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You can be the greatest in your industry. You can become an expert.

You can become a top writer, a best-selling author, a great programmer, an

awesome designer, a successful freelancer, a successful entrepreneur, or an
in;uential person in your niche.

Everything humanly possible is within reach. As long as the conditions

below exist, you will make your way to the top.

Success is a function of persistence and the willingness to work hard for >&9$6246'246/

thousands of hours to make sense of something that most people would

give up on after a few hundreds.

Success is not a random act. People don’t rise from nothing.

Nothing huge happens overnight. Most of the biggest life achievements will
come to you if you will consistently work on it for months and sometimes —
even years.

Sidney Friedman, the author of Your Mind Knows More Than You Do: The
Subconscious Secrets of Success says “You can achieve anything you want
in life if you have the courage to dream it, the intelligence to make a
realistic plan, and the will to see the plan through to the end.”

You have to want to succeed to actually do it to achieve it.

A relentless obsession with achieving outrageous results has everything to

do with your success.

Tony Robbins says, “Your success is 80% psychology and 20%


A strong desire pushes you forward and gives you the motivation, energy,
and persistence to act, do things and succeed.

Napoleon Hill once remarked, “The starting point of all achievement is

DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just
as a small Vre makes a small amount of heat.”

Just how committed are you to your goal?

How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacriVce in order to
achieve it?

When you dream of doing great things, reaching new heights, making a
diYerence, creating enormous value, attaining rare levels of success, those
dreams will deVnitely be tested.

If you Vnd yourself fully committed, you will make a way to get what you
want. When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option.
It’s a necessity.

Your body and mind crave easy routines but real growth and success
happen outside your safety bubble.

Feel the comfort but defy it to stand out.

Each time you act in the presence of fear, you dilute its power and grow
stronger in the face of obstacles.

“Often, the journey to greatness begins the moment our preferences for
comfort and certainty are overruled by a greater purpose that requires
challenge and contribution,” says Brendon Burchard, in his book, High-
Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

It pays to explore new routines, paths, ideas, disciplines and new ways that
can help you get closer to your life’s work and purpose.

If you think you’re too small to make an impact, change anything, or do
anything signiVcant, you are right.

There are no limits. The only limits are those you impose upon yourself.

Tony Robbins once said, “The only thing that’s keeping you from getting
what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”

Only when you dare to trust yourself and dream more bravely can you
harness the potential that resides within you and unleash your brilliance
upon the world.

Remember what David Cuschieri once said, “The mind is a powerful force.
It can enslave us or empower us. It can plunge us into the depths of misery
or take us to the heights of ecstasy. Learn to use the power wisely.”

If you are overwhelmed by your dream or goal, focus on what you can do
tomorrow, or next week. Then next the week after that. Take small steps,
celebrate your wins or accomplishments and keep moving.

However audaciously big your dream is, you need to start by breaking it
into smaller, shorter-term goals with doable, bite-sized actions achievable
in the short term.

Every little progress will give you the motivation to keep moving and trust
yourself. Progress is the ultimate motivator.

The only thing that stands between you and what you want in life, is the
will to pursue it and the faith to believe that it is possible.

This is by far one of the most important conditions for success in any
endeavour. You’ve got to enjoy the process. The process of getting anything
done or achieving a goal is the day-to-day reality.

To become truly great at something, you have to dedicate shit-tons of time

and energy to it. If you don’t Vnd it interesting enough to spend a lot of time
on it, it will become a chore.

People who achieve extraordinary results put in a lot more hours to be

better ant what they do. But while their performances and what they do are
remarkable, there is no mystery at all about how they developed them.

They practiced. A lot. Beyond the ordinary to get to where they want to be.
They paid the price.

Trying to achieve something is very diYerent from achieving it. This is

where many people fall short. They don’t set goals they actually want to do.

Which is why you’d better enjoy trying to achieve your goals. Because you’ll
never spend ten thousand hours doing anything you don’t enjoy. And if you
don’t enjoy the trying part, you’ll never do it long enough to reach your

The results and success you want could take twice as long.

Don’t quit because you can’t Vgure out the process. Don’t quit because the
price is too high. If you want it bad enough, you will Vnd a way.

You can easily attribute insane success to sheer luck. But make no mistake,
every incredible person who has walked the earth had a story to tell. And in
each case, you will Vnd the love of work, grit and insane focus on one thing
they cared about.

The ability to show up every day even when you are not motivated to learn,
create, make something is the most valuable trait you need to be a

It doesn’t come easy but it’s a requirement to survive the process of creating
something unique and remarkable.

I can only become a better writer if I stick to a writing schedule and show up
every day to share. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But it matters that I show

Robert Greene, author of Mastery once said, “If we follow the mastery
process long enough, inspired by a profound interest and curiosity we
cannot fail to achieve something exceptional.”

Mastering anything usually involves exploration, adjustment, and

improvisation. You can’t always know your destination in advance. And
that’s okay.

But be prepared for constant average work to get better at mastering the
skill you have chosen to master. Give yourself permission to screw up and
move on when things don’t go as plans.

Genius can only show up in your work when you show up enough times to
work through the average. That’s what kept Thomas Edison sane.

He knew that every failure was a step closer to the right solution that will
actually work. Edison went through thousands of prototypes before getting
the electric light bulb right.

He became famous for saying “ I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways
that won’t work.”

You can’t create a masterpiece without a creative mess. Whatever you

intend to master now or in the future, you need to prepare yourself for the
long haul.

And that means hundreds of thousands of hours will be spent making

mistakes and starting over. And that’s okay.

You will discover what works for you in the process. Whatever it is, make it
your own. The work of the best creators isn’t dependent on staying
motivated but it follows a set of routines and patterns and a lot of hard work
every day.

If you are serious about honing in on your craft, you have to go through a
volume of work, put in your best repetitions and show up over and over
again. It’s the only way.

Value the process. There are no shortcuts to success. See your projects, even
Vnished ones, as work-in-progress. It rules out the need to aim for

The cost of giving up is much more expensive than the price of long-term

Everybody wants to succeed at something. For those who have tried and
failed, success seems elusive. But it’s not if you can pick yourself up and try

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything
original.” Ken Robinson said that. It’s profound. The path to originality
takes many attempts.

If you want to be a great writer, you need to spend years being a clumsy
one. Want to be a successful entrepreneur, then you’d better enjoy the
process of going from failure to failure without given up.

You’ve got to keep going long enough to become a successful one. Gary
Vaynerchuk has spoken about this mindset over and over again in his video
series on YouTube.

Practice is what it takes to eventually become a great one. “Only those who
dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly,” says Robert F. Kennedy.

“He who would accomplish little must sacriVce little; he who would achieve
much must sacriVce much; he who would attain highly must sacriVce
greatly, argues James Allen.

Anything is available if you want it. But you must choose it and prepare to
pay the price. You can live your life on purpose, starting today.

You can spend your time on your most valuable goals.

But it comes at a price.

Charles Dickens once remarked, “The important thing is this: to be ready at

any moment to sacriVce what you are for what you could become.”

The rare people who do become truly exceptional at something do so not

because they believe they’re exceptional. On the contrary, they become
amazing because they’re obsessed with getting results.

Consistent hustle always wins.



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