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"I Didn't Know" and

"I Was Only Doing My Job'

Has Corporate Governance
Careened Out of Control?
A Case Study of Enron's
Information Myopia John Alan Cohan

ABSTRACT. This paper discusses internal dynamics entity effect, motivated reasoning, group cohesion or
of the firm that contribute to the failure of knowl- "groupthink," and the false consensus effect. Problem
edge conditions, using the Enron scandal as a case of overoptimism — tendency of many people to
study. Ability of the board to effectively monitor overrate their own abilities, contributions and talents
conduct at operational levels includes various — and tendency toward puffery and dismissal of risks
dynamics: senior management being isolated from in formulating disclosures and press releases.
those at operational levels; individuals pursuing Imposing liability on directors for failure of over-
subgoals that are contrary to overall corporate goals; sight is extremely difficult to sustain in a court of
information flow along a narrow linear channel that law. Directors are likely to face much greater demands
effectively forecloses adverse information from getting of accountability in the wake of Enron. Solutions
to senior management; a corporate culture of intim- to enhance flow of information include programs to
idation, discouraging open expressions of doubt or encourage employees to expose wrongdoing without
skepticism, resulting in reluctance to challenge senior fear of retribution; devising of communication system
officials, and pushing the limits of ethics and the that enables important information to move upward
law. to the proper decisionmaker without getting distorted;
Elements of information blockage in the corpora- restructuring of audit committees, providing adequate
tion include: the "law of diminishing control"; training for new directors, expanding the number of
deliberate concealment of information by officers; independent directors on the board. In the wake of
motivation to report to the boss what one perceives Enron, corporations may simply have no choice but
the boss wants to hear; theory of "bounded ratio- to meet increased demands by workers, shareholders,
nality" that explains surprising role of irrationality in customers and the government for greater account-
decisionmaking - unconscious emotions and motiva- ability.
tions. Discussion of behavioralist studies of cognitive Appendix to paper discusses the history of the cor-
dissonance, belief perseverance, confirmatory bias. poration, moral dilemmas of the shareholder-centric
model, and whether important social goods some-
times trump the notion of profit-maximization.
John Alan Cohan is an attorney, writer, teacher and
philosopher. He is a native of Los Angeles, California,
and has heen a lawyer since 1972, with clients
throughout the United States and Europe in the fields
of tax law, aviation law, and farming and livestock law.
He was graduated from the University of Southern
We can understand the dissemination of infor-
California in 1969, Loyola Law School in 1972, and mation within a corporation only if we can
admitted to the California Bar in 1972. He has studied understand the realities of behavior within. The
philosophy in the Philosophy Department of UCLA focus of this paper will be on the internal
with the equivalent of a master's degree in philosophy. dynamics of the corporation. I will address

foumal of Business Ethics 40: 275-299, 2002.

© 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
276 John Alan Cohan

selected issues involving the failure of knowledge S. Watkins, told the House Energy and
conditions that arose from the Enron implosion. Commerce Committee that she beheved Enron's
The Enron scandal brought to light a recurring former chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, was largely
communication dysfunction within the organi- unaware of the severity of the company's
zational structure of the corporation itself. How troubles, that he "did not understand the gravity
does a corporation behave internally? Where of the situation. . . ."^ She submitted an anony-
does corporate accountability break down? Why mous memorandum detailing her revelations to
is there a failure of knowledge conditions? What Mr. Lay, and later met with him personally to
makes up a corporate culture of intimidation? discuss it.^ She said that even after she person-
What dynamics operate to lead individuals and ally explained to him that the company appeared
units to pursue subgoals that are contrary to to have questionable accounting practices that hid
overall corporate goals? huge losses, Mr. Lay still "didn't get it."^ Enron's
In the past various scandals and business con- former chief executive, Jeffrey K. Skilling por-
spiracies have failed to uncover evidence of trayed himself as ignorant of the company's ques-
involvement by the senior management.' What tionable practices in testimony before the same
goes on in board rooms remains one of the best House committee.^ He said, "This was a very
kept secrets of corporate America. The theme large corporation. It would be impossible to
of "directors who do not direct" has received know everything going on."'° The practices
extensive commentary over the years.^ One under scrutiny were partnerships which investi-
theme is that the board is so isolated from gators say were used to conceal debt and unprof-
managers at operational levels that it cannot itable investments from Enron's shareholders."
effectively monitor or control the conduct of Top Enron officials told employees that the
managers.^ That appears to be due to the decen- company's stock price would continue rising at
tralized nature of the corporate structure itself, the same time other officials were raising serious
the hierarchical chain of command that requires questions about the stability of the company's
information to travel along a narrow linear finances.^^ The optimism of the company's
channel, and a technical orientation of those at chairman, Mr. Lay, occurred even while Ms.
operational levels that makes them impervious to Watkins, who was a senior Enron employee,
risky behavior.'' At times subordinates who may explicitly warned him that several years of
want to "blow the whistle" may be thwarted improper accounting practices threatened to
by an intimidating corporate culture, or simply bring down the company.'-' This suggests that
because of the hierarchical structure that effec- Mr. Lay was on notice about the company's
tively forecloses adverse information from getting accounting problems even while he was assuring
to senior management.' In addition, the norm in employees and the investment public that Enron's
large American corporations is to have multiple stock would rebound. According to an econo-
and autonomous divisions, each self-contained mist at Enron Energy Services, "It was impor-
and headed by a divisional chief with full oper- tant for employees to believe the hype just as it
ational authority, thus fostering decisionmaking was important for analysts and investors to believe
that is decentralized and prone to subgoals. It is it."''* Some in Congress claim that Wall Street
as if there are several independent corporations analysts should have seen red flags as early as two
within the larger structure. years before Enron's implosion, based upon a
string of warning signs in Enron's public securi-
ties filings.'^ Instead, most analysts still rated
What happened at Enron? Enron as a "buy" or "strong buy" on November
8, 2001, the same day Enron acknowledged it
How it is that Enron's directors failed to provide had overstated profits by almost $600 million.'^
enough oversight to prevent the company's The problem may be that analysts who question
collapse, and the loss of billions of dollars of the value of a popular company are branded as
investors' money? An Enron executive, Sherron controversial, and "[i]f you want to move up the
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 111

hierarchy of the Wall Street establishment, you that inflated its reported earnings, told a House
don't rock the boat."''' committee that his inquiry had uncovered "a
Jeffrey McMahon, Enron's new president, told systematic and pervasive attempt by Enron's
a congressional committee that Enron had a management to misrepresent the company's
corporate climate in which anyone who tried financial condition."^* The report concluded
to challenge questionable practices of Enron's that numerous related-party transactions and
former chief financial officer, Andrew S. Fastow, accounting errors were the result of failures at
faced the prospect of being reassigned or losing many levels and by many people in the company.
a bonus.'^ Ms. Watkins described a culture of The report blamed numerous factors for these
intimidation in which there was widespread failings: "A flawed idea, self-enrichment by
knowledge of the company's tenuous finances, employees, inadequately designed controls, poor
but no one felt confident enough to confront implementation, inattentive oversight, simple
Mr. Skilling or other senior officials, about it." and not-so-simple accounting mistakes, and over-
Ms. Watkins was alarmed at the information she reaching in a culture that appears to have encouraged
was receiving about Enron's manipulation of pushing the limits."^^
income, but was not comfortable confronting Enron is widely reputed to have had a "go-
either Mr. Skilling or Mr. Fastow with her go" culture, in which senior officials cast aside
concerns. "To do so, I believe, would have been traditional business controls.^^ The corporate
a job-terminating move. Frankly, I thought culture was such that top officers were unaware
it would be fruitless, that nothing would of financial details, and cast a relaxed attitude
happen. . . ."^'' Ms. Watkins said she believed that about conflicts of interest of executives.^^ Joseph
Mr. Skilling and Mr. Fastow^ "did dupe Ken Lay F. Beradino, chief executive of Arthur Andersen,
and the board."^' the former Enron auditor, testified that impor-
Two trustees of Enron's 401 (k) plan told tant information about Enron's finances had been
Congress that they did little to protect employees withheld from his firm.^°
in the plan as the company's stock plummeted Commentators are concerned that other
to less than $1 a share from more than $90.^^ bombs like Enron's may be ticking.'" The possi-
One trustee, Cindy Olson, disclosed that despite bility exists that ignorance streams such as these
her knowledge of a memorandum that warned are not confined to a small range of cases, but
Mr. Lay that Enron could implode because of that the modern American corporation harbors
accounting irregularities, she did nothing to warn millions of individuals who operate in a state
plan participants about the possible accounting of communication myopia throughout their
problems and the damage they could do to careers.
Enron's share price. She said she did not warn
anybody because she thought the assessment
might be untrue.^^ Overview of the board's oversight
Further, Enron's board was faulted for failing function and the business judgment rule
to ask pertinent questions or to get involved in
"any meaningful examination of the nature or The failure of oversight by Enron's directors,
terms of the dubious partnership transactions that many of whom were financially sophisticated,
moved debt off the company's sheet.^'* And even leaves one wondering what the purpose of a
when the board did ask questions, they were not board is. Corporate law generally provides that
given the right answers.^^ By failing to delve the board of directors is responsible for managing
more deeply, the board appears to have missed the corporation, a function that is viewed as
the opportunity to uncover fundamental flaws in one of oversight.^^ In carrying out their oversight
the company's accounting practices. responsibilities, directors owe fiduciary duties,
William C. Powers, who became the chairman including the duties of care and loyalty, to the
of a special committee on Enron's board that corporation. As discussed in the Appendix, there
issued a report about Enron's shaky transactions is a tendentious divergence of opinion as to
278 John Alan Cohan

precisely what stakeholders are entitled to be caused by non-compliance with applicable legal
beneficiaries of the board's fiduciary duties. But standards.^*
generally, officers and directors are expected to
perform their duties "in good faith and with Significantly, the court further noted that:
that degree of care that an ordinary prudent
only a sustained or systematic failure of the board
person in a like position would use under similar to exercise oversight — such as an utter failure to
circumstances."^'' attempt to assure a reasonable information and
The business judgment rule generally governs reporting system exists — wiU establish the lack of
judicial interpretations of director decisions, and good faith that is a necessary condition for
is an evidentiary presumption that directors, in liabihty.''
making business decisions, act on an informed
basis, in good faith and in the honest belief that The court added that
their actions are in the best interest of the
company.'''* The business judgment rule requires absent grounds to suspect deception, neither cor-
porate boards nor senior officers can be charged
directors to oversee the corporation only insofar
with wrongdoing simply for assuming the integrity
as they should make inquiries where "suspicions of employees and the honesty of their dealings on
are aroused, or should be aroused" by the the company's behalf'"'
existence of "red flags."''^ In a leading case
addressing the board's oversight responsibilities, Thus, imposing liabihty on directors for failure
the Delaware Supreme Court rejected a claim of oversight is extremely difficult to sustain in a
by shareholders that the board has an affirmative court of law unless there is evidence tatamount
duty to install an internal system of monitoring, to total abdication of responsibilities.'*'
saying In the wake of Enron, boards may scramble
to review just how they go about monitoring in
it appears that directors are entitled to rely on the the corporate hierarchy. The right degree of
honesty and integrity of their subordinates until
monitoring can to some extent help vv^orkers
something occurs to put them on suspicion that
something is wrong. If such occurs and goes know that violations of the law or of corporate
unheeded, then liability of the directors might well policies will be detected and punished. But
follow, but absent cause for suspicion there is no excessive monitoring of workers creates an
duty upon the directors to install and operate a atmosphere of distrust.''^ Excessive monitoring
corporate system of espionage to ferret out wrong- gives the impression that people in the company
doing which they have no reason to suspect cannot interact on an assumption of good faith,
exists.^* and this can backfire by eroding the level of
commitment of workers throughout the
The standard of a board's oversight duty 'was company, and by shifting time and attention from
expounded upon in In re Caremark International doing "real 'work" to managing the impressions
Inc. Derivative Litigation,^^ involving the question of the monitor. "[Pjeople do not like to be mon-
of whether the directors breached their fiduciary itored. They may well mistake monitoring and
duty of care by failing to monitor activities of questioning for distrust. . . .'"*^ Another cost of
the company's employees regarding corrective distrust is that people are less healthy and less
measures that may have prevented certain happy'*''
unlawful conduct. In discussing the liability of
"inattentiveness" the court said that a director's
obligation Elements that constitute information
includes a duty to attempt in good faith to assure blockage in the corporation
that a corporate information and reporting system,
which the board concludes is adequate, exists, and Information blockage is a pervasive problem
that failure to do so under some circumstances may, within large corporations.'*' Enron is hardly the
in theory at least, render a director liable for losses first company to have come under fire for
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Joh" 279

