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Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teacher: Tatumn Cole

Date: December 11, 2020
Subject / grade level: 8th grade math
Materials: hyperdocument, graphic organizer

Essential Standards and Clarifying Objectives

Content Standards
Jumpstart standard: financial decision making standard 1 and 2
AZ Math Standard: 8.MP.1

Essential Question: What does responsibility of one’s finances look like?

Lesson objective(s):

Students will explore their own personal financial choices that they have made.
Students will discuss whether their financial choices were informed decisions.
Students will consider what must be taken into account to be responsible for their own finances.

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs:

Allowing students to work individually or with a group

 Students are asked to think about their own personal financial decision
 They are asked to think about how much thought went into these decisions
 Students are asked to post their responses in a padlet
 Students are asked to take a graphic organizer and watch the different financial decision scenario videos
 They must then post their observations in the graphic organizer.

 Students are asked to share their observations with their group members.
 They are asked to provide feedback on at least 2 other team members observations by commenting on important takeaways or common observations,
any information that seemed to spark their interest. If they have any questions about other team members' observations they are asked to address
them now.

Practice: Demonstrate financial responsibility.

 Using thier observations in the Informed Decision Making graphic organizer on what an informed financial decision intels, they must describe a future
personal financial decision that they would like to make and discuss the research they must perform before they decide to go through with it.
 After they have drafted their informed financial decision, they will share their plan with a group member. By presenting their plan to their group
members, they should be able to explain that their personal finance decision is well informed and go through with the decision.

 Students are asked to review what their initial thoughts about financial choices and decisions and what needed to be taken into account when going
through with these financial situations. They are asked the following questions. What new information do you have to improve your informed financial
choices and decisions? What particular considerations might you make when you are deciding to pull the trigger on a big purchase in the future? What
are you still not quite sure about when it comes to informed decision making?
 They must reflect on the feedback presented from their peers concerning their personal financial decision plan, how can it be changed, modified,
simplified, or revised to be more successful? 
 They must post their individual comments on Flipgrid.

Financial Responsibility Hyperdocument

Financial Responsibility
To use this HyperDoc template, make a copy, then follow the lesson design notes to add content, links,
and instructions. A completed lesson template is meant for students to use. HyperDoc templates are easy
to revise and customize to the structure of the lesson you are creating, just follow the instructions below.
Have Fun!

To engage students at the beginning of a lesson, insert video, image,
quote, or another inspirational hook in this box. 
The Goal:  Reveal Pre-existing ideas, Beliefs, Preconceptions. Pose
questions that students will begin to answer in “Explore”
Click image to watch video
Individually: Taking a look at your own prior experiences, why do you think
personal finances and being able to manage them are important? Watch this
video. After viewing the video reflect on recent personal financial
decisions/choices you have made. Reflect on these choices and think about
how much thought and cautionary research was put into this purchase. Once
you are done post your thoughts on this Padlet.

Curate a collection of resources (articles, videos, infographics, text
excerpts, etc.) for students to explore the topic. 
The Goal: Students may be gathering data, sharing ideas, looking for
patterns, making conjectures, and developing further questions and
problem solving considerations with the use of the information/activity
Individually, make a copy of the Informed Decision Making graphic
organizer. View each video provided within the graphic organizer.
Document your observations during your viewing of each scenario and
respond to the reflection questions that are provided.

Use this section to allow students to explain their thinking and move
towards demonstrating mastery of the lesson’s objective. 
The Goal: Provide opportunity for students to compare ideas, construct
explanations, justify in terms of observations and/or data collected in a
collaborative large group environment.
Share your observations through sharing your graphic organizers with
your assigned team members. 

Provide feedback on at least 2 other team members observations by

commenting on important takeaways or common observations, any
information that seemed to spark your interest. If you have any
questions about other team members' observations feel free to address
them now.

Use this section for students to apply information from the previous
sections to new circumstances or elaborate on a particular aspect at a
deeper level usually coming in the form of “What if” questions.  
The Goal: Allowing students the opportunity to discuss how their
thinking has changed or been solidified.
Practice: Demonstrate financial responsibility.
1. Using your observations in the Informed Decision Making
graphic organizer on what an informed financial decision intels,
describe a future personal financial decision that you would like
to make and discuss the research you must perform before you
decide to go through with it.
2. After you have drafted your informed financial decision, share
your plan with a group member. By presenting your plan to your
group members, you should be able to explain that your
personal finance decision is well informed and go through with
the decision.

Include an opportunity for face-to-face or digital reflection to guide
students along their learning progression, evaluating progress and
setting new goals for continued exploration.
The Goal: Refine initial answer to the “driving question” and reflect on
ideas, goals and beliefs concerning their progress.
Review what your initial thoughts were about financial choices and
decisions and what needed to be taken into account when going
through with these financial situations. What new information do you
have to improve your informed financial choices and decisions? What
particular considerations might you make when you are deciding to pull
the trigger on a big purchase in the future? What are you still not quite
sure about when it comes to informed decision making?

Reflect on the feedback presented from your peers concerning your

personal financial decision plan, how can it be changed, modified,
simplified, or revised to be more successful? 

Please post your individual comments on Flipgrid.

Informed Decision-Making Graphic Organizer

Observation Worksheet

Objective: After watching each video record any observations you made about the necessary
information that must be learned and taken into account when deciding to partake in the
following finance decisions.

Video #1: Buying a Car

Video #2: Buying a House

Video #3: Paying for


Reflection of Observations:
1. Are the above financial decisions informed?

2. Is there such a thing as being too informed?

3. How could you apply the information presented in the videos to all future financial

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