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A Parent/Guardian Letter:

November 16, 2018

Dear Third Grade Parents,

This past week, the students in third grade began our first Social Studies unit, Culture! They will
learn what the different aspects of culture are, observe and learn the differences between rural
and urban culture, and evaluate how their geographic location impacts their culture.

Through hands on-activities, your children will investigate 4 big ideas

1. Cultures can be similar and different

2. Your culture is a part of who you are
3. There are three different types of communities in which people live in which are rural,
urban, and suburban
a. Where you live helps shapes what your culture will be
4. Rural, urban, and suburban communities are similar and different

Here are some things you and your child can talk about at home:

How are cultures different and alike from each other?

What are different parts of your culture?
What kind of community do you live in: rural, urban, or suburban?
How is your community different from other communities?

Also, keep an eye out for some of our culture's work about each other and our communities to be
posted outside and in our classroom towards the end of November!

I am excited to learn about culture with each of the students. Thank you for all you do to support
your child!

Best wishes,
Ms. Fernandez, Ms. Procell, and Ms. Wright

Resources and Materials:

White paper, ​A Ticket Around the World​ book, Pencils, Crayons, “What type of town do I live in quiz”
, “brochure template”, whiteboard with markers or chalkboard with chalk, projector or smartboard,
computer phones or ipads for students to use kahoot, pencils, and markers“Detective Handbook”
packet, Projector, Pencils, ​Country Kid, City Kid​ by Julie Cummins, White board/ chalk board / smart
board, Expo marker/ chalk

Unit Plan/Learning Segment Calendar (attached):

November 27, 2018 November 30, 2018

Introduction to culture How does where you live impact who you are?

Introduction to rural, urban, and suburban

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