holding back adverse financial news from the

public until the last possible moment, leading to . . . [P]ushing details down protects the privi-
a rapid plunge in its stock price once the adverse lege of authority to declare that a mistake has been
information hit the news, followed by lawsuits made. . . . Moreover, pushing down details relieves
from unhappy investors based on material mis- superiors of the burden of too much knowledge,
particularly guilty knowledge.
representations by officers who kept an optimistic
public face. Scores of cases decided by the
. . . [Middle managers] become the "point men"
courts each year under the antifraud provision of a given strategy and the potential "fall guys"
of the SEC's regulations. Rule lOb-S,"*^ fall into when things go wrong."
this category.'*' The tendency to report informa-
tion selectively, emphasizing the positive while In many instances of corporate misdeeds
omitting the negative, is characteristic of all the misconduct apparently occurs at a level
bureaucratic organizations, from the Army to the well below that of senior management.^'* Senior
Red Cross. The SEC and congressional reports executives may often enough discover, albeit
have chronicled this alarming situation, dating much to late, that the truth is indeed quite dif-
back many years, in such corporate collapses as ferent from what they had been led to believe.
Penn Central and Stirling Homex.'*^ One com- With Enron, adverse information may not have
mentator remarked that the board "was always reached the board until the crisis became
the last group to hear of trouble in the great unavoidable.
business catastrophes of the century.'"*^ One A common phenomenon known as the "law
econotnist put the problem this way: "[T]he of diminishing control," states: "The larger any
larger and more authoritarian the organization, organization becomes, the weaker is the control
the better the chance that its top decision-makers over its actions exercised by those at the top."'^
will be operating in purely imaginary worlds."^" That is why so many boards have limited impact
Information blockage can occur by deliberate in most forms of corporate decisionmaking.
concealment of information by officers to other "Boards do not set policy, do not veto manage-
board members, by the chief executive officer to ment, seldom intervene short of a major crisis,
the public, even in the face of direct inquiries and do not even select their own successors or
by the press, by attorneys in rendering opinions the next chief executive officer."^^
to the board on sensitive transactions, and by The board of Enron, along with other modern
outside accountants who may tolerate the falsi- corporations, appears to be analogous to
fication of corporate books and records without
a fuss.'' the seventeenth century monarch — holding
absolute power in theory, but cut off from access
The hallmarks of a successful company include
to information and thereby manipulated by
flexibility and the ability to act and react quickly, the ministers who are its nominal servants.
but these are thwarted to the extent that infor- Occasionally, the board may erupt into forceful
mation is blocked from the board.'^ Supervisory action, but in the long run its domination by its
executives, given they are a step or two removed ministers seems inevitable."
from the nuts and bolts of a project, have a com-
promised ability to monitor the situation if they Blockage of information occurs in a variety
get no more than distorted information and have of ways. For instance, in a hierarchical structure
no alternative sources of data to examine. it is often the duty of tniddle managers to discern
Sociologist Robert Jackall describes the typical between the important and unimportant findings,
bureaucratic corporate structure this way: and to limit the upward flow of information to
Power is concentrated at the top in the person of relevant and unusual information.^^ This delib-
the chief executive officer (CEO) and is simulta- erate filtering of information is compounded by
neously decentralized; that is, responsibility for a frustrating feature of human nature whereby
decisions and profits is pushed as far down the messages simply get changed passing from one
organizational line as possible. supervisor to the next in a hierarchy, with only
280 John Alan Cohan

a very diluted message ever reaching the top initial setbacks. Adverse situations are usually
through regular Hnes of communication.^^ open-ended; that is, poor performance seldom
It is probably safe to assume that most people can be established conclusively, and a turnaround
prefer to be known as trustworthy rather than as is always possible. And one may just want to hold
untrustworthy, even if they are not. Collectively, on to one's salary and perquisites for as long as
managers have a natural incentive toward possible. This can go on until a catastrophe
candor.*" The reputations of a company's execu- presents an overwhelming case that requires the
tives are usually closely aligned with the ongoing company to acknowledge that wrong decisions
interests of the firm as reflected in not only its were made.
share price, but in the firm's reputation for truth- Disclosure of adverse information can be
fulness. Concealment usually only delays the embarrassing to executives, leading to a drop in
apprehension of the truth rather than perma- management morale. Also, disclosing a mistake
nently putting it out of public view, given the means that one will have to "backpedal," which
layers of outside scrutiny from professional calls into question one's reputation for
analysts, accountants and lav^ers. To have a rep- consistency, a highly valued asset in business
utation for trustworthiness means that people are organizations.*^ Bad news can also affect overall
likely to place their trust in you. Trusted optimism among workers as a whole and threaten
managers in an organization are more easily able continued external support from suppliers,
to persuade others to accept their decisions, and customers, etc.*^
cooperation is facilitated if workers are able to A further motivation is that the promotion and
readily accept the decisions of managers.*' Thus, termination protocols commonly found in cor-
given the obvious damage to one's reputation, porations make it tempting to transmit informa-
to the trust reposed in people by the company, tion in a way that minimizes the potential for
as well as legal consequences, it is puzzling why blaming oneself for bad news, and to convey as
employees in the firm would deliberately conceal much good news as possible - consistent, of
the truth. course, with a general desire to maintain a
reputation for credibihty with senior manage-
ment. This was precisely what Sherron Watkins
Motivations to lie or deliberately conceal alluded to in telling a congressional committee
the truth in an organization that confronting senior management with her
concerns "would have been a job-terminating
Corporate officers receive information from move."*'* Distortion or concealment can become
multiple, and sometimes conflicting, sources, that a dominant strategy regardless of explicit injunc-
may well undergo distortion in transmission. tions of senior management to "give me accurate
With Enron, the "lies" came in a variety of information," if workers fear the possibility of
forms. There was misrepresentation of hard data, being fired or deadended in hght of a candid por-
that is, concealment of debt, lying about trayal of a situation.
accounting results, as well as about the stream of Thus, subordinate managers have a pervasive
earnings, and distortion of the company's future interest in concealing bad news, and are tempted
prospects. to vary the message to conform to their self-
For some, the motivation to lie is that disclo- interest.*^ Doing so avoids or delays both personal
sure of the truth may put the company into embarrassment and the associated risk of being
bankruptcy, with attendant group firings, and the terminated, and the unpleasant and wealth-
loss of one's own job. There is also an emotional reducing likelihood of a stock price drop. Some
attachment to one's involvement in a project that counterbalancing incentive to report bad news
motivates one to hold off transmitting informa- may be the need to foster an ongoing corporate
tion if it would flagrantly signal danger to the reputation for credibility with outside suppliers,
firm. Concealment can also buy time, as there is customers and lenders. But human nature - often
always the hope of some reversal of fortune after in the form of self-deception - provides ample
"/ Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My fob" 281

reason to believe that managers will often enough extracting what seems relevant.^^ Given the finite
try to sweep the bad news under the rug, or give time and mental capacity with which we live,
it an unrealistically positive spin. people tend to adopt simplifying strategies such
There is also the motivation to report to the as reducing the number of factors considered or
boss what one perceives the boss wants to hear.^* simply seeking some minimal threshold of satis-
This is complicated by the fact that junior faction with a choice, foregoing any more careful
managers on the executive track moving from consideration of it or other possibilities.
one role to another every couple of years, feel Second, many companies are information-
pressed to accentuate the positive and distort bad based, such as finance, software, media, health
news or at least defer bad news that might tarnish care, and other companies. Information in these
one's chances for promotion until one has moved companies is based on individual skills, insights,
on to a higher position, thus leaving the problem knowledge, and talent. Production in informa-
for one's successor. tion-based firms does not proceed in linear,
Based on the foregoing motivations, individual assembly line fashion - but interactively, with the
executives in Enron who made the decisions to creative input of individuals at a number of levels.
hide the company's debts in dubious partnerships For instance, with scientists working on a satel-
and through other means, feared an erosion of lite, the creative fiow of information is multi-
status within the organization if the company's directional, going from the development team
expectations to increase income could not be to the software writer to an engineering com-
delivered. Like most successful executives, they mittee, and then back again for refinement and
had a rather high regard for their abilities, and perfection. Members of the production process
were unconsciously protective of both self- and must have sufficient understanding of the others'
external-image. In addition, officials who engage jobs in order to be able to communicate with
in misconduct may think they are doing so to them, to provide feedback, and to help refine
benefit, not to injure, the corporation, because the product. It's like the various members of a
the results will, in theory at least, help maximize symphony orchestra, each one having specialized
the company's profits.^^ tasks but nonetheless needing to have some
understanding of how one's colleagues' instru-
ments work and interplay with their own sounds;
Information flow in a corporate hierarchy and they must closely coordinate their work in
order to make the whole piece come out right.
Apart from lying and deliberate concealment, The various members of a surgical team all have
there are different features that contribute to a different specialized tasks, but each must have
myopic information fiow in an organization. some understanding, even expert understanding,
First, people usually only have a small amount of the other members' functions.
of data available to them in most situations - far Third, in large companies with numerous
short of that necessary to make inferences that decentralized divisions, some economists have
meet anything resembling well-grounded empiri- pointed out a kind of corporate schizophrenia
cism. Thus, everybody must go about one's called "subgoal pursuit,"*' by which managers at
business on the basis of insufficient information. lower levels have a bias for the expansion and
Through a variety of shortcuts, the mind fills in growth of their own division, and wiU therefore,
the gaps. tend to maximize the interests and autonomy of
Further, we all have limited cognitive capaci- their own unit rather than the company's welfare
ties, so that even when people have abundant as a whole.^° There may be a lack of congru-
data, they might not be able to assimilate it ence between the interests of the corporation and
because the mind lacks the capacity to process the career aspirations of executives in the cor-
all that is available. Busy executives deal with porate divisions. From this perspective, the
information overload by processing the informa- problem of information blockage is not a tech-
tion, that is, by sifting through data and nical failure but is instead part of a deliberate and
282 John Alan Cohan

