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Endo consult

Endocrine consultation requested for the evaluation of ***

Requested by***
Endocrine Attending ***

HPI: @NAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ seen for consultation and evaluation of ***.

Outside Physician***

easy bruising, or bleeding. ***

history of non-healing wounds, or fractures. ***
visual changes or visual field loss ***
headaches. ***
Weight changes: ***
polyuria/thirst ***
muscle weakness***

pallor ***
tremor ***
pounding headaches or episodic HTN***
Visual changes: ***

orthostatic symptoms ***

bronzing ***
hypoglycemia ***
lightheadness ***
appetite changes ***

foot or hand size changes***

tooth spacing ***
snoring or OSA***
breast discharge ***
ED: ***
Menarche ***
Amenorrhea ***
G*P*: cycles are **
LMP: ***
Libido ***

Energy: ***
Weight: ***
Heat/cold intolerance: ***
Skin/Hair/Nail changes: ***
Diarrhea/Constipation: ***
Tremor/anxiety: ***
Insomnia: ***
Palpitations: ***
Voice changes: ***
Dysphagia: ***
History of Radiation Exposure: ***
Family history of thyroid disease or cancer: ***




Social History:



ROS: ***
The full 10-point review of systems is otherwise negative except as noted in HPI.



GENERAL: Awake, alert and in no apparent distress

EYES: conjunctivae are pink and moist, no exophthalmos, lag or stare
ENT/MOUTH: dentition: ***, tongue normal
THYROID: thyroid is ***, no nodules, non-tender
LYMPHATIC: no cervical or supraclavicular adenopathy
CARDIOVASCULAR: regular rate and rhythm, *** murmur, peripheral pulses ***
RESPIRATORY: full breath sounds bilaterally with normal expansion
GASTROINTESTINAL: soft, non-tender, normal bowel sounds
MUSCULOSKELETAL: normal muscle mass, normal gait
SKIN: *** breakdown, nails ***
NEUROLOGIC: DTRs normal with normal recovery phase, PERRL, EOMI, *** tremor of the
outstretched hands, monofilament ***
PSYCHIATRIC: mood and affect are normal

OUTSIDE RECORDS: reviewed. Pertinent positives summarized in HPI


1.The patient was informed that he/she could receive Transition Care Management (TCM)
services, and that Medicare will pay for it.
2. The patient identified Joslin where he/she wishes to receive TCM services in follow up to this


@NAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ admitted with ***.
Endocrine consulted for evaluation of ***.




Patient has been seen with *** who agrees with above assessment and plan.

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