases like “The best way to learn is through experience.” I’ve also seen 

companies have commercials with young and beautiful people. Their goal is to 

make smoking look cool and that it’s the thing to do. If you’re not smoking then 

you’re seen as boring. Another tobacco company challenged people to a 30 

competition. The competition was to have people smoke a cigarette a day to see 

how it made them feel. It was a 30 day satisfaction competition. Companies try to 
be sneaky when it comes to convincing people of their product. People need to be 

aware of companies' tactics.  

How do you use tobacco?  

“People can smoke, chew, or sniff tobacco. Smoked tobacco products include 

cigarettes, cigars, bidis, and kreteks. Some people also smoke loose tobacco in a 

pipe or hookah (water pipe). Chewed tobacco products include chewing tobacco, 

snuff, dip, and snus; snuff can also be sniffed” (National Institute on Drug Abuse). 

There are many different ways to take tobacco and they all get you high at different 

rates. Smoking gets you people high the fastest. An A​verage smoker takes in 1–2 

milligrams of nicotine per cigarette. ​When you chew tobacco, it takes longer for it 

to kick in. 

What are tobacco’s short term effects?  

Low to moderate short term effects include; initial stimulation, then reduction in 

activity of brain and nervous system increased alertness and concentration, 

feelings of mild euphoria, feelings of relaxation, increased blood pressure and heart 

rate, decreased blood flow to fingers and toes, decreased skin temperature, bad 

breath, decreased appetite, dizziness, nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting, 

headache, and coughing due to smoking irritation. High doses include; Increase in 

unpleasant effects, feeling faint, confusion, rapid decrease in blood pressure and 
breathing rate, seizures, respiratory arrest, and death. Depending on how much 

you take at a time and how often you take it, results vary.  

What are tobacco’s long term effects?  

People who smoke often are likely to get staining on their fingers and teeth. They 

are also more likely to get lung and throat cancer. “Carbon monoxide in cigarettes 

reduces the amount of oxygen available to the muscles, brain and blood. This 

means the whole body—especially the heart—must work harder. Over time this 

causes airways to narrow and blood pressure to rise, which can lead to heart attack 

and stroke. High levels of CO, together with nicotine, increase the risk of heart 

disease, hardening of the arteries and other circulatory problems” (National 

Institute on Drug Abuse). If people aren’t getting all the oxygen they need, they are 

more likely to have a lot of problems in the future. Other long term effects include 

different cancers, triggering asthma, heart disease, decreased appetite, slower 

healing wounds, etc. 

In conclusion, tobacco is very harmful. It’s not only harmful towards the people 

smoking, but also toward the families involved. Tobacco is a strong addiction and if 

it gets out of hand, it can cause people to lose their jobs, their homes, their families, 

etc. All it takes is one time to get addicted. It’s sad because so many people started 

at a young age because it was the “cool” thing to do at the time. They did it without 
knowing the harmful effects it has. After many years of people smoking, they were 

finally made aware of the damage it can do. By this time they are addicted and it’s 

hard for them to quit. It’s important for people to be educated on thing’s they’re 

putting in their bodies.  

Work Cited 

National Institute on Drug Abuse. ​Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products DrugFacts​. 

24 July 2020,


“History of Tobacco Use in America.” ​Swedish,​


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