predictable strategy rationally employed by lower claim that perception as well as mental processes
echelons to protect their own interests from both such as memory, judgment, and attention take
senior management and the board alike. When place below tbe level of conscious awareness -
subgoal pursuits are at risk, there is a motivation and includes instincts, emotions, fantasies, desires,
to "decouple" topmost management from crucial and conflicts. The behavioral economist Herbert
information. Simon once observed that "we cannot, of course,
rule out the possibility that the unconscious is a
better decision-maker than the conscious."'^
Irrationality and cognitive biases in Neuroscientists also claim that much of what
corporate governance: the formation and happens in the brain goes on outside of conscious
persistence of initial beliefs awareness.'^ Neuroscientists wbo have studied
unconscious processing of information claim that
Corporate governance operates on the premise most decisions are made subconsciously, with
that w^orkers are autonomous and rational beings. many gradations of awareness.'^ These findings,
But legal and economics scholars now acknowl- which are gaining wide acceptance, challenge the
edge that the neoclassical assumption of ratio- notion that people always make conscious choices
nality often fails as a descriptive model of about what they want and bow to obtain it.
economic actors and their behavior. In other Cognitive psychology has developed the
words, individuals are not rational all of the time. concept of bounded rationality, now popular in
Innumerable studies by behavioralists show that the economic literature, to help explain irrational
human beings display a remarkable ineptitude for behavior.'^ The theory of bounded rationality
understanding causal relations and probability.^^ identifies systematic, and somewhat predictable,
Members of boards are human beings and, as deviations from rational behavior. The theory
such, they are unlike the classical economic actor focuses on cognitive biases, heuristics, and limi-
who "can perfectly process available information tations that lead individuals to depart from
about alternative courses of action, and can rank outcomes otherwise predicted by the neoclassical
possible outcomes in order of expected utility."^^ rational choice model.
Irrationality plays a surprisingly important role Behavioralists have extensively studied and
in human decisionmaking. By "irrationality" I documented several kinds of cognitive phe-
mean such things as unconscious emotions and nomena tbat demonstrate how we form initial
motivations. In many ways our lives are governed beliefs or hypotheses outside of rational or logical
and even sustained by unknown, and sometimes norms, and how we then maintain a bias for
unknowable, motivations and feelings. Maternal the persistence of these beliefs even when we
love, friendship, romance, artistic creativity, faith are confronted with thoroughly discrediting
in an afterlife, and heroic greatness are examples evidence. An examination of these cognitive
of the life-affirming power of the irrational in biases is helpful to understand how individuals
our lives. We recognize in our own behavior, in a corporate hierarchy are susceptible to irra-
something essentially absurd in irrational acts, for tional decisionmaking in processing, giving or
w^hich no explanation can be given. People receiving information to and from others in the
failing to abide by the rules of logic is some- organization.
thing behavioralists claim is a consistent and We start from the premise that managers
persistent human trait.^'' In other words, irrational become committed to a company's agreed upon
tendencies in human cognition are systematic and course, and tbey cannot easily step away from it,
predictable.'"* even if signs of trouble become prounounced.
Psychoanalysis takes seriously the important There is likely to be distortion in the flow of
place unconscious motivations and feelings have information if various cognitive biases are in
in human conduct, and suggests that irrationality operation, and hence, fewer danger signs will be
is at tbe center rather than the periphery of reported up the hierarchy as "relevant," while
human experience. Today, cognitive psychologists those wbo do report danger signs to senior
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 283

managers will tend to give negative information simply not report it and forget about it, or com-
a positive spin. Should serious problems arise, municate it upward in a way that sanitizes it.^°
there is a high degree of commitment to support It thus becomes easy to preserve an aura of
the prevailing beliefs, that is, a strong motiva- optimism. Senior management is then unlikely
tion to preserve the status quo. to sense serious cause for concern. "Troubling
In general, the various kinds of bias are based bits of information are subject to dismissal
on the longstanding theory of cognitive dissonance, or rationalization, without much conscious
holding that the human mind has an innate drive deliberation. . . ."^'
to maintain consistency between its preexisting Cognitive dissonance manifests in various types
attitudes and the information it receives.^^ of bias that impact the fiow of information in
Behavioralists say that cognitive dissonance is the corporate hierarchies:
tendency to reject or downplay information that
contradicts other, more favorable views, about 1. One cognitive phenomenon is called
oneself or one's state of affairs. This explains why confirmatory bias, which involves misreading of
executives are often overoptimistic. (See discus- evidence that contradicts one's initial beliefs.^^
sion below.) With cognitive dissonance, the mind The strategy is to construe information and
filters out much information that is inconsistent events in such a way as to confirm prior attitudes,
with one's prior attitudes. Hence, people uncon- beliefs, and impressions.^^ People will tend to
sciously focus on and relay only the information reduce the complexity of evidence by focusing
that reinforces their preexisting attitudes, and on the portion of evidence that supports one's
filter out conflicting information. initial belief, and when faced with disconfirming
For instance, once a project is set into motion, evidence, formulate "alternative interpretations"
there is a heavy commitment for the project to to help explain away the evidence.^"* This is
succeed. Those involved with it recognize the exacerbated if the evidence is ambiguous or
reality that the project can still be killed. Once complex. Confirmatory bias also involves the
a commitment is made to a particular course tendency to exaggerate or imagine a correlation
of action, adverse information that arises when doing so confirms one's belief that such a
subsequently is unlikely to be evaluated with the correlation "should" exist, and to underestimate
same objectivity as it would for managers a correlation that might go against one's belief.^^
assessing a proposal to which they have no That is, people often perceive correlations
prior commitment. Cognitive dissonance suggests between variables based on their preconceived
that managers will systematically underestimate biases.
external threats to their projects. Those who Confirmatory bias helps bolster one's chosen
receive risk-related information may sense the course of action by construing information
need to give it a positive spin or to use other in such a way as to confirm one's beliefs and
defense mechanisms. After all, it is still early impressions, resisting taking in disconforming
in the project, so that any risks shown by early information, at least subconsciously. This may
data may be speculative and thus can be help explain why Enron's lawyers failed to ruffle
discounted. any feathers in their investigation of the claims
Revising plans based on discomfirming infor- of accounting abuses voiced by Sharron S.
mation can be both bothersome and anxiety- Watkins.^^ People who commit to a company's
provoking. Bias induces people to simply ignore course of action, such as lawyers, may find it
information pertaining to risks that seem to difficult to appreciate evidence of client wrong-
be remote or highly contingent. Only a fairly doing, making them less than fully competent
vivid or fiagrant threat will be sufficient to gatekeepers.^^
prompt revision. A manageable and stress free
way to handle information that might contradict 2. Another cognitive phenomenon is called belief
decisions that have already been set into perseverance, which is the tendency of people to
motion is to rationalize it away or ignore it. construct "theories" to account for events or
284 John Alan Cohan

circumstances, and then to disregard evidence position. Members risk exclusion from the group
that contradicts their first impressions.^^ Belief if they introduce stressful dissonant information
perseverance tends to cause managers to misper- into the group setting.'^ Thus, groups tend to
ceive events and risks, inducing them in their edit out negative information in order to
good faith to perpetuate an unrealistic set of maintain cohesion. "This, in turn, leads to the
beliefs.^^ In doing so people may have a kind of suppression of information and ideas and cogni-
bias against revision, relying, somewhat uncon- tive conformity. . . ."'^ Ambiguous information
sciously, on stock understandings and precon- tends to be dismissed as unmanageable.'^ The
ceived beliefs about people and situations. group cohesion tendency works so that if one
There is a significant tenacity in belief perse- member brings up some information that
verance: "[IJnitial beliefs may persevere in the suggests that the group has failed to consider
face of a subsequent invalidation of the evidence something troubling, a certain sense of stress
on which they are based," even when the initial arises, and members tend to dismiss or rationalize
evidence is itself weak and inconclusive.'^° away the danger signals." Each member of the
group tends to have a strong bias toward the
3. Another cognitive phenomena is called the status quo, and will subconsciously seek to ratio-
entity effect, whereby peoples' hypotheses often nalize away or dismiss any dissonant information,
take on a life of their own, so that people will only bringing it to the group's attention if it is
continue to believe something they initially held difficult or impossible to avoid.'°° This not only
to be true even after it is thoroughly and com- aids in reducing stress, but also helps increase the
pletely discredited.'' group's focus, concentration and persistence. It
also increases a sense of group confidence and
4. Another phenomenon is called motivated rea- trust among members.
soning, which refers to the tendency of people In addition, promotion patterns place a
to utilize a biased set of cognitive strategies to premium on "team players" - those able to
arrive at a belief they privately already desired conform their attitudes to the immediate needs
to obtain.'^ People in organizations often need of the team, typically as articulated by senior
to make decisions about the future in a context managers - and as a result the organization
that is ambiguous is highly stressful, and to develops a collective egocentric bias.
reduce the anxiety, people unconsciously impose
an order on their environment, a set of causal 6. In boards there may also be a tendency for
explanations that lead to an artificial, but a people to engage in what psychologists call the
more comfortable sense of predictability.'^ false consensus effect, a tendency to think that
This tendency infiuences how people evaluate others share one's own attitudes, beliefs and infer-
evidence, to wit, by picking and choosing from ences."^' The false consensus efFect distorts deci-
evidence so as to make it fit into one's precon- sionmaking because believing that others are in
ceived hypothesis. One commentator states that alignment with you creates the hazard of acting
"the practice of motivated reasoning appears to on the false premise that others will agree in
be a universal and, perhaps, immutable charac- advance with your choices. The false consensus
teristic of human nature."'"* effect manifests, often enough, by one person
holding back information because of the mis-
5. Another cognitive phenomenon involves ^^rowjj perception that other people on the board, for
cohesion. Once a group commits to an idea or a instance, are "on the same page," when in fact
course of action, there is a strong motivation to they might not be.
resist evidence that it was the wrong move. This These various types of cognitive bias show that
group cohesion phenomenon functions as a attitudes and beliefs do not change easily, and
stress reduction mechanism, and has been dubbed indeed can persist even though not justified by
"groupthink."'^ The possibility of a mistake probative evidence. From the board's perspective,
means that the group will have to reverse its cognitive bias may easily manifest itself by
"/ Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 285

holding onto and promoting originally formed markets. Thus, any company that is not careful
beliefs so that adverse bits of information are, to adhere to this norm and instead is entirely
first of all, slow to come in, and second, that candid risks signaling weakness, setting off
the information may be rationalized away and negative reactions, disengagement of relation-
forgotten, however sanitized it may be at that ships, rumors, and reputational loss.
point. Enron appears to have a generic story in
Even less committed outsiders, such as lawyers common with Apple Computer,'°^ Time-
and accountants, may find it difficult to intro- Warner,'"^ Polaroid,'"' and other cases in which
duce any dissonant information that would shareholders relied upon statements of "false
threaten a company's status quo because they, too, optimism," only later to claim that these state-
can be susceptible to cognitive biases. A lav^er ments constituted fraud. In most of these cases,
who authorizes certain dubious partnership trans- the board undertook a course of action with
actions becomes committed to a certain scheme respect to some product or strategy and was later
from that point on. faulted for concealing some bits of adverse infor-
mation later found to be material.
Optimism is an important feature for success.
Overconfidence and overoptimism in the The most successful person, on average, tends not
firm to be the realist, but rather the optimist."" Part
of the leadership role of a senior executive is to
As we have seen, much of what people believe communicate confidence and optimism about
is based on insufficient empirical data, and often the company. Optimism is attractive to others,
is inaccurate. Their level of confidence in those enhancing the ability to infiuence and persuade.
beliefs is often enough based on irrational cog- Optimism is probably a virtue insofar as it func-
nitive processes. Many people, in other words, tions as an energy source in a business. Optimism
confidently hold beliefs that are illusions or is important for business leaders, because deci-
myths. Confidence and optimism are closely siveness and aggressiveness are considered indi-
related, and both are viewed as genetically cators of a successful manager.
favored in behavioral studies in economics,'°^ and A proper dose of optimism and confidence are
in biology.'"^ The reason is simple. Doubt and not only good internal motivators, but they also
uncertainty produce inaction, while confidence influence others. Exhibitions of confidence and
is associated with initiative and persistence. optimism make people more persuasive and
Confidence is energizing, and lack of confidence influential. Managers who are optimistic can help
debilitating. If I strongly believe that I understand motivate workers, and create the expectation of
what is going on, I can feel more confident in future growth and profitability that leads indi-
my prediction about where things will end up. viduals to invest their human capital in the firm
In group settings the opinions of those who more willingly and to defer present consumption
display confidence will often be deferred to by in favor of future rewards. Firms with "can-do"
others."^ cultures generate higher levels of internal effort
An excessively optimistic "face" of the firm and, by projecting self-confidence, can be more
appears to have become the norm in external successful in attracting external resources.'"
press releases of American corporations.'"^ "High levels of optimism and confidence are not
Corporate press releases tend to be in a style that only good internal motivators, but they can also
creates a strong image of confidence and control, influence others; exhibitions of confidence and
and this prescription creates a certain pressure on optimism make people more persuasive and
firms surrounding corporate publicity.'°^ Failure influential.""^ The risk of failure is reduced if
to comply with the norms surrounding the managers project a strong sense of optimism
public's expectation of press releases may result about the long-term growth of the company.
in the tainting of the organization's image and On the other hand, many studies show that
the hampering of the flow of support from public people develop higher levels of confidence in the
286 John Alan Cohan

