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Danny T – Representation of Women

1. The Elizabethan beliefs of femininity that are still prevalent today are:

- In some cultural families, wives are still expected to cook, clean and care for their husbands.

- In some cultures, when a couple married, they had to stay married until they die.

- Certain games or activities are still seen as “girlish activities”.

2. The Elizabethan beliefs of femininity that have changed are same-sex marriage. This has changed
through the government laws of marriage. On the 9 th of December 2017, same sex marriage became
legalized in Australia because Australia became accepted in the LGBT community.

3. In my opinion, our attitude to women has changed significantly between the Elizabethan era and
our modern world because overtime, we as human beings have developed acceptance towards
female stereotypes and the things they do. We as men are also learning not to commit domestic
violence against women. This change of attitude has achieved through human rights, multiple
campaigns such as white ribbon Australia and developed education of how humans should be
treated in a way that both genders are equal in equality.

4. An example of a shift in representation of women in society is a movement called the Women’s

liberation movement. The Women’s liberation movement was a campaign that emerged in the late
60s worldwide. The campaign was started by young women who were living in a period of social and
cultural change. It eventually became a success in promoting awareness in women’s problems
against sexism. The reason why this campaign was made was because women during that era felt
like they were not getting treated equally as men did.

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