accuracy of their beliefs than is warranted by beliefs for long periods of time particularly when
the facts. This is the famous "overconfidence they have sufficiently vague and delayed feedback
effect,""'' observed especially among American from their decisions.'^'^
males. Asked to estimate their confidence in There is a systematic tendency of many people
the accuracy of their judgments, people usually to overrate their own abilities, contributions and
estimate too high. The tendency towards talents. People dwell on successes and attribute
distorting reality by overconfidence and overop- them to skill and diligence. Failures are more
timism are commonplace among skilled, profes- likely to be dismissed based on external or
sional people."'* People want to see themselves as unforeseeable causes.'^'' This finds expression in
good and reasonable, and they may rationalize excessive optimism and overconfidence, and a
facts to bolster or maintain a positive self-image, sense of omnipotence regarding one's ability to
or subconsciously distort evidence."^ "One tells control events.'^"^ People tend to claim that
stories to oneself that inflate feelings of efiicacy positive events are due to their skill, and that
and control, establishing a sense of identity less negative situations are caused by outside cir-
susceptible to the threats of the everyday world. cumstances. Groupthink can increase optimistic
That is why egos are so prickly, people so averse biases, fueling a tendency to place unwarranted
to criticism.""^ People will often tend to buffer confidence in one's decisions.'^^ The excessive
anxiety by maintaining an illusion of normalcy, confidence of senior officials in an organization
that is, by interpreting new data as consistent only works to solidify the phenomenon of
with the status quo rather than seeing red flags groupthink.
that suggest danger."^ This strategy helps people Excessive optimism is not a virtue, but is
feel that their world is more "understandable, essentially a subconscious tendency to distort
predictable and controllable than it really is.""^ reality in a positive direction.'^^ The phenom-
Behavioralists refer to the term illusion of enon of excessive optimism can trickle down in
controf^^ as the human tendency to "treat chance a corporate culture, with the persistent belief that
events as if they involve skill and hence, are one's own company is superior to competitors,
controUable."^^" Even when confidence is illusory or that one's company is on a winning streak that
or irrational, it has an action-guiding function. has no end. This can induce a tendency toward
A story from World War II told by Albert puffery and dismissal of risks in formulating
Szent-Gyorti captures this perfectly.'^' A platoon disclosures and press releases.'^^ An optimistic
of soldiers got lost in the Alps. They became culture can blind managers so that, faced with
gripped with fear and despair, and they did little risk or trouble, they will more likely persist in
until an officer found a map. They then felt ener- normal, functional activity than take appropriate
gized, rallied around the map, and finally found corrective action, or not see risks clearly or
their way to safety. Only later did they learn that construe them unrealistically.
the map was of the Pyrenees, not the Alps, and The dark side of optimism is that it justifies
hence, was totally useless. the preservation of the status quo, and hence can
This story is a metaphor for what goes on in result in an entrenchment of denial and lead to
corporate hierarchies. The map metaphor fits ultimate failure.'^^ Many supervisors, consciously
well because in corporate hierarchies the conse- or not, do not want to know precisely how their
quences of our actions rarely become evident subordinates achieve their results. As long as the
immediately. And there often can be a range of bottom line is profitable, there is little incentive
plausible explanations as to why things turned to discover how those results were achieved.
out a particular way. In the face of ambiguity, Focusing on the bottom line also facilitates the
executives may easily develop excessive confi- denial of either moral or legal complicity should
dence in their explanations of situations and severe problems be uncovered.''^'
events. Executives who are confident enough in
their beliefs and want to sustain them, whether
true or false, can operate according to these
•'I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 287

Corporate "culture" and its influence on can reverberate by inducing subordinates to

information conform their presentations to what they think
their boss wants to hear, even when the boss
The corporation is said to be a cooperative emphasizes the need for accuracy and account-
association.'^" "Cooperative association" is a term ability.''''' Many a CEO is strong-willed, impe-
that implies that the participants in the enterprise rious and dominating, and seldom confides
subscribe to a set of common goals, and they in or relies upon the board. "'* Robert Jackall
accept the centrality of the common goals or once said that middle management is guided first
purposes of that enterprise."' Each firm has a and foremost by the maxim, "When [the CEO]
particular "culture." Studies of organizational sneezes, we all catch colds."'^^
behavior show that institutions develop belief Senior officials might impart the sense that the
systems - shared ways of interpreting a company's board would rather not be put on formal notice
environment, its past, and its future prospects. as to the ugly "facts of life" of illegal or improper
These belief systems are important because activity. Senior managers in a company may well
they color the interaction and communication have a particular facility for rationalization. "As
between managers and employees. An organiza- a result, the leader's vanities often trigger a
tion's culture - the norms, routines, and shared cascade of conforming behaviors that, in turn,
understandings and expectations of those who reinforce those vanities."'^^
work in a firm - impacts how information flows Ego blindness explains why people will not
through the hierarchy. The interpretation of a give enough attention to situations that trigger
given bit of information in a company as a whole some worry response. That is, the ego will want
depends upon the social processes, the patterns to quickly dismiss one's gut reaction, and forget
- the overall institutional culture, that one learns about it. This pattern of cognitive dissonance
as one becomes a member of that firm. occurred in the actions of Beech-Nut executives
There are pre-given social mechanisms in a who allowed the introduction of increasing levels
corporate culture that determine the context and of foreign substances into apple juice that a large
the content of individual decisionmaking and number of children consumed.'^^
choices. For instance, many corporate cultures The diffusion of authority in a hierarchical
discourage open expressions of doubt or skepti- organization tends to reduce an individual's sense
cism, which stifles the flow of information."^ Or, of moral responsibility for his or her actions.'''^
if a company's CEO promulgates a culture of For instance, when supervisors parcel out
trust, transparency of communication, direct lines subtasks to a number of subordinate employees,
of communications despite decentralized man- none of the subordinates may have more than
agement - stressing honest behavior, honoring an inkling of what the entire project is about,
the spirit as well as the letter of the law, putting while the supervisor may know little of the
safety before profits, encouraging kind acts and details of each subordinate's subtasks. No one in
respect to all employees, and frowning on back- the firm might recognize a moral problem,
biting and internal politicking - this company because the problem arises not out of what any
will have a markedly different culture than one single worker is doing, but out of everyone's
that emphasizes profit-maximization at all costs, action as a whole. The fact that everyone is
and that cheating is okay if you can get away merely a member of a large work force helps
with it. We can find one decent and the other workers feel a sense of security, with little need
reprehensible. to find out more about what is going on even if
Senior officials in a company often develop they have their suspicions.
large egos, bolstered by the repeated promotions A particular person can always choose to
and increasing responsibility they have accrued, violate a norm and adopt behavior that bypasses
and they are likely to exhibit considerable con- the company's norms. There may be a shared
fidence in their own managerial and decision- feeling on the part of subordinate officials that
making abilities. Ego in organizational settings they owe their loyalty chiefly to senior manage-
288 John Alan Cohan

ment and not to the board. Cynicism in a cor- escape "not only moral and psychological
porate culture can foster the breaking of rules as responsibility but legal responsibility as well.
a means to succeed. An element of cynicism in Legal rules designed to deter individual wrong-
a company's culture about accounting norms or doing are simply not directly transferable to the
about SEC regulatory protocols may affect the corporate setting."'''* Thus, the convergence of
actor's evaluation of the legitimacy of the regula- various factors, including the pressure people feel
tion. One might understand that certain ethical from their superiors, their peers and the norms
rules are underenforced, that the probability of of corporate culture, the fact that most corpo-
sanction from some violation is remote, or that rate cultures hold power in high esteem and
successful people can question the legitimacy of have a diffusion of responsibility, may contribute
ethical principles and make excuses.'''^ To be to a sense that certain wrongful conduct is
successful in a highly competitive environment permissible.'*'
one needs to filter legal and ethical expectations People who act in groups may impose greater
through the group lens. "For many, that filtra- risks to society, and thus deserve greater blame
tion will involve an implicit and unconscious (or at least some blame) when they act wrongly,
search for ways to maintain consistency between than individuals acting alone. That is, there are
the desire to be good and the desire to be special dangers associated with group plots, as
successful. This form of rationalization can reflected in the common law of conspiracy.'"**
readily blunt the power of 'official' norms."'"*" As noted by a classic commentary, "[I]t is more
It has been pointed out that people in corpo- difficult to guard against the antisocial designs
rations tend to make decisions that may not be of a group of persons than those of an individual.
in keeping with their own sense of morality. . . . The advantages of division of labor and
People working within corporations often have complex organization characteristic of modern
a distinct business persona, different from the one economic society have their counterparts in
they display within their family relationships or many forms of criminal activity."'*^
in other roles in society. The idea is that people The fact that there is a certain permissive cor-
may act in seemingly altruistic ways outside the porate culture in a given company should not
corporation, but in the firm there is a business excuse conduct any more than a criminal syndi-
morality that is somehow different from one's calist associating with bad associates would be
personal morality, that "business is business," with excused from responsibility due to keeping bad
the focus being to maximize profit without company. That is, blaming a culture does not
regard to other considerations.'"" excuse or mitigate the conduct of the individuals
Benjamin Cardozo, the judge and moral who are part of it, in my opinion.
scholar, referred to distinct "morals of the market We all move in and out of various roles during
place"'"*^ that are different from everyday morality the day, operating as moral agents in being a
outside the business world. Robert Jackall com- parent, being a driver, being a friend to someone,
mented regarding corporate culture that or being a consumer, and so on. It seems unrea-
sonable to demand that anyone operate in the
independent morally evaluative judgments get sub- firm with blinkers shielding one from the moral
ordinated to the social intricacies of the bureau- awareness that operates in other sectors of one's
cratic workplace. Notions of morality that one life.
might hold and indeed practice outside the
workplace . . . become irrelevant. . . . Under
certain conditions, such notions may even become
dangerous. For the most part, then, they remain Solutions
unarticulated lest one risk damaging crucial rela-
tionships with significant individuals or groups.''*'' I have attempted to explain how insiders may
overlook danger signs obvious to a neutral
This idea conjures up a culture in which corpo- observer. What sort of solutions are possible to
rate agents who engage in business wrongdoing move the board closer to the locus of problems?
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 289

How can a company be structured so that the of senior management, and thus might be
board can monitor the corporation's internal ineffective.
environment, and discover or correct trouble
before it reaches the emergency stage? 3. Directors should make it an affirmative duty
for individuals in the firm to discern the nature
1. Companies should implement programs to of their own projects and to know what other
encourage employees to expose wrongdoing employees are working on the same project. This
without fear of retribution. Organizational will enable them to know where they can go to
theorists agree that in order for information gather further information about the project, or
sharing within an organization to be optimal to "compare notes."
there must be a reasonable degree of trust and
confidence between the informant and the 4. The directors must satisfy themselves period-
recipient.'''^ There needs to be incentives for ically through reports that the company has
subordinates to divulge potentially adverse infor- appropriate programs in place to inform its
mation. A complication is that any potential employees on an ongoing basis of the need to
informer may be reluctant to supply information avoid conflicts of interest, and of the need to
because there may be feelings of loyalty to one's comply with laws applicable to its operations.
superior and coworkers. There is concern for Directors should understand that even the
backlash, retaliation, and ruination of one's own unqualified advice of legal counsel as to the law-
chance for advancement, and the risk of losing fulness of conduct will not necessarily immunize
one's position and accumulated benefits even if the board or the corporation from legal sanctions.
there is a strong company policy to prevent such
backlash. Directors need to implement proce- 5. In corporate settings power and responsibility
dures through which employees with knowledge are diffused, but connected. Many boards seem
of wrongdoing may make such information to lack the time and expertise to deal with all
known in a manner that will permit objective the complexities of modern public corporation
evaluation of the information. business. Often directors seem to perform a
An ombudsman of some sort, with direct largely reactive function. Thus, developing an
access to a senior official, would be helpful. effective program for discovering corporate
Exxon Corporation, among other companies, has wrongdoing and preventing its reoccurrence is a
enacted a policy requiring employees who notice daunting task.'^° But it is always possible to
possible misconduct or dangerous or troublesome implement some system of corporate checks and
situations, to notify their superiors in writing, balances that reduce the likelihood that one or a
and if no written response is forthcoming, the small number of biased managers will cause
employee must jump the chain of command and significant failure of disclosure. It is important
inform senior executives.'*' to work out a policy to reduce the likelihood that
plans may subsequently turn into unethical or
2. The reputational risk of concealment of infor- unlawful operations. A commitment is required
mation, both to the company and to top execu- from both the board and senior management that
tives, is substantial. Corporations need to devise deviations from the policy of compliance with
some kind of communication system that enables the law will not be tolerated.
important information to move upward to the Implementation of such a policy requires an
proper decisionmaker without getting distorted. adequate monitoring system at both the board
I would not recommend the simplistic solution and management levels. Of course, monitoring
of allowing all units of a company to communi- has its own problems in accomplishing the aim
cate directly with senior management. That of oversight while avoiding the negative feature
could easily create informational overload, an of setting up such an elaborate system of signals,
overabundance of irrelevant information, and checks, balances, and reviews as to stifle all
the problem of sensory decoupling on the part activity. A good monitoring program will protect
290 John Alan Cohan

the interests of the shareholders by avoiding Emotional responses can send us important
governmental and private litigation against the messages to which we should listen. Emotions
company and the depletion of the corporate help us sort through vast quantities of informa-
reputation, not to mention its stock value. tion, highlight those aspects that have particular
meaning for us, and help us assign meaning
6. Some companies may want to have more to things that might otherwise seem chaotic.
widespread use of an outside director who plays Emotions open us to the possibilities of enhanced
a lead role. One of the more radical solutions awareness and improved judgment.
involving outside directors was proposed by Emotions serve as warning signals that certain
Ralph Nader in 1976, namely the "politiciza- judgments or decisions need to be scrutinized
tion" of the corporation by requiring the more carefully. People should be aware of
presence of various representatives of "public warning signals that may prompt them to recon-
interest" groups on the corporate board.'^' The sider a particular decision or action. If we feel a
suggestion here is that each director would negative feeling immediately upon hearing a
represent a specified special interest constituency, proposal, this is what researchers refer to as intu-
such as environmentalists or consumers, and ition.'^* We cannot rationally explain this initial
others whose goals may be in conflict with the gut reaction, but we commonly take the negative
goal of profit maximization. It is far from clear, feelings to mean that something is wrong, and
however, how such a restructuring of the board feel moved to search for more facts or to reflect
would solve the problem of information blockage further on the issue. Once people are aware of
from lower echelons to the board, and it inter- the validity of intuitive feelings, they can deploy
jects a more acute adversarial dimension between rather than suppress powerful feelings that can
the board and management, not to mention help guide decisionmaking. Intuition doesn't
within the board itself. guarantee truth, but it is a form of knowledge
which we can develop and let run alongside our
7. In cases where a corporation's own system of rational thinking.
internal accountability has broken down, the According to Justice William J. Brennan,
SEC has structured consent orders to force Jr., ignoring what our passions tell us cuts us
companies to restructure their audit committee, "off from the wellspring from which concepts
provide adequate training for new directors, such as dignity, decency, and fairness flow."'^^
install a majority of independent directors, and Understanding reality and responding to it appro-
expand the number of independent outsiders on priately requires "the full measure of all our
the ''' human capacities."''^
Emotion can be used by a forceful manager
8. Another solution is to hire emotionally intel- to block communication or to shut down
ligent workers. A CEO who throws his or her dialogue. This is an abusive and wrong use of
weight around, intimidates other directors - the emotion. Outbursts of anger and table-pounding
table-pounding type - might be temperamentally in an attempt to suppress critical questioning of
ill-suited for the job. Search committees should others closes down creates a corporate culture
look for people with people skills. that denigrates legitimate discourse, and limits
Emotions are relevant in deciding an issue. the quest for the truth.
Appropriate appeals to emotion are important
ingredients that contribute to, rather than
sabotage, corporate decision making.'^'' Emotion Conclusion
tends to mold strict logic to achieve truly
balanced quest for the truth. Proving the truth There are numerous subtle but powerful forces
of an issue requires not just an analysis of the at work in corporations. The mere existence of
concrete evidence, but the shading of emotional a hierarchical structure prevents individuals from
sensitivities. obtaining complete knowledge needed to make
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 291

informed moral decisions, and prevents them demands by workers, shareholders, customers and
from really knowing the role their acts play in the government for greater accountability.
the larger corporate scheme. Directors are likely
to face much greater demands of accountability
in the wake of Enron. There is growing aware- Appendix
ness among directors themselves of the need to
Reevaluation of the shareholder-centric model
take their role seriously.'" Companies are likely
to put more emphasis on having directors who The problem of the nature and purpose of the
are not afraid to challenge senior management by corporation, its function in society, has been of
asking inconvenient questions. longstanding concern. Corporations make things,
The public has traditionally regarded infor- do things, buy things and sell things, they have
mation disclosed by corporations with a certain different commitments and different goals, and the
degree of trust, on the assumption that managers levels of commitment to these goals vary. That is, the
have unique access to certain kinds of risk-related duties of the board entail focusing on a panoply of
information, and that securities laws make it pun- concerns, above and beyond maximizing shareholder
ishable to mislead investors. Business organiza-
tions are undeniably human affairs, and classic Directors owe fiduciary duties to "the corpora-
tion."'" For decades the prevailing theory of corpo-
occurrences of information blockage undermine
rate governance rested on the shareholder-centric
the board's ability to monitor the company. Savvy model, that is, on the assumption that the primary
investors and market professionals are able to duty, or even the sole task, of officers and directors
discount many kinds of corporate hype. But there was to maximize shareholder wealth.''"
is a difference between corporate hype and cor- Corporations are granted limited liability for share-
porate deception and fraud that are due to infor- holders and given life in perpetuity because they are
mation flow blockages. A corporation's disclosure thought to be business vehicles that serve the goal of
to investors may sometimes be distorted, not in promoting overall societal wealth. The genius of U.S.
bad faith, but rather because cognitive forces and corporate law is that it gives directors and officers
information flow problems lead to a skewed per- the flexibilty to balance shareholders' interests against
ception of reality by senior officials. other stakeholders.""' The corporate vehicle for pro-
viding dividends to shareholders is not an end in itself,
In my opinion, the true purpose of corpora- but is a means to the further end of benefiting society.
tions is to make society better off, and to create Increasingly we see that the model of "shareholder
societal wealth, not just to create wealth for primacy" certainly does not tell the whole story, and
shareholders. To accomplish this, the corporation it may not be the appropriate corporate governance
must be viewed as a holistic blend of con- norm. Today it seems that most corporate officers and
stituencies with multiple and changing interests, directors take their job to be a much more complex
neither a shareholder-centric model nor a stake- balancing act in which they must serve not just share-
holder model, but a corporate constituency holders' interests, but also those of other stakeholder
model, that balances the two (see Appendix). groups such as managers, creditors, employees, other
companies, the community and the environment.
This concept focuses on the interests of "the cor-
poration" broadly construed as representing The idea that directors owe their duty solely to
various constituencies. shareholders leads to perplexing dilemmas, troubling
results, and long-term disadvantages for society.
Perhaps rejection of traditional corporate
Which shareholders ought to be the focus of maxi-
norms will come from an internal desire to mizing shareholder wealth? Shareholders of the
become socially responsible together with moment? Long-term shareholders? Should actions be
society's pullings for the corporation to act on directed to maximize the current share price? What
conscience, and to operate on the maxim that about action that will be detrimental to the current
there are other important social goods that some- share price but will, at least in the directors' view,
times trump the notion of profit-maximization. benefit long-term shareholders, or shareholders at a
And in the wake of Enron corporations may much later date? And in principal how can corpo-
simply have no choice but to meet increased rate action taken today to benefit long-term share-
292 John Alan Cohan

holders be detrimental to the current share price - States treated the corporation as private property
oughtn't it help increase today's share price? rather than as a creation of the state designed to serve
Should the directors regard polluting as a matter of a public function.
trade-offs? That is, are the costs of polluting including These core principles underscore the view that the
the amount of any potential fine, less than the cost interests of the corporation historically go beyond the
of not polluting? If so, then pollute. The fact that pol- wealth-maximization concerns of shareholders. Its
lution could have devastating side efFects on the envi- interests also include
ronment and on members of the public might be
irrelevant under the shareholder-centric model if no the interwoven interests of its various constituen-
harm is expected to be visited on the polluting cor- cies, such as . . . employees, customers, the local
poration's share price. The only question is whether community, and others. Linking these interests to
more money can be made from destroying the last old the corporation's interests resolves much of the
growth of ponderosa pines than from not doing so. tension that would otherwise exist. . . . [T]hese
It is not entirely clear how the notion focusing on constituencies' interests are balanced by the board
promoting shareholder interests started to dominate of directors acting in the best interests of the cor-
academic discussions of corporate law. In fact, the poration as a whole, as opposed to the best inter-
concept that directors owe their fiduciary duty exclu- ests of any one particular constituency [such as the
sively to shareholders is not now the law nor has it shareholders].'^*
ever been the law in this country.'" Rather, the law The idea that corporate managers are trustees who
generally grants directors trustee status for the firm must serve the public interest has been debated for
as a whole, meaning that they have the discretion to many years. A debate from the 1930s involved
consider the interests of other corporate constituen- Professors Adolph A. Berle, Jr. and E. Merrick Dodd,
cies, in addition to the interests of shareholders, in Jr., who debated the obligations of the corporation in
shaping business policy. Harvard Law Review."' Professor Berle argued that
In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth cen- the corporation was responsible only to its stock-
turies, American corporations were chartered with holders."" Professor Dodd argued that a corporation
the integral purpose of serving public interests.'" As must not only profit its stockholders, but must also
one commentator observed: engage in social service.'"
The debate focused on the idea that the law may
Almost all of the business enterprises incorporated be approaching a position in which it will regard all
. . . in the formative generation starting in the business as afFected with a public interest. Their
178O's were chartered for activities of some com- debate discussed the public opinion of the 1930s,
munity interest - supplying transport, water, insur- which had been moving towards the view that com-
ance or banking facilities, that such public-interest panies are economic institutions that have a social
undertakings practically monopolized the corpo- service as well as a profit-making function, and that
rate form implied that incorporation was inher- it was unwise for corporations to emphasize the
ently of such pubhc concern that the public profit-maximization function. Professor Dodd noted
authority must confer it.'" that before modern corporations arose the law
regarded engaging in business to be a pubhc profes-
The courts recognized that this integral public-interest sion rather than a purely private matter, with certain
purpose was exacted as "a regulatory quid pro quo" high fiduciary standards that have survived in duties
in exchange for conferring the corporate entity owed by public carriers and innkeepers."^ Based on
status.'*^ While it was clear that shareholders in early the court of public opinion. Professor Dodd argued
American corporations had legal control over the cor- that "our corporate managers who control business
poration, the early charters emphasized the corpora- should voluntarily and without waiting for legal com-
tion's larger public-interest purposes. Charters pulsion manage [business] in such a say as to fulfill
imposed strict limits on corporate organization, these responsibilities."'"
function, and even length of existence.'*' Similarly, Professor Berle's view that the fiduciary responsi-
starting with the earhest court cases, the directors' bility of directors is for the exclusive benefit of share-
fiduciary duties were interpreted so as to subsume the holders has been embraced by the courts."" Thus,
shareholders' interests to the larger sphere of duties to while the general view prior to the 1930s was that
"the corporation" itself.'" corporations have a certain societal orientation, this
Only in the past century and a half has the United view got eclipsed by the "modern" belief that profit
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 293

maximization for shareholders was the controlling Notes

function of firms except those classified as public
utihties.'" ' John C. CofFee, Jr., Beyond the Shut-Eyed Sentry:
But it seems to me that concern for the prof- Toward a Theoretical View of Corporate Misconduct and
itability of stockholders and ethical concerns are not an Effective Legal Response, 63 Va. L. Rev. 1099, 1132
inherently separate and apart. Society is free to impose (1977).
its collective will on the behavior of corporate agents ^ The theme dates back to at least 1907, with the
in light of shifting values. Evidence of consumer discussion, Dwight, Liability of Corporate Directors, 17
boycotts against companies that engage in socially Yale L.J. 33 (1907).
irresponsible action, unfair labor practices, or that do ^ Id. at 1133.
business in violation of human rights or in violation ' Id.
of environmental norms — indicates that society wants ' Id.
companies to take account of social concerns in cor- ' See Richard A. Oppel, Jr., Enron Official Says Many
porate decisionmaking."* This observation is sup- Knew About Shaky Company Finances, N.Y. Times,
ported by the fact that over half the states (and almost Feb. 15, 2002, at Al.
all the states, absent Delaware, that have a significant ' See "Lone Voice": Excerpts From Testimony of
number of public companies incorporated in their
Executive Who Challenged Enron (excerpts from the
jurisdiction) have adopted "corporate constituency"
testimony of Sherron S. Watkins), N.Y. Times, Feb.
statutes.'" These laws allow boards to take into
15, 2002, at C7.
account the interests of a variety of constituencies suf-
* See Richard A. Oppel, Jr., supra note 6 at C6.
ficiently broad enough to accommodate most social
' See Stephen Labaton and Richard A. Oppel, Jr.,
concerns."* These laws seem to endorse Professor
Testimony of Enron Executives is Contradictory, N.Y.
Dodd's view, discussed above, by making it clear that
Times, Feb. 8, 2002, at Al.
directors do not owe their fiduciary duty exclusively
'° Id.
to shareholders, and giving corporate managers a
green light to behave as morally whole persons both " Id.
inside the corporate bureaucracy. These laws suggest '^ See Steven Greenhouse and Stephen Labaton,
a growing public policy that encourages directors to Enron Executives Say They Debated Freeze on Pension,
take into account other corporate constituencies. N.Y. Times, Feb. 6, 2002, at Al, C8.
Proponents of shareholder primacy seemingly ignore '•^ See Don Van Natta, Jr. and Alex Berenson, Enron's
these ubiquitous state laws that reject the shareholder- Chairman Received Warning About Accounting, N.Y.
only model. Times, Dec. 29, 2001, at Al.
''' See Neela Banerjee, At Enron, Lavish Excess
Professor Dodd's view is not inconsistent with the Often Came Before Success, N.Y. Times, Feb. 26, 2002,
objective of maximizing shareholder profits, but rather at C l .
provides a certain fiexibihty. When acting to fulfill '^ See Richard A. Oppel, Jr., Wall St. Analysts Faulted
their fiduciary duties to society and stakeholders at on Enron, N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 2002, at Al.
large within certain parameters, directors need not '* Id.
fear legal action on the part of shareholders for the " Id.
exercise of its authority in this manner. This does not '« Id.
mean abandonment of the profit motive, but com- " See Richard A. Oppel, Jr., supra note 6.
plements it with a broader mandate to permit cor- ^° See "Lone Voice": Excerpts From Testimony of
porate actors to be more responsive, and more Executive Who Challenged Enron (excerpts from the
responsible, as a market-driven institution. It means testimony of Sherron S. Watkins), supra note 7.
allowing corporate agents to make decisions grounded '' Id.
in their many relations and obligations in life, from ^^ See Steven Greenhouse, U.S. Pressing For Trustees
the wellspring of their whole moral arena.
Of Enron Plan To Step Down, N.Y Times, Feb. 11,
Proponents of the shareholder-primacy model may 2002, at A20.
want to point out, however, that management is " Id.
under no obligation to forego stockholder-centric '^* See Reed Abelson, Enron's Board Quickly Ratified
philosophy in favor of public interest. Management Far-Reaching Management Moves, N.Y. Times, Feb. 22,
simply has the freedom to choose among the con- 2002, C6.
flicting interests involved. If it does not want to do " Id.
so in any particular case, it does not violate the law. ^^ See Excerpts From Testimony Before House
294 fohn Alan Cohan

Subcommittee on Enron Collapse (quoting from a Attention: Time for Reality, 39 Bus. Law 1477, 1494
prepared statement by William C. Powers, Jr.), N.Y. (Aug. 1984).
Times, Feb. 5, 2002, at C4. ^^ See Julian P. Rotter, Interpersonal Trust, Trust-
^' Id. (emphasis added.) worthiness, and Gullibility, 35 Am. Psychol. 1 (1980).
^^ See Neela Banerjee, supra note 14. ""^ Carol M. Rose, Trust in the Mirror of Betrayal,
'' Id. 75 B.U. L. Rev. 531, 540-541 (1995). See also
'" See Steven Greenhouse and Stephen Labaton, Enron Michael E. Porter, Clusters and the New Economics of
Executives Say They Debated Freeze on Pension, N.Y. Competition, Harvard Bus. Rev. Nov.—Dec. 1998, at
Times, Feb. 6, 2002, at Al, C8. 9, 10 (noting that German and Japanese companies
'' See, e.g., Gretchen Morgenson, A Bubble No One are more relationship-oriented in contrast with
Wanted to Pop, N.Y Times, Jan. 14, 2002, at At. American companies, which are more "transaction-
Aggressive accounting like Enron's method of shifting driven"). The "stick" style of monitoring that often
large obligations off its balance sheet, is not limited is found in American companies is in sharp contrast
to Enron, but has become not uncommon in recent to the management practices of other countries with
years. See id. Moreover, Wall Street analysts cannot be a more benign approach, such as German, Japan and
relied upon to dig deeply into the books of firms the Scandanavian countries. David M. Gordon, Fat
because they are eager to generate business selling and Mean: The Corporate Squeeze of Working
securities to investors and have made it a habit to Americans and the Myth of Managerial "Down-
ignore negative data regarding corporate misdeeds. See sizing" (1996) As the French philosopher Michel
id. Serres remarked, "In America, money is the goal and
" See, e.g., Del. Gen. Corp. Law § 14t(a) (Del. Code things are the means to achieve it, while in Europe
Ann. tit. 8 § 141(a)(t991). our goal is to achieve things, with money as the
" See, e.g., N.Y [Bus. Corp.] law §7t7(a). See also means."
Graham v. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., 188 A.2d 125, '*'* See, e.g., Julian P. Rotter, Interpersonal Trust,
130 (Del. 1963), in which the Delaware Supreme Trustworthiness, and Gullibility, 35 Am. Psychol. 1
Court stated that "directors . . . in managing the cor- (1980) (providing empirical support for the proposi-
porate affairs are bound to use that amount of care tion that higher trusting people are more likely to be
which ordinarily careful and prudent men would use happier than lower trusting people); Morton Deutsch,
in similar circumstances." Trust and Suspicion, 2 J. Conflict Resol. 278 (1858)
^'' See generally Dennis J. Block, Nancy E. Barton and ("trusting people are 'nicer' than suspicious people").
Stephen A. Radin, The Business Judgment Rule: ••^ John C. CofFee, Jr. supra note 1 at 1131.
Fiduciary Duties of Corporate Directors (4th ed. "* 17 C.ER. §240.10b-5 (2000).
1993) at 5-28. '" See Donald Langevoort, Organized Illusions: A
''^ See S. Samuel Arsht, Fiduciary Responsibilities of Behavioral Theory of Why Corporations Mislead Stock
Directors, Officers and Key Employees, 4 Del. J. Corp. Market Investors {And Cause Social Harms), 146 U. PA.
L. 652, 659 (1979). L. Rev. 101 (1997).
^* Graham v. AUis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 188 ''* See John C. CofFee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1134.
A.2d 125 (Del. 1963). '" Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks, Responsi-
•" In re Caremark International Inc. Derivative bilities, Practices 628 (1973).
Litigation, 698 A.2d 959 (Del. Ch. 1996). ^° Kenneth Boulding, The Economics of Knowledge and
'* Id. at 970. the Knowledge of Economics, Am. Econ. Rev., May,
' ' Id. at 971. 1966, at 1, 8.
"^ Id. at 969. ' ' See John C. Coffee, Jr. supra note 1 at 1127—
•" See Samuel Arsht, Fiduciary Responsibilities of 1129.
Directors, Officers and Key Employees, 4 Del. J. Corp. ^^ See Lawrence E. Mitchell, Cooperation and
L. 652, 659 (1979); E. Norman Vessey and Juhe M. Constraint in the Modern Corporation: An Inquiry into
S. Seitz, The Business Judgment Rule in the Revised the Causes of Corporate Immorality, 73 Tex. L. Rev. 477,
Model Act, the Trans Union Case, and the ALI Project — 508 (1995).
A Strange Porridge, 63 Tex. L. Rev. 1483 (1985); " Robert Jackall, Moral Mazes: The World of
Charles Hansen, The Business Judgment Rule and the Corporate Managers 17, 20-21 (1988).
American Law Institute Corporate Governance Project, 48 ^^ See John C. Coffee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1104-1105.
Bus. Law. 1355, 1360 (1993); Bayless Manning, The ^^ Anthony Downs, Inside Bureaucracy (1966) at
Business Judgment Rule and the Director's Duty of 143.
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Joh" 295

^'' John C. CofFee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1136. *' See, e.g., O. Williamson, Corporate Control and
" Id. at 1143. Business Behavior (1970) at 47-49.
^^ See Roy Radner, Hierarchy: The Economics of ™ Id.
Managing, 30 J. Econ. Literature 1382, 1387-1401 ^' See Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, Taking
(discussing corporate hierarchies). Behavioralism Seriously: The Problem of Market
^' See John C. Coffee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1138. Manipulation, 74 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 630, 672 0une 1999).
'" See Frank H. Easterbrook and Daniel R. Fischel, ^^ Robert C. Ellickson, Bringing Culture and Human
Mandatory Disclosure and the Protection of Investors, 70 Frailty to Rational Actors: A Critique of Classical Law
Va. L. Rev. 669, 613-611 (1984) (describing man- and Economics, 65 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 23, 23 (1989).
agement's interest in its own trustworthiness). '' Id.
" Tom R. Tyler and Peter Degoey, Trust in •"* See Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra
Organizational Authorities: The Influence of Motive note 71 at 633.
Attributions on Willingness to Accept Decisions, in Trust ^^ Herbert A. Simon, A Behavioral Model of Rational
in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research Choice, 69 Q. J. Econ. 99, 104 (1955).
(Roderick M. Kramer and tom R. Tyler eds., 1995) '' See id.
at 331. '^ See Sandra Blakeslee, Hijacking the Brain Circuits
^^ See Barry M. Staw, The Escalation of Commitment With a Nickel Slot Machine, N.Y. Times, Feb. 19, 2002,
to a Course of Action, 6 Acad. Mgmt. Rev. 577, at D l .
580-581 (emphasizing the virtue of appearing ^* See Anne C. Dailey, Striving for Rationality, 86 Va.
consistent). L. Rev. 349, 383 (Mar. 2000).
'•' The temptation to distort disconfirming informa- ^' See L. Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive
tion increases until the information becomes so clear- Dissonance (1957).
cut that its implications are unavoidable. In a company *" Id.
that may take some time, but at some point the *' Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 47 at 136.
project's risks or dangers crystallizes. At that point an ^•^ See Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra
active cover-up might begin. As one of the more note 71 at 646.
polite sayings goes, the managers may find themselves ^^ See Susan T. Fiske and Shelley E. Taylor,
"knee-deep in the big muddy." Barry M. Staw et al., Social Cognition 149-151, 150 (2d ed. 1991) ("Well-
Knee-Deep in the Big Muddy: A Study of Escalating developed schemas generally resist change and can
Commitment to a Chosen Course of Action, 16 Org. even persist in the face of disconfirming evidence.").
Behav. & Hum. Performance 27 (1976) (quoting the *"* Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra note
title). 71 at 648.
*'' See "Lone Voice": Excerpts From Testimony of '= Id. at 649.
Executive Who Challenged Enron, supra note 7. ** See text accompanying note 20 supra.
*' See, e.g., Kenneth J. Arrow, The Limits of *' See Donald C. Langevoort, Where Were the
Organization 75 (1974) ("The efficiency loss due to Lawyers?: A Behavioral Inquiry into Lawyer Responsibility
informational overload is increased by the tendency for Clients' Fraud, 46 Vand. L. Rev. 75, 111 (1993)
in that situation to filter information in accordance ("[Tjhere are reasons . . . to doubt that lawyers will
with one's preconceptions."). be very good gatekeepers once they have committed
" See Canice Prendergast, A Theory of "Yes Men", 83 to representation and built a positive schema regarding
Am. Econ. Rev. 757 (1993). the client and the situation.").
*' Id. at 1105. On the other hand, action undertaken ** See Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra
to maximize corporate profits in the short run at the note 71 at 646.
expense of long-term growth brings to the surface a *' See, e.g., Marjorie A. Lyles and Charles R.
conflict of interest between management and Schwenk, Top Management, Strategy and Organizational
investors. Management's interest may be particularly Knowledge Structures, 29 J. Mgmt. Stud. 155, 170
focused on the short term, because salary, bonuses and (1992) (noting that "[s]trategic responses to new
stock options are likely to be based upon performance situations may be the result of generalizing from the
in the short term, while the investor usually is more existing knowledge structure"); 5ee also William H.
interested in long-term capital appreciation. See Starbuck, Congealing Oil: Inventing Ideologies to Justify
Bower, On the Amoral Organization, in The Corporate Acting Ideologies Out, 19 J. Mgmt. Stud. 3.
Society (R. Morris, ed. 1974) at 178, 191-192. "^ See Craig A. Anderson, Mark R. Lepper, Lee
'* See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 47 at 135. Ross, Perseverance of Social Theories: The Role of
296 John Alan Cohan

Explanation in the Persistence of Discredited Information, Analysts and arbitrageurs rely on facts in determining
39 J. Personality & Soc. Psychol. 1037, 1045 (1980). the value of a security, not mere expressions of
" Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra note optimism from company spokesmen. . . . '[PJrojec-
71 at 650. tions of future performance not worded as guaran-
' ' Id. at 653. tees are generally not actionable under the federal
'^ Donald C. Langevoort, Taking Myths Seriously: An securities laws.'" [citations omitted]; 5ee also Carl W
Essay for Lawyers, 74 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 1569, 1571 Schneider, Soft Disclosure: Thrusts and Parries When Bad
(2000). News Follows Optimistic Statements, 26 Rev. Sec. &
'•* Jon D. Hanson and Douglas A. Kysar, supra note Commod. Reg. 33 (1993). Moreover, corporate law
71 at 654. typically insulates the business judgments of corpo-
" Irving L. Janis, Groupthink 9 (1982). rate officials when made in good faith, so long as the
" See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 93 at 1578. process of dehberation is not grossly deficient. See
" Id. American Law Institute, Principles of Corporate
'* See Craig D. Parks and Rebecca A. Cowlin, Governance §4.01 (1992) ("A director or officer has
Acceptance of Uncommon Information into Group Decisions a duty to the corporation to perform the director's
When That Information Is or Is Not Demonstrable, 66 or officer's functions in good faith, in a manner that
Org. Behav. & Hum. Decision Processes 307, 307 he or she reasonably beheves to be in the best inter-
(1996) ("Facts that are known by only one member ests of the corporation, and with the care that an ordi-
are treated with skepticism by others and do not factor narily prudent person would reasonably be expected
terribly into the group's decision."). to exercise in a like position and under similar cir-
" See Irving L. Janis and Leon Mann, Decision cumstances.") For a criticism of this rule, 5ee Franklin
Making: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict, A. Gevurtz, The Business Judgment Rule: Meaningless
Choice, and Commitment 129 (1977) (The authors Verbiage or Misguided Notion?, 67 S. Cal. L. Rev. 287
claim that when adverse information is introduced (1994).
into a group, "the members use their collective cog- '"' See, e.g., Jeffrey PfefFer, Management as Symbolic
nitive resources to develop rationalizations supporting Action: The Creation and Maintenance of Organizational
shared illusions about the invulnerability of their Paradigms, in 3 Research in Organizational Behavior
organization or nation and display other symptoms 1, 4 (L.L. Cummings and Barry M. Staw eds., 1981
of 'group-think' — a collective pattern of defensive (stating that "it is the task of management to provide
avoidance." explanations, rationalizations, and legitimization for
^°° See id. at 280-284. the activities undertaken in the organization").
*°' See Gary Marks and Norman Miller, Ten Years of '"' See In re Apple Computer Sec. Litig. 886 F.2d
Research on the False-Consensus Effect: An Empirical and 1109, 1119 (9th Cir. 1989).
Theoretical Review, 102 Psychol. Bull. 72, 72 (1987). '°^ See In re Time Warner Sec. Litig. 9 R3d 259 (2d
'"^ See generally, Richard R. Nelson, Recent Cir. 1993).
Evolutionary Theorizing About Economic Change, 33 J. "*' See Backman v. Polaroid Corp., 910 E2d 10 (1st
Econ. Literature 48 (1995). Cir. 1990).
'°^ In sociobiology literature. See generally Lionel "" See Susan T. Fiske and Shelley E. Taylor, Social
Tiger, Optimism: The Biology of Hope (1979). Cognition 543-550 (2d ed. 1991).
'"'' See, Paul Zarnoth and Janet A. Sniezek, The Social " ' See Donald C. Langevoort supra note 47 at 155.
Influence of Confidence in Group Decision Making, 33 J. "^ Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 47 at 154.
Experimental Soc. Psychol. 345 (1997). "^ See Max H. Bazerman, Judgment in Managerial
'"' Courts have been increasingly protective of opti- Decision Making 37-39, 46 (3d ed. 1994).
mistic statements by corporate officials, requiring "'' See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 93 at 1581.
significant evidence of bad intent or scienter in secu- "^ See id. at 74.
rities fraud cases. See, e.g.. In re Apple Computer Sec. " ' Id. at 1575.
Litig., 886 F2d 1109, 1113-1115, 1118-1119 (9th '*' See, e.g., Dennis A. Gioia, Pinto Fires and Personal
Cir. 1989), cert, denied, 496 U.S. 943 (1990); Raab Ethics: A Script Analysis of Missed Opportunities, 11 J.
V. General Physics Corp., 4 F.3d 286, 290 (4th Cir. Bus. Ethics 379 (1992).
1993) ("No reasonable investor would rely on these "* See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 93 at 74.
statements [i.e., statements of "puffing" that predicted " ' See Ellen J. Langer, The Illusion of Control, 32 J.
the company's growth], and they are certainly not Personality & Soc. Psychol. 311 (1975).
specific enough to perpetrate a fraud on the market. '^° See Robyn M. Dawes, Rational Choice in an
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Joh" 297

Uncertain World 256 (1988) (reviewing modern then were motivated to justify their actions to them-
origins of rationality theory). selves, rationalizing away data as being a simple mis-
'^' See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 93 at 1574. understanding, that the existence of a health threat
'^^ See id. at 1574. was inconclusive, and acknowledging that the supplier
' " See Donald C. Langevoort, Selling Hope, Selling had a good reputation in the past. The executives
Risk: Some Lessons for Law from Behavioral Economics convinced themselves that their actions were neither
About Stockbrokers and Sophisticated Customers, 84 Cal. harmful nor wrong. This false consensus efFect
L. Rev. 627 at 639 (May 1996). fostered the likely assumption that most others would
'^'' See Max H. Bazerman, Judgment in Managerial share their perception. Thus, they allowed the use of
Decision Making 37-39 (3d ed. 1994) (discussing the adulterated apple juice to continue unchecked
overconfidence among managers). until it blew up in their face.
'^^ See Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 47 at 140. Another example of the false consensus efFect
'^"^ See Martin E.P. Seligman, Learned Optimism involved Michael Milken and the demise of Drexel
(1991), 98-101. Burnham Lambert. Milken invented the junk bond
•=" See id. at 141. market and apparently sincerely believed that it was
'^^ See Andrew D. Brown, Narcissism, Identity and a significant financial boon to investors and his
Legitimacy, 22 Acad. Mgmt. Rev. 643, 651-660 company. He apparently took small steps along the
(1997). way to conceal some of the more tentative features
'^' See Jack Katz, Concerted Ignorance: The Social of the scheme. Each incremental action was part of a
Construction of Cover-up, 8 Urb. Life 295, 297 (1979) slippery slope, and the accumulated efforts at con-
(discussing insulation of individual from group cealment eventually resulted in flagrant improprieties.
culpability that can result from concerted ignorance); But a host of self-protective posturing, including
5ee also John C. Coffee, Jr., supra note 1 (discussing rationalizations, optimism about the market and the
similar observed phenomenon in corporate hierarchies wealth that he had produced for some clients, appar-
of directors acting as "shut-eyed sentries" — deliber- ently deflected concerns that he might be engaging
ately looking away from management operations in in fraudulent conduct. See Jesse Kornbluth, Highly
order to avoid witnessing misconduct). Confident: The Crime and Punishment of Michael
"° See Lawrence E. Mitchell, supra note 52 at 481. Milken 367 (1992).
'^' There might also be subsidiary motivations " ' See Richard T De George, Business Ethics 90-96
whereby a worker may be interested in adopting the (2d. ed. 1986).
company's "mission" because he or she wants to keep " ' "No feelings of guilt are required, no attributions
the job, while another worker may be interested of moral blame permitted" in corporate decision-
in building his or her reputation and rising in the making "because [t]he institution defines the moral
hierarchy. role, and in the case of the corporation the moral role
"^ See Chris Argyris, Overcoming Organizational is narrow indeed." Lawrence. E. Mitchell, supra note
Defenses 14-31 (1990). 52 at 523-524.
'^^ See Canice Prendergast, A Theory of "Yes Men", "" Donald C. Langevoort, supra note 93 at 1590.
83 Am. Econ. Rev. 757, 769 (1993). '"" See Lawrence E. Mitchell supra note 52 at 522.
'^'' See, e.g.. Clearing Payoff Storm, Northrop Chief "•' See Meinhard v. Salmon, 164 N.E. 545, 546 (N.Y.
Keeps Firm Hand on Controls, Wall St. J., Dec. 15, 1928).
1976, at 1. '•*' Robert Jackall, supra note 53 at 105.
'^^ Robert Jackall, supra note 53 at 22. *'*' Dennis R. Fox, The Law Says Corporations are
*^* See, e.g., Donald C. Langevoort, Ego, Human Persons, but Psychology Knows Better, 14 Behav. Sciences
Behavior, and Law, 81 Va. L. Rev. 853, 873-874 7 Law 339, 349 (1996).
(1995). ^''^ See David Luban, Alan Strudler and David
'^' See Philip G. Zimbardo and Michael R. Leippe, Wasserman, Moral Responsibility in the Age of
The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Bureaucracy, 90 Mich. L. Rev. 2348 (1992). In contrast
Influence 120-121 (1991). At the outset, a cheating to ordinary moral choices confronting individuals,
supplier introduced small amounts of the substances, certain knowledge conditions are frequently absent in
which raised some suspicion in quality control. corporations:
Executives felt that preliminary data was inconclusive (1) The actor might not have any time constraint
so they choice to continue using the supplier pending regarding when a decision must be made.
results of an internal investigation. The executives (2) There may not be much clarity that a decision
298 John Alan Cohan

needs to be made in the first place on a given point ''° This task involves problems similar to those faced
or at a given juncture in a project. by any law enforcement agency, including the diffi-
(3) The actor may not know the full range of avail- culty of securing reliable evidence of wrongdoing, the
able options in making a decision. need to protect the rights of potential accused, the
(4) The actor may have only piecemeal informa- need to encourage disclosure, and the need to apply
tion and therefore, be further in the dark. appropriate sanctions. The handling of information
By contrast, when we make individual moral deci- concerning corporate misconduct is a delicate matter,
sions, as we do every day, we know that a decision since there will tend to be support, at least initially,
must be made, when a decision must be made, what for a manager who has performed well and in whom
options are available, and what steps are necessary in order trust has been reposed by the company. In addition,
to make the decision. For instance, as a lawyer con- the accuracy and motivates of the informant may be
fronted with a client who intends to lie on the witness suspect for several reasons, including incomplete
stand, I know that a decision must be made on my information, unreliable or ambiguous facts, reason-
part, when it must be made, what choices are available able disagreement over the ethical or legal conclu-
(be silent or blow the whistle, or resign as attorney), sions, and ulterior motives of the informant such as
and what is needed to make the choice. See id. at 2364 desire for advancement, or personal antagonism.
from which this four-prong analysis is derived. If these ''' See R. Nader, M. Green and J. Seligman,
conditions are missing, most moral systems allow that Constitutionaliational of the Corporation: The Case
the agent "knew not what he was doing," and should for the Federal Chartering of Giant Corporations
therefore be excused from moral blame. (1976).
''"' A conspiracy is an agreement by two or more *" See John C. CofFee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1236.
persons to commit an unlawful act. See W. LaFave and ' " See D Don Welch, Ruling From the Heart: Emotio-
A. Scott, Criminal Law 453 (1972) The crime of con- based Public Policy, 6 S. Cal. Interdisc. LJ. 55 (1997).
spiracy is completed, and may be prosecuted, before ''"' Research has identified intuition as a brain
any overt action occurs beyond the formation of function. A brain region called the limbic system,
the agreement. See Thomas Church, Jr., Conspiracy which is involved with emotions, interacts with
Doctrine and Speech Offenses: A Reexamination of Yates another brain region called the prefrontal cortex,
V. United States/row the Perspective of United States v. involved in decisionmaking. When people think
Spoke, 60 Cornell L.R. 569, 572 (Apr. 1975). An about doing something, the prefrontal cortex calls up
"overt act" refers to any legal or illegal act in fur- knowledge related to feelings they recall from their
therance of the conspiracy. A conspiracy is thought memory about earlier similar situations.
to pose a greater threat than the same plot in the mind We are not conscious of the signals, although more
of a single individual because the joint illegal intent sensitive people are. These emotional signals are very
of two or more individuals is significantly more dan- active and they trigger what we call intuition. See
gerous than a similar intent on the part of an indi- Sandra Blakeslee, "Study Links Antisocial Behavior to
vidual. Id.; see also LaFave and Scott, supra, at Early Brain Injury That Bars Learning," N.Y. Times,
459-460. Oct. 19, 1999, Science Section.
Scientists define intuition as a sudden, strong "gut
When two agree to carry [a plot] into efFect, the feeling" to do something, or coming to suddenly get
very plot is an act in itself. . . . The agreement is a hunch or premonition, a kind of knowing, without
an advancement of the intention which each has any rational explanation or how this idea came about
conceived in his mind; the mind proceeds from a at this moment. Intuition is like an inner voice giving
secret intention to the overt act of mutual consul- you a strong feeling about what's right, sometimes
tation and agreement. subtle enough to be easily disregarded,. Sometimes
it manifests like a fiash of knowledge, or sudden
State V. Carbone, 10 N.E. 329, 336-337, 91 A.2d insight.
571, 574 (1952). Intuitions are things which we "know" immedi-
'''^ Note, The Conspiracy Dilemma: Prosecution of ately — they are unmediated, non-inferred feelings, a
Group Crime, 62 Harv. L. Rev. 276, 283-284 (1948) sense of knowing tied to a feeling or an emotional
(footnotes omitted). draw, an attractive emotional draw or a negative one.
*"* See John C. CofFee, Jr., supra note 1 at 1265. You may feel a strong intuition about something but
'•^ See David Luban, Alan Strudler and David there is no guarantee that your hunch is true. Time
Wasserman, supra note 145 at 2389. will tell. People who are rigidly logical have blocked
"I Didn't Know" and "I Was Only Doing My Job" 299

their intuitive skills. Japan is often cited as a culture ' " See Dennis R. Fox, supra note 144 at 344.
that encourages and fosters intuition in workers, ""^ Steven M.H. Wallman, The Proper Interpretation
which they think helps advance science and tech- of Corporate Constituency Statutes and Formulation of
nology. Also, as people hecome experts in their given Director Duties, 21 Stetson L. Rev. 1, 170-171 (1991).
field, they tend to be more in touch with intuition. "'^ See A. A. Berle, Corporate Powers as Powers in
''^ 5ee William J. Brennan, Reason, Passion and "The Trust, 44 Harv. L. Rev. 1049 (1931); A. A. Berle, For
Progress of the Law" Forty-Second Annual Benjamin Whom Corporate Managers Are Trustees: A Note, 45
N. Cardozo Lecture delivered at the Association of Harv. L. Rev. 1365 (1932); and E. Merrick Dodd, Jr.,
the Bar of the City of New York (Sept. 14, 1987), For Whom Are Corporate Managers Trustees?, 45 Harv.
reprinted in 10 Cardozo L. Rev. 3, 22 (1988). L. Rev. 1145 (1932).
' " Id. at 22-23. ™ See id. at 44 Harv. L. Rev. 1049, 1049.
' " See Reed Abelson, Enron's Board Quickly Ratified "^ See E. Merrick Dodd, Jr. supra note 169 at 1148.
Far-Reaching Management Moves, supra note 24. *^2 See id. at 1148.
'^* See^ e.g., Paramount Communications v. Time, ™ Id. at 1153-1154.
Inc., 571 A.2d 1140, 1150 (Del. 1989) ("[A] board "'' See, e.g., Bangor Punta Operations, Inc. v. Bangor
of directors, while always required to act in an & A.R.R., 417 U.S. 703 (1974) in which a majority
informed manner, is not under any per se duty to of the Court seemed to accept the proposition that
maximize shareholder value in the short term. . . ."). directors are fiduciaries only for those possessing a
' " Fiduciary duties are governed by state law in this "tangible interest in the corporation," not the public
country, and the majority of states describe fiduciary at large. See id. at 716 n. 13.
duties of directors in this manner. See Lawrence E. *" See A.P Smith Mfg. Co. v. Barlow, 98 A.2d 581,
Mitchell, Theoretical and Practical Framework for Enforcing 583 (N.J. 1953) (tracing the general shift in the per-
Corporate Constituency Statutes, 70 Tex. L. Rev. 579, spective on corporate activity from a public service
630-640 (1992). focus, which dated from at least 1702, to a more
""^ See. e.g., Frank Easterbrook K. and Daniel Fischel, profit-based orientation in the 1930s).
The Economic Structure of Corporate Law (1991); "^ See Lawrence E. Mitchell, supra note 52 at
see also Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny, A 534-535.
Survey of Corporate Covernance, 52 J. Fin. 737, 738, "^ See Steven M.H. Wallman, supra note 161 at 810.
740-748 (1997). ''^ See, e.g.. Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. §33-313(e)
'*' See Steven M.H. Wallman, Understanding the (West Supp. 1994); Fla. Stat. Ann. §607.0830(3)
Purpose of the Corporation, 24 J. Corp. L. 807 (Summ. (West 1993); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §12:92(g) (West
1999). 1994); Ohio Rev. Code Ann. §1701.59(D) (Baldwin
"^^ See id. at 813. 1993); R.I. Gen. Laws §7-5.2-8 (1992).
' " See.-rf.
'*'' James Willard Hurst, The Legitimacy of the
Business Corporation in the Law of the United States,
Law Offices ofJohn Alan Cohan,
1780-1970, 15-17 (1970).
415 North Camden Dr. Suite 100,
' " Id. at 15.
' ' ' See, e.g., cases cited in John C. Coates IV, State CA 90210,
Takeover Statutes and Corporate Theory: The Revival of Beverly Hills,
an Old Debate, 64 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 806, 834 n. 175 U.S.A.
(1989). E-mail:

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